

中文题目:《严肃点,我在开玩笑》(第一至三章)翻译报告 外文题目: A Translation Project Report of Seriously, I’m

院 系 英语学院

专 业 英语(翻译)

年 级

学 号 xxxxxxxxxxxx

学生姓名 xxx

指导教师 xxx

结稿日期 20xx年4月30日



摘 要

本文是一篇翻译报告,翻译项目原文为美国著名日间节目主持人艾伦·德杰尼勒斯的《严肃点,我在开玩笑》(Seriously, I’m Kidding )第一至第三章节。该作品的风格简单,语言朴实,无华丽辞藻的修饰,就是艾伦的随笔杂文,在书中表达了自己对社会某些现状的看法,对人应该具有的品质的想法等,表达口语化但又幽默风趣,正如她的脱口秀一样,富含美式幽默,如和读者进行面对面的交流。






The paper benefited from my teacher and roommates. I could never finish the paper without their help. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to them.

On the completion of thesis, first and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Zhao Huijun, for her supervisor encouragement, guidance, care and valuable suggestions in the period of writing. During this time, my supervisor also gave me some contributed thoughtful insights, and these will be of great benefit to my future writing work. That help me a lot.My special thanks should go to all the participants of the present study.

What I can never forget is the days spent with my roommates. Their warmest concern, firmest encouragement and sincere friendship have always been with me during these four years.

I thanks them all from the bottom of my heart. Their kindness and generosity would stay in my mind all my life.



摘要??????????????????????????????????? i 致谢???????????????????????????????????ii

第一章 引言????????????????????????????????1

1.1 项目目标??????????????????????????????1

1.2 项目背景??????????????????????????????1

1.3 项目意义??????????????????????????????1

第二章 原文背景??????????????????????????????2

2.1 关于作者??????????????????????????????2

2.2 关于原文??????????????????????????????2

2.2.1 原文版本???????????????????????????2

2.2.2 主要内容???????????????????????????2

2.2.3 原文分析???????????????????????????3

第三章 翻译难点与翻译方法?????????????????????????4

3.1 翻译难点??????????????????????????????4

3.2 准备工作??????????????????????????????4

3.3 翻译方法??????????????????????????????4

3.3.1 直译与意译??????????????????????????4

3.3.2 增补法????????????????????????????6

3.3.3 顺译法????????????????????????????7

3.3.4 变序法????????????????????????????7

3.3.5 其他翻译方法?????????????????????????7

3.4 小结 ???????????????????????????????8

第四章 总结 ???????????????????????????????9

4.1 翻译经验????????????????????????????? 9

4.2 翻译教训????????????????????????????? 9

4.3 仍待解决的问题?????????????????????????? 9 注释???????????????????????????????????11 参考文献?????????????????????????????????12 附录1 原文????????????????????????????????13 附录2 译文????????????????????????????????23

第一章 引言

1.1 项目背景 艾伦·德杰尼勒斯是美国脱口秀节目著名的主持人,但是很少人知道艾伦还是一位出色的作家,早在她做主持之前,艾伦就于19xx年出版了《最重要和我所拥有的》,接着于20xx年出版了《有趣的事》 最近就是20xx年出版的该翻译论文所选翻的书籍《严肃些,我在开玩笑》。本书的风格与艾伦的主持风格如出一辙,亲切,欢乐,使人轻松愉悦。目前尚无中文译本。该翻译论文所选章节为艾伦自己对于人生的一些感悟,比如做真实的自己,积极乐观的生活态度,告诉读者真实的自己才最美,还表达了对待生活中琐事的态度,努力的告诉大家女性的自我保养得重要性等。翻译过程包括选定翻译文本、对文本进行通读及背景调查、进行翻译工作、与导师进行沟通交流以及修改校对译文。

1.2 项目目标


1.3 项目意义


第二章 原文背景

2.1 关于作者

艾伦·德杰尼勒斯在19xx年1月26日出生于新奥尔兰一个中产阶级家庭,是美国著名脱口秀喜剧演员,电视节目主持和演员。艾伦德杰尼勒斯是历史上唯一一位主持过奥斯卡(Academy Awards),格莱美奖(Grammy Awards)和艾美奖(Emmy Awards)的主持人。 Ellen出生于路易斯安那州,她拥有法国,英国,德国和爱尔兰的血统。Ellen于19xx年5月毕业于亚特兰大中学。她做过女服务员,油漆工,迎宾女招待和酒保。她的喜剧式的工作方式与她小时候和后来的工作生活有很大的关系。


The Ellen DeGeneres Show,于20xx年9月8日首播,深受全世界观众喜爱,目前这个脱口秀赢得了31座艾美奖。Ellen通过独特的轻松,自然,坦诚,诙谐,幽默的主持风格与滑稽有趣的节目环节继续证明着这个节目作为日间脱口秀的领导者地位。该节目因彰显人道主义更而获得好评。该节目已筹得超过1,000万美元帮助了重建地区,校园恐吓,乳腺癌等公益事业。由于Oprah Winfrey Show的停播,使得Ellen Show 成为全美最炙手可热的电视谈话节目。

2.2 关于原文

2.2.1 原文版本

本书语种为英语,于20xx年10月4日由Grand Central Publishing出版社出版。共40435字。作者为美国著名节目主持人艾伦·德杰尼勒斯。

2.2.2 主要内容

本书是美国著名节目主持人艾伦·德杰尼勒斯公开出版的第三本书。主要内容就是艾 2

伦自己的所见所闻,自己对于某些社会问题的看法。科克斯书评曾经这样评价这本书:“读者绝对不会失望的,这本书就像是大杂烩,从头至尾展示了作者捕捉幽默的能力,书中的 内心独白完全显示出艾伦智慧和开朗的标志。

2.2.3 原文分析


另外,原作共有57章,章节结构非常有特点,每个章节都是一个独立的主题,与前后章节丝毫没有任何意义上的联系或关联。感觉很像是作者的随笔,想到什么就写什么,每个章节的篇幅都很短小,有时甚至就几句话,或一个清单,比如第七章,整个章节只有一句话:生命的奥秘:甘蓝。第二十七章:我的遗愿清单:1. 买更多的水桶(因为遗愿清单的英文为Bucket List所以要买水桶,这里就是文化差异所造成的理解困难,中国人会不明所以为什么要买水桶) 2:到异国他乡接触不同的民族,文化,社会,花更多时间看探索频道。3:穿更多白色的衣服。4:学会飞。5:建一个独木舟。6:告诉所有我认识的人我造了一艘独木舟。7:去看更多的交响乐,音乐会,歌剧,花更多时间看公共电视网。8:叫更多的人为流氓。9:看某个人跑马拉松。10:学一门外语,比如澳大利亚语和英式英语。。


第三章 翻译难点与翻译方法

3.1 翻译难点


3.2 准备工作






Beauty is not in the face. Beauty is a light in the heart.1



I’ve believed that true beauty is not related to what color your hair is or what color your eyes are. True beauty is about who you are as a human beings, your principles, and your moral compass.2





Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.5

译: 情人眼里出西施。


And then in 2008 I was finally able to throw all that hogwash out the window because I was named the new face of CoverGirl6.



从上可以看出,我们要根据原文的语境,联系上下文,根据文意和表达的要求决定 5





That’s why we have mothers.8





When we learn to accept that, other people learn to accept us.9




And the older we get the more stuff we have because over the years we buy more and more stuff and we never want to let go of anything.10


在这一句中,作者用了两个and将句子连起来,但是前后句的关系并非是并列关系, 6





If you want to clean out your house and get rid of stuff, you can always do a good spring cleaning every year.11





If a man had to put his special parts inside a clamp to test him for anything, I think they would come up with a new plan before the doctor finished saying,” Put that thing there so I can crush it.”12







I got some good stuff—three travel irons and a large man’s nightshirt.13





第四章 总结







虽然已完成本翻译项目,但译者本身水平有限,很多地方翻译的不是很通顺,词语选择也不恰当,语言不是很生动,无法再现原作者的风格,也无法完全展示出作者在文中蕴含的很多小幽默,很多的问题还未解决,比如在一章节中的Penélope Cruz译者仍不 9

知道什么意思,无法进行翻译。再如在一章中的“Have you seen those surgery shows on Discovery?”,译者仍不知道这句话上下文中是什么作用。所以,不足之处太多,需要不停得学习。





3 Ellen Lee DeGeneres, seriously,I’ m kidding (New york: Grand central 2012), 5. Ibid.. 张振久,孙建民:《英汉互译简明教程》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2009,第118页。

4 姜倩,何刚强: 《翻译概论》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2008,第35页。

Ellen Lee DeGeneres, 5

Ibid.. 5 6

7 姜倩,何刚强,第40页。

Ibid., 6

Ibid., 7

Ibid., 8 8 9 10

11 Ibid..

Ibid., 10


12 13



Breidlid, Anders. American Culture. London: Routledge, 2007.

Baker, Mona. In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation. London: Routledge, 1992.

Dank, J. S, G. Fountain, S, & Mc. Beath. .Cognitive progress in Translation and Interpreting,

London: SAGE Publications,1997.

Jonathan Crowther. Oxford Guide to British and American Culture.New York: Oxford University Press,2005.

Martha Tennent..training for the New Millennium: Pedagogies for translation and Interpreting. New York: John Benjamins Publishing Company,2005.

Phyllis Zatlin.Theatrical Translation and Film Adaptation. A practitioner’s View. Toronto:

Multilingual Matters LTD,2005.

Ellen Lee DeGeneres, seriously,I’ m kidding .New york: Grand central,2012.


姜倩,何刚强 《翻译概论》上海:上海外语教育出版社,2008。

吴春梅,魏家海,张万方《翻译研究概论》北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2009。 张振久,孙建民《英汉互译简明教程》北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2009。


附录1 原文


Beauty is in the eye of beholder.

Beauty is only skin deep.

Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.

Throughout my entire life, I have believed in these sentiments. I’ve believed that true beauty is not related to what color your hair is or what color your eyes are. True beauty is about who you are as a human being, your principles, and your moral compass. And then in 2008 I was finally able to throw all that hogwash out the window because I was named the new face of Cover Girl. Cosmetics! Take a bite out of that, world! Check out these cheekbones! I’m a beauty queen! (This is where flashbulbs go off and I turn my head from side to side, posing like a supermodel. It was apparently “too expensive” and “not possible” to put mini light bulbs in every book, so you’re just gonna have to imagine it. I’m sorry.)

The truth is, I still believe that above all things physical, it is more important to be beautiful on the inside—to have a big heart and an open mind and a spectacular spleen. (Actually, most people’s insides are disgusting. Even pretty people have very unattractive insides. Have you ever seen those surgery shows on Discovery? Not pretty.)

To me, beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. It’s about knowing and accepting who you are. I’m happy being who I am. I’m confident, I live honestly and truthfully, and I think that’s why I was chosen as the first fifty-year-old, openly gay Cover Girl. It’s just a bonus that I have devastatingly blue eyes.

But we really have a society that focuses on so much appearance. I realized this recently when I accidentally looked into one of those mirrors magnify your face to five hundred times its actual size. They sell them at Bed Bath & Beyond in the “Things That Make You Feel Bad About Yourself” aisle. They’re right next to the bathroom scales, usually on a shelf you’re too short to reach. I’m sure you’ve all looked into one of them at some point. On one side, it’s a totally normal mirror. And then if you turn it over to the other side, your face looks like the surface of the moon.

Portia and I have one in our shower. I never look in it because it’s usually blocked by the person who washes me. But for some reason I looked in it one day and, oh Lordy that is a horrible invention! Who invented that thing and why haven’t they been jailed? Those things 13

need to come with a warning. Car mirrors have warnings that say, “Objects are closer than they appear.” Magnification mirrors should have warnings that say, “Objects are not as attractive as they appear.”

They show you things you didn’t know were there, that no one can possibly see. I looked at my hairline and I found a family of doves living in it. It wad shocking. The only people who need to see things that close up are surgeons who are performing delicate operations ad jewelers. That’s it. No one id gonna see you the way you see yourself in those mirrors unless you’re married to a surgeon or a jeweler and they come home from work still wearing that apparatus. “Honey, I’m home. Oh my goodness, your pores are huge!”

I don’t know why we ever need to look into those. They’re not accurate. They point out every single one of our flaws. We don’t need that. That’s why we have mothers. The fact of the matter is that everyone has flaws. No one is perfect, except for Penélope Cruz. Our flaws are what make us human. If we can accept them as part of who we are, they really don’t even have to be an issue.

I feel the same way about age. I’ve never been someone to lie about my age. I don’t understand it. Actually, I don’t know how people can lie about their age anymore now that the Internet exists. Not only can people easily find out what year I was born, they can find out what time, what hospital, how long my mother was in labor. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was footage on YouTube of the doctor spanking me. The only reason there isn’t is because YouTube didn’t exist when I was born.

Our age is something we have absolutely no control over; it’s just a fact of who we are. I enjoy growing older and wiser and learning from my mistakes every single day. I’m happy, for example, that I no longer eat paste, like I did when I was twenty-four. And I’m happy that in a few years I’ll be able to get half-price tickets to movies and museums. Considering how often I go to the movies and museums, I could save upward of thirty dollars a year.

When we were kids, all we wanted was to be older .When we were seven and a half and someone said we were only seven, we were furious. We probably even cried bout it. Can you imagine doing that now as an adult? “This is Marsha. She’s forty-two.” “Forty-two and a half! You always forget the half! I’m practically forty-two and three-

quarters!” I don’t know at what age people stop wanting to be older. People seem to enjoy their twenties and thirties. It must be around forty, when you’re “over the hill.” I don’t even know what that means and why it’s a bad thing. When I go hiking and I get over the hill, that 14

means I’m past the hard part and there’s a snack in my future. That’s a good thing as far as I’m concerned.

People seem to be shy about their age through their fifties and sixties, but then once they hit seventy or eighty, they start telling people again because it’s such a huge

victory to have made it that far. No one gets to one hundred and tells people they’re only ninety-five. So I don’t know why anyone has to lie about those middle years. We should celebrate every year that we made it through and every year that we’re happier and healthier. Because honestly, that’s the best-case scenario. And the bottom line is we are who we are—we look a certain way, we talk a certain way, we walk a certain way. I strut because I’m a supermodel, and sometimes I gallop for fun. When we learn to accept that, other people learn to accept us. So be who you really are. Embrace who you are. Literally. Hug yourself. Accept who you are. Unless you’re a serial killer.

I know it seems easy and breezy for me to say, but trust me—it’s okay to be you. If you had called me fifteen years ago and told me I was going to end up being a Cover Girl, I would have said,” No way” and “How’d you get this number?” But look at me now. I’m totally myself and I’m an internationally known, widely sought after supermodel. I even went to Paris one time.


Chapter 2

I don’t like clutter. I firmly believe that there is a place for everything and everything should be in its place.And I know there’s a name for people like me: neat.

It is astounding to me how much stuff we all have. Our closets are full of stuff. Our drawers are full of stuff. Our stuff is piled on top of other stuff. And the older we get the more stuff we have because over the years we buy more and more stuff and we never want to let go of anything. Nowadays people are a little more aware of how much stuff

they have because there’s a bit of a social stigma if you have too much stuff. There’s even a name for the people who have the most stuff. They’re called hoarders. Back in

the day they were just called grandmothers.

If you want to clean out your house and get rid of stuff, you can always do a good spring cleaning every year. Or you can do what I do. Move. I move a lot. I’ve moved about ten times over the past fifteen years. I don’t move for the sole purpose of getting rid of stuff. I’m not crazy. I also move so that I never have to wash any windows. “Is that a smudge? Time to pack it up. Let’s go.”

When you’re packing up a house, you’re forced to decide what you really need versus what you can get rid of. You might have been holding on to cases and cases of empty glass jars, but once you have to pack them up and move them, you realize maybe you’re not going to harvest your own honey.

My mama is similar to me in that she also likes to move a lot. Mama has moved thirty-two times since 1952. It’s so funny because I remember sometimes I would come home from school and there would be a note on the door that said, “I moved. Try and find me!” And I would spend hours and hours trying to find the new house. Sometimes I would find it by nightfall but sometimes I wouldn’t. Actually this is really funny—one time she accidentally forgot to leave a note and I had no idea she had even moved. I was living in the house with a beautiful Mexican family for about three months before I realized they weren’t my cousins visiting from out of town. They were so nice. They called me “Quien es, quien es,” which I thought was a beautiful name.

Anyway, my mama might be similar to me as far as moving around goes, but as far as clutter is concerned she’s a little different. When she moved into the house she lives in now (I 16

think she’s gonna stay there for a while—they say the thirty-second time is the charm), she made it a point to tell me how excited she was because she was going to

downsize. She was getting rid of all the stuff she didn’t need anymore and starting fresh in her new house. I was so proud of her. I went over to help her settle in and I assumed when I got there I wouldn’t have to unpack much more than a pillow and a spoon. Not so.

Let me share with you all of the items Betty “I Am Downsizing” DeGeneres asked movers to wrap up, place in a box, seal up in the box, put in a van, and move into a

whole new house so that I could cut open the box, take out the items, and unwrap them:

1. A three-hole punch.

2. A single-hole punch.

3. A VHS tape of Abs of Steel.

4. An unopened VHS tape of Hip Hop Abs.

5. A harmonica.

6. Another harmonica.

7. A third harmonica.

8. A rusty sifter.

9. A colander from 1953.

10. Biscuit cutters.

Many of those items have moved thirty-two times. And I should point a few things out. First of all, Mama moved into that house in 2010 not 1987, as the VHS tapes would have you believe. Second of all, Mama is not in a blues band. She doesn’t play the harmonica and even if she did, the ones I found in that box looked like they had been dug up next to some train tracks. If Mama put her mouth anywhere near them I would immediately take her for a tetanus shot. Thirdly, Mama does not cook or bake or prepare food in any way. I don’t know what sort of imaginary biscuits she thinks she’s going to cut.

I could not believe how much stuff my mama still had, but it’s because we all justify holding on to things. We do this especially with clothing. We all have so many things in our closets that we never wear but we convince ourselves to keep just in case we ever need to paint. We don’t paint, we won’t paint, but we have dozens of old Wham! T-shirts just in case.

A lot of people hold on to clothing just for the sentimental value. They say, “I can’t get rid of this jacket. I love it. I wore it on my first cruise.” Of course you love it. You bought it. But it doesn’t fit you anymore and the shoulder pads make you look like a 1980s football player who 17

loved the color salmon.

I’m guilty of it, too. I still have the shirt I wore my first time on Johnny Carson. Only now I use it as a tablecloth at dinner parties. It was very blousy.

We’re always worried that we’re going to get rid of something and then it’s going to come back in fashion. But even if it does—and I assure you that paisley jumpsuit you’ve been holding on to won’t—they always make a tiny tweak so that it’s a little bit different so we have to buy the updated version.

One year, big collars are in and the next year they make collars an eighth of an inch shorter. So we go out and buy the collar that’s an eighth of an inch shorter because heaven forbid someone sees us walking around town with last year’s collar. As if strangers on the street are going to come up to us and measure our collars. “Oh no. She’s wearing last year’s collar, everyone! She’s wearing last year’s collar!”

It’s not just clothing we hold on to. It’s old electronics and old furniture and I’ll tell you one thing I recently discovered in my own home—lotion. Portia hoards lotion. I don’t know how it took me so long to notice but she has bottles and bottles of lotion. There are some lined up on the counter, some in baskets under the sink. She has cheap ones from drugstores and real fancy ones from the Sheraton and the Holiday Inn.

confused and start clapping?

Each kind says it has something special in it for your skin —aloe, shea butter, coconut, cocoa butter, vanilla, lemon extract. That’s not lotion. That’s one ingredient short of a Bundt cake.

Don’t get me wrong. I like lotion. I use a moisturizer on my face. I have to—it’s my moneymaker. And I like to use hand lotion. I shake a lot of hands and I want people to experience my suppleness. But hand lotion is tricky. You have to know exactly how much to put on. You don’t want to overdo it. Portia once put too much on and got stuck in the bathroom for an hour trying to turn the doorknob. Then I had to remind her we have a door that slides.

My point is everyone who has buckets and buckets of lotion should get rid of all the lotion they don’t use anymore. And by everyone I do mean Portia. Or at least she should think about combining all the half bottles into one giant bottle so we can get rid of some stuff and she can smell like a baby eating a cucumber in an orange grove. I hope she reads this.

I really do think it’s important to let go of things and give things away, to de clutter and get out from under that pile of papers and old cereal boxes and harmonicas. It’s cathartic. It’s freeing. 18

Plus you can get good money for some stuff one Bay. A “vintage” colander goes for just under $3.50. Mama’s gonna be rich!


Chapter 3

I spend a lot of time exploring my body. Hang on, that doesn’t sound quite right. What I mean to say is, I like to constantly be in touch with my own body. Okay, that’s not right, either. My body is a wonderland. I don’t even know why I just said that.

What I’m trying to say is that as I’ve gotten older I’ve started to pay closer attention to my body and to my physical well-being. I think we all have to do that as we get older. We have to check ourselves out, literally, to make sure nothing has appeared or disappeared or grown or shrunk or tightened or loosened or sagged or ulcered or bulged or inflamed. I really hope you’re not eating.

Once we hit forty and fifty years old, our bodies go through a lot of changes. Even if we’re in really good shape (read: I have buns of steel) things start to slow down. Our

metabolism slows down, our reflexes slow down, sometimes we become slightly more forgetful. I don’t want to alarm anyone who isn’t there yet, but you should know that a day will come when you leave your keys in the freezer and try to start your car with a bagel. You should also know that studies have shown that after age fifty there is a 97

percent chance you will pull your groin while putting on a bathing suit. It’s a proven fact. You can do the research on your own time.

I actually pulled my groin once a few years ago. I don’t even know how I did it. All I know is when it happened I was right in the middle of auditioning for the Rockettes and it ruined everything. The problem with pulling your groin, besides pulling your groin, is that there isn’t a delicate way to treat it. Whenever I pull a muscle in my back, I get a massage to make it feel better. When you pull a muscle in your groinal region, it’s much trickier. You can’t ask a stranger to massage it. That’s why I had to ask my gardener to do it. And I’ll be honest—at first it was awkward. But then it was beautiful.

We have to take care of ourselves as we age and that includes getting procedures done that are invasive, uncomfortable, and at times what many would refer to as “third date territory.” One of those procedures is a colonoscopy. I had my first routine colonoscopy after I turned fifty. I’m sure you all know what it entails, but if you don’t I’ll explain it as best I can. Basically, a colonoscopy is a procedure where a camera starts downtown and travels uptown on the C train. In Los Angeles, they do it a little bit

differently. They attach cameras to teeny, tiny paparazzi who head up there and take 20

thousands of pictures of your colon that later end up on TMZ.

I didn’t know exactly what to expect when I went in for my colonoscopy. First of all, because of my work schedule, I had to get mine done on a Saturday. Luckily, there’s a little kiosk in the mall that does colonoscopies and ear piercing on the weekends.

The first thing I had to do when I got there was put on a gown. I think it was a Zac Posen. I don’t normally wear gowns, but this was a beautiful one—open in the back and

slightly off the shoulder. They made me take everything off except my socks. I guess they let you keep those on so that you don’t feel totally naked. As it turns out, even with socks on you still feel totally and completely naked. I don’t know what they’re thinking. Socks or no socks, all the important parts are still out and about.

After I was in my gown and socks, the doctor came in and greeted me. She was also wearing a gown so I tried to make a joke like, “Hey, isn’t it embarrassing that we’re

wearing the same gown?” She laughed but she was holding a needle at the time, so it suddenly felt like a scenefrom Misery. Right away she started to give me sleepy-time drugs. That’s the medical term. And all I remember after the sleepy-time drugs is saying, “I gotta get—” and that’s it. I was out for the rest of the procedure. When you wake up, it’s a little disorienting. You’re not sure where you are. Katie Couric is there with a film crew. It’s jarring. But it’s necessary and I’m glad I did it.

Another routine procedure that every woman needs to get is a mammogram. Now, the word “mammogram” makes it sound like it’s going to be a fun experience. You think a cute little grandma is going to show up at your door to sing you a happy birthday song or something. Unfortunately, that is not the case. A mammogram is less like a fun song and more like an industrial-strength Panini press.

The difference between a colonoscopy and a mammogram—well, there are a few differences obviously. One takes place above the equator and one takes place below it. But the other difference is that with a mammogram you are fully aware of what is going on. You don’t need any drugs to knock you out because it’s not a painful procedure.

It’s just uncomfortable and awkward, especially given the fact that you are standing face to face with the technician working the machine. At least, it’s awkward for me anyway because inevitably I have to make small talk. “Yep, I do dance a lot… No, not all the time… Well, I’m a big fan of your mom, so thank you, that’s nice to hear.”

I cannot believe they haven’t yet come up with a better screening process than the 21

mammogram. If a man had to put his special parts inside a clamp to test him for anything, I think they would come up with a new plan before the doctor finished saying, “Put that thing there so I can crush it.”

I’m getting away from my point. My point is, these tests are very important. And I don’t mind telling you all about my groin, my colon, and my breasts if it means helping you take care of yourself. I just thought of something else I could share with you. Would you like to hear about one of my moles? No. Okay. Moving on.


附录2 译文









别人在你眼前展示的东西,其实你并不知道它过去是什么样子,也永远不可能知道。 23






貌似五六十岁的人很羞于他们的年龄,等到了七八十岁时,他们又可以很骄傲的告 24











我来跟大家分享一下我妈妈的打包单,贝蒂所谓的物品裁员就是要求搬家公司把所有的东西都放在一个大箱子里面,还必须是一个封闭的箱子,然后这样方便搬进新房里, 26


1. 一个钢铁穿孔。

2. 一个单孔穿孔。

3. 一个VHS的磁带。

4. 一个未开封的VHS嘻哈ABS。

5. 一个口琴。

6. 还有一个口琴。

7. 还有另一个口琴。

8. 一个生锈的筛子。

9. 1953的滤器。

10. 饼干刀具。



许多人保存衣物只是为了某些回忆。他们说,“我舍不得丢掉这件夹克,在我第一次巡航时穿的就是它,我非常喜欢它。”你当然喜欢它,否则你就不会花钱去买它。但是,现在它不再适合你,那个垫肩会使你看起来像19xx年喜欢穿浅橙色衣服的运动员。 对此,我也表示很惭愧。因为我也保留着我第一次上约翰卡森时穿的衣服。但是现在,它只是我晚餐的一部分,我把它用做了桌布。现在的它污迹斑斑。

我们也总是担心丢掉的东西,不久的将来又会流行起来。即便是这样——我敢保证,以前的连衣裤——即便它非常的漂亮,只是与新流行的款式有一点点的不同,你还是会 27






我觉得每个人都该把那一瓶瓶不再用的乳液丢掉。我的意思是,我们每个人都不要做波西亚。或者可以想象一下,把所有半瓶的液体倒进一个巨大的罐子里面,闻起来像婴儿在橙子园里吃黄瓜一样,感觉并不怎么好。我很希望波西亚可以读到这篇文章。 我一直都认为,整理然后丢掉那些旧的报纸、旧麦片盒子和口琴是件很有必要的事情。就像吃了泻药一样是释放自己肠胃。另外你还可以卖一些东西丰收一笔钱。比如古董级别的滤器卖价仅低于3.5美元,我想我妈可以发财了。




我想说的是,随着年龄的增加,我开始非常注意我的身体和健康状况。我觉得那是我们成长过程中必做的一件事。我们必须检查自己的身体有什么变化,有什么出或消失,有什么增长或缩小,有什么肿胀或者发炎之类的。我真心希望大家没有出现这些。 人一旦到了四五十岁,身体就会有很大的变化。即使我们觉得自己很健康,但还是有很多方面都在下降。我们的新陈代谢减慢,反应速度变慢,甚至有时我们会变得很健忘。我并不是在警告还没有出现这些症状的人,只是大家应该知道,每个人都会有离开家时把钥匙忘在了冰箱上面,然后试着打开车厢的时候。你也应该知道,已有研究表明,在五十岁的人群中,有百分之九十七的人穿上泳衣后会出现腹股沟。这是一个已被证明的事实。当然你可以自己调查证明一下。




当我到那的第一件事是穿上了一个长袍子。我认为我像一个睡美人。通常我并不穿礼 29




很显而易见的是,结肠镜检查和乳房X光有很多不同。就好像一个发生在赤道,另一个发生在赤道的下面。乳房X光检查和结肠镜检查不一样的是,你完全知道检查是怎样进行的。而且还不需要药物来麻醉你,因为它根本就不痛苦,只是当你面对技术员操作着机器站着的时候会有些不舒服和尴尬。至少,对我来说是很尴尬的,因为我不得不告诉他:“是的,我经常跳舞,但不会总是跳。我还是你妈妈的超级粉丝,谢谢你聆听。” 我一直都不相信,还没有发明出一个比乳房X光检查更好的筛选过程。如果把男人的特殊零件在机器间来回测试,我想他们会在医生结束检查前做好一个决定,“把东西放那吧,以便我可以来粉碎它。”


