

这堂课,XX老师给我们讲中国共 产 党的基本权利和义务。通过XX老师的讲解,我们对党员的基本权利和义务的了解从无到有,并有了一定的认识,收获良多。十八大党章明确规定了党员享有的基本权利,每一个党员都要正确行使权利,在建设中国特色的社会主义伟大事业的历史进程中,充分发挥共 产 党员的先锋模范作用。同时党章规定了党员必须履行的义务,这是新时期检验每一个党员是否成为合格党员的标准,每个党员都要认真履行党员义务。

党员的基本权利有参加党的有关会议,阅读有关文件,接受党的教育和培训;在党的会议上讨论党的政策问题;对党的工作提出建议和倡议;在党的会议上批评党的任何党员和组织;行使表决权、选举权,有被选举权;有权申辩党纪处分;对党的决议和政策如果有不同的意见,在中央提出之前,可以向上级反应;要求有关组织答复上级提出的要求、申诉和控告。 党员的基本义务有认真学习马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、三个代表重要思想和科学发展观;贯彻执行党的基本方针和政策,代头参加社会主义现代化建设;坚持党和人民利益高于一切原则;维护党的团结和统一,反对阳奉阴违的两面派行为和一切阴谋诡计;切实展开自我批评勇于认错;密切联系群众,向群众宣传党的主张;发扬社会主义新风尚,带头实践社会主义荣辱观。


第三组 XXX





但是听完党课之后,我对党“为人民服务”的宗旨有了新的理解。正如老师所说的“当一名共 产 党员,首先要做一个好人,是要全心全意为人民服务,而不是贪图享乐。共 产 党员的光荣是与责任、奉献紧密联系在一起的。”我清醒的认识到,共 产 党员的称号之所以光荣,是因为党员是以全心全意为人民服务为宗旨的,能够为国家和人民的利益不惜牺牲个人的一切。







我将对照党员的标准找出自己的差距,以高度的自觉性,正确的认识自己,严于剖析自己,坚定信心,执着追求,使自己更快的进步,早日成为一名合格的共 产 党员。

Some time ago to the DangKe had finished, but leave me many deeply. In DangKe training period, many teachers with we talked about joining the

question of motive. To tell the truth, I had hitherto motivation isn't very correct. In DangKe before, I think: myself as a party activists, as long as good good study, and actively participate in the activity is ok, this is the so-called positive it.

But DangKe after, I listened to the party "serve the people" purpose have new understanding. As the teacher told "when a communist party member, first as a person is to serve the people wholeheartedly, not covet enjoyment. Communist party member's glory is with responsibility, dedication closely together." I soberly realize, communist party member's title is glorious, because party member is the people whole-heartedly service for the purpose of, can for the interests of the state and the people's personal sacrifice everything.

I take a party activists, must pay attention to their world outlook, the outlook on life of study and renovation. To serve the people whole-heartedly as I in life, study, work on the guide to action, throughout my life. I will from the minor matter, starts from the side of things.

First of all, we should strengthen the study of the theory. Earnest study of marxist theory. A person admitted motivation is correct, often with him for the cause of communism and the party of the proletariat understanding of incorrect, profound profound has a direct relation. Marxist theory, especially marxism party theory, scientifically illustrated problems, only seriously study these theories, to these problems include more clear and deeply.

Second, must firm belief of communism, and continuously enhance the confidence and ability to overcome the difficulty. The correct understanding of the people to pass through practice know again practice reunderstanding process, and constantly supirior to gain. Through the involved in building socialism with Chinese characteristics and the great cause of the practice, to deepen our understanding of the party and the communist party, correct understanding of career motivations.

Third, to learning through outstanding communist party member's model deeds, to strengthen themselves to the party's feelings, motivate yourself continuous progress. With hardship in front and enjoy comforts of action to implement the goal of serving the people.

Fourth, valued in the persistence. Remember, he is a once-in-a-lifetime organizationally thought he is for life. Chairman MAO said: "there are many party members not fully membership, thought no party membership, mind carry many of the exploiting classes dirty thing, don't know what the proletariat thought, what is communism, what is the party." We should draw, no matter whether party organizational, should be done before joining in the thought, must pay attention to carry on the self-examination.

I will compare party member's standard find my gap, with a high degree of consciousness, the correct understanding oneself, strict in analyzing oneself, confident and persistent pursuit, make oneself more progress, soon will become a qualified communist party member.
