gossip girl32

GossipGirl第三季学英语3.11 感恩节不和谐

I stand corrected.

= I admit that I was wrong 【口语】好吧,我错了。

Keep it small, hassle-free.

hassle 麻烦,争论

hassle free就是省事儿,少找麻烦。

Could our self-imposed exile start after tomorrow?

self-imposed exile 自愿承担的流放

you're making me work at the soup kitchen all day.

soup kitchen 施粥所 a place where food is offered to the hungry for free or at a reasonably low price.

能表示同样意思的词儿还有a bread line和a meal center。一般竞选之类的活动吧,那些候选人都会做一些亲民的慈善义举,形象工程嘛。

She has some bomb. She wants to drop on me in a controlled environment surrounded by air marshals and French people.

drop bomb on 宣布坏消息

Amazing. Your holiday paranoia truly knows no bounds.

paranoia 偏执狂

know no bounds 没分寸,没边界 not limited

know no bounds也是个习语

I didn't know the empire had hourly rates.

hourly rate 钟点工

thanks to last year's the longest yard, my knee can now predict the weather. longest yard 指橄榄球,感恩节有橄榄球赛的传统。。

This is probably an overstep,

overstep 越界

Lily ran into Maureen and invited us for Thanksgiving,

run into 偶遇,碰上

I bring Babka and make decaf.

Babka 兰姆糕

兰姆糕是一种加有桔皮、兰姆酒、杏仁和葡萄干的咖啡蛋糕,所以最后又说make decaf,


she offer me time and a half, so...

time and a half 付1.5倍工资

How often does the other woman get a "happily ever after"?

happily ever after 过着幸福快乐的生活。

Is it me or is my daughter just getting crazier and crazier?

Is it me or ... 是我的错觉还是……

这个句式在口语里面很常用的,比方Is it me or is it snowing outside? 是我看花了眼,还是外面真的下雪了啊?

Why does my mom have to stick her nose into everyone's business?

poke/stick your nose into something 管闲事 to show too much interest in a situation that does not involve you

Cece's heart pumps secrets and gin.

gin 琴酒(难得柒也认得个酒名儿,柯南造化啊……)


Ask Eric. He's mastered 2.

be mastered 2 两面派

He'll be a political joke, and you'll be a punch line.

punch line 妙语


how it feels to be the one getting egged

get egged 被扔鸡蛋

You told Kira she had to watch her back.

watch one's back 小心提防

Eating leftovers and feeling horrible.

leftover 隔夜菜,剩饭剩菜


My parents start next Polish-Soviet war. Russia once again not victor, believe me.

Polish-Soviet war 波苏战争(19xx年2月-19xx年3月)是第一次世界大战结


my daughter and I had our first heart-to-heart talk in... in ever.

Heart-to-heart talk 认真而深入的谈话 a serious and intimate discussion GossipGirl第三季学英语3.12 冬至低迷时节

Sometimes, reality comes crashing into us. Other times, it dawns on us slowly, despite our best efforts to ignore it.

crash into 闯入

dawn on 渐渐开始明白

绯闻女孩这两句话主要是说明领悟现实的两种状况,一个是猛地一下顿悟,而另一种则是渐渐地领悟,用的这两个词挺好。dawn on本意是太阳渐渐升起天越来越亮的意思。

I can't be resting on my laurels.

resting on my laurels 安于现状,固步自封 relying on previous accolades or successes

laurels就是月桂枝,是荣誉与成就的象征。不知道跟阿波罗达芙妮那个神话故事有没有关系,反正是罗马时期用来编制皇冠的。resting on my laurels跟我们说的躺在功劳簿上差不多。

It slipped my mind.

slip one's mind 忘记了

That she's holed up with some married politician, acting like some sort of teenage Rielle Hunter?

hole up 躲藏起来

Rielle Hunter是个美国女演员,与民主党候选人John Edwards有过婚外情。

You've been ducking work all week.

duck 一头钻入

maybe--maybe this will all blow over.

blow over 轻松过关 pass over with little lasting effect

No matter who's looking over our shoulder.

look over shoulder 回头看

Spotted--an "it" girl with an "it" bag.

"it" girl 物质女孩 a charming, sexy young woman who receives intense media coverage unrelated or disproportional to personal achievements "it" girl是指性感迷人的年轻女士,或是经常现身主流媒体及终日参加聚会的女性。她们的个人成就并不是其受到的媒体关注的主要原因。对某人一个it girl 的称谓常常是暂时性的,她们中发展势头良好的会最终成为真正意味上的明星,其他人的将在流行过后淡出公众视

野。这个词来源于19xx年时英国小说及剧作家 Elinor Glyn,用来形容好莱坞片《It》中性感、品位及性格的女主角Clara Bow。19xx年,英国小说家Elinor Glyn用“It Girl”形容了一个好莱坞史上首个打性感牌的女星Clara Bow,其25岁时就已拍了48部电影,是默片时代的顶梁柱明星之一,在电影《It》中她以轻巧的Flapper Look成为19xx年代大众的模仿形象。

I've never seen one in the flesh.

in the flesh 真容 Alive; In person; present.


Well, great minds shop alike.

great minds shop alike 从Great minds think alike演变而来,英雄所见略同。 这里翻译成“英雄所买略同”不错。

If you went toe-to-toe with paul hoffman that you couldn't take him down? toe to toe 当面对峙 in close and direct confrontation, competition

He's a douche.

douche 【俚语】白痴

But an attractive man like yourself moves into the building... based on your comings and goings,

comings and goings 行为,活动 Movements, activities

I was hoping you'd come to your senses, and now you have.

come to one's senses 不再做傻事

And if you want the write-off for '09, You need to be breaking ground by the new year, so... Ho ho homeless.

write-off 销帐,勾销

break ground 破土动工

Bass老爸这两句话说得很有点水准,尤其最后一句ho ho homeless,ho ho模仿的是圣诞老人的笑声,用以嘲弄无家可归的流浪者,尤显残酷。

I'm--I'm starved and bored out of my mind.

bored out of your mind 极度无聊 extremely bored

And if you need anything else, just give me a buzz.

give me a buzz 【口语】打电话给我

Bart's 1-year mark.

1-year mark 周年纪念


I think that you should be open to the idea that at least some of what Maureen was saying might be true.

open to the idea 开始考虑

Here comes Nate to stir it up.

stir it up 挑起事端 to set in motion; instigate

I guess I had to learn the hard way.

like mother, like daughter.

learn the hard way 吃过不少苦头才理解,不撞南墙不回头

like mother, like daughter. 有其母必有其女

Second thoughts creep in. Secret missions sneak out.

creep in 偷偷潜入

sneak out 偷偷溜出

GossipGirl第三季学英语3.13 拆台不对

"it was the best of times. It was the worst of times." seems Dickens knew something about life on the upper east side

it was the best of times. It was the worst of times. 这是最好的时代,这是最坏的时代。


Sexting is not sweet. It's off-limits until you're in a relationship.

sext=sex+text 用手机短信调情

off-limits 禁止进入的


you're going to have to take it slow.

take it slow 慢慢来

Just imagining my life as a member of the most exclusive secret society makes me tingle.

tingle 兴奋,激动


All I need to know is that the most persuasive and powerful man I've ever met is on my side.

on my side 站在我这边儿,对我有利的

I read, like, five self-help blogs about how to turn friends into lovers. Yes, they use that word. I was a little down at my mom's place.

self-help 自助的,自我引导的

be down 情绪低落

Now that I'm with Chuck, I can see that Nate and I were only perfect on paper. on paper 从理论上讲的


you're gonna have to be able to come up for air,

come up for air 休息一下,暂停一会儿

这是一个含有比喻意味的词组,游泳的时候在水下憋气久了,必然要冒上水面来透口气吧?不然可会要命的哦。因此come up for air就是为了持续做好某事而小歇一会儿的意思。

I just assumed you'd rather not cross paths with Carla Bruni.

cross path 偶遇某人,邂逅

Carla Bruni就是法国第一夫人布吕尼啦。

Well, in times of crisis, sacrifices must be made.

in times of crisis 在危机关头

we said we didn't want to rush into things.

rush into things 操之过急

But I'm just trying to stick to the plan here.

stick to 维持,继续

Just because we lost track for a minute there doesn't mean we should just forget about it.

lose track 与某人失去联络,将某物抛在脑后

And it wasn't one of those "Parent Trap" situations that you and Jenny could swoop in on.

"Parent Trap" 《天生一对》是迪斯尼出品的真人电影,讲一对儿双胞胎撮合离婚父母的故事。

- I'm sure you'll find a way to make an impression.

make an impression 给人留下深刻印象

I'll just let you get back to your euro-fawning.

euro-fawning 欧洲的马屁精

It's good to keep Nate on his toes.

keep on one's toes 让某人保持警惕

I knew you'd see the error of your ways.

see the error of your ways 承认错误

why would you take romantic advice from a guy who has a cabbage patch doll? cabbage patch doll 大头娃娃

All you need to know is I blew my chance.

blow one's chance 机会告吹

But I originated that innocent, doe-eyed stare. I usually employ it when I know more than I'm willing to let on.

innocent, doe-eyed stare 无辜的大眼睛

let on 透露

I think we're pushing our luck at this point.

push luck 得寸进尺

GossipGirl第三季学英语3.14 失踪女子

No rest for the wicked.

这句话本来的说法应该是no peace for the wicked,这句话出自以赛亚书,意思是有罪之人将在十八层地狱遭受永无止尽的惩戒。

He's shutting me out in his head all the time. Normally, I'd chalk it up to just him being him.

shut sb. out 排挤某人

chalk something up to something else 将某事归咎于某事

I turned over a new leaf...a new, non-meddling leaf from the trust tree. non-meddling 互不干涉

A Blair Waldorf apology without a caveat?

caveat 中止诉讼手续的申请,警告,停止支付的通知


it's all these mojitos

Mojito是一款很受欢迎的鸡尾酒,名字来源于西班牙语中带有酸橙汁口味的莫霍少司(Mojo Sauce),而“Mojo”这个词来源于西班牙语中的动词“Mojar”,意思是“弄湿”。读起来是(mo-Hee-toe)。看起来很漂亮哇。。

I was brought here under false pretenses.

false pretense 欺诈,谎言


"Friend" is a pretty loose term right now.

loose term 不确切的表达


Your father's not completely out of line.

out of line 过分,越轨

We're in this no-man's-land.


Her feet on solid ground

这句话还跟中文挺对应的,“让她脚踏实地”——feet on solid ground。

Chuck Bass breaking bread with his mother.

break bread 一起吃东西,共同进餐


GossipGirl第三季学英语3.15 16岁处女身


shocker 令人震惊的事物


I'll see you at 4:15, on the dot.

on the dot 准点的,准时的


They're scheming harlots

harlot 妓女


It's a slam dunk.

slam dunk 板上钉钉的事儿,确定的事儿

听B女王说出“灌篮高手”这词儿,确实有点奇怪。不过除了我们熟知的某日本动漫,以及NBA中的某篮球术语之外,在口语里头,这个词还有表示sure thing的意思,因为你想灌篮失手的几率比投篮啥的小很多吧?

I'm gonna go try to get a hold of Serena again.

get a hold of 与某人电话联系 = To communicate with, as by telephone


Maybe now we'll hit it off.

hit it off 与某人处得来

it's no wonder that your marriage is going down the toilet.

go down the toilet 付诸东流,白费功夫


I'm not gonna make a scene.

make a scene (当众)吵闹 to make a public display or disturbance. 注意不要和make the scene混淆了,那是出席某场合的意思。

Did the upper east side crown cut off the circulation to your brain?



Clean slate.

Clean slate 一笔勾销


the kind of happy that people write embarrassing songs about.


GossipGirl第三季学英语3.16 怪蜀黍复仇记

Eleanor is having something called a pop-up fashion show for her new junior line. pop-up shop(品牌游击店):游击店属于临时性质,往往避开常规商业街区,装修简单朴实,开业成本低,品牌商可以承担更少风险,因此不少品牌通过开设游击店来推广品牌形象,提升品牌知名度。(感谢某酱指正)

junior line则是针对年轻人的服饰系列

it didn't exactly end well.

end well 善终,皆大欢喜。

high-end has fallen on hard times.

high end 高端品牌

hard times 艰难时刻,由于周遭的环境、事物和事件的影响,而觉得过得不顺畅。 这里所谓的hard times特指金融危机带来的经济不景气

Must beat drum, she says. Baby beat dorota's stomach like lars from metallica.

beat drum 摇旗呐喊,为……宣传。

Metallica是世界首屈一指的重金属乐队,Lars则是说该乐队的知名鼓手Lars Ulrich。Dorota很嘲诶~~~

I need gather a plain of chicks, college freshmen.

chick 【俚语】小妞

It's check-out time,

check out 付帐离开


You don't ever want to fall into a rut.

fall into a rut 陷入陈规,落入俗套


I shouldn't have gone behind your back and tried to cut you out of the fashion line.

go behind one's back 在某人不知情的情况下

Over it?

over sth. 忘记某事,忽略某事不计

You have to admire his handiwork.

handiwork n. 某人(或团伙)之所为(尤指坏事)。

I hope you didn't bring me here to gloat over your boyfriend's loyalty.

gloat over 幸灾乐祸地 to rejoice smugly over something; to be glad that something unfortunate has happened to someone else.

I'm just gonna crash.

crash 倒头就睡

Fair question.

Fair question 问得好

GossipGirl第三季学英语3.17 无情汉子伤心女

I think I have to unfriend Ryuichi.

unfriend 在社交网络社区将某人从好友名单中去除


Now hand yours over.

hand over 交出来

fine-tune this one just a little bit more,

fine-tune 略作调整使之更好

But he could lose it all because he opened his heart to that raven-haired con artist.

raven-haired 乌黑的

con artist 骗子


It is a remarkable dress, made only more so by you in it.



A half-truth is a whole lie, son. In my experience, it causes the same amount of problems down the line,

down the line 将来不知什么时候 At a point or an end in the future. 这也是一个固定搭配哦,意思是将来的某个时间点。

Back from shopping and no packages? Who are you, and what have you done with my girlfriend?


It'll be like shooting fish in a barrel.

shoot fish in a barrel 瓮中捉鳖

I think I've already proven I'm not one to kiss and tell.

kiss and tell 亲自爆料 Disclosing private or confidential information, especially in a first-hand account


Looks like it's "till death do us part."

till death do us part 至死不渝


GossipGirl第三季学英语3.18 盛大的佣人婚礼

You're blair waldorf. "punishment" is your middle name.

middle name中名通常会使用父亲的名字或者母亲的娘家姓,所以很多人的中名同姓一样在出生前就已经注定了。口语里面就经常会用XXX是你的中名来表示这个人生来就如何如何。

Not a soul. I promise.

no a soul 一个人也没有,一个人也不会说

I am divorcée.

divorcée 离过婚的人

she's playing with fire.

play with fire 冒险


Is it to help me sew or to stalk your new crush?

crush 暗恋对象

this time you have crossed a line.

cross a line 过分,越过界

I may have encouraged him to make a gesture,

make a gesture 摆出姿态

It's gonna knock your socks off!

knock socks off 让人大吃一惊

I guess good things don't always come in small packages.

Good things always come in small packages. 好东西总是藏在不起眼的小袋子里。

Guess it's the truth that's getting massaged.



We've both hit rock bottom, chuck,

hit rock bottom 跌落谷底


You have an aisle to walk down.

walk down the aisle 结婚


it's not my place to say.

not my place to say 轮不到我来说,不该我来说

While most people think it's our brain that controls our actions, it is often our

heart that gets the biggest workout.

heart and brain... 好吧,听到这句话很有一种串台的错觉……

GossipGirl第三季学英语3.19 好爸爸怪爸爸

are we still on for the Tim Burton exhibit at MoMA?

MoMA = The Museum of Modern Art 现代艺术博物馆


Rain check on MoMA?

rain check 下次再约


To rush back into dating...will show everyone that Chuck Bass has no hold over me.

hold over 拖延,威胁

And there will be no mention of the "C" word in this house.

"C" word 这里指cancer癌症

He's declared a dating fatwa on me.

fatwa 伊斯兰教法学家的裁决,尤其指对妇女儿童的禁令

This time I'm not gonna hold my breath.

hold my breath 坐等

hold breath除了屏住呼吸之外,还有静候某事发生的意思

Be here, 6:00 sharp.

sharp 准点 on the exact minute in reference to meeting at a specific point in time.


you look like you could use a drink.

use a drink 需要喝一杯


I thought you two were as thick as Wiis.

be as thick as thieves 莫逆之交


- Is that an Aaron Rose?

- Uh, pretty sure that's Ikea.

Starting with "dad knows" and ending with "these drinks are not for me."

I'm gonna stick around.

stick around 逗留

Too bad he doesn't realize Jenny's oath is less Hippocratic and more hypocrite. Hippocratic oath 希波克拉底誓言

hypocrite 伪善的



The Ikea Orb's growing on me.

be growing on sb. 渐渐喜欢上某人或某物

I'm game if you are.

I'm game 我陪你


her reaching out to me,

reach out to 伸出手去触碰 move forward or upward in order to touch; also in a metaphorical sense


GossipGirl第三季学英语3.20 前爸后爸大pk

It's said that we're all strapped to fortune's wheel. Nowhere is this truer than the ever-changing landscape of love. As one couple enjoys an upswing, another is plunged downwards. But top or bottom, don't get too comfortable, because the one thing you can rely on is that the wheel will keep on turning.

概括恋爱关系的很不错的一句话,所谓fortune's wheel跟我们说的风水轮流转意思很像哦。

Hey, man, she's going to Lily's for brunch.

brunch = breakfast + lunch 早中饭

Maybe a stack of waffles will help your hangover?

a stack of 一堆

hangover 宿醉

想知道一坨是不是也能用a stack of说啊?

Rufus, scoot over, please.

scoot over 挪过去


In a postwar building, on a street that's not even numbered. It's lettered. And its big selling point is that it's above a falafel stand.

falafel 油炸鹰嘴豆饼

selling point 卖点


You would totally approve... Prewar, doorman, and the best part... Fauchon is supposedly opening up next door.

Fauchon 馥颂 法国顶级食品店、把面包当香水卖的奢侈品牌。北京有家分店来着。

I'm sorry I'm running so late.

run late 晚点了

这个也是挺常用的的搭配。通常都说sb. be running so late

I just don't have any dirt on Jenny right now.

have dirt on 有某人的把柄

Jenny and her boyfriend sold my boyfriend adderall a couple of months ago. adderall 一种治疗注意力缺失/多动症的药


Lose the judge-face, Zoe.

lose ... face 别一副……的表情


I'm trapped at N.Y.U.

trap at 被困在某地

Morning, sunshine.

sunshine 亲爱的


Spare me your N.Y.U. freshman psych analysis.

spare me your ... 省省吧

You make your bed, You lie in it, B.

As you make your bed, so you must lie on it 作茧自缚,自食其果 You have to suffer the consequences of what you do.


I'm here for you, every step of the way.

every step of the way 一路相伴


I think I just became a Columbia student... for real.

for real 千真万确

I mean, being sick hasn't slowed her down at all. Yeah, she is the picture of health.

picture of health 这里指健康范本

Jenny, please save your breath.

save (one's) breath 不要说了,省省口舌吧 To refrain from a futile appeal or effort

GossipGirl第三季学英语3.21 当真爱遇到谎言

Ew. You wish.

you wish 你想得美哦!

Does this mean she's finally out from under her father's spell?

under one's spell 被某人迷住 Fascinated or influenced by someone 就是中了某人的魔咒啦。

Why not let things end on a good note?

end on good note 见好就收,和平分手

because Dan loves being in the middle of these things.

in the middle of something 插一手


I just got caught up in the moment, and it came out all wrong.

catch up in the moment 一时兴起

come out wrong 表错意

He gave you one when you bailed on Brown.

bail on 失约,放鸽子


Are you really taking his side right now?

take one's side 站在某人这边,帮某人


Philosophy of war? Hmm. I'm finally home.

finally home在这里的意思表示“我终于找到归宿”了,其实是B的自嘲。

so he sent Frick and Frack to ruin my date?

Frick and Frack 好搭档 two people who are closely linked in some way, especially through a work partnership

Frick and Frack是美国俩男子花滑运动员,这俩是搭档哦。

No way would another upper east sider shtup Rufus.

shtup 【意第绪语(犹太无产阶级语言)】发生性关系

She's the one who can connect all the dots,

connect all the dots 了解情况,理清头绪


Glad to have you aboard this time.

have sb. aboard 有某人参与

Dress is black-tie.

black-tie 正式穿着


Like it's been such a banner year for the Humphreys?

banner year 得意年


so pretend you're well-bred and be polite.

well-bred 好教养

Like when you stab me in the back.

stab in the back 背后捅一刀

I've been dying to get ahold of you.

get ahold of 联系某人

only Holland tells him Lily and Rufus are copper-bottom.

copper-bottom 用粗绳绑定


he'll be gone for good.

go for good 一走了之,溜之大吉

for good是forever永远的意思。

Someone must have tipped him off.

tip off 告诫,泄露


You can't "Affair to Remember" me.

Affair to Remember《金玉盟》英俊的富家子Nicky Ferrante和美丽的夜总会歌手Terry McKay在从欧洲到纽约的船上展开了一段罗曼史。在船上众人的关注下,两人相约六个月后在纽约的帝国大厦见面……

GossipGirl第三季学英语3.22 探戈一曲赴巴黎

Everything catches up to you in the end, And when it does, It usually kicks your ass.

catch up 遭到不好的结果 To have unpleasant consequences for, especially after a period of quiesence

kick ass 印象深刻,尤其指通过不愉快经历而得到的


So I could consider the best course of action.

course of action 行动的方针


Although it looks like love's a bit of a one-way street right now. Did she call? one-way street 单方面的 unilateral interaction


And "New Moon" on the pay-per-view bill.

Pay-per-view (PPV) provides a service by which a television audience can purchase events to view via private telecast of that event to (say) their homes.


You and Serena are on thin ice.

on thin ice 如履薄冰 In a precarious position


Unless a one-way ticket on the "Siberian Express" is what you're looking for, I'm out.

Siberian Express 西北风 a shorthand meteorological term in the United States describing the arrival of an extremely cold air mass of Arctic origins


I just wanna make sure we're still on the same page.

on the same page 想法一致

think hard.

think hard 仔细想想

That's it me who gets to do it is just the cherry on top.

cherry on top 锦上添花 Something good that follows a series of other fortunate events.


Bring it on.

Bring it on 尽管过来


I'm in luck! Two smackdowns for the price of none.

smackdown 打击 the act of knocking down or bringing down an opponent

maybe you should give her a call, bring her up to speed.

up to speed 了解最新情况


I found out the hard way.

learn the hard way 经过一番艰难才了解


They start out with a clean slate.

a clean slate 一张白纸


That baby right there he's gonna grow up to be smarter than the rest of 'em, which will make him feel like an outsider, give him a bit of a chip on his shoulder. a chip on his shoulder 愤愤不平

But I'll do something to let you down. Then you'll turn your back like everybody


let sb. down 让某人失望

turn one's back 不理会某人

what'd I just walk into?

walk into 无意撞到某事 to meet with unwittingly

Hey, let me walk you home.

walk sb. home 送某人回家

But it was a dick move.

dick move 兄弟吵架 An action by one male to another male friend which violates understood social expectations

We leave the past behind and speed toward the unknown our future. We set out for far-off places and try to find ourselves or try to lose ourselves exploring pleasures closer to home. The problems start when we refuse to let change happen and cling to old habits. But if we hold on to the past too tight, the future may never come. Till death do us part.