
建 筑 装 饰 工 程 施 工 合 同

工 程 名 称: 建 设 单 位: 施 工 单 位: 签 订 日 期:




建 筑 装 饰 工 程 施 工 合 同




第1条 工程概况

1.1 工程名称:

1.2 工程地点:

1.3 承包范围:

1.4 承包方式:

1. 5 工期:本工程自 年 月 日开工,于 年 月 竣工。

1.6 工程质量: 合格

1.7 合同价款(人民币大写): (预算清单作为合同附件)

第2条 甲方工作

2.1 开工前3天,全部腾空或部分腾空房屋,清除影响施工的障碍物。对只能部分腾空的房屋中所滞留的家具、陈设等采取保护措施。向乙方提供施工所需的水、电,并说明使用注意事项。

2.2 指派 为甲方驻工地代表,负责合同履行。对工程质量、进度进行督检查,办理验收、变更、登记手续和其他事宜。

2.3 负责保护好周围建筑物及装修、设备管线等不受损坏,并承担相应费用。

2.4 如确实需要拆改原建筑物结构或设备管线,负责到有关部门办理相应审批手 2


第3条 乙方工作

3.2 指派 为乙方驻工地代表,电话 负责合同履行。按要求组织施工,保质、保量、按期完成施工任务,解决由乙方负责的各项事宜。

3.3 严格执行施工规范、安全操作规程、防火安全规定、环境保护规定。严格按照图纸或作法说明进行施工,做好各项质量检查记录。参加竣工验收,编制工程结算。

3.4 遵守国家或地方政府及有关部门对施工现场管理的规定,妥善保护好施工现场周围建筑物、设备管线不受损坏。做好施工现场保卫和垃圾消纳等工作。

3.5 施工中未经甲方同意或有关部门批准,不得随意拆改原建筑物结构及各种设备管线。

3.6 工程竣工未移交甲方之前,负责对现场的一切设施和工程成品进行保护。

第4条 关于工期的约定

4.1 甲方要求比合同约定的工期提前竣工时,应征得乙方同意。

4.2 非因甲方责任,不能按期开工或中途无故停工,影响工期,工期不顺延。

4.3 因设计变更或非乙方原因造成的停电、停水及不可抗力因素影响,导致停工8小时以上(一周内累计计算),工期相应顺延。

第5条 关于工程质量及验收的约定

5.1 本工程以施工图纸、作法说明、设计变更和《建筑装饰工程施工及验收规范》(JGJ73—91)、《建筑安装工程质量检验评定统一标准》(GBJ300—88)等国家制定的施工及验收规范为质量评定验收标准。

5.2 隐蔽工程验收:



(3)无论甲方代表是否参加验收,当提出对已经验收的隐蔽工程重新检验的要 3




5.3 本工程质量应达到国家质量评定合格标准。

5.4 工程竣工后,乙方书面报告申请通知甲方验收,甲方自接到验收报告5日内



第6条 关于工程价款结算及付款方式的约定

6.1 双方商定本合同价款:

(1)暂定价格: (见预算)



(3),付款方式:自合同签订之日起 天内(材料进场)付款 %,中

期付款分批支付,每 天付款一次,支付总工程量的 %,工程完工付至 %,竣工

验收合格后付至 %,质保期为一年,一年期满后 一次性结清。

6.2 工程完工后,乙方提出工程结算并将有关资料送交甲方。甲方自接到上述资料 天内审查完毕,到期未提出异议,视为同意,并结清工程款。

第7条 有关质保期内的维修约定



7.2 保修期限:从交付之日起计算,装饰工程保修期限为贰年。防水工程保修期为伍









B 乙方采购的材料到场,乙方需将材料检验报告、合格证、环保证明文件(一份




第8条 有关安全生产和防火的约定

8.1 乙方在施工期间应严格遵守《建筑安装工程安全技术规程》、《建筑安装工人安全操作规程》、《中华人民共和国消防条例》和其它相关的法规、规范。


8.3 由于乙方在施工生产过程中违反有关安全操作规程、消防条例,导致发生安全或火灾事故,乙方应承担由此引发的一切经济损失。

第9条 争议或纠纷处理

9.1 本合同在履行期间,双方发生争议时,在不影响工程进度的前提下,双方可采取协商解决或请有关部门进行调解。

第10条 合同生效与终止

10.1 本合同签订前,甲、乙双方就本工程的有关约定事项,未经本合同确认的,一律无效。

10.2 本合同签订后,有关合同条款的变更应订书面补充协议,并报原审查、鉴证单位备案后生效。


第11条 合同份数



第12条 其它约定

因现有施工图部分节点及材质不明确, 故所有工程量以清单单价为准,本工程灯具只包


合同订立时间: 合同签订地点: 发包方(章) 地址: 法定代表人: 委托代表人: 电话:

年 月


日 承包方(章) 地址: 法定代表人: 委任代表人: 电话:



建筑装饰工程施工委托合同 B004

Contract On the Commission of Architectural Decoration Work



Employer (Party A):


Contractor (Party B):


Whereas, Party A, through amicable consultations between the two parties hereto, decided to commission Party B to execute the Decoration Works, and in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the Work, this Contract, including the Appendices hereof as well as all supplementary Contracts hereafter, is herein made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B in accordance with the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China and other relevant laws for mutual compliance.


Article 1 General of the Work

一、 工程名称: ACXIOM办公室内装饰工程 I.

Name of the Work:ACXIOM Renovation project 工程地址: Address of the Work: No.65 Yan’an Road West, Shanghai city 工程性质: Nature of the Work: Construction

二、 工程内容:详见《建筑装饰工程预算书》和甲方签字确认的建筑装饰工程设计施工图纸。

II. Extent of the Work: For details, please see the Budget Statement for 1

the Architectural Decoration Work as well as the design and construction drawings for the architectural decoration work that have been confirmed by Party A with the signature thereof.

三、 委托方式: △乙方包工包料 △甲方供料

III. Means of Commission:

△ Party B Contracting for Labor and Materials

△ Party A Supplying Materials

四、 工程工期:

IV. Time for Completion of the Work:

1、 开工日期:年月日


2、 竣工日期:年月日

2. Completion Date: 第二条:工程价款和结算方式

Article 2 Contract Value and Means of Payment

一、 工程价款(人民币):万仟元整(¥ )。

I. Contract Value (RMB): (RMB )

二、 付款方式:

II. Means of Payment:

1、 合同一经签订,甲方应在 年 月 日前向乙方支付首期付款 元;

1. Party A shall make the first 15.10% payment of RMB before of the total Contract Value hereof upon the signature of this Contract.

2、 工程施工至 年 月 日,再付款元;

2. Party A shall make the second 25.18% payment of RMB ,before of the total Contract Value .

3、 工程施工至,再付款

3. Party Shall make the third 40.29% payment of RMB 2

of the total Contract Value hereof .

4、 工程全部竣工,当甲方验收合格后,双方应根据双方签订的《项目变更表》进行结算最终金额,其中双方同意保留人民币 元12个月(以验收合格单日期为准)作为售后保修金。但乙方未能及时有效的向甲方提供售后保修时,甲方有权扣除该保修金委托独立的第三方进行维修。如保修金不够支付维修时,乙方应向甲方支付不足的维修金部份,延后维修造成甲方损失的,乙方应承担相应责任。;

4. Upon completion of the project, both parties agrees to settle the balance based on the signed “amendment form” shall be kept for 12 months by Party A as repair fee guarantee from the date of signing “project completion from”. Should Party B fails to perform repairs in time, Party A has right to ask a third party to repair and deduct the fee from the RMB . Should RMB not sufficient to cover the repairs, Party A should have right to go after Party B..


Note: Regarding the increased or decreased work items, a Work Item Variation Table shall be signed by both parties. Such form will be used for the final settlement .

5、 双方也可以协商其他付款方式。

5. Both Parties may consult with each other to choose other payment methods.


In case Party A fails to make the payment due by the specified date, it shall be deemed as Party A’s default. Provided that, Party B shall be entitled to suspend the Work. .

6、 甲方未按合同规定日期付款超过5天,每逾期一天按未付工程价款额 的 0.5 %支付给乙方。

6. In case of failure to make the payment due in accordance with the date 3

prescribed in the Contract and if such overdue payment period exceeds five (5) days, Party A shall pay Party B a penalty at the rate of per cent of the outstanding contract value for every over payment day.


Article 3 Quality of the Work

一、 工程使用主要材料的品种、规格、名称,须经双方认可。详见本合同附件(二)《建筑装饰工程预算书》。

I. The types, specifications names of the main materials used in the Work shall be mutually agreed. See Appendix II of this Contract, Budget Statement for the Architectural Decoration Work for details.

二、 工程验收标准:

II. Standards for the Acceptance of the Work


(1) Sector Standards of the People’s Republic of China QB1838-93: Code for the Quality of Architectural Decoration Works


(2) Enterprise Standards of Shanghai City Q/YQAQ1-1997: Shanghai City Standards for the Construction and Acceptance of Decoration Works


(3) Code for the Control of Indoor Environmental Pollution in Civil Building Works

三、 施工中,甲方如有特殊施工项目或特殊质量要求,双方应确认,由此增加的费用,应另签订补充合同。

III. During construction, if Party A designates any special work item or prescribes any special quality requests, both parties shall mutually agree. Any fees incurred therein shall be defined separately in supplementary contracts.

四、 工程质量检测监督部门:上海市建筑装饰质量监督检验站。因质量问题的调解费用及因此造成的损失,由责任一方承担。

IV. Work Quality Inspection and Supervision Authority: Shanghai Architectural Decoration Quality Supervision and Inspection Station. Any cost 4

incurred from the settlement of quality disputes and any losses incurred therein shall be borne by the default party.

五、 委托工程监理

V. Entrusted Supervisor in the Project


(1) Party A shall engage the project supervisor, with whom, Party A shall conclude the Project Supervision Contract. And the name of the Project Supervisor and the responsibilities thereof shall be clearly defined in the terms of this Contract.


(2) Party A shall inform Party B of the Project Supervisor prior to the commencement of the work so as to facilitate the communications of the Supervisor with Party B

六、 凡由甲方自行采购的材料、产品、设备、须在本合同中明确注明,并应符合质量标准。质量由甲方自负;施工质量由乙方负责。

VI. Any materials, products and equipment purchased by Party A shall be clearly noted in this Contract and the quality thereof shall be conforming to the quality standards. Party A shall be liable for any quality problems of such materials, products and equipment, while Party B shall be responsible for any quality of the construction works.


Article 4 Supply of Materials

一、 乙方须严格按照国家《物价法》有关价格条例规定,对合同中所用材料、产品、设备一律实行明码标价,明码的价格为本结算最终价格,不受市场价格波动的影响。详见本合同附件(二)《建筑装饰工程预、决算书》。

I. Party B shall provide clearly marked prices, strictly in accordance with relevant pricing provisions in the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Material Prices, for all the materials, products and equipment used in this Work. Such clearly marked prices provided by Party B shall be deemed as 5

the final price for the settlement under this Contract and shall not be affected by the fluctuation of market prices. See Appendix II of this Contract, Budget Statement for the Architectural Decoration Work for details.

二、 无论是甲方或乙方提供的材料,必须经双方共同验收合格后方可进入工地,并且封存样品或样本,作为材料供应和竣工验收的实物标准。甲方或设计单位指定的材料品种,由指定者提供式样、色调和规格的样品或样本。

II. All the materials supplied either by Party A or by Party B shall pass the inspection for acceptance jointly conducted by the two parties hereof prior to the delivery of such materials onto the jobsite. And the samples or specimens taken there from shall be sealed and stored as the actual standards for the supply of materials ad for the acceptance of the Work upon completion. In regard to the materials designated by Party A or by the Design Institute, the designator shall provide samples or specimens with relevant patterns, colors and specifications.

三、 甲方负责采购供应的材料、产品、设备,应该是符合设计要求的合格产品,并应按时供应到现场。如延期到达,施工期顺延,并按误工期处罚。

III. The materials, products and equipment procured by Party A shall be the conforming products meeting the design requirements and shall be delivered to the jobsite on a timely basis. In case of delay delivery, the Time for Completion shall be extended accordingly and relevant penalty shall be executed on the basis of the delayed working time.

四、 甲方提供的材料由乙方安装的,应按材料合计金额的10%作为管理费支付给对方。材料经乙方验收发现不符合质量要求,要及时与甲方联系,验收后由乙方负责保管,由于保管不当而造成损失,由乙方负责赔偿。甲方提供的外包设备及材料,不属乙方安装范围的,乙方在现场施工时应该注意不得损坏,非乙方原因造成的损失,乙方不负有赔偿责任。

IV. Party A shall make a payment of ten percent (10%) of the sum of the materials supplied by Party A but installed by Party B as the overheads. In the event that any material is detected to be nonconforming through inspection for acceptance, Party B shall inform Party A in a timely manner. 6

The accepted materials after such inspection shall be under the custody of Party B. Any loss incurred from the improper custody, Party B shall be responsible for indemnification. Party B is not responsible for any materials in the construction site, which owned by Party A, but not installed by Party B, nor damaged by Party B.

五、 乙方提供的材料、产品、设备应符合行业相关要求和国家规定,不符合质量要求,或规格有差异,应禁止使用。如已使用,对工程造成的损失远均由乙方负责。

V. The materials, products and equipment provided by Party B shall be in accordance with the industrial standards and Chinese laws and regulations. In case of nonconformity thereof, or differences in specifications thereof, such materials, products and equipment shall not be used. If they have been used in the Work, any loss incurred therein shall be fully borne by Party B.

六、 甲方所提供的材料均应用于本合同规定工程,非经甲方同意,不得挪作他用。乙方如挪作他用,应按挪用材料的双倍价款补偿给甲方。

VI. All the materials provided by Party A shall be used in the Work defined in this Contract and shall not be used for any other purposes without the consent of Party B. In case that Party B uses such materials for other purpose, an indemnification by doubling the prices of the so used materials shall be payable to Party A.


Article 5 Time for Completion

一、 乙方应在协议约定的日期,将工程进度计划提供给甲方。乙方必须按甲方签字同意的进度计划组织施工,接受甲方对工程进度的检查、监督。

I. Party B shall submit the Programmed for the Work to Party A on the date agreed in the Contract. And Party B shall organize its works in accordance with the Programmed approved by Party A with the signatures thereof and shall accept the inspection and supervision of Party A on the progress of the Work.

二、 如果因乙方原因而延迟完工,每延迟一天,按 1,500 元/天作为违约金扣除甲方工程价款;如果因甲方原因而延迟完工,每延迟一天,按 /天作为误工费支付给乙方,当设计或施工项目有变更需延期工天的,双方应签署《项目变更表》并明确延期工天;违约金总额不超过人工费总额。

II. In case the completion of the Work is delayed due to the default of Party B, a penalty at the rate of Yuan for each day delayed shall be deducted directly from the final payment. In case such delay is caused by Party A, a penalty at the rate of Yuan for each day delayed shall be payable to Party B as the charges for the loss of working time incurred therein. Should additional working days are needed, a form must be signed and agreed by both parties. Under all circumstances, the amount of the penalty shall not exceed the sum of labor costs.


The following events shall not be deemed as the causes of the delay made by Party B:

1、 设计变更和工程量变化;

1. Variation of design and change of the work quantity;

2、 工程款未按时交付;

2. Failure to make the Contract payment as scheduled;

3、 不可抗力;

3. Force Majeure;

4、 其他非乙方原因造成的停工;

4. Other suspension of the Work not caused by Party B

三、 由甲方自行挑选材料、产品、设备,因质量不合格而影响工程质量和工期,其返工费由甲方承担,工期顺延。由乙方施工原因造成质量事故,其返工费用由乙方承担,工期不变。

III. In the event that the quality and time for completion of the Work is affected by the nonconforming quality of the materials, products and equipment selected by Party A, any cost for such re-work incurred therein 8

shall be borne by Party A and the Time for Completion shall be extended accordingly. In the event that any quality accident is caused due to the construction works of Party B, any cost for such re-work incurred therein shall be borne by Party B and the Time for Completion shall not be changed.

四、 暂停施工:

IV. Suspension of Work

1、 甲乙双方在执行合同过程中发生矛盾而停工,双方必须在一周内制定解决方案,确定复工时间,如最终责任不属于乙方,均不按违约或延迟工期论处。

1. In case the construction work is suspended resulting from any disputes between Party A and Party B encountered during the implementation of this Contract, both parties shall work out solutions within one week and define the time for restarting to work. Provided that, the final liabilities are not on the side of Party B, no penalty either from breach of contract or from delay of the Time for Completion shall be applied.

2、 甲方在确有必要时,可要求乙方暂停施工,并在提出要求后48小时内拿出处理意见。乙方应按甲方要求停止施工,并妥善保护已完工程。乙方实施甲方处理意见后,可提出复工要求,甲方应及时给予答复,由甲方承担损失和费用,相应顺延工期。停工责任在乙方,由乙方承担发生的费用。因甲方不及时作答复,施工无法进行,乙方可认为甲方部分或全部取消合同,由甲方承担违约责任。

2. If considering necessary, Party A may request Party B to suspend the Work and shall work out a proposal for treatment within forty-eight (48) hours after raising such requests. Party B shall suspend its work as requested by Party A and shall give its proper protection to the completed works. After implementing the proposal for treatment given by Party A, Party B may request to restart the work. Provided that, Party A shall give timely reply and the loss and cost incurred therein shall be borne by Party A with the Time for Completion extended accordingly. If the liabilities for such suspension of work lie in Party B, Party B shall bear relevant fees incurred therein. In case 9

Party A fails to give timely reply, leading to the impossibility to further construction, Party B may deem that Party A partially or wholly cancel the Contract. Provided that, Party A shall bear the liabilities for breach of the Contract.

五、 施工中如因甲方原因要求重新返工的,或因甲方更改施工内容而延误工期的,均需签证,甲方须承担全部施工费用。如因乙方的原因造成返工,由乙方承担责任,工期不变。

V. In the event that any item of the Work needs re-working due to the default of Party A, or the Time for Completion is delayed due to the change to the extent of the construction work made by Party A, all such events shall be endorsed and Party A shall be fully responsible for all the construction fees incurred therein. If such re-working is caused by Party B, Party B shall bear the liabilities without any change to the Time for Completion.

六、 施工中,甲方未经乙方同意,私自通知施工人员擅自更改施工内容所引起的质量问题和延误工期,甲方自负责任。

VI. During the execution of the Work, Party A shall be responsible for any quality problems and delay of the Time for Completion incurred from any instructions of Party A to the workers to change the extent of the Work without the consent of Party B.

第六条: 工程验收

Article 6 Acceptance of the Work

一、 隐蔽工程的质量验收;

I. Quality Inspection for Acceptance of the Buried/Embedded Works

1、 隐蔽工程验收范围指;(1)电器线路(分照明电、动力电、弱电线路)和电线保护装置;(2)水管(分冷水管、热水管);(3)家用中央空调(风管);


1. The scope of buried/embedded works subject to inspection for acceptance: (1) Electric circuitry (including lighting electricity lines, dynamic electricity lines and light current lines) and electric line protection devices; (2) 10

Water pipes (including cold water pipes and hot water pipes); (3) Home Central Control Air Condition (air duct); (4) Gas pipelines laid according to the Drawings. Electric testing and pipe pressure trials shall be conducted in accordance with the specifications prior to the sealing of lines and pipes, which shall be endorsed both by Party A and Party B prior to proceeding to the next work sequence.

2、 乙方根据合同约定对隐蔽工程先自检再验收,乙方必须在验收72小时前通知甲方参加。如甲方不能按时参加,须在开始验收48小时前向乙方提出延期要求,但延期不能超过两天。如甲既未提出延期要求,又不参加验收,乙方可自行组织验收,甲方应承认验收记录。

2. Party B shall conduct self-test on the buried/embedded works in accordance with the requirements of the Contract prior to the formal acceptance thereof. Party B shall notify Party A to attend the inspection for acceptance by seventy-two (72) hours in advance. If Party A can attend such inspection for acceptance, Party A shall raise request for postponing such inspection no less than 48 forty-eight hours after the beginning of the said inspection for acceptance, but under all circumstances, such extension shall not exceed two days. If Party A fails to raise request for postponing and also fails to attend the inspection for acceptance, Party B may organize by itself the inspection for acceptance. Provided that, Party A shall accept the inspection records therefrom.

二、 工程竣工质量验收,除隐蔽工程需分段验收外,待工程全部结束后,乙方组织甲方进行竣工验收。验收合格后办理工程结算和移交手续。

II. Acceptance upon the Completion of the Work: Besides the inspection for acceptance of the buried/embedded works, Party B shall organize Party A to conduct the inspection for acceptance upon completion after the completion of the whole Work. After the Work is accepted as conformity through inspection, relevant settlement and handover formalities shall be handled.


三、 乙方应在竣工验收的三个工作天前通知甲方,甲方应在三个工作天内前来验收,逾期视为甲方自动放弃权力并视为验收合格,如有问题,甲方自负责任。甲方如自行搬进入住,视为验收合格。

III. Party B shall inform Party A by three (3) working days prior to the acceptance upon completion and Party A shall be present to attend the acceptance upon completion within three (3) working days. Failure to be present within the said period shall be deemed as the automatic waiver of Party A to participate in such inspection for acceptance and shall be deemed that the Work is inspected and accepted as conformity. Provided that if there is any problem detected later, Party A shall bear the liabilities by itself. If Party B moves into the building without the consent of Party B and without inspection for acceptance upon completion, it shall be deemed as conformity of the Work done by Party B.

四、 甲方如不能在乙方指定合理的时限内前来验收,应及时通知乙方,另定日期,但延期天数不能超过三个工作天。但甲方应承认工序或工程的竣工日期,并承担乙方的看管费和相关费用。

IV. If Party A can’t be present to inspect Work for acceptance upon completion within the reasonable time designated by Party B, Party A shall give timely notice to Party B and arrange another day within 3 working days of the notice for such inspection for acceptance. Provided that, Party A shall accept the date of completion of the work sequence or the Work and shall be responsible for custody fees and relevant cost incurred therein to Party B.

五、 工程结算

V. Settlement of the Work

1、 甲方对工程质量竣工验收合格后,乙方按合同条款向甲方提出办理竣工结算。甲方在五个工作天内将工程款付给乙方或提出修改意见。竣工验收合格后,甲方应根据本合同支付工程款乙方应向甲方办理移交手续及出具建筑工程质量保修卡。

1. Party B shall raise the request for the settlement of the Work to Party

A after the conforming acceptance upon completion conducted by Party A. 12

Party A shall, within five working days, make the contract payment to Party B or put forward its proposals to make changes/

2、 甲方无正当理由在竣工验收后10个工作天内不办理结算,从第11个工作天起,按银行同期贷款的最高利率支付工程款的利息,并承担违约责任。

2. In case of failure to, without any proper and reasonable reasons, to conduct settlement within ten (10) working days after the acceptance upon completion, Party A shall pay interest for the contract payment at the highest rate of bank loan in the corresponding period and shall meanwhile bear the liquidated damages thereof.

三、 甲方如是二次装饰工程,应全部腾空或部分腾空房屋,清除影响施工的障碍物。对只能部分腾空的房屋中所滞留的家具、陈设物等,须采取必要的保护措施,与乙方办理手续和承担费用。

III. If the decoration Work is the secondary one, Party A shall be responsible for emptying the whole or partially the building and removing all the obstructions that may affect the decoration work. Regarding the building subject to partially building emptying, the furniture and appliance, etc. left in such buildings shall be protected with necessary measures. Provided that, Party A shall furnish Party B with relative formalities and shall bear the cost incurred therein.

四、 如确实需要拆、改原建筑物结构或设备、管线,甲方应向所在地房管部门办理书面核准手续,并承担有关费用。

IV. In case of definite necessity of demolishing and changing the existing building structure, equipment or pipes and lines, Party A shall apply with the local House Administrations for written approvals at its own cost.

五、 乙方负责施工现场的安全,严防火、佩证上岗、文明施工,并防止施工造成的管道堵塞、渗漏水、停电、物品损坏等事故发生而影响他人。万一发生,必须尽快负责修复或赔偿。

V. Party B shall be responsible for the safety on the jobsite, taking strict precautions to prevent fire, making sure that every person working on site 13

bears relevant certificate and implementing the Work in a civilized way. Measures shall be taken to prevent the pipelines from jamming, leaking, penetrating, to prevent power shutdown, to prevent damages of goods, etc. that may be caused by the construction works and may affect others. In case of such occurrence, Party B shall be responsible for repairing at the possible shortest time or making indemnification.


Article 8

一、 甲方

I. Party A

1、 必须提供经物业管理部门认可的房屋平面图及水、电、气线路图,或由甲方提供房屋平面图及水、电、气线路图,并向乙方地行交底,双方作好交底验收记录,同时承担物业部门增收的相关管理费用。

1. Party A shall provide with the Building Plan and Water/Power/Gas Circuit Diagram confirmed by the Property Management Office or Party A provide the Building Plan and Water/Power/Gas Circuit Diagram and communicate them to Party B with relevant records maintained. In the meantime, relevant management fees charged by the Property Management Office shall be borne by Party A.

2、 施工中如需要临时使用公共部位,应向邻里打好招呼。

2. If during construction, Party B needs to use the public space, Party A shall be responsible for telling such information to the neighbors.

3、 开工前5天向乙方提供经确认的建筑装饰设计施工图纸和施工说明,并向乙方进行现场交底。

3. Party A shall provide Party B with the approved design and construction drawings and construction description for the architectural decoration by five (5) days prior to the commencement of the Work.

二、 乙方

II. Party B Others


1、 主动出示企业营业执照及其他相关证书;如属分支机构,须有上级公司出具的证明;经办业务员必须有法人代表的委托证书。

1. Party B shall produce the Business License and other related certificates on its own initiative. Party B shall have the certifications of its parent company if it is just a branch. The person responsible for the business must have the authorization from the legal representative of the company.

2、 参加甲方组织施工图纸或施工说明的现场交底,拟定施工方案和计划交甲方审定。

2. Party B shall attend the jobsite communications of drawings or construction descriptions organized by Party A and shall prepare and submit the construction scheme and plan to Party A for review and approval.


3. Party B shall designate (name) as its site representative, who shall be responsible for the implementing of the Contract and organizing the construction Work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract so as to ensure the timely and quality completion of the Work.


4. Party B shall implement the Contract rigorously and guarantee the Time for Completion with its credit. In case the completion of work is delayed due to such reasons as shortage of materials, enforced idleness due to its poor organization of work or Party B entices Party A, with some reasons, to increase money, it shall be deemed as default of Party B if such actions are detected to be true.


Article 9 After Service

一、乙方在装饰施工质量范围内承担终生服务,24个月保修责任,保修期自工程竣工验收之日算起。前12月为包工包料保修,从第13个月开始为包 15


I. Except the one-year warranty for the designed light in the entrance, Party B bears the responsibilities of warranty for the quality of the Work within the scope of this decoration. The warranty period is 24 months beginning with the date of the acceptance upon completion of the Work. First 12 months is free labor and materials. The remaining 12 months is free labor and materials at cost.

二、 乙方按有关规定和所约定的保修项目、内容、范围、期限,进行保修。

II. Party B shall perform its warranty service in accordance with relevant regulations and based on this Agreement, specially within items, scopes and durations.

三、 保修期内,乙方应在接到修理通知后二天内派人修理,否则,甲方可委托其他单位或个人修理。因乙方原因造成返修的费用,由乙方承担;因乙方以外的原因造成的返修费用,由甲方承担。

III. Within the warranty period, Party B shall send personnel to conduct repair within two (2) days upon receiving the Notice to Repair from Party A. Or otherwise, Party A may have other organizations or individuals to repair. The cost incurred from such repair caused by Party B shall be borne by Party

B. Or otherwise, the cost incurred therein shall be borne by Party A.

四、 包工包料(不包括甲方自行购买的部分材料),保修期内所产生的材料费、人工费均由乙方承担。包工不包料的,保修期内所产生的材料费由甲方承担,人工费由乙方承担。

IV. For the Works of contracting for labor and materials (exclusive of the materials procured by Party A). Therefore, the materials and labor cost incurred within the warranty period shall be fully borne by Party B. And for the Works of just contracting labor exclusive of materials, the material cost incurred within the warranty period shall be borne by Party A, while the labor cost borne by Party B.


五、 保修期的保修内容均采用修复形式,而且只对装潢质量负责,不承担其它连带责任。

V. The extent of warranty within the warranty period is just limited to repair and Party B will only be responsible for the quality of decoration without bearing any other joint and several liabilities.

六、 保修期内因使用不当产生的结果,不属于保修范围。维修的材料和人工费均由甲方自行负责。

VI. Within the warranty period, any results rendered from the improper use in the scope of the warranty. And the materials labor cost incurred from such maintenance and repair shall be borne by Party A.


Article 10 Modifications to the Contract and Default Liabilities

一、 合同经双方签字生效后,任何一方需变更合同的内容,应经双方协商一致后重新补订协议。

I. This Contract is made effective by the signatures of both parties hereof. In case any party needs to modify the content of this Contract, a new supplementary agreement shall be concluded through mutual consultations between both parties.

二、 合同生效后,在合同履行期间,擅自解除合同方,应按合同总额的50%作为违约金付给对方。因擅自解除合同,使对方造成的实际损失超过违约金的,应进行赔偿。

II. After the Contract takes effect, if one party dissolves this Contract without the consent of the other party during the period of the contract implementation, the default party shall pay a penalty in the amount equal to fifty (50) percent of the total Contract Value to the other party. If the actual loss incurred from such dissolution of the Contract exceeds the amount of the aforesaid penalty, the default party shall make indemnification to the other party.

三、 施工过程中任何一方提出终止合同,须向另一方以书面形式提出, 17


III. During the construction period, if any party requests to terminate the Contract, such request shall be raised in writing. And settlement formalities may be transacted after the mutual consent of both Parties. Provided that, the parties hereto shall conclude an agreement on such termination, which shall be deemed as the dissolution of this Contract.

四、 甲方没有及时给予确认签证,不按合同约定支付款项或履行自己的义务及发生其他使合同无法履行的行为,应承担违约责任(包括支付因违约导致乙方增加的费用和从支付之日起计算的应支付款项的利息),相应顺延工期,按合同条款约定支付违约金,赔偿因违约给乙方造成的损失。

IV. In the event Party A fails to give timely confirmation, approval and endorsement, or fails to make the contract payment as agreed in the Contract or fails to perform its obligations under the Contract or conducts any other acts that result in the impossibilities of further implementation of the Contract, Party A shall bear the liabilities for breaching the Contract, including the payment for the fees of Party B increased due to such defaults of Party A and the interest of the due payment calculated from the term day, and the Time for Completion shall be extended accordingly. In addition, Party

A shall also pay the penalty as specified in the Contract and indemnify the loss of Party B incurred therefrom.

五、 乙方不能按合同工期竣工,施工质量达不到设计要求,或发生其他使合同无法履行的行为,乙方应承担违约责任。按约定向甲方支付违约金,赔偿因违约给甲方造成的损失。

V. In the event Party B fails to complete the Work within the Time for Completion specified in the Contract, or the quality of the Works can’t meet the designed requirements, or Party B conducts any act leading to the impossibilities of the further implementation of the Contract, Party B shall bear the default liabilities, and shall pay penalty to Party A as agreed, indemnifying the loss of Party A incurred therein.



Article 11 Settlements of Disputes

一、 合同履行期间,双方如发生争议,在不影响工程进度的前提下,双方应协商解决,或凭本合同向上海市消费者协会投诉,请求协调处理。

I. During the execution of the Contract, any disputes between the two parties can, if such disputes don’t affect the progress of the Work, be settled through mutual consultations, or complaint may be delivered to Shanghai Consumer’s Association by producing this Contract to request for coordination and treatment.

二、 当事人不愿通过协商、调解解决,或协商、调解解决不成时,可以按照本合同约定:向 当地 人民法院提起诉讼。

II. If the parties don’t want to settle such disputes through consultation or intermediation, or consultation or intermediation fails to settle such disputes, as agreed in this Contract, such disputes can be: resorted to People’s Court for proceedings.


Article 12 Effectiveness of the Contract

一、 本合同由甲、乙双方盖章、签字生效。

I. This Contract is made effective by the signatures and stamps of both Party A and Party B.

二、 补充合同与本合同具有同等法律效力。

II. The Supplementary Contracts shall have the same legal binding force as this Contract.

三、 本合同(包括补充合同)一式贰份,甲乙双方各执壹份。

III. This Contract including the supplementary contracts is made in two copies. Party A and Party B shall each hold one copy.

甲方(签章) 乙方(签章)

Party A (Stamp): B (Stamp):


住所地址: 企业地址:

邮政编码: 邮政编码:200233

Postcode: Postcode: 200233

委托代理人: 委托代理人:

Agent: Agent:

电 话: 电 话:

Telephone: Telephone:

签约地址: 签约日期: Place of Signature: Place of Signature:

