江苏无锡一酒店现“天价话梅” 10颗售价88元

江苏无锡一酒店现“天价话梅” 10颗售价88元

近日的山东大虾事件尚未平息,无锡又爆出了一颗售价8.8元的“天价话梅”,网友“@Tony_永远25岁”在微博上发帖称,10月11日在无锡 1881半岛酒店喝下午茶,结账时竟发现10颗话梅的售价高达88元。事件发生后,无锡市物价部门介入调查。昨天调查结果公布,酒店未按规定明码标价,将 予以罚款3000元。 现代快报记者 匡笠




从网友晒出的图片中可以看到,一个碟子中,放着约10颗话梅,“@Tony_永远25岁”表示,消费项目中的杏干,便是这盘话梅,按照单个来 算,一颗话梅的价格竟高达8.8元,“@Tony_永远25岁”调侃说:“倒不是吃不起,就是这个价格是不是太黑了点?瞬间觉得山东38元的大虾是不是来 无锡了?”

“@Tony_永远25岁”表示,已不是第一次去这家酒店消费,结账时看到“杏干”,追问后才知道是那10颗话梅,确实有些来火,作为酒店,即使是替代了消费项目,也应该及时告知消费者,而不是等到消费者询问,才进行解释。 酒店承认错误 希望上门道歉


她介绍,10月11日下午,有两名顾客来到酒店,点了英式下午茶、薯条和杏干。不久,顾客的两名熟人到来,再次点了一份英式下午茶。“一名女顾 客要点一份话梅,我们没有,但想尽量满足顾客的需求,领班让服务员拿个盘子,铺满一层给顾客送去,服务员只用了小碟子,确实只装了10颗话梅。”







Wuxi a hotel now "price plum" 10 price 88 yuan

Recently, Shandong prawn event has not yet subsided, Wuxi and broke a price of 8.8 yuan "astronomical plum" friends "Tony_ forever 25 years" on the microblogging post, he said on October 11 1881 in Wuxi Peninsula Hotel for afternoon tea, when they discovered that 10 plum closing price of up to 88 yuan. After the incident, Wuxi municipal department of prices involved in the investigation. Survey results released yesterday, the hotel Failing price tag, will be fined 3,000 yuan.

Modern Express reporter Kuang Li

User drying bills:

10 plum 88 yuan

User "Tony_ forever 25 years" in the post drying out of the hotel bill (see right), a total of six consumer items, including two worth 198 yuan of English afternoon tea, a 68 yuan of fruit and vegetable juice , fries, a 88 yuan a 68 yuan dried apricots, plus 93 yuan in service fees, the total price of the bill this afternoon is 713 yuan.

You can see from the users .cn drying out of the picture, a plate, and stood about 10 plum, "@ Tony_ forever 25 years old," said the consumption of dried apricots project, is this dish plum, according to the individual to count, a plum prices as high as 8.8 yuan, "@ Tony_ forever 25 years old," quipped:? "I would not not afford to eat, is this the price is not too dark spot instantly feel prawns is 38 yuan, Shandong Wuxi not come up? "

"Tony_ Forever 25 years old," said the not the first time go to this hotel consumption, see "dried apricots" during checkout, ask after that is that 10 plum, does have some to fire, as a hotel, even if is an alternative to the consumer items, it should promptly inform the consumer, rather than waiting until the consumer asks,

only to explain.

The hotel apologize to admit mistakes hope home

Deputy General Manager of Wuxi 1881 Peninsula Hotel Pan Yi sincere in an interview, said: "really is our fault." Reporters saw on the menu, where dishes clearly marked, but not plum the dishes. "We really have a plum, can not be sold separately, but in dried fruit platter there."

She introduced the afternoon of October 11, there are two customers came to the hotel, the point of English afternoon tea, chips and dried apricots. Soon, customers of two acquaintances come, once again ordered a British-style afternoon tea. "A female customer point of a plum, we did not, but would like to try to meet the needs of customers, the foreman asked the waitress to take a plate, covered with a layer sent to the customer, the waiter only a small dish, really only installed 10 plum pieces. "

Because there are no dishes a plum, but the front desk and the waiter failed to communicate clearly, when pay, on a temporary alternative to the plum with dried apricots, cash register systems directly to the price positioning in the 88 yuan. While the guests raised an objection at the time, but finally walked payment, the hotel also did not matter too much attention.

He said he was very sorry for this hotel, the staff has decided to make the punishment. The hotel hopes and customer contact, home to apologize for the refund to be forgiven. Hotel side expressed its willingness to accept the punishment the price department.

Pricing for hotels fined 3,000 yuan

Wuxi bureau official told reporters, after the October 12 received a complaint bureau of personnel to the scene to investigate. Yesterday, Wuxi Municipality official microblogging released the survey results and the 1881 Peninsula associated penalties.

After the investigation, Wuxi 1881 Peninsula Hotel Sale (plum), according to the specified price tag. Based on "Price Law", "price of illegal administrative penalties", "on goods and services to implement the provisions of price tag" and other regulations, Wuxi Municipality made the hotel a fine of 3000 yuan of administrative penalties.

Wuxi Municipality said that the market will continue to strengthen inspection and policy advise, supervise business credit business law, prohibit unfair price behavior, and jointly create a good market order.




早就听说了现今某企业,某公司搞团队拓展训练,对此我知道的很少,只有充满了好奇和兴奋,只到前几天,一个特大的喜讯传遍了特步所在的广州连锁店,当然我也是其中的一员,我被这突如其来的喜讯弄得有些不知所措。抱着试一试的态度,轻装上阵在13日这天踏上了这条拓展之路,路上我们有说有笑,气氛无比活跃,各自的积极性异常的高昂,就在这欢声笑语中 也不知道走了多久,突然听到有人说“到了” 。

看到这训练场地,心里有点打鼓,“高架桥”“长铁锁”......"哎呀!不会就让我们玩这个吧!心里有点小怕怕,即来之则安知,懦弱最终要被勇气打败,管它三七二十一 的,拼了。后来才知道这个叫"高空断桥“,看到别人一步步往上爬,我都站在下面为她们喊”加油,加油“即为她们也为我自己,轮到我上了,我心里咯咚一下,慢吞吞的走到梯子旁,心里忐忑不安地双手牢牢抓住梯子一步步往上爬,当我爬上去的时候我站在木板上不敢向下看,两腿不听使唤地直打哆嗦,下面的队友不停地在为我打气加油。

刚刚还在豪言壮,如今......心想别人都可以,我为什么不行,心情平静了很多,此刻我坚信,我也可以。使出了浑身的劲 脚迈出了最大步子 一跃 成功了,哈哈!此时有自信压住了所有的恐惧,又往回一跳,安安全全地回到了这边的木板上,我高兴地笑了,队友们怀着善意的眼神和笑容向我投来,真想真诚地说句”谢谢你们“。通过这个项目我明白了如何在压力和困难面前调整自己的心态,勇于面对,勇于尝试,挑战自我,战胜自我。


想想这一幕无不感动着我们每一个人,无不震撼着我们每一个人,此刻我深刻体会到了团队精神的重要性,它是我们日常工作中必须发扬和应用的精神。 站在毕业墙面前哭到麻木,加油声呐喊声喊到嗓音沙哑,互相拥抱到不想松手,感动和美好刻在了心里。欢乐与泪水,记录在脑海里,生活是如此美好。朋友一生一起走,那些日子不再有,一句话,一辈子,一生情,一杯酒。
