
Bank Guarantee







This Guarantee (“Guarantee”) made on this ____day of _________, 2011, by _________ registered under the laws of _________ having its head office at _________ and a branch office at ________ _________, hereinafter referred to as the “BANK” (which expression shall unless it be contradict to the context or meaning thereof mean and include its successors and assigns)

本保函(“保函”)由_________银行制于20##年_________月____日,该银行依照印度尼西亚法律注册成立,银行总部位于_________及其________ _________分行,以下称作“银行”(除非与其语境和含义矛盾,否则该表述亦包括其继承者和指定人)。



_________ _________a company registered under the law of _________ with its registered office at  _________ _________ _________ _________, hereinafter referred to as the “BUYER” (which expression shall unless it be contradicted to the context or meaning thereof mean and include its successors and assigns).

_________ _________    该公司根依照_________法律注册,注册办公地点_________ _________ _________,以下称为“买方”(除非与其语境和含义矛盾,否则该表述亦包括其继承者和指定人)

WHEREAS the BUYER has entered into a contract ref: ________ _________ _________ dated  _________ _________, 20## for supply and purchase of imported steam coal (hereinafter referred to as the “Coal”) on the terms and conditions mentioned therein, (the “Contract”) with  _________ _________ _________, a company registered under the laws of  _________ and having its Registered Office at _____________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the "SELLER" which expression shall unless it be contradict to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors and assigns); AND WHEREAS it is a condition of the Contract that the SELLER shall provide a guarantee of a bank for a sum of US$  _________ (US Dollar _________ _________ Only) to the BUYER on or before ______________ to ensure the BUYER of the due and faithful performance of the entire Contract by the SELLER;

鉴于买方与依照_________法律注册的注册办公地点位于_____________________________的_________ _________ _________公司(以下简称“卖方”,除非与其语境和含义矛盾,否则该表述亦包括其继承者和指定人)于20##年_________月_________日, 签订了有关进口动力煤(以下称为“煤炭”)的采购与供应合同_______(以下称作“合同”),合同编号_________,遵照相关条款;并且合同中有规定,卖方应当在在20##年_________月_________日或之前向买方提供金额为US$  _________(_________美元整)的银行担保,以向买方确保卖方可以适当的并且忠实的履行整个合同;并且

AND WHEREAS the Bank under instructions from the SELLER has agreed to give in favor of the BUYER this Guarantee for payment of the said Guaranteed Amount on demand, without demur, as hereinafter appearing.




1.         The Bank hereby unconditionally and irrevocably and without any qualification whatsoever undertakes, agrees, covenants as primary obligator and not as surety merely, to make payment to the BUYER on its first written demand without any claim, objection, set-off, protest or demur whatsoever and without any recourse to the SELLER notwithstanding any intimation or direction to the contrary or any objection, such sum or sums of money amounting to US$  _________ (US Dollar  _________Only) for firm shipments at any time up to ______________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Term”).

银行在此无条件的、不可撤销的并且没有任何限制条件的保证、同意并且立约作为截止于______________(以下称为“保函期限”)的确定批次货物的金额达US$  _________(_________美元整)的上述款项或货币的首要义务人,但不是主要的担保人,在收到第一次的书面要求时就付款给买方,不加以任何要求、反对、抵消、抗议或异议,亦不向卖方进行追索,即使通知或说明任何的相反意见或异议。

This Guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of or by any reason of winding up of the SELLER or any merger, amalgamation or absorption of the SELLER with any other company or companies nor shall this Guarantee be prejudiced by any merger, amalgamation or absorption of BUYER Order for supply of imported coal of 50,000 metric ton ± 10% MT on FOB Mother Vessel basis with any company or companies but shall be available for and by the company formed as a result of merger, amalgamation and absorption.

本保函既不因宪法的变更或任何阻碍卖方或并购企业或卖方与其它公司合并等情况而受到影响,也不得由并购企业或买方按母船离岸价(FOB)与其它公司订购数量为50000公吨±10%进口煤等 原因而发生变化,仅限已经并购与合并的公司。

2.         The neglect or forbearance of the BUYER in enforcing any payment of the money intended to be secured hereof, or the giving of time by the BUYER to the SELLER for the payment under the Contract, shall in no way absolve the Bank from its liability hereunder.


3.         The demand shall consist only of an original letter issued by BUYER stating that the SELLER has failed to fulfill its obligations under the Contract. Such demand made by the BUYER on the Bank shall be conclusive and binding, notwithstanding any difference or dispute between the BUYER and the SELLER or any difference or dispute pending before any Court, Tribunal, Arbitrator or any other authority. Such demand may be made to the Bank or its branch in __________ Seoul, Korea whereupon the Bank shall immediately make such payment through the branch in ________  _________. The Bank shall have made all necessary arrangements for such payments to be made through its branch/bank correspondent in _________  _________.


4.         The Bank undertakes not to revoke this Guarantee during the Term, without the previous written consent of the BUYER and further agrees that this Guarantee herein contained shall continue to be enforceable during the period that would be taken by the SELLER for satisfactory performance and fulfillment of its obligations in all respects under the Contract. For this purpose, the Bank shall, extend the term of this Guarantee for further period(s) of six months at a time (“Extended Term(s)”) upon receipt of written request(s) from the SELLER on whose behalf this Guarantee is issued. The Bank covenants and declares that if the SELLER does not renew this Guarantee, at any time for further period(s) of six months at a time (“Extended Term(s)”), not less than thirty (30) days prior to the expiry of the Term or the Extended Term(s) as the case may be, so as to keep the same valid till the discharge by the SELLER of all its obligations under the Contract, then the entire amount under this Guarantee shall become forthwith due and payable upon the expiry of the Term or the Extended Term as the case may be and the Bank shall on its own, without any demand from the BUYER, during the Claim Period, without demur pay the full amount of this Guarantee to the BUYER.


5.         Nothing contained in the Contract nor any change, amendment in the terms and conditions contained therein nor the termination thereof shall release the Bank of its obligations under these presents.


6.         The Bank agrees that the BUYER, at its option, shall be entitled to enforce this Guarantee against the Bank as a principal debtor, in the first instance without proceeding against the SELLER and notwithstanding any security or other guarantee that the BUYER may have in relation to the SELLER's liabilities under the Contract.


Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Guarantee, the Bank hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waives any and all rights it may now or hereafter have under any agreement or at law or in equity, to assert any claim against or seek subrogation, contribution, indemnification or any other form of reimbursement from the BUYER for any payment made by the Bank under or in connection with this Guarantee.即便有异议或反对, 本保函下的银行不可撤销无条件的免除现在或今后持有的任何一种权利不论是源于衡平法、普通法或合同,本保函下或相关银行不应具有代位权、补偿权、免除权或其他任何形式的买方求偿权或让买方付款的权利。

7.         Notwithstanding anything stated to the contrary, the liability of the Bank, as herein contained, shall be irrevocable during the Term or Extended Terms, if any.即便有异议或反对,本协议所包含的银行职责,在有效期或延长期限内(若有的话)为不可撤销的。

8.         Unless a demand to enforce a claim under this Guarantee is made against the Bank within three (3) months from the expiry of the Term or the Extended Terms, if any, (“Claim Period”) all the rights of the BUYER under this Guarantee shall be forfeited and the Bank shall be released and discharged from all liabilities thereafter.除非在本保函有效期或延长期限(若有的话)到期三(3)个月内(索赔期)向银行提出索赔,否则解除本保函下买方的所有权利并豁免银行的所有责任。

9.         This Guarantee shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of  _________ (without regard to its principles of conflict of laws). The courts in  _________ alone shall have exclusive jurisdiction in relation hereto.本保函应接受_________法律的管辖并按之解释(排除其法律冲突的原则)。_________法院对其有独立审判权。

10.     The Bank hereby declares that it has power to issue this Guarantee and the undersigned have the full power to approve execution delivery and the performance of the Guarantee.银行在此声明其有权开立保函且签署方有权许可货物交付和履约保函的执行。

11.     This PERFORMANCE BOND is Transferable, and the Transfer Bank shall be The Issuing Bank.本保函为可转让的,转让行须为开证行。EDWARD

Date日期 _____________________

Place地点 ____________________                           Signature签名

Witness证明人 ____________________                          Printed Name打印的姓名


(Bank’s common seal银行公章)



履 约 保 函(参考格式)

编号: 致: (受益人)

鉴于:本保函的申请人 (以下简称“申请人”)与贵方于 年 月 日签订了编号为 的《 》或申请人收到 项目的《中标通知书》,即将与贵方签订 (以下均简称“基础合同”)。为了保证申请人充分履行其在基础合同项下的义务,应申请人的申请和指示,我行,即中国民生银行股份有限公司 (以下简称“本行”),兹出具以贵方为受益人的本履约保函,其性质为见索即付的独立担保函。本行于此无条件地、不可撤销地保证本行向贵方承担偿付总额最高不超过币种: 、金额: (此数额即为本保函的担保限额)的担保责任,并约定如下:

一、本行无条件地且不可撤销地承诺:一旦贵方向本行提交符合下列全部条件的索偿通知,本行将在收到该索偿通知后 个银行工作日内无条件地将贵方索偿的款项一次性付往贵方在该索偿通知中指定的贵方账户:(1)贵方在索偿通知中声明申请人未能完全适当地履行基础合同项下的义务及/或责任,并引述申请人所违反的基础合同条款原文;(2)索偿通知由贵方以书面信函(须注明作成日期并加盖贵方公章)方式出具,注明基础合同的编号(如有)和名称及本保函的编号。

二、索偿通知应在本保函的有效期内送达本行。索偿款项应以(币种) 计算并表示为确定不变的数额。在本保函的有效期内及担保限额内,贵方可以一次或分多次提出索偿,但贵方提出索偿的累计余额不得超过本保函的担保限额。本保函的担保限额根据本行向贵方履行的偿付金额而自动递减。

三、本保函项下已经签订基础合同的,自开立之日起生效,即将签订基础合同的,自签订基础合同之日起生效;至 年 月 日(该日为非银行营业日时则以该日之前的最后一个银行营业日为准)本行对公营业时间结束时有效期届满。贵方应于本保函有效期届满后三日内将本保函正本退回本行注销,但无论本保函正本是否被退回本行,在有效期届满时本保函即自动失效,对本行不再具有任何约束力。





中国民生银行股份有限公司 (盖章)



保函开立日期: 年 月 日
