










识记8 个带新偏旁的生字









( 出示放大的课文中的情境图:我们一起来看看小红同学的家,她家的客厅里都有些什么? 揭示课题,今天,我们一起来学习“识字(一)”的第三课《在家里》








(1)、女生读第一行词。小朋友,对这四种物品(沙发、茶几、报纸、书架),你有哪些了解?(调动学生的生活经验,引导学生各抒己见) 随机出示图词对照卡片, 师与生,生与生之间交流:如:沙发:沙发是用什么做的?你见过哪些沙发?茶几上经常放些什么?你知道有哪些报纸?你有书架吗?放在哪儿?架上放着哪些书?



(1)、认读8 个生字:沙、发、报、纸、台、灯、电、视






四、课外延伸 。



第 二 课时








以上采用主动探究的学习方式,引领学生初步掌握汉字的科学方法。如“你们再来猜猜看,这些字是按照什么东西的样子画下来的呢?”“你们看了这些图不像图字不像字的“字”有什么感觉?”、“请小朋友比较一下,古时候的字和现在的字,你能发现什么?”这样放手让学生自己去发现、自己去猜字、自己去比较。学生通过探究去获得独特的感受、独特的体验,独特的理解。通过探究,让学生自己发现问题,分析问题,解决问题,使课堂形成一个探究“场”。 课堂教学过程,是师生共同成长的生命历程,教师必须独具慧眼,善于捕捉课堂上的生成资源,让学生的学习形成在“动态生成”中挺进,使课堂充满着生命的气息与情趣,充满着挑战与创新。



Teaching plan design & reflections


Unit4Topic1SectionA  Plants and animals are important to us.

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands

1. Learn some new words:

sky, clear, nature, cow, horse, hen, sheep, goose(geese), thin

2. Learn some ways of expressing comparative situations:

(1)The air is fresher.

(2)I’m much faster than you.

(3)I’m a little bigger than you.

3. Learn the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives.

     4. Talk about nature.

Ⅱ. Teaching Procedures

Step 1  Review and lead-in (5 minutes)

1. Use pictures to review the names of the animals.

T:  What’s this in English?

Ss: It’s a cat/dog/rabbit …

T:  And what’s this?

Bb cow, horse, hen, sheep, goose(geese)

T:  Where can you see them?

S1: In the zoo.

S2: On the farm.

T:       Yes, we can see the animals in the countryside.

(Bb countryside)

2. Lead Ss to make a comparation between city and country.

T:  We can also see these animals in the city. Do you like the countryside or the city? Why?

S3: I like the city, because the roads are wider, and the buildings are higher.

S4: I like the countryside, because the air is fresher, and the sky is bluer.

T:  Yes, I also like the countryside because the rivers are clearer, and there are also greener trees. People can enjoy the beauties of nature there.

(Bb sky, nature, clear, beauty)

3. Guide Ss find out the rules of the comparative : wider, higher, fresher, bluer, greener. Then explain the rules.

Step 2  Presentation (7 minutes)

1. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and guess what are the people in the picture talking about. Then listen to 1a, answer the questions.

T: Look at the picture. Michael and Wang Wei are talking about life in the countryside. Now listen to the tape and try to answer the following questions: Who likes the countryside? Why?

2. Let Ss Listen to 1a and read after the tape. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

Step 3 Practice (20 minutes)

1. Divide the class into two groups. Group A acts as Michael, and Group B acts as Wang Wei. Then change the roles.

2. Get Ss look at the pictures in 2a, then listen to 2a.

  T:  One day, the animals on the farm were talking. Do you want to know what they were talking about? Now look at the picture and listen to 2a. Pay attention to the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives.

3. Ask Ss to listen to 2a again and follow it. Find out the sentences with the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives.

  (Bb I’m the strongest on this farm.

I’m the biggest of all.

He is lazier than me.

I’m much faster than you.

I’m a little bigger than you.)

4. Role-play the dialog in 2a.

5. Ask Ss to look at Picture 1 and fill in the blanks on the small blackboard according to the example.

6. Look at the table in 2b and finish it.

T:   Now please look at the picture on Page 78,and discuss the animals on the farm. Then act as one of the animals on the farm to continue the conversation, using comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives in the table.

7. Let Ss play the animals and introduce themselves with the adjectives in the form on page 78.

T:   I’m a horse. I am the tallest of all.

S1: I’m a cow. I think I’m taller than you.

S2: …

8. Listen to 3 and chant.

Step 4  Project (8 minutes)

1.       Devide the Ss into 4 groups and let them make a survey to find out how many people like the animals. Then explain the reasons.

  T: Which kind of animal do you like better, cows or horses?


  T: Why?

  S1:Because cows are the biggest and they offer milk to us …

2.       Report the survey, then T. gives a summary.


S2: In our group, three students like dogs best, because they are the bravest on the farm. Two students like horses best…

3. Homework:

Write a passage according to the survey report.

.Teaching aids

Pictures, recorder



My serious problem was the clarity and pithiness of teacher talk. I couldn’t give students a clear explanation when I claimed the rules of game. Therefore, my instructions didn’t get an effect and positive feedback which came from students. For example, I should have used some simple words and short sentenes to explain the rules of game, but I said “I will divide into two groups to play the game and if your group member can say a correct English words about the picture, your group will get one point, or else, you can’t get any point.” It is so long and complexity that students couldn’t understand what I said at all. So, when I asked them whether understand the rules the game, they said “No”. Facing this situation, I had to use our mother language to esplain the game again, so that students can understand the rules and play the game successfully.

  As for my instruction of tescher talk, there were three reasons. The first and important reason is that I couldn’t find proper words or phases to instead of these complicated words and sentense in class, when I described the rules of game. Secondly, I think I still lack of experience. When I stood in front of my students, I was quite nervous. To be frank, I had already remembered all of words what I should say. But when I began to teach, I forgot all of the words that I needed to say. So I had to think of these words again while I was saying. Obviously, I couldn’t explain it very clear.the last but not least, I was afraid of my teaching which possibly took up too much time. Therfore, I only wanted to finish my teaching as soon as possible and didn’t pay attention to my clarity and pithiness of talk.

  When my group member put forward that my tescher talk was not enough clarity and pithiness, I gradually realized that it was a quite serious problem. Because my purpose of design the game is to stimulate students’ interest and make students to challenge themselves. But, because of my vague explaination, students lose motivation and don’t want to play it. What’s more, I couldn’t give students a clear instruction so that the game can’t be successfully finished, which also hinder my teaching procedure and plan. Finally, I couldn’t go on my teaching plan and the game also lose its real meaning.

  To solve this problem, I think of three methods. Firstly, t will look for some teacher and English in class and remerm\ber it to make sure that I own words to say when I am teaching . Secondly, when I give students instruction, I should take consider of students’ ability and make sure they can understand what I said. I will try my best to use some simple words or phrases that students know the meaning. If it’s necessary, I will usesome proper Chinese to explain it. Thirdly , I will learn my teachers or classmates how to give students a clear instruction. Meanwhile, compared with them, I will make up my disadvantages and practice more.
