微软发布多条Surface Pro 3广告视频

微软发布多条Surface Pro 3广告视频


微软Win8.1平板Surface Pro 3目前已经在美国上市了一段时间,而中国市场也开始了预售,全球其他市场也将陆续开始在8月底上市。

日前,微软在YouTube频道发布了三部最新的Surface Pro 3广告,再加上几天前的一部,一共是四部新广告,介绍了Surface Pro 3的一些区别于其他平板/超极本的优势特性。

第一部广告是Surface Pro 3特性介绍,提及了12英寸屏幕、轻薄设计、多角度支架、新Type Cover、microSD支持、扩展坞等等:


第二部广告是介绍Surface Pen数字笔:


第三部广告是Surface Pro 3媒体评价:


第四部百年是几天前广告发布的Surface Pro 3 – Lapability(意为膝上使用的能力): /v_show/id_XNzM0MTI3MzE2.html


第二篇:微软发布Surface Pro 3平板

Microsoft has unveiled the Surface Pro 3 - a bigger-screened, faster Windows 8 tablet than its predecessor.

微软发布Surface Pro 3平板——比前代平板屏幕更大、速度更快的Win8平板。

The new model features a 12in (30.5cm) touchscreen, 38% larger than before.

The firm boasted that at 9.1mm (0.36in) thick - without an optional clip-on keyboard - it becomes the "thinnest PC" to be powered by one of Intel's higher-end Core processors.

One analyst said he believed there was pent-up demand for such a device in the corporate world.

However, the platform has previously been outsold by rivals.

"The question that needs to be asked and answered is, 'Why hardware?'" said chief executive Satya Nadella at the launch event in New York.

"We clearly are not interested in building refrigerators or toasters. We are not building hardware for hardware's sake.

"We are not interested in competing with our OEMs [original equipment manufacturers].

"In fact, our goal is to create new categories and spark new demand for our entire ecosystem. That's what inspires us and motivates us with what we are doing in our devices and hardware."

