



方(劳动者) 名称:






第一条 劳务协议期限

本协议期限自 年 月 日至 年 月 日终止。


第二条 劳务内容、工作要求及工作时间

1、甲方根据业务需要,安排乙方 。




第三条 劳动报酬



第四条 劳动协议终止与解除的情形





第五条 其他事项




第六条 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,自甲乙双方签字确认后生效。

甲方(签字或盖章): 乙方(签字或盖章):

年 月 日 年 月 日



协 议 书


上海振华港口机械集团(香港)有限公司(以下简称甲方)与上海育海航运公司 (以下简称乙方),就甲方委托乙方派遣船员上 “振华9、振华18、振华23轮 ”(船舶概况见附件一)工作事宜,经友好协商,于20xx年8月1日达成如下协议:

1. 甲方责任:

(1) 负责办妥船舶营运的国内、国际(远洋)证书和手续,尽合理谨慎义务保证船舶交付给乙方派遣的船员时适航。甲方每年负责“振华轮”一套圣文森特籍等外籍船员证书的费用(若需要),在每套派年中,由乙方凭单据向甲方报销。其他证书费用均由乙方负担。船员的外籍证书由乙方负责办理。

(2) 负责船舶的营运、航次任务的制订,港口代理的指定,进出港口装卸工作的安排。

(3) 制定集装箱桥吊和货场的装卸、绑扎、加固的工艺和施工方法,并按工艺要求进行加固工作。

(4) 为了保证船舶安全航行,派出具有海员证的随船工人负责航行途中设备的加固、绑扎等工作。

(5) 派出具有专业技术高级职称的负责人,对集装箱桥吊和货物的装卸进行现场指挥工作。

(6) 向船舶提供图书资料、备件、物料、淡水、燃料油等航行、营运有关的资料和用品以确保船舶正常的航运与营运。

(7) 安排船舶和货物的保险并承担费用。

(8) 安排船舶加油加水并承担费用。

2. 乙方责任:

(1) 每船派遣并保持合格船员20名(船员最低年龄应在18周岁及以上,船员各职务配备标准、适任条件及聘任要求见附件二),并对在船工作的船员建立完整的通信录。全体船员应身体健康,胜任工作,持有符合公约规定和船旗国政府认可的,有效、适合操纵甲方船舶要求的适任证书和其他必须的证书,如海员证、四小证、船员服务薄、健康证等证书,并具有经甲方认可的良好业绩。乙方应提供船长、轮机长在前一任期(半年以上)内无事故证明。

(2) 乙方派遣的船员应有一定的工作资历。其中船长、轮机长应在取得相应资质后,有一年以上远洋船舶本职工作的资历。其他高级船员必须有半年以上远洋船舶本职工作的资历,并经甲方考核认可后派遣。若有一年以上在甲方船上工作过


(3) 乙方在派遣或更换船员前,应提前书面将甲方要求的船员详细资料传送甲方。


(4) 船员的外籍证书由乙方负责办理,除第1条第1款约定由甲方承担的费用外,


(5) 鉴于甲方特种运输船舶的特殊性,乙方应按甲方要求在协议期内不更换主要干


(6) 应在一切情况下维护甲方利益,并承担与船舶劳务有关的一切事务。乙方应确


(7) 对甲方负责,按照国际和国内颁发的规程和文件做好对船舶的海务管理和机务


A. 建立船上各部门日志及有关航海安全记录簿、船员职务规则、船员安全责任制、船员值班交接班等船舶安全生产规章制度,各种日志和其他制度文件的建立和记录应符合相关公约的规定。

B. 有关航路指南及港口资料、海图、航海通告等的申请、领用、保管和修改。

C. 督促船舶做好维修保养工作,使船舶处于良好的适航状态。配合甲方提出船舶年、季、月修理计划,甲方认可后积极认真实施。

D. 督促船舶做好船舶的各项管理工作,做好每一个航次总结报告并及时提交甲方。

E. 做好船舶证书和相关证书的保管工作,提出证书的年检工作要求。

(8) 严格执行、维护甲方的安全管理体系和船舶保按计划,建立符合甲方安全管理



(9) 协议期间,乙方应严格要求船舶领导应定期及时向甲方汇报安全生产、维修保


























3. 全年每艘船费用总计为 723774.00 美元,其中包括船员伙食费、船员工资、乙


乙方帐户: 户名:上海育海航运公司




4. 乙方按甲方与船员签订的“海员上船就业协议”(附件四)中工资金额,在不


5. 乙方应按国家规定督促船员每月缴纳个人所得税或为海员代理缴纳个人应缴税


6. 在航行期,乙方应保证20名船员全勤。否则,甲方可按缺勤天数按比例扣除应


7. 甲方所派跟船人员的伙食津贴费用及其它与营运和航行有关的费用,甲方自行


8. 乙方承担的费用










9. 甲方承担的费用

(1) 在船舶正常维修保养以外的船舶自修项目的劳务费。

(2) 按甲方或租方的规定发给船员的有关吊缸,清洗锅炉、油柜等奖金。由甲方根据情况作出决定后授权船长在船上按甲方规定和决定发放。

(3) 劳防用品由甲方根据甲方规定另行发放。

(4) 甲方按ISM规定配好船舶公用药箱药品,常用药品如超过规定将另行申请。

(5) 船员在船时,在国内港口急诊看病,发生的超出医保赔付范畴费用。

10. 保险





11. 航行区域



12. 合同终止和违约责任

(1) 本协议有效期为壹拾贰个月,自本协议签订后且乙方按本协议约定派遣船员









e. 该船舶基于任何原因被出售; 甲方破产或被注销或其他可能导致甲方主体不存在的事件。 船舶技术状态不良,不能继续航行; 船舶发生全损、推定全损或失踪; 船舶发生重大事故,经甲方合理评估,船舶在【3】个月内无法恢复航


a. 甲方破产或被注销或其他可能导致甲方主体不存在的事件。

(2) 一方违反协议之约定,相对方有权要求其支付相当于全年船舶费用

( 723774.00美元 )1%,违约金不足以弥补相对方损失的,其有权另行追偿。

(3) 若一方严重违反本协议,致使本协议无法继续履行,或继续履行已无实际意


13. 其它

(1) 本协议一式四份,双方各执二份,一经签署立即生效,且具同等法律效力。

(2) 如因不可抗力或意外原因阻碍甲乙双方执行本协议条款,双方可立即通过书面


(3) 本协议履行过程中的未尽事宜,经甲乙双方本着友好、谅解、合作的原则磋商


甲方:上海振华港口机械集团(香港) 乙方:上海育海航运公司


代表人: 代表人:

日期:20xx年8月1日 日期: 20xx年8月1日











(执行开始日期:20 年 月 日)



1、 表中标准为船员最低税前工资标准,船员应按照国家规定进行交税及缴纳社保个人所交部分; 2、 船员伙食费标准为每人每天6美元。


附录:A-2.1-R1 Agreement No.:


Seafarer Employment Agreement at Sea




I. This agreement is stipulated by the company according to MLC, 2006 Convention, and the related laws and regulations of the flag state and seafarer’s residence country.


II. Before signing this agreements, Both Parties shall read this agreement carefully. Once the agreement is signed, it has the force of law, and Both Parties shall strictly observe. The agreement only comes into force after being signed by shipowner’s representative (Party A) and the seafarer (Party B) themselves and affixed with Party A’s official seal.


III. In the blank column of this agreement shall be filled in after Both Parties’ negotiation, shall not violate laws, regulations and related provisions; blank columns do not need to be filled in, write “/”.


IV. This agreement shall be filled in carefully with clear handwriting, simple and accurate words, which shall not be altered without authorization.


V. The agreement is in duplicate, after signing, Party A and Party B each has one copy.


Party A: Shanghai Zhenhua Shipping Company, Ltd. Party B:

甲方: 上海振华船运有限公司 乙方姓名: Address: 3261 Dong Fang Road, Shanghai, P.R., China Nationality/Birthplace:

地址: 中国上海市东方路3261号 国籍/出生地: Postcode: Present Address:

邮编: 100125 现住址: Telephone: Id card:

电话: 021-31192855 身份证号: Date of Birth: shipowner: Shanghai Zhenhua Shipping Company, Ltd. 出生日期: Address: 3261 Dong Fang Road, Shanghai, P.R., China Telephone:


I. Term of Agreement

一、协议期限 Article 1 This agreement has a fixed term, since Month Day Year to Month Day Year, term of agreement is months.

第一条 本协议为固定期限,自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止,合同期为 个月。

Article 2 If this agreement terminates, because of the ports of call or ship route, it is not convenient to change seafarers, under Both Parties’

agreement, the working term can be appropriately bring forward or delay, and the term of this agreement can be changed to be valid till the ship

arrives at the agreed port.

第二条 若本协议期满,因船舶停靠港口或者航行的航线不方便更换船员的,经双方协议,工作期限可适当提前


Article 3 After this agreement terminates, according to working requirements, if Party A needs Party B to go on working onboard, after getting

the agreement of Party B (Party B shows agree or not in written form or by mail), this agreement will be remain in force, but the maximum duration

of on-board service shall be less than 12 months.

第三条 本协议期满后,甲方因工作需要乙方继续留船工作的,甲方在征得乙方的同意后(乙方书面或邮件方式


II. Working content and disciplines


Article 4 Party B shall ensure all the held certificates conform with STCW Convention and the requirements of Chinese government or flag

state . Or else, Party A has the right to ask Party B to take the corresponding legal and economic responsibilities.

第四条 乙方应保证,所持有的所有证书是符合STCW公约、中国政府或船旗国政府要求的合法证件。否则,甲


Article 5 Party B agrees to take the job of corresponding position according Party A’s working requirements and his own rank grade, when making this agreement the position is . The ship that Party B shall work on is .

第五条 乙方同意根据甲方工作需要和自身职务等级担任船舶相应岗位的工作,订立本协议时的岗位

为 。乙方的工作船舶为 。

Article 6 After signing and making the agreement, it means Party B has already agreed to follow the detailed arrangement of working position

and rank by Party A.

第六条 订立协议签字后,即表明乙方已经同意并服从甲方对其工作岗位和职务的具体安排。

Article 7 Party B agrees, according to the working content and position requirements, to arrive at the assembling place that designated by

Party A in time, accept pre-employment training and transact on-board formalities. Party B shall strictly perform the agreement, seriously fulfill

the duties of the position, obey the arrangement of the leaders of the ship, and carry out the shipowner’s orders.

第七条 乙方同意按照工作内容和岗位要求,准时到达甲方指定的地点集合,接受岗前培训和办理上船手续。乙


Article 8 After Party A hiring Party B, if Party A arranges Party B to work on the ship that sails through war zone, epidemic area or carries

poisonous, hazardous substances, Party A shall make clear explanation to Party B, and Party B has the right to decide whether agree to go to

the service or not.

第八条 甲方在聘用乙方后,如果安排乙方服务的船舶驶经战区、疫区或者运输有毒、有害物质,必须向乙方做


If Party B does not agree to work on the ship sailing through war zone, epidemic area or carrying poisonous, hazardous substances, which shall

not be regarded as violating the normal working arrangement of Party A, and Party A shall not offer disadvantage treatment to Party B according

to this.



Article 9 According to the business requirements, Party A formulates the rules and regulations and labour disciplines according to laws.

第九条 甲方根据生产经营需要,依法制定规章制度和劳动纪律。

Party B shall strictly abide by the safety operational regulations and daily on-board administrative regulations, obey reasonable assignment

by Party A. Party B’s on-board working shall be strictly implemented according to the Safety Management System of the company.



Article 10 During Party B’s working onboard period, when going through other countries, Party B shall conscientiously abide by the laws,

folk custom and the international convention of this country. Party B shall at the same time abide by the laws, folk custom and international

convention of the flag state.

第十条 乙方在船服务期间,途经他国境内,应自觉遵守该国法律、民俗及国际惯例。乙方同时自觉遵守船旗国


Article 11 During the voyage, Party B shall not arbitrarily resign, dismiss or terminates the job position.

第十一条 乙方在航次中,不得擅自辞职、离职或者中止职务。

Article 12 Party B is Chinese seafarer, Both Parties shall also strictly execute Regulations for Crew of the People’s Republic of China.

第十二条 乙方为中国籍船员,甲乙双方还应严格执行《中华人民共和国船员条例》。 III. Working time, Rest and Holidays


Article 12 The normal working time of Party B shall be 8 hours per day; The Sunday is rest day. According to Maritime Labour Convention and

regulations of the flag state, Party A shall adopt comprehensive calculation of working hours for Party B on the basis of 8 hours per day. The

overtime work shall be compensated with subsidies, and Given a monthly fixed payment of overtime.

第十三条 乙方在船正常工作时间每天八小时,星期天为休息日。甲方按照海事劳工公约、船旗国规定,以每日



By the method of shifting work, concentrated public rest, Party A ensure the rest time and holidays of Party B. If Party B has to work on

rest day, Party A shall take the working days off for Party B with the concentrated rest method.



Article 14 The continuous on-board working time of Party B shall not be over 10 months. If because of the ports of call or ship route, it’s not convenient to change seafarers, the working duration can be appropriately bring forward or delay two months.

第十四条 乙方在船连续工作期间一般不超过10个月,因停靠港口或者航行的航线不方便更换船员的,工作期限可适当提前或延后两个月。

Article 15 Besides take Sunday unified rest, during on-board working time, Party B enjoys 2.5 days annual paid leave per month, if working period is less than one month, shall be calculated by proportion.

第十五条 乙方在船工作期间除了星期天统一调休外,乙方每工作一个月享有2.5天的带薪年休假,工作不满一个月的按比例计算。

Article 16 Legal festivals and holidays: one day for New Year’s Day, three days for Spring Festival, one day for Tomb-sweeping Day, one day for International Labour Day, one day for Dragon Boat Festival,, one day for Mid-autumn Day, three days for National Day, 11 days in total.

第十六条 法定节假日:元旦一天、春节三天、清明节一天、劳动节一天、端午节一天、中秋节一天、国庆节三天,共计11天。

IV. Labour remuneration


Article 17 Standards of wages, subsidies, board expenses:

第十七条 工资、津贴、伙食费等标准: The basic on-board wages (basic pay) of Party B: RMB/Dollars (Per month);

乙方在船基本工资(基薪):人民币/美元 (每月); Overtime pay of Party B (Per month) basic pay ÷21.75days÷8×1.5×overtime hours;

乙方加班费: (每月)月基本工资÷21.75天÷8×1.5×加班小时; leave pay of Party B (Per month) basic pay÷30days×leave days;

乙方带薪年休假工资: (每月)月基本工资÷30天×应得带薪休假天数; Holiday Pay of Party B: basic pay ÷21.75days×3×days of legal holidays;

乙方法定节假日加班工资: 月基本工资÷21.75天×3×法定假日加班天数; Other subsidies: (Per month);

其他津贴: (每月); Board expenses of Party B: (Per day).

乙方伙食费: (每天)。

When Party B works onboard, Party A shall pay for the wages and other deserved payments of Party B in sufficient amount monthly, and the company will remit the wages to seafarer’s the bank account designated by the seafarer himself or pay in cash monthly.


The company can also remit all or part of the wages by mail or bank to the seafarer’s family member, dependant or legal beneficiary, without taking any charges from the seafarers.


The rate of exchange is converted by the U.S. dollar exchange rate of benchmark price issued by People’s Bank of China on 1 per month. st


第十八条 甲乙双方对其工资支付方式的其他约定:

Personal Account: Amount:

本人账户: 金额:

Beneficiary’s name/account Amount:

受益人姓名/账户: 金额:

Other designated account: Amount:

其他指定人: 金额:

Article 19 if the ship where Party B serves is sailing through war zone, epidemic area, or carrying poisonous, hazardous substances, during this period, according to laws, Party A shall purchase personal insurance or health insurance for Party B and pay the special subsidies to Party

B that no less than once as much as the basic pay, if less than 5 days also calculated as 5 days.

第十九条 乙方服务的船舶在驶经战区、疫区或者运输有毒、有害物质期间,甲方应依法为乙方办理人身保险或健康保险,并向乙方支付不少于一倍基薪的特殊津贴,不足五日,按五日计算。

Article 20 When giving payment to Party B, Party A shall provide with payroll credit, including Party B’s name, paying date, wages payable, net payroll, withhold and deduction items, and confirmed by Party B’s signature.

第二十条 甲方通过船员管理公司向乙方支付工资时,应当出具工资清单,包括乙方姓名、发放时间、应付工资、实发工资、代扣和扣减项目等内容,并经乙方签字确认。

Article 21 Party B will bepay individual income taid, according to the laws of our country,orPersonal income tax withheld and remitted by the company.

第二十一条 乙方根据国家法律法规规定缴纳个人所得税或由船员管理公司代扣代缴个人所得税。

V. Social Insurance and Casualty Insurance


Article 22, For Both Parties have already established an employment relationship, according to laws, Party A shall arrange the related insurance formalities for Party B in the seafarer’s host country, and apply for full amount and pay for social insurance, in which the social insurance shall be paid by Party B will be withheld and remitted to tax by Party A, according to the laws of our country.

第二十二条 甲乙双方已建立劳动关系的,甲方依法为乙方在船员所在国办理国家规定的相关社会保险手续,并按时足额申报、缴纳社会保险费,其中乙方应缴纳的社会保险费由甲方根据我国法律法规代扣代缴。

Article 23 If Party B falls ill onboard, Party A shall ensure to arrange the treatment in time and pay for the related expenses during treatment period.

第二十三条 乙方在船期间发生伤病,甲方应当确保及时为其安排治疗,并依法给予治疗期及支付相关费用。 Article 24 If Party B falls ill, gets injured or dead during the on-board period, Party A shall ensure the compensation. Party A shall insure to Shipowners Mutual Assurance Association and Insurance Company with good reputation. The indemnification standards shall be defined according to the detailed insurance contract.

第二十四条 甲方为确保乙方在船期间发生的疾病、伤残、死亡及时得到赔偿,甲方向声誉良好的船东互保协会或者保险公司投保,赔偿标准根据具体的保险合同确定。

After getting out of danger, Party A is responsible for the recourse of insurance compensation, and has the right to deduct the disbursement of Party A from the insurance compensation and shall transfer the remaining amount to Party B or the designated beneficiary by Party B in time.


Party 25 During the on-board period, if Party A falls ill, gets injured or comes across death accident, which both comply with the requirements of commercial insurance and comply with the requirements of social insurance stipulated by the related laws in the seafarer’s host country, if the commercial insurance and social insurance cannot be paid at the same time, Party B or the beneficiary designated by Party B has the right to choose the way of compensation.

第二十五条 如乙方在船期间发生疾病、伤残或者死亡事故既符合商业保险赔付条件、又符合船员所在国家有关法律规定的社会保险赔付条件,当不能同时获得商业保险和社会保险赔付时,乙方或者乙方的指定受益人有权选择赔付方式。

Article 26 During the on-board period, if Party B is injured by his own deliberate improper behavior, and out of the scope of the commercial insurance and social insurance paid by Party A or shipowner, Party A is not responsible for the compensation. If there is any other special legal regulations, follow the regulations.

第二十六条 乙方在船期间因本人故意不当行为造成其损害,且不属于甲方或船东投保的商业保险和社会保险赔付范围,甲方不负赔偿责任。法律另有特殊规定,从其规定。

Article 27 If Party B falls sick or injured at work, the wages and medical insurance of Party B shall follow the regulations of the seafarers’ host country.

第二十七条 乙方患职业病或者因工负伤的,其工资和医疗保险待遇按船员所在国规定执行。

VI. Labour protection, working condition and occupational hazard prevention


Article 28 Party A shall establish sound Labour Safety and Hygiene System, strictly implement China and flag state labour safety regulations and standards, provide Party B with labour safety conditions and sufficient labour protection supplies and necessary seasonal protection supplies in accordance with the national regulations.

第二十八条 甲方建立、健全劳动安全卫生制度,严格执行中国及船旗国劳动安全规程和标准,为乙方提供符合国家规定的劳动安全卫生条件和充足的劳动防护用品及必要的季节防护用品。

Article 29 Party A shall establish vocational training system, according the national regulations, withdraw and use the vocational training expenses, in order to train Party B in occupational safety, health protection, safety production and other aspects.

第二十九条 甲方建立职业培训制度,按照国家规定提取和使用职业培训经费,对乙方进行职业安全、健康保护、安全生产等方面的培训。

Article 30 According to the regulations, Party B shall attend the trainings on occupational safety, health protection, safety production and other aspects which are organized by Party A, and strictly execute the evaluation requirements made in this aspect by Party A.

第三十条 乙方应按规定参加甲方组织的职业安全、健康保护和安全生产等方面的培训,并严格执行甲方就此方面做出的考核要求。

VII. Repatriation


Article 31, when Party B works onboard, if one of the following situations occurs, Party B has the right to ask for repatriation, and Party

A shall agree:

第三十一条 乙方在船工作期间,有下列情形之一的,乙方有权要求遣返,甲方应当同意:

(I) This agreement is terminated or cancelled in accordance with laws;


(II) Party B does not competent for the onboard position;


(III) Party B’s spouse, children or parents dead or critically ill;


(IV) When the shipwreck happens;


(V) Because of bankruptcy, selling off the ship or change the register of ship or other similar reasons, Party A cannot continue to fulfill

the legal or agreed regulations for Party B;

(五)由于破产、变卖船舶、改变船舶登记或者其他类似原因,甲方不能继续履行对乙方的法定或者约定义务的; (VI) Other repatriation situations caused by force majeure;


(VII) Party B does not agree to sail through war zone, epidemic area or serve on ships transporting poisonous and hazardous substances.


Because of reasons (IV)and(V), after Party B asks for repatriation by Party A, Party A shall pay compensation to Party B. Related amount see Article 2.6 of Maritime Labour Management Manual “seafarers’ compensation when ships loss or sink”


Article 32 When Party A reckons Party B does not possess the ability for the position stipulated in the employment agreement any more, can legally terminates the agreement and repatriate Party B.

第三十二条 甲方认为乙方不再具备履行其就业协议中规定的职责的能力时,可以依法解除协议将其遣返。 Article 33 The repatriation location of Party B can be:

第三十三条 乙方的遣返地点可以为: (I) The location where Party B accept the employment or where Party B goes onboard to hold the post ;

(一)乙方接受雇佣的地点 或者上船任职的地点 ;

(II) Party B’s place of residence ;

(二)乙方的所在国居住地 ; (III) The location agreed by Both Parties: .


Article 34 If Party B has the following actions, Party A has the right to repatriate Party B, and the repatriation expenses shall be paid by the seafarer himself:

第三十四条 乙方发生下列行为的,甲方有权将其遣返,遣返费用由船员本人承担:

(I) Seriously violated the laws and regulations of the local customs where the ship arrives at, of immigration office and others, and be repatriated;


(II) Before the termination of the contract, ended the agreementwithout getting Party A’s approval with appropriate reasons.


Article 35 Except the situation happens in Article 34, Party B’s repatriation expenses shall be paid by Party A. the repatriation expenses include the transportation fee of Party B, reasonable board and lodging expenses and medical expenses during the journey, and luggage transportation expenses no more than 30 kilos.

第三十五条 除第三十四条所述情况外,乙方的遣返费用由甲方支付。遣返费用包括乙方乘坐交通工具的费用、旅途中合理的食宿费及医疗费用、不超过30公斤行李的运输费用。

VIII. Changes, Discharge and Termination of the Agreement


Article 36 Under the agreement of Both Parties, this agreement can be changed or discharged. When changing this agreement, shall adopt written form.

第三十六条 甲乙双方协商一致,可以变更或者解除本协议。变更本协议,应当采用书面形式。

Article 37 Party B asks to discharge the agreement in advance, shall inform Party A or inform Party A by Captain in written form application 7 days in advance. If Party A wants to terminate the agreement in advance, can also inform Party B by the captain more than 7 days in advance.

第三十七条 乙方要求提前解除协议,应以书面申请的形式提前七天通知甲方或者通过船长通知甲方。甲方要求提前解除协议,也应通过船长提前七天及以上的时间通知乙方。

Article 38 If one of the following situations happens, Party B can discharge the agreement:

第三十八条 有下列情形之一的,乙方可以解除协议:

(I) Party B works for a special ship route agreed by the convention, if the special ship route has changed substantially, and after the negotiation between shipowner and seafarers, agreement of ship route adjustment has not been reached;


(II) If the ship where Party B works on, according to (1974) International Convention for Safety Life at Sea (SOLAS) or the check by port state, is proved to be unseaworthy, and the defects of the ship cannot be repaired forever, therefore, Party A cannot go on fulfill the obligations agreed in the contract;


(III) The ship which Party B serves and the on-board personnel force Party B to work by violence, threaten or illegally restrict his personal freedom, or Party A breach the commands, force the dangerous operation and threaten Party B’s personal safety;


(IV) Party A does not provide with labour protection or labour conditions according to the agreed contract;


(V) Party A does not pay the social insurance fees for Party B according to the laws;


(VI) Party A does not give enough labour payment in time;


(VII) Rules and regulations of Party A violated the laws and regulations, and harm Party B’s legitimate rights and interest;


(VIII) Other situations that laws and administrative regulations stipulate Party B can terminate the contract.


If Party A’s action causes Party B’s economic losses, Party A shall compensate for Party B.


Article 39 If one of the situations happens, Party A can terminate the contract

第三十九条 有下列情形之一的,甲方可以解除协议

(I) Party B seriously violate the rules and regulations legally stipulated by Party A.


(II) Party B gross neglects of duty, involved in corruption or leave his job or terminate his duty without authorization during the on-board working period, which causes significant losses for the interests of Party A.

(二)乙方严重失职,营私舞弊,或者在船工作期间违法擅自离职或中止职务,对甲方利益造成重大损害的。 (III) Because of personal action, Party B’s Service Book or Certificate of Competency is revoked, and be legally prosecuted for his criminal



Article 40 In the following situations, if Party B violates the commands and refuse to sail, Party B shall not regard it as breach, and shall not terminate the agreement unilaterally.

第四十条 以下情况乙方违抗命令不开航,甲方不得将其视为违约,也不得因此单方面解除协议。

(I) According to (1974) International Convention for Safety Life at Sea (SOLAS) or the check of port state, the ship is proved to be unseaworthy;


(II) Because of any reasons, the ship belongs to sail illegally, such as, do not possess the security shipping conditions; may endanger the safety of personnel, wealth and ships; may cause the pollution of the water area; threaten the shipping security constitution etc.


IX. Dispute Resolution


Article 41 Other regulations and rights of Both Parties not stated in this Agreement, can be implemented according to the laws and regulations of China; for those not stipulated by laws and regulations, Both Parties can negotiate to get the resolution; if Both Parties fail to negotiate or disputes occur, they can apply for conciliation from mediation organizations by law, or apply for labour dispute arbitration by law, or bring the lawsuit to the People’s Court.

第四十一条 甲乙双方在本协议中没有表述的其他义务和权利,可按中国法律、法规规定执行;法律法规没有规定的,由双方协商解决;若双方协商不成或者发生争议,可以依法向调解机构申请调解,或者依法申请劳动争议仲裁、向人民法院提起诉讼。

X. This agreement, in duplicate, come into force since the date of Both Parties signature and seal; Party

A and Party B each holds a copy, which has the same legal effect. This agreement is in Chinese and English, the Chinese version shall prevail.


Party A (seal) Party B (signature):

甲方(盖章) 乙方(签名):

(Representative’s signature):


Month Day Year Month Day Year

年 月 日 年 月 日

Signing Location:
