
要说到最近的新闻头条热词,可少不了“高铁(highspeed rail)”吧~今天我就趁热打铁,来科普一下和高铁相关的英文说法~

run chart 运行图

trial operation/run 试运行

intercity high-speed rail 城际高铁

dedicated rail link 铁路专线

business class 商务座

speed cut 减速

test period 测试期间

technical reliability 技术可靠性

dual-speed system 双速制

non-stop train 直达列车

staggered parking 交错停车

track 铁轨

rolling stock 轨道车辆

track maintenance worker 养路工

protective fence 防护栏

passenger flow 客流量

standard seat 普通座

luxury train seats 豪华座

derailment coefficient 出轨系数

bullet train 动车

trial price 试行运价

real-name purchasing system 实名购票

replacement ticket 补票

ticket scalping 倒票

gapless rail 无缝钢轨

ballastless track 无碴轨道

on-schedule rate 正点率

Train Set With Power Car 动车组

vehicle type 车型

passenger rail transport 铁路客运

track gauge 轨距

at-grade crossings 铁道交叉口

conventional high-speed rail 常规高速铁路

high-speed rail malfunction 高铁故障

The high-speed rail malfunction created gigantic passenger backups.





train wreck 火车事故

bullet train 动车

train crash(train collision) 列车相撞事故 viaduct 高架桥

stalled train 停滞列车

rear-end collision 追尾

derailment 火车脱轨

train carriage 火车车厢

China’s Ministry of Railways 中国铁道部 bereaved family 遇难者家属

property loss 财产损失

high-speed train 高速列车

CRH 中国高速铁路 (China Railways High-speed) rail line 铁路线

safety system 安全系统

potential risk 安全隐患

be cordon off 布置警戒线戒严

driving compartment 驾驶车厢

brake handle 制动手柄

emergency brake 紧急刹车

deformed carriage 变形的车厢

automatic block system 铁路自动闭塞系统 sealed windows 密闭车窗

excessive bleeding 失血过多

scrape 擦伤

bone fracture 骨折

sign of life/vital signs 生命迹象

rescue worker 救援人员

rescue effort 救援工作

to clear the wreckage 清理失事(火车)残骸 to resume operation 恢复运营 with all-out effort 全力以赴

immediate treatment 及时治疗

full refunds 全额赔偿

clear-up work 清理工作

rail equipment 铁路设施

death toll 死亡人数

in-depth investigation 深入调查

dereliction (of duty) 渎职
