



张丛笑 2010-12

本节课以Book One Module Six 及四种时态的复习为教学内容,旨在探讨高三复习课的高效教学方法,夯实基础知识,提升教学内容,提高复习课的质量。本节课为复习一个模块的第三节课的课堂教学设计,设计思路如下:

一 语法复习---简洁明了,妙趣横生。


1) Pay special attention to the tense of the verb(s);

2) Pay more attention to the time appearing in the sentence;

3) Draw a time axis to help to identify the tense.


第二环节: Grammar with laughter:用所给动词的正确形式填空。“读笑话练语法”使语法学习轻松愉快。同学们边做边笑,他们的表情告诉我,他们读懂了其中的幽默也理解了时态的运用。

二 词汇复习--- 让句子丰富多彩,为我所用。


1) 学生展示词汇复习效果


题相关的表达方式。eg. (黑板一) create, access; Advantages

of the Internet 重点词汇的复习涉及了该词的变体、派生和搭






三 突出词汇搭配教学


access / accessible 为例,


形容词 _________________________

Students must have ________________ access to _________________________ . 名词(人/ 物) _________________ _________________________

★ The books are easily accessible as all the shelves are open.

★ Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children.

这一设计归纳了形容词和access的搭配,以及have access to和名




四 情景交际,学以致用


五 窄式阅读

语言学习应具有鲜明的生活和时代色彩。Reading for vocabulary 这一环节中节选的文章是关于美国青少年利用网络交友的调查。文章语言为地道的美式英语,由于有相当一部分和网络有关的词频繁出现,提高了单词复现率,也进一步拓展了已学词汇的深度和广度。



1. 点评不到位


2. 过于强调了师生之间的交流,我讲得太多,因此降低了课堂教学的时效性,这个环节进行得比较拖沓。这一环节的处理方式可以做以下改动:学生课前预习→课堂上小组内讨论→全班交流。

3. 以上原因影响到下面环节的顺利进行,课堂教学不完整。

总结以上得失,真正做到以学生为主体,准确预测课堂环节的教 学效果,我还需要改变教学理念,多探索,多实践。


Book One Module Six The Internet and Telecommunications Zhang Congxiao 2010-12-3 学习目标

语 法:过去完成时,过去进行时,将来时和将来进行时;

重点词汇:access, create, design, invent, concentrate, definite, advantage, agree

Studying Procedures:

I. Grammar with laughter Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the


1. Kenneth is so stupid. He phoned his teacher at school yesterday to say he couldn’t come to

school because he __________________ his voice! (lose)

2. A young man was in the middle of a road with his right ear to the ground. An old lady asked


“What are you listening for ?”

“A motorbike passed this spot ten minutes ago.”

“That’s incredible! How do you know that?”

“Because it _______________ me while I _______________ the road and it __________my

neck!”(hit, cross, break)

3. A: It was my grandmother’s birthday yesterday.

B: Is she old ?

A: Well, by the time we lit the last candle on her birthday cake, the first one

______________.(go out)

4. A motorist ran over an old lady’s cat and killed it.

“I’m very sorry,” said the motorist. “I __________________ your cat, of course.” (replace)

“Very well, but I hope you’re good at catching mice.”

5. A: We ________________ our son to a holiday camp (假日营地) next week.(send)

B: Oh! Does he need a holiday?

A: No, but we do !

6. A very boring speaker talked for two hours without stopping. When he finished he asked,

“ Does anybody have a question?”

“Yes,” said a voice from the back of the room. “When _________ you _________ ?” (leave)

II. Vocabulary 掌握多种搭配,提高语言运用能力!

1.access / accessible


形容词 _________________________

Students must have ________________ access to _________________________ . 名词(人/ 物) _________________ _________________________

★ The books are easily accessible as all the shelves are open.

★ Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children.

2. design


The dictionary is designed mainly _________ foreign students.

The room was designed __________ a children’s playroom.


In my new house, I hope my room will be of ____________/____________/_____________/ ______________ design.

★ My father designed me for a(n) __________________. (填入表职业的词)

3. advantage /disadvantage

Living in a big city has many advantages : good schools, _______________, ______________, _______________,______________....Meanwhile, living in a big city has many disadvantages: great house expense, _________________,_________________, _______________...

Someday you will find it to your advantage to go to the country for a change.

(Childhood is our sweet memory. Do you still remember, as a child,……)

★ The kids took advantage of the parents’ absence to ______________________________. ★ The parents took advantage of the kids’ absence to_______________________________.

4. concentrate /concentration

You are fully occupied every day. 名词

You concentrate your _______________ on ___________________.

_______________ __________________.

_______________ __________________.

★ Study requires great / deep concentration.

5. agree / disagree

We agreed _________ the day for the meeting.

Late hours do not agree _________ me.

All students do not agreed __________ the plan.

Shanghai does not agree ________ me; I like Beijing better.

Reading for vocabulary

Underline the expressions related to the Internet and telecommunications while reading.

Multiple identities: Experimentation and self-protection

Fully 56% of online teens have more than one email address or screen name and most use different screen names or email addresses to compartmentalize different parts of their lives online, or so that they can experiment with different personas. Boys more often than girls report having multiple email addresses or screen names. Sixty-one percent of boys have more than one address ? almost a quarter have four or more. Half of online girls (50%) have more than one screen name or email account and nearly one in five girls have more than four online identities. The oldest boys (15 to

17) are the most likely to have more than one address, with two-thirds reporting multiple addresses. The most active Internet users are the most likely of all to have multiple addresses.

Almost a quarter of online teens who use email, instant messaging or chat spaces admit pretending to be someone else when they emailed or instant messaged someone. Older youth, especially boys, are the most likely to

report that. "I have pretended to be someone else a couple of times, but only to freak my friends out, or to play a trick on them," said one 13-year-old girl in an email exchange with the Pew Internet Project. "Sometimes I say I’m someone they know or like. One time, I pretended that I was someone who was in love with my friend. It was actually quite funny, but my friend did not think so."
