




另外,由于两国宣传片要表现的主题不同,其侧重点也各有不同。20xx年伦敦奥运会口号为Inspire a generation(激励一代人),其宣传片也重在体

现伦敦现有的城市风貌、居民生活,以及人与人之间的关系,体现全民参与的体育运动精神。而北京奥运宣传片题为“新北京,新奥运(New Beijing,Great Olympics),旨在以北京为代表,彰显我国作为发展中国家这些年来取得的巨大经济成就,体现我们综合国力的提升和承办奥运会的实力,表现了国人的热情和信心。





Our London, historic, comtemporary, diverse - a fusion of the best in music, art and entertainment! London's bid for the 2012 Olympic games and Paralympic games will draw on all that London has to offer, by setting the games at the very heart of this, one of the most vibrant cities in the world.

Making use of some of London's most loved historical landmarks and excited world class sports facilities, this will be amongst the most memoriable and spectacular games ever seen.

Surely there can be no better setting for the tennis than Wimbledon, one of the greatest sporting The football tournament held in some of the best stadium across the UK will climax in finals at the new 90,000 capacity Wembley stadium. Lords, the home of world cricket will be the host for archery.

Ensuring the games has a distinct character, the games will also take advantage of some of London's most loved landmarks.

Here at Horse guards parade this beautiful setting will provide a unique and striking home for the beach volleyball competition.

London's famous parks will be used as venues, softball and baseball will be held at Regent's Park.

Hyde Park as well as hosting the triathlon and road cycling events will be one of many locations for bringing the city alive with nightly concerts and celebrations.

The Olympic spirit will touch all of London transforming historic landmarks into Olympic sites. This glorious building in Greenwich Park will provide a stuning backdrop to the equestrian event. But this game isn't just about using what London already has to offer, it's also about creating a legacy for the future by the most extensive transformation London has seeen for generations. The new purpose built Olympic park is just six kilometers from central London.

Every aspects of the design and layout has been planned to meet the future needs of Olympic and Paralypmic athletes, NOCs, international federations and the IOC.

The centrepiece will be an 80,000 seat, state of the art Olympic Stadium which will sit alongside a 20,000 aquatic centre.

Four indoor arenas will provide a home for basketball, volleyball, handball, fencing and modern pentathlon.

The park will also house the velodrome, BMX track and hockey stadium. The Olympic Village will provide secure, spacious and comfortable accommodation for all athletes and team delegations. It sits within the Olympic Park along with the MPC and IBC. With other existing venues such as the Dome and the ExCel Centre nearby, 80% of athletes will compete less than 20 minutes from the Olympic Village, making this one of the most compact games ever.

Central London is just seven minutes away by train via a new high-speed shuttle service. Nine other rail and underground lines will form the basis of a comprehensive public transport system. And when the Games are over London will have greatly needed sports facilities enabling it to host future European and world championships. The Olympic Park will house a new world class Institute of Sport and the area will be transformed with the development of new parkland, homes and businesses, creating a sustainable community with sport at its heart.

The 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games will transform london and London will bring to the games its creativity, energy and the British passion for sport.



为此,伦敦已经计划拿出20亿3750万英镑用于修建新的体育场馆、新闻广播中心、奥运会交通基础设施、其他市政设施建设及安保费用。另外,还有15亿英镑将作为奥运会运作经费,它们来自私人企业捐款。 其中,新建的一批现代化体育场馆和设施包括奥林匹克主体育场、奥运村以及水上运动中心等,其中水上运动中心已经开工建设,不论申奥成功与否都将兴建。







伦敦奥申委的官员近日表示,尽管穿越伦敦东部的城市铁路工程届时无法按时完工,但交通并不是伦敦举办20xx年奥运会的主要问题。20xx年奥运会将为人们提供“最快捷和最可靠的城市交通服务”。根据申办计划,届时伦敦每小时将提供240列轻轨列车,或者每隔15秒就可以运载3200名旅客到达伦敦东部的奥林匹克公园站,该站将提供前所未有的10条铁路线,使这个奥运会具有接纳有史以来最多观众的能力。 另外,届时伦敦还将提供一个专用公路快速交通网络,用汽车运送运动员和国际奥委会大家庭成员,确保他们的比赛和工作。