















(1)在早春的花草开始卖弄风姿.... 的时候,不如意也悄然降临了。



5.结合选文内容,为温丝莱特写一个简短的获奖感言。(3分) 。

好好活着就是爱 (李晓)


② 这个男人,就是写过《面朝大海,春暖花开》的海子。










⑩ 所以,我总觉得,在春天里怀念这样一个诗人,其实对母亲来说,更是一种剜肉剔骨的残酷。浩瀚无际的天空,它对广袤无垠的大地,如何表达深沉的爱意与温柔的呢喃?我认为,那是密集的、轻盈的雨水和雨丝。那么,一个孩子对于母亲,如何表达最深的爱呢?我想,答案只有一个,好好活着,就是对母亲的爱。



3.从“从此,母亲的视线一天也没离开过儿子的土坟,陪同儿子入眠的,是她的灵魂。”这个句子中你读出了什么?(3分) 4.从内容和修辞两方面对第⑩段中划线句子作简要赏析。(4分) 5.文中哪一个细节最让你感动,为什么?(3分)




President Obama is walking a fine line in his 2011 budget. He is seeking $100 billion to tackle unemployment, while moving to trim the federal budget deficit.

It means to steer a risky and difficult course between two policies... to be so near the edge of one that you risk falling into another less desirable one.

If you have to walk a fine line, you have to be very careful not to annoy or anger people or groups that are competing. ('Walk a thin line' is an alternative.)

Can you put the following sentences into Chinese?

1. There's a fine line between boastful and confident. And you need to learn it.

2. She wished he would stop talking like that, but Minmei knew she was walking a fine line again.

3. Luxury-goods executives must walk a fine line when cutting prices.

4. "With his current policy approach towards Iraq, President Bush walks a fine line between the interests of national security and those of warmongering."

Climate change will threaten global food production

Higher temperatures and changing rainfall patterns resulting from global climate change will threaten food production in many parts of the world - especially regions in the tropics already struggling with food security, according to a new report.

How climate change affects you depends on more than just how it affects your local weather. It also depends on how much the weather matters to your livelihood, and how well you can cope with the changes.

Philip Thornton, with the International Livestock Research Institute, is one of the authors of the new report, a joint effort by a group of international agricultural research centers. Thornton and his colleagues wanted to find what they called “hotspots” of future food insecurity: places with the greatest exposure to climate change, highest sensitivity to its impacts, and the least ability to cope with them.

Other studies have looked at the effect of climate change on growing conditions in certain regions. But Thornton says figuring out how that interacts with other factors affecting food security is a challenge.

"It's very difficult to look directly at things like sensitivity(vulnerability) of the food systems to climate change impacts, or even the coping capacity of populations to address the impacts.

And so we used proxies."

They used a region's cropland area as a proxy for sensitivity to climate change because changes in the weather would have bigger impacts on areas with more farmland. To examine coping capacity, they looked at national data on

They combined this data with climate change models that predict the impacts on temperature and rainfall by 2050 to come up with maps of the most vulnerable areas of the tropics.

'Double whammy'

For example, higher temperatures are expected to shorten growing seasons in the tropics. The report looks at areas expected to lose more than 5 percent of the growing season and finds about 370 million people highly vulnerable to this impact.

That area includes much of South Asia, especially India; Nigeria, Niger, Mali and other parts of West Africa; and parts of Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Zambia and other areas of East and Southern Africa.

These are regions, Thornton notes, where hunger is already a problem. "It's almost like a , if you like."

Other criteria give smaller impacts. But the basic outlines are the same.

Kansas State University professor Chuck Rice was a member of the 2007 U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会). He notes that some of the countries most sensitive to climate change and least able to cope with it, also have among the highest rates of population growth, which puts yet another strain on their food security.

"I think that really pushes the need for increasing funding, not only for research but for outreach efforts , but also ."

Experts say those strategies include switching to more drought- and heat-tolerant crops, better water management techniques and insurance for crops and livestock to help farmers cope with the climate changes expected during the coming decades.

obile Scams: Kidnapping, Extortion, Forgery

A few months ago while in Beijing I received a short message on my cell phone, in Chinese, informing me that my kids had been kidnapped and telling me the first steps I should take on getting them back by paying a ransom.

I was shocked although not alarmed, because as it happened, I knew this was not true. Later I mentioned it to various local friends and colleagues, all of whom had the same reaction: this kind of mobile phone scam happens to them fairly often.

Then there was the extraordinary news a month or so ago about unprecedented cooperation in an international police investigation which resulted in the arrest of some 600 alleged crooks in a variety of Southeast Asian countries.

This well-organized gang had targeted wealthy mainlanders by phones(推销垃圾短信) and trying out a variety of phony explanations of how the called party was in big trouble with the law and needed to remit funds to get out of trouble.

It may sound unlikely when you read about it, but they were expert in catching people off guard and verbally intimidating

I know someone who was scammed in this way, and apart from the lost funds, it was a very scary, unpleasant and unsettling experience. These folks were very well-organized, and it’s good they got nabbed.

The latest new twist I learned about today is an SMS offer to sell fake qualification certificates. For RMB 6,000 (20% in advance, please), they offer to produce a certificate real-lookingenough for you to get a job, as, for example, a doctor. They claimed their fake doctors’ certification looks just like the ones issued by China’s Ministry of Health.

They also have a variety of other certificates available for you to choose from: teacher, airline pilot, engineer, etc.

That’s a pretty scary thought. Even allowing for the fact that it would normally take more than just a certificate to get a job as a brain surgeon or jet pilot, opening the door to this kind ofmisrepresentation by imposters is hugely risky.

My wife called the number offering the fakes which was texted to her mobile phone, and obtained some more information. Her next call was to the police, who were very appreciative of the tip.

How much do you know GM food? Is it safe?

Top 10 Genetically Modified Food Products

Top 10 Genetically Modified Food Products

By Diana Bocco

Like humans, all organisms have genetic material. When scientists alter genetic material, or DNA, it's called genetic modification (GM). In some cases, GM foods help conserve natural resources, because the altered version might require less water or energy for processing.

The first genetically modified food to reach our tables was the Flavr Savr tomato. Grown in California, the Flavr Savr tomato received Food and Drug Administration approval in 1994, after two years of testing and assessment. Mounting costs made the crop unprofitable, however, and production ceased in 1997. Creation of the Flavr Savr opened the doors for other GM foods tomake their way into our kitchens.

In the U.S., genetic modification has expanded into almost every area of food production. Scientists can introduce some sort of modification into the genes of crops, dairy products and animals. For example, ranchers and dairy farmers normally feed cattle a GM diet, which is in turn passed on to you when you drink milk or eat beef. Do you need to worry about what's on your family's dinner table? And are there some surprising benefits to GM foods? As you'll see, this subject is one hot potato.

This won't hurt a bit. As corny as it sounds, genetically modified foods have upset the apple cart. Science can alter foods to add desired qualities, but who's to say it's safe?

10. Sugar Beets(甜菜)

The sugar beet is one of the newest GM foods and one under severe scrutiny. Researchers produced an herbicide-resistant crop of GM sugar beets that was approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 2008 but banned in August 2010. The genetic modification was meant to improve production because beets grow slowly and tend to battle for light and nutrients with nearby weeds. In 2010, however, federal judge Jeffrey S. White revoked the USDA(U.S. Department of Agriculture)approval of genetically-modified sugar beets based on the USDA's failure to present an Environmental Impact Statement ("EIS"). Until an EIS is conducted, planting, harvesting and processing of GM sugar beets has been halted.

[Safety and Labeling of GM Foods

Regulation of GM foods varies from country to country. As of 2010, 35 nations around the world (including most of Europe) require labeling of GM foods if the food contains more than 0.9 percent of GMOs (genetically modified organisms). In the U.S. and Canada, labeling is not mandatory. This makes identifying GMs much more difficult. The two easiest ways to avoid GM foods are: Look for packaging that has a clear non-GM label on the front or buy organic.]

9. Potatoes

In 1991, the World Health Organization challenged scientists to look for a way to make vaccines accessible to everyone. This would mean that children in impoverished areas of the world wouldn't have to travel for hours to a nearby village to get a shot. The scientists succeeded faster than expected, creating a cholera vaccine-like component by injecting a series of genes into a potato. These genes prompt the human immune system to produce its own cholera antibodies or "vaccine.". The "anti-cholera potatoes" have not made it to the market yet; scientists need to figure out how to package the potatoes to easily distribute and market them.

Protecting potato crops is important too. Researchers are working on a way to produce potatoes that are resistant to disease caused by Phytophthora infestans. Phytophthora infestans can kill entire crops rapidly and was the cause of the Irish Potato Famine of the 1840s.

People eat only 25 percent of the potatoes grown around the world today. The rest are used to feed livestock and in the starch industry. Scientists also are trying to find ways to make the potato easier to process so it can be of more use in the production of glue and lubricants. These potatoes would not be available for human consumption.

8. Corn

Bt-corn (named after the Bacillus thruringiensis bacterium) is a form of sweet corn that has been genetically modified to include an insect-killing gene. This means the farmer doesn't have tospray with pesticides, because the insects die from eating the corn. No spraying means less harm to the environment and the workers handling the toxic spray. The move has caused debate, however. The same gene that attacks corn predators also appears to kill the Monarch butterfly(帝王蝶).

According to the USDA, farmers in every state in the U.S. are growing at least some GM corn at any given time. The numbers are higher in the Southern and Midwestern regions, but South Dakota , lending 47 percent of its corn crops to GM varieties. Because the U.S. is the largest producer of corn in the world, these numbers have a significant impact beyond the American borders.

Most of the corn eaten by families in the U.S. is genetically modified. It helps farmers and the environment, but does it help your kids?

7. Tomatoes

Although tomatoes were the first genetically modified food to reach the market, they have since been altered for only one reason: to make them last longer. GM tomatoes don't rot as quickly asregular tomatoes, so they can tolerate longer periods of transportation. GM tomatoes also can be left to mature on the plants, rather than being picked green. This results in a more tasty tomato that doesn't need to be stored until ripening.

The original GM tomatoes were resistant to antibiotics. This raised concerns that the gene might

be passed on to humans, making us more resistant to antibiotics and in turn less capable of fighting infectious diseases. New forms of GM tomatoes don't contain these genes, however. Lematos

A team of Israeli scientists successfully combined a tomato and a lemon (actually, the gene known as ocimum basilicum geraniol synthase, which gives lemons their smell and taste) in 2007, creating what they called a lemato. The lemato is slightly red and has a mild, fruity smell. A panel of 82 testers identified the smell as "lemongrass" or "rose-like perfume." The lemato has a longer shelf life than tomatoes and is more resistant to pests. However, the lemato doesn't have the same high content of antioxidant lycopene that a tomato has. The lemato is not planned for production anytime soon. The team simply wanted to see if it was possible to change the aroma of a vegetable or fruit to make it more appealing.

6. Squash

Squash is more prone than some crops to viral diseases, which is why it was genetically modified to ensure crop survival. The original purpose was achieved, but the modification backfired in an unexpected way. It seems cucumber beetles that carry bacterial wilt disease like to feed on healthy plants, like the GM squash. After visiting unhealthy plants, they land on the nice, healthy GM squash plant and pig out, wounding the leaves and leaving open holes on them. When the beetles' feces fall on the leaves, they're absorbed into the stem and cause bacterial wilt disease.

Experts also believe that the GM squash may have already found its way into the wild by accident. GM foods are meant to be grown under controlled environments, in well-tended fields. If they're introduced and mixed with wild varieties of the same species, a number of unpredictable environmental issues could occur, such as gene transfer or the plants becoming more vulnerable to bacterial diseases.

Squash is easy to grow and nutritious to eat. But it gets diseases easily. So easily in fact, that genetic modification to cure one disease seemed to bring on another.

5. Golden Rice

Golden rice was first created to fight vitamin A deficiency, which affects 250 million people around the world and can cause blindness and even death. Rice is one of the most common foods on Earth. In fact, almost half of the world's population survives on a single daily bowl of rice. Because getting vitamin supplements to every single person on the planet would be impossible, scientists believed that the answer was to create a grain of rice that already had vitamin A in it. And so golden rice was born. Its name came from the bright golden glow added beta-carotenecauses. The body converts beta carotene into vitamin A.

Scientists now are working on a new GM rice. This new variety would have an iron gene, causing the grain of rice to become an important source of iron. Iron-deficiency causes low-birth-weight babies and anemia, both of which can be fatal. It hasn't been possible to combine both vitamin A and iron in the same grain, but scientists are hopeful that this will be possible at some point in the


4. Soybean

As of 2004, 85 percent of the soybeans grown on U.S. soil have been genetically modified. Because soy is widely used in the production of other items (including cereal, baked products, chocolate and even ice cream), chances are everybody in the U.S. is eating GM soy. It might be worth noting, however, that tofu and soy sauce are usually made from non-GM soybeans, a variation from most other soy products, which likely are GM-based. The bulk of the soybean crop is not destined to human consumption but instead used for livestock feed. For those who aren't vegetarians, this becomes another source of GM foods, as the gene is passed on through the meat.

The soybean seems so natural, and many products made from it are. But GM soybeans are big, and are added to all sorts of food products you eat every day.

3. Oils

We don't normally think of oils as part of our food list, but the truth is that they're not only for cooking and flavoring, but show up as an ingredient in a large number of prepackaged foodswe eat on a regular basis.

The U.S., India and China are the world's largest producers of GM cottonseed oil. As a result, it's hard to avoid this GM food, even if you don't buy it bottled. In the U.S., GM-modified oils are sold as cooking oils, but also commonly used for frying snacks such as potato chips and also used in the production of margarine. Canola or rapeseed oil became an important crop only after being genetically modified. Before that, the oil was too bitter to be used in foods. The modification did away with the bitterness and also increased rapeseed's resistance to herbicides. This allows crops to be sprayed with weed-control products without running the risk of affecting the actual crops.

2. Animal feed

A large percentage of animal feed is made up of crops such as soybeans. The world's three largest producers and exporters of soybeans, the U.S., Argentina and Brazil, all grow mostly GM soybeans. This means the chances of livestock eating GM feed is very high, no matter where in the world you live. While not all corn is genetically modified, it is simply cheaper and more efficient to feed livestock the crops that are GM. The same is true of GM rapeseed oil used in the production and processing of animal feed.

A large part of the GM presence in animal feed does not come from foodstuff but instead from additives aimed at making food more nutritious. Animal feed is commonly enhanced with vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and even coloring. These additives are passed on to the animal's system and eventually make their way into your body when you consume meat, eggs or dairy products. Traces of GM cannot, however, be detected in animal by-products, so it's impossible to know if an animal was raised on GM-enhanced feed. Unless you buy organic meat and dairy

products, it might be impossible to determine what you're eating.

[Coming Soon to Your Table -- Whether You Want It or Not

Genetic modification of animals is not as simple and clear-cut as you might imagine. In 2002, a number of female pigs were injected with cow genes to increase their milk production and improve milk digestion, causing their piglets to grow faster. The piglets that were supposed to be destroyed were instead sold to livestock brokers and processed for meat. There was no control or follow-up on those specific animals, so although they ended up in grocery stores fried up as bacon, it's impossible to know who ate them and where.]

1. Salmon

Genetically engineered food from animals might not be on the market yet, but a few already have been approved. GM salmon is, as we speak, on its way to our dinner table. Wild salmon matures slowly, taking up to three years to reach its full size. GM salmon, on the other hand, not only will grow faster but also should reach about twice the size of its wild cousin. The creators of the GM salmon, a private company called AquaBounty, promises to harvest the salmon before it reaches its full size, thus preventing "giant" versions. The GM salmon, known as AquAdvantage, is meant to be grown in fish farms. According to proponents of the modification, this would reduce fishing of wild salmon, in turn protecting both the wild population of fish and the environment from human intrusion.

Ironically, the major concern in the production of GM salmon is its impact on the environment. Although the genetically engineered fish is supposed to be sterile, experts believe there's no way this can be ensured, because DNA tends to mutate over time.
