土地买卖合同范本 (1)


第一章 总则

第一条 本合同当事人双方:




第二条 出让人根据法律的授权出让土地使用权,出让土地的所有权属中华人民共和国。

第二章 出让土地的交付与出让金的缴纳

第三条 出让人出让给受让人的宗地位于________________________ ,出让宗地面积大写______________________平方米(小写_____________平方米)。土地用途为住宅用地。宗地四至及界址点座标见附件《出让宗地界址图》。

第四条 本合同项下出让宗地的用途为住宅与园田用地。

第五条 出让人同意在20xx年 月 日前将出让宗地交付给受让人。

第三章 现状土地条件。

第六条 本合同项下的土地使用权出让年期为永久,自出让方向受让方实际交付土地之日起算,原划拨土地使用权补办出让手续的,出让年期自合同签订之日起算。

第七条 本合同项下宗地的土地使用权出让金为人民币大写 元(小写: 元)。

第八条 本合同经双方签字后当日,受让人须向出让人缴付人民币大写 元(小写: 元)作为履行合同的定金。定金抵作土地使用权出让金。

第九条 受让人同意按照本条第_一_款的规定向出让人支付上述土地使用权出让金。

(一)本合同签订之日起 日内,一次性付清上述土地使用权出让金剩余部分, 元(小写: 元)。



第十条 本合同签订后_贰_日内,当事人双方应依附件《出让宗地界址图》所标示座标实地验明各界址点界桩。受让人应妥善保护土地界桩,不得擅自改动,界桩遭受破坏或移动时,受让人应立即向出让人提出,复界测量,恢复界桩。

第四章 不可抗力

第十一条 任何一方对由于不可抗力造成的部分或全部不能履行本合同不负责任,但应在条件允许下采取一切必要的补救措施以减少因不可抗力造成的损失。当事人迟延履行后发生不可抗力的,不能免除责任。

第十二条 遇有不可抗力的一方,应在24小时内将事件的情况以信件、电报、电传、传真等书面形式通知另一方,并且在事件发生后3日内,向另一方提交合同不能履行或部分不能履行或需要延期履行理由的报告。

第五章 违约责任


第十四条 出让人必须按照合同约定,按时提供出让土地。由于出让人未按时提供出让土地而致使受让人对本合同项下宗地占有延期的,每延期一日,出让人应当按受让人已经支付的土地使用权出让金的3‰向受让人给付违约金。出让人延期交付土地超过3个月的,受让人有权解除合同,出让人应当返还定金,并退还已经支付土地使用权出让金的其他部分,受让人并可请求出让人赔偿因违约造成的其他损失。

第十五条 出让人不能按合同约定将本出让土地使用权交给受让人,出让人在自有土地承包面积地内划拨大写 百平方米(小写 平方米)补偿给受让人,土地出让金按此合同约定款项支付,后续出让手续出让人必须协助受让人办理。

第六章 说明

第十五条 在缔结本合同时,出让人有义务解答受让人对于本合同所提出的问题。 第十六条 受让人方的开发建设应依法律、法规和规定办理有关手续。

第十七条 本协议未尽事宜,须经各方协商解决,并签订相应的补充协议,补充协议与本协议具有同等法律效力。

第十八条 本协议在执行过程中发生矛盾、争议,经协商无效时,提请法院裁决。

第七章 适用法律及争议解决

第十九条 本合同订立、效力、解释、履行及争议的解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。 第二十条 因履行本合同发生争议,由争议双方协商解决,协商不成的,按本条第一款规定的方式解决:



第八章 附则

第二十一条 本合同一式两份,具有同等法律效力,出让人、受让人以及中介人各执一份。

第二十二条 本合同的金额、面积等项应当同时以大、小写表示,大小写数额应当一致,不一致的,以大写为准。

第二十三条 本合同于 年___月___日签订。

第二十四条 本合同未尽事宜,可由双方约定后作为合同附件,与本合同具有同等法律效力。

出让人(章): 受让人(章):

出让人家属子女签字: 受让人家属子女签字:

住所: 住所:

(签字): (签字):

电话: 电话:














第二篇:1 购销合同范本

1 購銷合同

1.2 購銷合同的格式

(1) 格式合同的格式

Contract (Month), (Name of Company A), a (Name of Company B), a corporation organized and existing under (place) (hereafter called “B”).

WITNESSTH WHEREAS, A desires to export to B the goods as specified in Exhibit A hereof (hereafter called the “Goods”); and whereas, B desires to import the Goods from A;

Now, THEREFORE, A and B hereby agree as follows:

Article 1……


Article 20……

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective representatives on the date first above written. WITNESSED:


(2) 銷售確認書


Our Letters/ Cables/ Reference:

Your Letters/ Cables/ Reference:

Dear Sirs, the following goods on terms and conditions as set forth below:




Unit Price:

Total Value:

Date of Shipment:

Port of Loading and Destination:

Terms of Payment:

By confirmed and irrevocable L/C for full invoice value, available by draft at (country) until the 15th (fifteenth) day after date of shipment. The L/C is to reach the sellers not later



Mark & No.:



1. Shipping weight and quality is to be certified by and subject to the inspection certificate issued by (name of country) Commodity Inspection Bureau.

2. Delivery of 5% more or less than the total contract quantity shall be allowed and settled at the contract price.

3. All the terms contained in this S/C are to be deemed as final and the terms as well as wording to be specified in the L/C shall be strictly in conformity with those stipulated in this sales confirmation.

1.3 購銷合同的基本內容

(1) 開頭語

(date), (hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”) andreferred to as the “Buyer”) on the other hand.

(2) 買賣協定 kilograms of product. The product delivered under this Agreement shall conform to the standard specifications for the product adopted by Trade Association.

(3) 價格

1)The price shall be

2)The Seller shall have the right to increase the price of the goods specified in this contract at any time. If the Buyer refuses to accept the price increase specified by the Seller, the Buyer may cancel this Agreement. Unless this contract is so canceled, the increased price shall be charged for all goods shipped thereafter.

3)The price specified above is based on freight rates on the goods between the warehouse of the Buyer and the factory of the Seller. If such freight rates increase or decrease, the price specified shall be adjusted accordingly.

(4) 支付條款

1)Payment shall be made by net cash against sight draft with bill of lading attached showing the shipment of the goods. Such payment shall be made (place). The bill of lading shall not be delivered to the Buyer until such draft is paid.

2)an irrevocable letter of credit with a first class bank in compliance with the terms and conditions set forth in this contract.

3)Payment for the goods specified herein shall not mean an acceptance there of by the Buyer with regard to its quality. All goods shall be accepted only after the Buyer’s inspection.

4)dollar on the basis of The exchange rate between RMB and dollar shall be computed according to dollar telegraphic transfer buying rate quoted by the Bank of of the bill.

5)should be disbursed in the following manner.

a)40% of the total should be made during the signing of the Agreement. This payment should be used for mobilization.

b)A second installment payment of 30% should be made upon completion of 75% of the works to be executed.

c)A third installment payment should be made upon 100% completion.

6)Terms of payment shall be net cash in_______(place) exchange, due at the Seller’sdays from date of shipment. If, at any time before shipment, the financial responsibility of the Buyer becomes impaired or unsatisfactory to the Seller, in the Seller’s judgement, cash payment or satisfactory security may be required by the Seller before shipment.

7)The Purchaser agrees to pay to the Seller, and the Seller agrees to receive as payment the cash price of

8)(country) currency amount of any sum payable shall be determined on the basis of the official exchange rate.

9)(currency) by way of an irrevocable letter of credit against presentation by Contractor to the negotiating bank.

10)The entire sum remaining unpaid shall become immediately due and payable.

11)AAA shall pay to BBB as rental for the use of the ship per month payable the day of each month.

12)Payment shall be made by net cash against sight draft with bill of lading attached showing the shipment of the goods.
