

装 饰 工 程

项目名称: _ 项目编号: ______ ________________ 发 包 方: 承 包 方:___ ____ _______________________ 日 期: _________________________

施工项目承包合同 NO:SG004-W


乙方(承包方): 身份证号码:












2.4. 工程承包概况: 项目名称: 项目地点: 承包范围: 承包方式: 施工工期: 承包价款:¥ (RMB),人民币(大写) 。 双方工作: 甲方负责提供具体施工图及相关资料说明,提供施工中所涉及的水电等条件并说明其使用注意事项。 甲方指派_ _为驻工地代表,负责合同履行及工程监理。 甲方负责办理施工的报批报建手续。 本工程应施工需要,按工种和工作面对整个施工场所进行划分。乙方应确认工作范畴,对施工中出现的交接面进行妥善处理。如工种、工作面交接出现






2.9. 甲方组织的施工图纸或作法说明的现场交底乙方须参加,拟定施工方案并填写工程进度表,交甲方审定执行。 乙方指派___________为替补代表,负责合同履行。直至项目交付。 乙方不得以包工包料的方式再直接全部转包。 乙方应严格按图纸或说明进行施工,做好各项质量检查。 乙方须遵纪守法,并遵守国家或地方政府及有关部门对施工现场管理的规定,妥善保护好施工现场周围建筑,设备管线,古树名木不受损坏。做好施工


2.10. 乙方在施工过程中,要对成品和半成品做好保护工作,所需费用由乙方自理。在工程完工未交付甲方前,如造成成品和半成品的损坏,由乙方承担责任。

2.11. 施工人员的伙食费、临时住房房租及水电费用由乙方自行承担。







4.3. 工期约定: 乙方在施工过程中应严格遵守合同所列出施工工期进行施工,在保质、保量的基础上完成施工任务。 因乙方责任,不能按期开工或中途无故停工,影响工期,工期不顺延,所造成的损失由乙方全权承担。由于甲方或业主的原因,未按期开工,工期顺延。 关于工程质量和验收的约定: 本施工工程以甲方认同的施工及验收规范为质量评定验收标准。 本施工工程质量应达到国家质量评定合格标准。甲方要求部分或全部工程项目达到优良标准时,应向乙方进行交待说明。 工程施工过程中,每道工序完工,乙方都应报甲方验收,合格后方可进行下一道工序施工。当阶段性工程量完成自验时,应提前两天报甲方监理验收,











5.7. 施工质量参照国家验收规范的有关条款为依据,有未达标而发生扣款和返工的由乙方全权负责。 工程竣工后,乙方组织甲方与业主在约定的时间内参加竣工验收,验收合格后办理相关手续。 工程价款和结算的约定: 合同签订付工程款的30%,24小时内,乙方即须进场施工。 隐蔽工程经甲方及业主方验收合格三日内,给付合同价款的30%。 主体饰面工程经甲方及业主方验收合格三日内,给付合同价款的20%。 工程完工经甲方及业主方验收合格后,乙方送交相关结算资料;甲方自收到结算资料一个月内审核完毕,结算确认一个月内付至结算价款的95% 余款5%作为(一年期)工程质保金。 质保期结束十五日内,余款付清。 备注(可选):根据工程具体情况,在各阶段付款之前可增加工程量申报付款方式,但所付累计款项不得超过所属阶段付款金额的70%,否则,甲方有





6.3. 材料供应的约定: 本工程由甲方提供的材料、设备均由乙方验收、保管,甲方不承担任何责任与义务。 本工程由甲方指定使用的材料、设备乙方应严格遵守,否则由此产生的一切费用及后果均由乙方承担,并“假一罚十”。 本工程由甲方指定使用的主材,乙方须履行代购义务:即甲方指定品牌、型号、单价,乙方负责采购联络,款项由甲方与供应商结算;数量根据完工实



7. 本工程乙方采购的材料进场,经甲方监理与业主验收确认后,方可使用,如擅自使用出现质量问题,一切责任由乙方自负。 安全和防火的约定:

第 2 页/共 3 页


7.2. 甲乙双方须签定安全协议,明确责任。 乙方在施工期间应严格遵守《建筑安装工程安全技术规程》、《建筑安装工人安全操作规程》、《中华人民共和国消防条例》和其它相关的法规、规范。如


7.3. 乙方承担由于自身安全措施不力造成的乙方人员、甲方人员及第三方人员伤亡事故的责任和因此发生的费用,由此造成的工期不予顺延,乙方自行承担







8.4. 乙方所在工程项目场地,须遵纪守法及遵循业主及物业的各项规章制度,否则后果自负。 奖励和违约责任: 施工工期逾期,依据甲方与业主之协约罚金由乙方承担,乙方每日按合同款的1%向甲方支付公司形象补偿金。 乙方按照甲方要求,全部或部分工程达到优良标准时,甲方视具体情况支付乙方奖金。 乙方妥善保护甲方提供的设备及现场堆放的家具、陈设和工程成品,如造成损失,应照价赔偿。 未经甲方同意,乙方擅自拆改原建筑物结构或设备管线,由此发生的损失或事故(包括罚款),乙方承担损失。甲方有权追究经济补偿,并处以乙方全




8.7. 双方本着真实、诚信的原则,乙方如在请款及工程量等方面虚报数量。甲方有权以虚报数量1-5倍扣罚,乙方不得异议并对此放弃诉讼权。 如甲方发现乙方转包项目(见2.7)甲方有权解除此合同,乙方承担由此造成的一切损失。 施工中增减项目需经甲方确认签证。增减项目在甲方与业主结算后才与乙方结算,乙方不得私自与业主结算,如若发现此情况则此工程与乙方所结款项



8.9. 甲方约时通知乙方负责人到场,若不到场并推脱理由的,每出现一次此情况扣除乙方合同款1%罚款甲方以书面处罚乙方,并在工程竣工后结算。 乙方须及时反映业主在施工过程中的要求,通过甲方公司途径落实履行,不得擅自作主,否则后果自负。

8.10. 乙方及乙方现场施工工人应与业主方处理好关系,不得与业主发生争执及顶撞,因此造成的后果自负,增加甲方的管理难度的,甲方将予以警告、罚款


8.11. 甲乙双方须恪守合同内容机密不向第三方泄露,如一方因此行为造成的后果及项目操作难度,责任自负,且另一方具有损失索赔的权力。

8.12. 如乙方施工人员在施工过程中擅自对业主散布有损甲方公司利益及形象的言论或行为,公司将对项目经理给予500-1000元一次的经济处罚。

8.13. 保修期间质量如出现问题,乙方必须在接到通知24小时内到场维修直至业主满意;尤其公共营业场所之类项目如有质量问题乙方必须在甲方约定的时


8.14. 乙方在施工及保修期内私自承接该项目的衍生项目、追加项目,甲方按照工程保修金金额对乙方予以处罚并有权解除此合同。

8.15. 因一方原因合同无法继续履行时,应通知对方,办理合同终止协议,责任方赔偿对方由此造成的经济损失。






9.5. 附则: 本合同在履行期间,双方发生争议时,在不影响进度的前提下,双方采取协商解决或请有关部门进行调解。 当事人不愿通过协商、调解解决或协调不成时,双方同意由仲裁委员会仲裁(当事人不在本合同约定仲裁协议范围的,可向人民法院起诉)。 本合同一式二份,双方各执一份。需双方签字为依据,即予生效,赋法律效应。 本合同履行完成后自动终止。 附件:

a、 施工图或作法说明

b、 项目清单(仅作用材标准及施工过程中增减变更之单价依据,数量仅供参考)

c、 《施工进度表》

d、 乙方相关证件

甲方(盖章): 乙方:

代表: 代表:

日期: 日期:

第 3 页/共 3 页



Renovation contract

Client (Party A): to undertake (Party B):

A and B sides through friendly negotiation and consultation, decided to entrust Party B to room decor.To ensure that works smoothly, according to relevant state law, hereby enter into this contract (including the annex to the contract and all supplementary contract), so mutual respect.

Articlei: Project Overview

1. Project Address:

2. Room size: chamber layer (type) Room Hall Kitchen

1, room, total square meters;

2, Hall, total square meters;

3, kitchen, total square meters;

4, bathrooms, total square meters;

5, balcony, total square meters;

6, aisle, total square meters;

7, Other (specify site), total square meters.

Total: square meters of construction area.

3. Construction content: See budget book and working drawings.

4. Commissioned by:

5. Project start date: Date

6. Project completion date: Day Month Year

The total number of days: days

Article II: the contract price

The contract price (the amount of capital) element, is shown in Appendix (b) "budget book."

1, the material shall yuan; 2 per person labor charge;

3, the design fee element; 4, the construction of freight per Qing;

5, unloading fees yuan; 6, management fees yuan;

7, other costs (specify content) dollars.

Article: Quality requirements

1. Engineering the main material used varieties, specifications, name, and by mutual recognition.Shown in Appendix (c) "final list of engineering materials."

2. Construction, special construction projects, if any party or special quality requirements, both sides should recognize the increased costs, shall also sign a supplementary contract.

3. Quality inspection and supervision departments: Foshan City, home decorating interior decoration trade association of professional committees.

4. Where the Party their own procurement of materials, equipment, product quality by own party; by the party responsible for construction quality.

5. Party, such as self-employed project management, shall inform Party B before the start of the project in order to facilitate the work of convergence.

Article IV: Material Supply

1. Party B shall strictly follow the state regulations on the price of materials used in this contract shall be implemented in the marked price.See budget book.Materials provided by Party A under this Contract are used in decorating projects, non-consent of Party A shall not be used for other purposes.If Party B for other purposes, diversion of the material should be double the price of compensation to the owner.

2. B provides the materials, equipment do not meet quality requirements, or specifications are different, should be prohibited.Who has used the project is responsible for damage caused by B.

3. Party is responsible for procurement and supply of materials, equipment, should be qualified products meet the design requirements and should be at the supply to the scene.Such as the extension to reach the construction be delayed, according to the delay period penalties.Materials provided by Party 10% of the total amount of management fees paid to the Party.Material after acceptance by Party B, Party B responsible for the custody, due to losses caused by improper storage by the Party responsible for compensation. Article V: Payment

1. Contract has been signed by Party B, after entering 35% for projects that meet; when the duration of the progress of more than half (year, month day), the Party that is second to pay 30% for projects.Workers Party on demand after the project Jun 30% for projects, hospitality projects 5% of the balance due on completion of the project acceptance Party within one week after settlement.(Note: Party A Party B within three days of acceptance notification) Party A shall be the date of payment is a breach of non-payment, B has the right to stop construction.Acceptance of the outstanding value of the project shall not be delivered.

2. Engineering construction project change or need any changes in Appendix (b) "home decoration works projects to change the table", the two sides should sign a supplementary contract issued by the party responsible for construction change orders, construction noticeSite Leader.Increase and decrease the price, paid before the next payment period.

3. Party fails to advance construction of the contract price of the prescribed time limit, for each overdue day of unpaid work by the amount of 1% of the price paid to the party.

Article VI: construction period

1. If the reason for delay in completion of Party B, a daily fee of 1% working penalty fines will be paid until the labor costs deducted last.If the reason for delay in completion of Party A, for each delayed day to decoration works price of 1% in labor costs as the loss of working time paid to the B element.

2. By a party of their choice in materials, equipment, due to inferior quality and impact of project quality and schedule, the rework cost borne by the Party, the party caused the quality of the construction accident, Party B shall bear the cost of rework, time does notchange.

3. In the construction, due to quality problems, caused by the two sides disagree suspension, are not punished by loss of working time or delay period, both sides should take the initiative to mediation or arbitration requested the departments concerned sectoral coordination, processing, resolving disputes as soon as possible to continue with the work.

4. Construction of the reasons, if requested by Party rework, or because of delays in the content of party change the construction schedule, the required visa, Party A shall bear all construction costs, such as rework caused by Party B, Party Bassume responsibility for the same period.

5. Construction, Party B agrees not to privately inform the content of construction workers caused by unauthorized changes to the quality of the construction problems and delays in schedule, Party A self-responsibility. Article VII: Project Acceptance

1. Project quality inspection, in addition to concealed work to be sub-inspection, the be all projects after completion and acceptance, Party B organizations.The two sides settled for engineering and transfer procedures.

2. Notice to Party B and the final acceptance inspection process, the party should come to acceptance within three days overdue to give up rights as a Party and as acceptance, if the problem, the Party own responsibility.Party moved into their own to stay, as acceptance.

3. If Party B can not come to acceptance within the time specified, shall promptly notify the Party, set a date.However, the employer shall recognize the process or project completion date.

Article VIII: Other Matters

1. Party

1, must be provided by the property management department approved floor plan and water, electricity, gas line diagram, or by the Party plans to provide housing, water, electricity, gas and road map to the B-site disclosure.

2, the second decoration, should be vacated or partly vacated all the houses, clear the impact of the construction of the barrier.Only some of the houses vacated by the retention of the furniture, furnishings, etc., shall take the necessary protective measures are required to complete the formalities with Party B, and bear the cost.

3, if they really need to demolition, change of the original building structure or equipment, pipelines, local housing authorities should complete the formalities and bear the costs.For the construction of the temporary use of public position, lay the neighborhood should call.

2. B

1. Assign (name )__________ the representative for the B site is responsible for contract performance, according to the construction contract requires the organization, quality and quantity on schedule to complete the construction tasks.

3. Responsible for the safety of the construction site to prevent fire, wear certificates for employment, civil construction, and to prevent blockage caused

by construction of the pipeline, leakage of water, power outages, damage items such as accident and influence others.In case, must be responsible for repair or compensation as quickly as possible.

4. Strictly perform the contract, the implementation of credit period.

5. In the construction and decoration within the warranty assumes liability, warranty and acceptance into the Party since the completion date of compliance for 12 months.

Article IX: breach of contract

Contract after the commencement of the contract period of performance, the unauthorized party to terminate the contract shall be 5% of the total contract amount as liquidated damages paid to each other.Due to unauthorized termination of the contract, the actual loss caused by the other party more than the damages, should be compensated.

Article: Dispute Resolution

1, the performance of the contract, the two sides, such as a dispute, without prejudice to the premise of progress, both sides should be resolved through consultation.Or by this contract and the receipt issued by Party B to the Association of Foshan City, home decorating interior decoration Committee of complaints for a solution.

2, the parties do not want to through consultation, mediation, or negotiation, mediation can not be reached, in accordance with this contract to - the arbitration committee for arbitration; - the people's court proceedings. Article XI: change and termination of contracts

1. After the commencement of the contract signed by both parties, both parties must be strictly adhered to.Either need to change the contract, should be agreed by both parties re-entered into a supplemental agreement.To terminate the contract, the party proposed to terminate the contract in writing, shall be 10% of the total contract price of the delivery of liquidated damages, and procedures for termination of the contract.

2. The construction process to terminate the contract by either party is required to the other party in writing, by mutual agreement procedures for liquidation, termination of contractual agreements entered into after the video-based Contract.

Article XII: Contract commencement

1. Annex to this contract and the contract sealed by both parties, signed into effect.

2. Supplementary contract and the contract has the same legal effect.

3. This contract (including the Appendices hereto, supplementary contract) in copies, each Party counterpart.

Party A (the owner): (signature) Party B: (signature)

Primary Address: Address: Zip Code: Postal Code:

Company: Legal representative:

Agent: Agent: Phone: Phone: Agency Address: Date:
