
A: Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Afternoon.


Welcome to the Halloween party held by the English Corner, the brand project of School of Foreign Languages and Cultures. B: We come to the English Corner to make more friends, to practice our oral English and tonight, especially to learn the interesting cultures and customs of the Halloween.

C: Tonight we are honored to have so many foreign teachers and friends to join us. Let’s warmly welcome them to have a brief self-introduction.

A: Thanks for all your coming!

Autumn is a season of harvest. And we will play a game about the fruits of autumn to test how much we know about the fruits. As we can see, there are five plates of different fruits on the left tables; while on the right tables there are five piles of notes with the names of fruits. And then we need 10 people in five groups to be volunteers. For 2 persons in each group, they should stick the notes to the fruits correctly with their legs bound together like this. With the time limit of 3 minutes, the group that figures out the fruits the most will be the winner and get the prize.

B:Ok, everybody, after the interesting game, let’s move to the

next part-how much do you know about Halloween. First, I will show you a short video which includes the origin, the traditions and customs of the Halloween. Please pay attention to it, later we will ask you questions, and the answers can be found in the video. Now, enjoy it!


I think the information given by the video is far form enough to understand what the real Halloween is. So let’s go to the part of free talk. In the next 15 minutes, you can talk with the foreigners to know whatever you want to know about Halloween. Besides, we will give you a paper of some Halloween images. You can ask the foreigners to describe and explain these images.


Boys and girls, if you have done the picture-description, you can play a game named who am I. (游戏玩法稍作解释)?

C: As shown in the video, trick or treat is children’s favorite program. Children walk in costume from house to house, asking for treats or sometimes money, with the question, "Trick or treat?" if no treat is given, children may play tricks on the homeowners or their property.

Today, we also offer you a similar game. The rules go like this: Each table will get some questions about the video,(再放一遍) anyone who knows the answer can go to the pumpkin jar. The volunteers holding the pumpkin jars will give you a treat if the answer is right. In the end, the five persons who get the most treats will get special pumpkin badges. Now, have fun! (游戏)

B: Thanks a lot for your participation. Time flies in our laughter and cheers. I believe all of you have spent a wonderful afternoon.

A: This is the end of today’s Halloween party, Thanks again for your coming, goodbye!



开场白 琚载邦:敬爱的老师, 苏心乐:亲爱的同学

蔡永鑫: 可亲可敬的爸爸妈妈们 刘亘宇: 大家 合:下午好!

琚载邦:今天的教室为什么格外热闹? 苏心乐:因为有爸爸妈妈的来到。 蔡永鑫:在爸爸妈妈的眼里, 刘亘宇:我们是阳光、是希望。 琚载邦:他们希望我们有知识、有修养。 苏心乐:健康快乐地成长。



(合): “谢谢你们,你们辛苦了!” 琚载邦: 中国是一个诗的国度


蔡永鑫:也是我国民族文化的精髓(sui) 刘亘宇:可以说:字字珠玑,句句经典! 琚载邦:诵读是学习古典诗词的重要方法, 苏心乐: 本学期,在老师们的精心指导下,我们开展了中华经典诵读活动。 蔡永鑫: 我们反复吟颂那些优美的诗歌,它们脍炙人口,意境相随,

刘亘宇: 我们慢慢地品味其中的真谛,渴望成为“诗意飞扬”的少年君子。 苏心乐: 下面我宣布:双语小学一年级1班 “诵读中华经典 学做少年君子”展示活动——诗意飞扬 合:现在开始!

刘亘宇: 请大家用热烈的掌声请出《第一篇章 诗情画意》的主持人。

第一篇章 诗情画意



江睿杰: 如果说华夏文明是一曲动听的音乐,


余家仪:是呀!唐诗里有画, 库伟滔:唐诗里有歌。 江睿杰:唐诗里有苦, 吴妍锦:唐诗里有乐,



江睿杰: 背得真好,那看到这幅画你又想到了哪首诗?请第二组的同学背诵:《咏柳》贺知章,一起! 吴妍锦:多美的柳树,多么神奇的春风!那当这幅画出现在你的面前你会背诵那首诗呢?那么多同学举手,我们还是请第三组的同学齐背吧!《小池》杨万里,一起!


库伟滔:看到这幅画你想到了哪首诗?请男生起立背诵:《所见》清 袁枚,一起!

江睿杰:看到这幅画你想到了哪首诗?请女生起立背诵:《江南》汉乐府 一起!




他们对生活有敏感的心灵,独特的体验,谱写了一首首动人的诗句。 张一凡:我们吟颂那些优美的诗歌,

他们脍炙(kuai zhi)人口,意境相随,使人得到心灵的熏陶(xun tao) 邓周静: 中华经典是古人留给我们的

一杯美酒,香醇(chun)而清冽(lie) 殷在飞:它是我国传统文化的精髓(sui),滋养着我们一代又一代的中国人。


黄琪喻:请欣赏我们全班同学为爸爸妈妈准备的古诗歌舞表演《悯农》 张一凡:《悯农》让我们明白粮食来之不易,我们应该从小养成不挑食不浪费的好习惯。


殷在飞:《长歌行》很长,你会背吗? 黄琪喻:当然!不仅我会,我们组的人人会背,不信,我们一人一句背给大家听!


邓周静、《三字经》和《弟子规》就是我国古代历史上脍炙人口的儿童启蒙读物,汇集了中国古代圣贤的智慧。 黄琪喻:百善孝为先,弟子规教会了我们做人,教会了我们孝顺。下面让我们一起集体诵读《弟子规》入则孝、出则弟:


邓周静:有请明明和他的妈妈! 邓周静 小品:践行弟子规

第四章节 真情告白






刘圳超:我们应该怎样做才能回报妈妈对我们那份浓浓的爱呢? 吴妍锦:同学们,妈妈就在那里,大家赶紧把自己精心准备的贺卡送过去并深情地拥抱她,认真倾听她对我们的希望。(播放背景音乐:让爱住我家)

切换音乐《爱我你就抱抱我》 刘圳超:让我们来夸一夸我们的老师吧。谁先说?


苏心乐: 对呀,每位老师都是我们要感谢的人。 诵读中华经典,让经典诗词丰富我们的生活,美化我们的心灵,促进我们更好更快地成长! 余家仪: 最是书香能致远,让经典滋润我们的童年,让书香溢满我们的校园

琚载邦: 腹有诗书气自华,把经典诵读融入每一天,在书香中感受读书的乐趣

吴妍锦: 让我们在记忆力最好的时期,充分感受中华文字之美,让诗意伴我们一路远行!

苏心乐:双语小学一年级2班 “诵读中华经典 学做少年君子”展示活动到此结束!谢谢在座的各位家长,还有我亲爱的同学们。