



这部小说是前苏联作家尼古拉·奥斯特洛夫斯基的著作,小说的主要成功之处,就在于塑造了保尔?柯察金这样一个无产阶级革命英雄的典型形象。在苏联文学正面人物的画廊里,保尔·柯察金占有特殊的位置,他身上集中体现了社会主义新人的主要特征,体现了同时代人的完整的性格:纯净的灵魂,朴实的性格和英雄的情怀。 再读这本世界名著,我的感悟主要有以下两点。


保尔·柯察金的原型就是作者奥斯特洛夫斯基本人。奥斯特洛夫斯基19xx年出生于乌克兰一个贫困的工人家庭,童年时代的他学习机会很少,11起开始工作。在国内战争时期,他就经常帮助革命者,19xx年加入了共青团。后来他瞒着家人悄悄来到前线,参加了很多战斗。两次身负重伤,致使右眼失明,16岁的奥斯特洛夫斯基只好退伍。退伍后主持一个共青团的工作。他后来一边学习,一边工作。可没过多久,疾病把他牢牢地困在了病床上。3年之后奥斯特洛夫斯基彻底失明了,于是一场争夺生命权利的激烈战斗开始了。'我现在被困在了病床上,并不表示我是一个病人,这不对,这是胡说八道!我完全是个健康的小伙子。说我双腿不能动弹,双眼什么也看不见——那完全是误会,是愚蠢的玩笑。' 奥斯特洛夫斯基在给朋友的信中这样写道。此时对他来讲,一切手术,一切疗养都于事无补了。即使没有任何康复的希望,奥斯特洛夫斯基也没有向命运投降,新的计划在他脑海中产生了,那就是充实自己的生活,证明自己的生命价值。这个计划就是写一本书,把自己的经历写出来,一本自白之书,于是有了这本举世之作《钢铁是怎样炼成的》。

奥斯特洛夫斯基在解释小说名字时说:'锻炼钢铁要经过高温、然后急剧冷却的过程,只有经过淬火它才会变得坚固、从而无所畏惧。我们这一辈人就是在斗争和可怕的考验中得到锻炼的,学会了在生活的考验面前保持不倒。' 奥斯特洛夫斯基的人生经历也就是如此。他两次身负重伤,饱受病痛的折磨,但他没有丝毫的消沉,从未放弃对共产注意事业的追求,仍然在继续为国家、为社会贡献力量。他身上体现的坚毅顽强正是当下年青一代所缺乏的,对如今的教育有着非常重要的现实意义。现在的孩子大多数是独生子女,在家里娇生惯养,没有经历过挫折,受不得半点委屈。可谁的成长历程不会一帆风顺呢?例如犯了错会受到老师、家长的批评和同学的嘲笑,一次考试没有考好就接受不了或一蹶不振等等。倘若遇到这样一些波折,他们就接受不了,甚至做出过激的行为,如自暴自弃,狂躁不安,离家出走,甚至自残自杀。诸如此类,说明我们的孩子缺乏理想信念,缺乏磨练,经受不了挫折,孩子的心理承受能力普遍较差。作为教育人,培养孩子坚毅刚强的品格比教育孩子考试得高分更重要。


书中主人翁保尔·柯察金说: '人最宝贵的是生命,生命属于人只有一次。人的一生应当这样度过:当他回首往事的时候,不会因为碌碌无为、虚度年华而悔恨,也不会因为为人卑劣、生活庸俗而愧疚。这样,在临终的时候,他就能够说:‘我已把自己整个的生命和全部的精力献给了世界上最壮丽的事业——为人类的解放而奋斗……’'相信大家都耳熟能详吧!


意义,除了有明确的目标,还得有点精神,要有为单位、为国家、为社会做点实实在在的工作的精神。 人有了精神,就有了追求,就有了动力。一个萎靡不振的人,是不可能有什么追求的,生活工作也不可能有什么动力。因此,拥有什么都不如拥有精神。对一个人如此,对一个领导班子如此,对整个教师队伍也是如此。


本文作者:金龟中心学校校长 江石标



Recently, reading the "How to Make Steel" one book, feeling deep. Reading the mood with Paul Kim ?Kecha growth, the fate of the ups and downs. Savor this book, and taste the spirit of Paul. Increasingly feel that we should learn the spirit of Paul nutrition, their ideals and faith, to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values. I remember a famous book of well-known

paragraph: "human life is most precious. When he look back when, and should not be remorseful for noyhing doing... ...

Almost no one willing Yong Ping mediocre life, because even the grass is also working hard to add a trace of green for spring, hope colourful curl Spring left his own shadow. However, not everyone will be on a piece of good steel smelting.

Well, How to Make Steel? I believe that the mind must be that of the steel-making scenes of raging flames. In fact, life is like steel! Nothing is born, "iron" into a "steel", there is only one way - Lian! Some people say that Paul was born a hero, in fact, in this world there is no natural-born hero. Paul is able to become heroes, is due entirely to their own efforts - in the war of the battlefield, in the face of the test of life and death, he did not retreat; the construction of snow in the blast site, in the face of the labor intensity of ordinary people unbearable and exposure, he did not fall; in the blind, the case of illnesses, in the face of the manuscript is missing, the relentless fight against the

deteriorating health, he still did not yield, and finally from a poor boy who grew to be a lofty ideal , noble character and indomitable style communist fighter.

Life, it can be said is a rough and tortuous road. Journey in life, you will encounter many difficulties, the face of failure to go to combat and not understanding the suffering of people, and so on.

However, all these are short-lived. Overcome this obstacle in overcoming difficulties, Recalling path, we will realize that it is tempering the flame of life. The number of heroes, the great people, are the flames of burning out the exercise, as is often said: "The Bao Jianfeng from honed out to plum incense from cold." And Paul, we study and life in the event of to the difficulties is trivial, and we have any reason to moan and groan, then move forward?

Only set a lofty ideal, to create excellent quality, and pursuit of life in the right target, he would not be dragged down by life, it will not be overwhelmed by misfortune, he will be in the raging flames of suffering strong and matured, to love life, to equip themselves to meet a better tomorrow.Today's society is highly competitive information society, knowledge-based economy has shown initial signs of a clue. Judging from the international community, peace and development become the main theme of the times, the international economy, science and technology carried out around the face of growing competition, focus on countries to seize the commanding heights of development in the 21st century, which makes our country is faced with new opportunities and new challenges. China's "catch up" the pace is accelerating, which allows us to Chinese nation is faced with a

comprehensive revitalization of the opportunities and challenges. Country needs knowledgeable, strong-minded and decisive approach, innovative talent. Therefore, we have no choice but to knowledge across the rough, move forward!

The 21st century is about to ring the bell, we stand on the threshold of the new century, the search for heroes of the past complex remodeling "the spirit of Paul," no small significance. To the prosperity of our great motherland, let us follow the example of Paul, to go smelting on the life, embrace the future with optimism it!

"Man is the most valuable life, life is only once each. This one's life should be spent Looking back, should not be wasted years and remorse, not because of the shame nothing doing... ..."

The summer I read the online "How to Make Steel" This book, "How should people live?" After reading the book, I have this problem on the most perfect answer.

This book is mainly about: Paul from a young age growing up in grievances and early lost his father, the mother does laundry, cooking, elder brother was an ordinary worker. Paul 12-year-old, the mother took him to the station canteen when the fatigue, he worked in the cafeteria for two years, suffered as a result of the bullying. However, the road behind him is even gloomier. Shortly

thereafter, Paul blind, paralyzed body, but in this case he is still sticking to write on their own without pity. Compared to him and people and writing a word will have to pay double the price. Hard work pays off, he finally succeeded in writing a "how steel mastered the" This book.

I read, read, Paul's face that determination, as if in my eyes, he, an ordinary soldier, there will of iron. What is encouraging his forces to push forward his then? It is not that great cause of communism. This is his tenacious fight with the disease of power.
