

甲方(房 主):__________身份证号码:_______________联系电话:__________ 乙方(承租人):__________身份证号码:_______________联系电话:__________


一、甲方将自有的位于_______________ 出租给乙方作为生活住房使用。

二、租期___ 年,从______年___月___日起到______年___月___日为止收回房屋。

三、年租金为人民币 元整。租金每年交一次,以后乙方要续租的视周边市场行情,双方再商定房屋租金,并签订合同。




3、 房屋租赁期间所产生的电费及其它由乙方居住而产生的费用由乙方负担。租赁结束时,乙方须结清以上各项费用。附:电表底数___________。






甲方(签名):_______________ 乙方(签名):_______________

本协议签订于: 年 月 日 即日生效


第二篇:六 Microsoft Word 文档

Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains .


1射击;发射_____2石头_____3.虚弱的;无力的_____4.神;上帝_____5.提醒;使想起 _______


11.物体;物品______12.隐藏;隐蔽 ___13.尾巴_____14.有魔力的___15.棍;条 ______

16.使激动;使兴奋_______17.西方国家的___18. 从前______19.继姐妹 _____20.王子 _____

21.爱上;喜欢上_______22.适合_______23.夫妻___24.笑;微笑25.结婚 v____

26.结婚______27.金子;金币 _____28.国王 _____29.丝绸____30.内衣______31.没有人_____

32.愚蠢的______33.欺骗;蒙骗 v 骗子 n___ 34.继母 35.妻子36.丈夫


42.地;地面 43.带路;领路44.声音45.勇敢的;无畏的

二 .词组

1. 努力做某事_____2..... 一……就….... _______3. 从前______4.继续做某事________



13.代替;反而_____14.变成______15.结婚______16. 对……感兴趣______17. 整个家庭_____

18.能;会______19. 听见某人正在做_______20.在地上 _______21. 制定计划做某事_______

22. 把某人领到某地________23. 迷路________24. 足够做某事__________


1. So ________do you ______ _______ the story of Yu Gong?你觉得愚公的故事怎么样?

2. It doesn’t seem _____ ________to move a mountain.把一座山给移掉好像不太可能。

3. This is _______ he can ________72 changes to his______ ____ _______, turning himself into different animals and objects.这是因为他会根据他的形状和大小,做出72种变化,可以将自己变成不同的动物或东西。

4.Sometimes he can make the stick _____ _____ _____he can _______it in his ear.


5. Because they were _____big ______it ______a long time to walk to the other side.


6 .________eat it ________you get to the forest. 你们到达森林之后才能吃


( ) 1. Finally, a god was __by Yu Gong that he sent gods to take the mountains___.

A. moving; away B. moveable; off C. moved; away D. moved; off

( ) 2. In fact, he _______________ gets up very late.

A. sometime B. some time C. some times D. sometimes

( ) 3. _____________ bad people the Monkey King uses a magic stick.

A. To fight B. Fighting C. Fought D. Fights

( ) 4. Monkey King keeps fighting and never ____________ .

A. give out B. give off C. give up D. give away.

( ) 5. English TV program Monkey King was shown ____________ 1979.

A. in B. on C. at D. by

( ) 6. He is able to _________different animals and objects.

A. turn into B. turn himself into C. change into himself D. turn himself to

( ) 7. _________ her father died, the stepsisters made her do all the chores.

A. Unless B. As soon as C. So that D. While

( ) 8. Children all over the world _______________ the Monkey King!

A. loves B. love C. loving D. to love

( ) 9. Don’t eat _________you get to the forest.

A. before B. after C. when D. until

( )10. Listen, the bird __________ wonderfully outside.

A. sings B. is singing C. sing D. will sing

( ) 11. Once upon a time, an old man tried ______ the mountains.

A not move B not to move C moving D to move

( ) 12. I’ll phone you as soon as I ______.

A get to home B got to home C get home D got home

( )13. Wukong can make 72 changes ______ his shape and size.

A in B on C to D at

( )14. The writer’s new book will ______ next month.

A come in B come on C come out D come into

( )15. When water is heated, it will turn _____ water vapor (水蒸气).

A into B on C in D to


1. He tried ______ (climb) the mountain, but he failed.

2. Yu Gong kept ______ (try) and didn’t _____ (give) up.

3. But what could Yu Gong do instead of ______ (move) the mountains.

4. Do you find a good way _______ (solve) the problem?

5. My mother always tells me not to give up ______ (work) hard.

6. If you keep ______(practice) like that, you will win the race.

7. The new couple were so happy that they couldn’__ (smile) when they got married.

8. In the story, Hou Yi _____ (shoot) down nine suns.

9. Mary is a shy girl. She always ______ (hide) herself in her room.

10.Yu Gong said his family could continue____(move) the mountains after he died..

11. Nobody wanted _________ (sound) stupid.

12. This beautiful story is about a girl who _____ (be) poor but kind.

13. Two brothers came to the city _______ (make) special clothes for the emperor.

14. They were trying _______ (cheat) the emperor.

15. When he ______ (wake) up, his favorite TV show was on.

16..When the teacher came in, the students stopped 17. As soon as he saw me, he stopped (talk)to me.


Teacher: So what do you __________________ the story of Yu Gong?

Wang Ming: I think it’s really interesting. Yu Gong found a good _________ to solve his _____________.

Claudia: Really? I think it’s a little bit silly. It doesn’t seem very possible to ___________ a mountain.

Wang Ming: But the story is trying to show us that anything is possible ___________ you work hard! Yu Gong kept trying and didn’t give up.

Claudia: Well, I still don’t agree with you. I think we should try to find _________ ways to ___________ a problem.

Wang Ming: But what could Yu Gong do instead of ____________ the mountains? Claudia: Well, there are many other ways. For _______________ , he could build a road. That’s better and faster than moving a mountain!

Teacher: You have different _______________ about the story, and neither of you are wrong. There are many sides to a story and many ways to understand it.