


A treasure food is loving life. To treasure food is to treasure life.


food is life, and knowledge to save the soul. Food keeps our

life,knowledge saves our soul.


cherish food, away from the waste. cherish food,never waste.


"Weeding" is not just a poem hard to know, we need action.

“ChuHe” is far beyond just a poem;action enables us to know the hard work.


earth. "Grain" heart-zhen Fresh MO corrosion the heaven and earth both

value the food,treasure it and never waste.


the source of drinking water to eat when frugality. Puree the menu, it

is hard for both

we should bear the well in mind when we are drinking ,and we should know the hard work of the food when we are eating.


We should know the hard work of every grain of rice and value of every

piece of silk.

a rice porridge one must think hard to come by, and subject to constant

thread-read material hardship.


the collapse of Texas, running out of blood and sweat.

The food left,the blood gone.


set within a minute, within the kitchen more reactive.

Eating is so fast,but cooking is much longer.


although the tablets meters Xiaojun MO throwing, thrift and economy were studied.

The food saved,the reputation acquired.


although the small grains of Utah is not easy, MO hard as a trifling matter.

The food don’t come easily,and don’t take hard work for granted.


rice and held Nian sweat, at the grain when Zihui.

Every grain of rice is waterer by the sweat,and waste will only lead to regret.


saving glorious, praised Zambia; Waste shameful, who heard who dioxin.

Thrif is glorious and eulogized by anyone who sees ;waste is shameful and hated by anyone who hears .

14、食不净则多病,食不尽则多蝇。 Illnesses come with food

untidy;flies come with the food left.

15、古诗《锄禾》你我读,盘中餐苦当记住。 The ancient poem <CHUhe> is remembered by us all;the hard work in the plate should be remembered too.

16、省下一颗粮食,已许可以救活一个人的生命!the food saved ,the life saved.

17、盘中粒粒皆辛苦,饱时不忘饿时饥。All food in the plate are the crystallization of the work;bear hunger in mind even when we are full.

18.生命诚可贵,粮食价更高。 这句我觉得实在别扭? food is more valuable than life.

19.一米一粟当思来之不易,爱粮节粮须知人人有责。all food comes from hard work,all people are accountable for saving it.

20.珍珠为宝,稻米为王 the grain is as precious as the pearl.

21.存粮如存金,有粮不担心 to save food is like to save gold,we shall have no worry with the preservation of food.

22、请大家保持餐桌卫生,给我们一个干净的用餐环境。 Please keep the table clean so as to give all of us a hygienic catering environment.

23、米饭粒粒念汗水,不惜粮食当自悔。Every grain is waterer by the sweat,and waste will only lead to regret.

24.一粒米,一滴汗,粒粒粮食汗珠换。 Every grain of rice is watered by every drop of sweat.

25.滴水凑成河,粒米凑成箩。Water accumulated will make a river,rice saved will make a hill.

26.节约用水一点一滴,珍惜粮食一颗一粒。Save water,cherish food.

27.浪费犹如河缺口,节约好比燕衔泥。Waste is easy,thrift is hard.

28.一粥一饭,当思来之不易,一点一滴,常用感恩之心。Remember the hard work of every grain of rice;be thankful to evry drop of water.

29.颗颗真情。粒粒在目。Every grain of rice we see is the love of farmers. 食堂窗口

1、自备碗筷,保护环境。 Prepare our own bowls and chopsticks so as to protect the environment.

2、饮食是文化,请从窗口文明做起。 Catering is a culture,and inherit it from the window civility.

3、 知青的年代已过去,请勿再"插队" the time of the “educated youth” is gone,and please don’t “jump the queue”.

4、学校食堂可真大,干净整洁靠大家,来买饭时请排队,争先恐后真不对。 The spacious canteen relies on all of us for its tidiness;please wait in turn while buying food, and never jump the queue.

5、即使饥肠辘辘,也要风度依然。 We must keep civility outside even when we are having hunger inside.

6、相互谦让,亲如一家。Be civil and modest as if we are families.

7、食堂饭菜香,买饭多谦让。 Be a wonderful person to buy the wonderful food.




1、 植树造林是生态工程,是生存工程

2、 植树造林,绿化祖国

3、 造林护林,利国利民

4、 载好树、管好树、护好树是公民的光荣职责

5、 建设绿色长廊,构筑生态屏障

6、 开展国土绿化,建设美化家园

7、 让优雅的环境与美好的心灵同在

8、 没有栽植就没有收获,没有绿色就没有春天

9、 绿化环境,净化心灵

10、 鸟儿渴望洁净的天空,人类渴望绿色的家园

11、 校园美如画,受益你我他

12、 绿化美化家园,推进生态建设

13、 绿化常留春色,植树造福后人

14、 处处造林林似海,家家植树树成荫

15、 植树造林滋沃土,防风固沙护良田

16、 年年岁岁,义务植树;世世代代,绿化祖国

17、 植树造林,人人有义务;栽松育柳,个个当先锋

18、 绿化祖国,处处山青水秀;改造自然,年年林茂粮丰

19、 加快林业发展,实现山川秀美

20、 加强生态建设,维护生态安全

21、 把森林收入城市,把城市建在森林

22、 构筑绿色屏障,再造秀美山川

23、 国土绿起来,林业活起来,人民富起来

24、 保护森林就是保护人类自己

25、 植树造林,绿化祖国是一项基本国策

26、 全社会办林业,全民搞绿化

27、 深入开展全民义务植树活动

28、 人人义务植树,年年绿化祖国

29、 建设城市森林,改善城市环境

30、 多树多林,风调雨顺;少树少林,旱涝欺人

31、 要想风沙住,山川多栽树

32、 南部林果飘香,北部绿染沙漠

33、 建设环城防护林带,打造城区生态屏障

34、 千村万户绿化,美化乡村美化家园

35、 实施八大林业工程,建设五个百万亩基地

36、 天更蓝,水更清,地更绿

37、 大水,大绿,大景观大生态

38、 开发一块,绿化一片

39、 千里绿色长廊工程,绿染千里

40、 绿染山川花满古城美驻沙漠

41、 矿区绿化美化,城乡翠绿环绕
