LOST 观后感


学生姓名 学 号 1232013 所属学院 研究生学院 专 业 食品科学 班 级

Review of LOST

Starting from last summer until this year's Labour Day. I finally finished second American drama which is LOST in my life. The first show I have seen is PRISON BREAK. For American drama, most of us can not guess what will happen in the next until we finish it. This is why I do not like the show which is no end, because I have to wait it, which is tangled. But in the end, many a man is regarded as classic before I finish it.

Have to admit that LOST is really the best oratorio. When you see the last episode of the sixth season, those familiar faces in the first season sat in the church and bathed in the Holy light. As if they were really in heaven. The six seasons of mysteries, life and death,happinesses and moved have a perfect period. The great LOST finally came to a close which leaves a deep aftertaste to every LOST'S fan. The most impressed me is the sixth season. Fist five seasons are on and off, which most of the fragments are not remembered, but the season is the most tangled. On one hand, I wanted to finish the show as soon as possible, on the anther hand, I was worried about that I would must be lost after finishing it. The lost had nothing to do with disappointment, but I really had a kind of felling. The characters of the show has already been my friends, as if I fellow them to leave the island and return the island. The feeling is about miss.

The sixth season explained the questions, but it did not attempt to explain all of them. Because if it really does, ten seasons would not explain them clearly. The smart director explained a part of them. It is enough to viewers who was aways confused from the beginning to the end to get an answer. As for whether the answer is what you want or not, different people have different ideal. It was good for me that I did not watch the show a set by a set from the beginning, or I would worry about the characters on the show every day and keep asking. That is the biggest charm. When you searched to get an answer, the new question will be emerged. These questions and phenomenas aways have a causal connection rather than stand-alone. The scenarist is flawless. At the same time, the characters on the show are perfect. They had been with LOST for six years. Six years might be like sixty years. At the last, they probably would not distinguish between Jack,Kate,Saywer and the reality of themselves. The end of all the questions can be attributed to good and evil. This ancient and common proposition aways appear in all religions. Not only oriental think about the question of the good or evil of human nature. So at first I appreciated Jack which is not because of his leadership, and judgment, simply because he is kind. Perhaps because of the instinct, healing wounded and rescuing the dying is his work. From the moment that the plane crashed on the island, his kindness let him do more things

than a doctor's job. Jake's kindness let him make the choices which were not aways right without controversy, but every time he though about the most people's safety. One more thing which moved me is also in sixth season. All of them are brought to the island, because each of them is not good. Every one had flaws and nobody was perfect. The island gave them a chance of redemption. From the first season , their identity can be no related to the identity of decades years earlier. What they had done in the world can be written off to live again. With the development of the plot, the identity and personality gradually became clear. They could get rid of the identity, but could not get rid of their own personality. So it is the best interpretation that a man's own character shape his fortune. They did not gain the trust from the beginning of the dispute and untrust to the end od keeping each other company. So they were looking for the memories of life that moved each other on the island until the last scene that all of them made together again in the sixth season. That moment was worth a thousand words.

LOST is end, life still goes on. Maybe LOST in all people's eyes is not an oratorio, but I believe who completely watched the show he would think about some question what they never think about. Jack and his father's dialogue in the last which is my best love.

Jack: dad ?

Father: Hello,Jack. Jack: I do not understand. You died. Father: Yeah . Yes . I died. Jack: Then how are you here ? Father: How are you here ? Jack: I died, too. Father: It is okay, son. Jack: I love you,dad Father: I love you, too, son. Jack: Are you real ? Father: I sure hope so. Yeah. I am real. You are real . Everything that's ever happened to you is real. All of those people in the church they are all real, too. Jack: They are all dead. Father: Everyone dies sometime, kiddo. Some of them before you, some long after you. Jack: But why are they all here now?

Father: Well, there is no “now” here Jack: Where are we, dad? Father: This is a place that you all made together so that you could find one another. The most important part of your life was the time that you spent with these people. That is why all of you are here. Nobody does it

alone, Jack. You needed all of them and they needed you. Jack: For what ? Father: To remember. And to let go. Jack: Kate ,she said we were leaving. Father: Not leave,no. Moving on. Jack: Where are we going ?

Father: Let us go find out.





高考结束后是一鼓作气的海贼和越狱。直到大1才有空开始看,中途也听了很多人说LOST的,有说看不懂的,有说好看的,也有说喜欢LOST的是装文艺愤青的。剧情更是千奇百怪,各不相同,这个说里面有北极熊的,那个说里面是恐龙时代,有大怪兽,有的又说是人与人之间的钩心斗角,不过有点事是确定的,有架灰机LOST在一个小岛上了。不管如何,我觉得既然它顶着最佳美剧,最受欢迎==的光环,定是有它的魅力的,就像不知道春哥之前,咱还不知道什么叫TRUE MAN!


现在就让我们正式的来谈谈这部LOST吧! 首先我承认LOST当中很多我没看懂,但是我也没有反反复复的倒退它好几遍,也没去网上查WHY,我只是像看电视连续剧一样的来看。如果看部连续剧还要像看神曲这类书一样翻来覆去看注释,找隐喻那多累啊!我只是单纯的想把它看完罢了。所以以下内容纯属作者个人观点。(求指导,求教育,求回帖)因为作者没有仔细去研究剧中人物名字,所以剧中人物名字可能会出现错误,请谅解。或许为什么他叫JACK 她叫KATE也跟骇客里面一样有含义,那就各位自己去研究了。

我们就从人物说起,此剧可以说人物方面是相当的丰富,因为故事是围绕着一座小岛展开的,然而故事的主旨又是面向全社会的,全人类的。在小岛上暴露出来现象反映的又是各种社会现象问题。所以必然需要在这小岛上构建一个小社会,那怎么把各色各样的人搞到小岛上去内?没有比一次空难脱险来的更方便的了。而且还是一架不够来两架。所以这一灰机的人必然各个不简单,都是极具代表性的。难道你就没发现老是有这么一句话吗?YOU'RE SPECIAL!这个我们后面会提到。所以第一季第二季基本上就是按照主次一一介绍人物,一个一集,一个人一个故事,介绍的早说明露脸的多,介绍的晚说明死的早。就像那个HUGO的女伴,SAYID的女伴,典型的打酱油嘛!你看看人家LOCK,就算死了人家还要被人利用下肉体出来带下剧情。所以看LOST有时候我就会觉得跟看故事会一样,要是单独拿其中一两集出来看,搞不好小岛都看不到。说实话,这样的设置,一开始看会觉得蛮有意思,但是多了也就厌烦了,尤其是它迟迟不跟我解释那北极熊还有那怪物,(后来我也就放弃了??)还是拼命跟我介绍那些路人甲乙丙丁,反映人间百态,我那个躁啊~~ 更可恨的是这样人物的一一介绍它搞的不止一遍,颠来复去。就是不和你说清楚这操蛋的小岛到底怎么了。罢了罢了,这世界宇春我们都忍了,还有什么不能忍!


你不知道上一季JACK他们中途获救回到家了,下一季他直接给你看JACK和KATE抱起来在床上。不知道的还以为是都市感情剧。不过等你把前后关系理顺后发现还是挺有意思的。 本剧的有些对白很是逗,比例“BECAUSE YOU ARE SPECIAL!"此句乃LOST的神句也~~!!!反正要是说不过去,解释不清楚的,都可以用此句来解释。比例:“为什么选我啊?”“因为你狠特别!”“为什么我没事啊?”“因为你狠特别!”“为什么???”“因为你狠特别!”??我嘞个去,就算超人,蜘蛛侠他们也要稍稍介绍下身世吧,要不超人一出来就抬飞机,满天飞,眼放镭射,然后你也不知道他不是“人”,等他搞定坏蛋,救出美女突然来一句“我狠特别!”擦嘞!这还受的了?!本剧除了“你狠特别!”然后就是“BECAUSE OF THE ISLAND !"如果大家都会出现的状况,那肯定就不能用”你狠特别 !”来带过了,你们很特别那就不特别了,所以只能把原因归结到小岛上去了。“因为这个小岛!”这句亮了,比上一句更强大,上一句也就是JACOB和LOCK怂恿别人做事时用用,而这一句简直就是人人能用,无所不能啊!什么时光倒流,黑烟啊,空难啊,死人重现啊你不理解?“因为小岛啊!”在小岛上要怎么样啊?要迷失啊!不迷失怎么能叫LOST啊!好吧,咱理解它! 只能说LOST真能憋,一直憋到最后一集全体人员坐在教堂里拍毕业照时才让你知道结果,大家在经过5季的洗礼后,终于在小岛上搞明白了自己到底需要什么,在意什么,为什么而活。当死的也差不多的时候也就团圆了。虽然这个结果还是很模糊,但好歹他是交代了。最后一集不停的给教堂外的基督像镜头,可能也是隐喻着这教堂就是天堂。搞的大家好像是唐僧师徒四人历经磨难,终成正果的味道一样。最后再通过JACK和他那诈尸的父亲的对话中给点什么死亡不是生命的终点,而是生命的延续什么的大道理,LOST也可以说是功德圆满了。结局被它这么一搞,什么北极熊啊~~~~黑烟啊~~~~JACOB弟弟的名字啊~~~~小岛啊~~~~什么的我还真不在意了。算了,算了,零碎,都是零碎。就像JACOB母亲给他喝的和他给JACK喝的到后来JACK给HUGO喝的东西一样,你丫管它是什么啊,反正喝了你就跟他一样了。碗装的,杯装的和矿泉水瓶装的不还是那点小岛水吗?只不过一个比一个看去不干净罢了。(可能也是暗喻当今自然环境日益恶化,我想多了??)

好吧,总结一下,LOST还是一部不错的美剧,人物丰满、剧情紧凑、(第6季还是挺紧的)情节多变,再加上它和你玩玩时光倒流,科幻悬疑的份上承认吧!那些搞不懂的就随它去吧!何必什么都搞得清清楚楚的呢?真要弄明白也就是那句话“BECAUSE OF THE ISLAND!"
