
1) The 3003 aluminum alloy which contains Mn, Fe and Si as alloying elements is widely used in the container, packaging, and automobile industry, because of its excellent specific strength, corrosion resistance and formability.

2) The influence of dispersed particles on recrystallization, and the texture and mechanical properties of wrought aluminum have often been investigated.

3) OM images of the precipitation various homogenization treatments are presented in Fig. 2.







距离美国大学日还有不到一个月的时间,两党候选人在辩论中使出各种招数突出自己、诋毁对方。据说,从上实际90年代中期开始,美国大选过程中,就开始出现一些以影响民意为目的的民调,英文叫做push poll 。

Push poll is an opinion poll whose real purpose is to influence people’s opinions rather than to collect information about them.

Push poll 指以民调之名行影响民意之实的民意调查,这种调查的母的不是收集人们的意见,二是影响人们的看法,即“推手民调”。 In essence, a push poll is something approaching a smear campaign masquerading as an opinion poll, a push poll typically involves phoning very large numbers of voters and,in the guise of doing a survey to find out how certain pieces of information may affect their voting preferences ,feeding-bottle the false or damaging information about a particular candidate .the idea the is to ‘push ’them away from any rival candidate and steer

them towards the candidate that the caller supports . 从本质上来看,“推手民调”更像是伪装成民意调查的“抹黑大战(smear campaign)”。这种调查通常会电话联络大量的选民,假装调查哪些“信息”会影响选民的投票决定,而在此过程中向选民灌输有关某个候选人的虚假或破 坏性信息。这样做的目的是将选民从竞争对手那里“推开”,转而支持调查方这边的候选人。

The essential difference between a push poll and a valid opinion poll is that the latter merely attempts to elicit opinions, whilst the former aims to change and influence them. In a push poll, large numbers of respondents are contacted, but little or no effort is made to collect and analyze response data because no-one is really interested in this information once the phone call is over, the main aim having been to negatively influence the targeted candidate.

“推手民调”和真正的民调之间的本质区别是,民意调查只是为了收集民意,而“推手”调 查是为了改变和影响民意。在“推手”调查中,大量受访者会接到调查信息,但是并没有人做后续的信息收集和分析工作,因为在调查电话挂断以后,就没有人再对 那些信息感兴趣了。“推手”调查的主要目的是对某个特定候选人产生负面影响。



很多人都说他们学英语的时候最大的障碍就是单词记不住。经常记住了前面的,忘了后面的;要不就是单词字母记错了顺序。有人研究发现,单词的开头和结尾比中间部分更容易被记住。你有这个体会吗? The 'bathtub effect' is perhaps the most commonly reported finding in the literature on memory for words. People remember the beginnings and ends of words better than the middles, as if the word were a person lying in a bathtub, with their head out of the water at one end and their feet out at the other. And, just as in a bathtub the head is further out of the water and more prominent than the feet, so the beginnings of words are, on average, better remembered than the ends.

“浴缸效应”大概是与背单词有关的文献记录中最常见的一个现象了。人们记单词的时候, 对词的头和尾往往比中间部分记得更牢。这就好像单词是躺在浴缸里的一个人,头和脚都露出水面。而同时,

头露出水面的部分往往比脚要多,而且比脚更加显眼。 因此,单词



For example:

His name is long and rarely seen. I can only recall it begins with “Ja” and end with “son”. Caught by the bathtub effect again.




"gangnam Style" is a Korean neologism mainly associated with upscale fashion and lavish lifestyle associated with

trendsetters in Seoul’s Gangnam district, which is considered the most affluent part of the metropolitan area. In colloquial usage, it is comparable to the English slang terms “swag” or “yolo”.

Gangnam Style(江南风格,更广为人知的说法为“江南style”)是一个韩语新词,多用来形容首尔江南区走在时尚前沿、过着奢华生活的“弄潮儿”们。江南区被认为是首尔市内最有钱的区域。Gangnam Style相当于英语口语中的swag(拽)或yolo(you only live once,意为“人生只有一次”)。

你愿意做MRS degree吗?


Possible holders of an MRS degree are

women who attend college just to meet

potential husbands with high social

standing and future earning potential.




This phenomenon, which occurs predominantly at private Christian institutions, has turned America’s ‘Bible colleges’ into ‘bridal colleges’. On these campuses, engagement is not only an eagerly awaited (and accepted) part of a relationship, but marriage is often promoted and planned around graduation. 这种现象多见于美国的私立基督教会学校,使得这些“圣经学校”都变成了“新娘学校”。在这些学校,订婚是她们在恋爱关系中热切期待(并接受)的一个步骤,临近毕业的时候通常就要开始规划婚姻了。 Although independence and career goals for women are now accepted on college campuses, evidence still exists of women going the old-fashioned route: investing their money in pursuing a future lifestyle rather than in an academic conquest.


lipstick effect 口红效应


是人们便会转而购买相对比较廉价的商品。口红作为一种“廉价的非必要之物”成为女性消费者的首选商品,于是就有了一个有趣的经济现象lipstick effect,即“口红效应”。

The lipstick effect is the theory that when facing an economic crisis consumers will be more willing to buy less costly luxury goods. Instead of buying expensive fur coats, women will buy expensive lipstick.


The underlying assumption is that consumers will buy luxury goods even if there is a crisis. When consumer trust in the


economy is dwindling, consumers will buy goods that have less

impact on their available funds. Obviously men will not be buying lipstick, but could be tempted by expensive beer or smaller, less costly gadgets.




Hiberdating means dating in the

winter months, or the situation

that someone ignores all their

other friends when they are dating

a boyfriend/girlfriend. The second meaning is more popular. The word

hiberdating is a blending of the word “hibernating” and “dating”, which means a person is in a state of

inactivity(hibernating) among friends when dating someone. Hiberdating指在冬季约会恋爱,或者指某人在谈恋爱期间忽略其他朋友的情况,也就是我们常说的“有异性没人性”。第二种用法更普遍一些。Hiberdating这个词是hibernating(冬眠)和dating(约会)两 个词的合成词,由此便可知它的意思是一个人在约会恋爱期间中断与朋友联络的状况。

For example:

I haven't seen or heard from Jennifer since she started hiberdating Teddy four months ago.

自从4个月前詹妮弗跟泰德约会以来,我就一直没有过她的消息。 “分开同居”渐成时尚


Living Apart Together (LAT) is a term for couples who, while committed to each other, decide to have separate homes rather than one shared residence.

“分开同居”(Living Apart Together



There are three approaches LAT couples can take, concerning decision to keep separate domestic residences. The majority are the "gladly apart", along with the "regretfully apart" (due to work commitments, family responsibilities, legal or

residency requirements, or other reasons) and the "undecidedly apart" (committed but not especially moving towards cohabitation at the time).







Those gladly apart

couples claim that their motives include:


LAT is having kept their relationship fresh.


Having both an intimate relationship and one's own space is a treat.


The anticipation of time together is always being special. 盼望相聚的日子总是很特别。

Having bases in two cultures – for example both a busy city and a country village.


Freedom to do things without consultation, and the freedom not to do things in one's own abode.


Independent finances and homes meaning that financial dispute and negotiation is not a source of friction in the couple's relationship.


Ability to focus on work or one's own activities without interruption at times when one wishes to work.


It girl是什么样的女孩?

她有无法抵挡的魅力。她的态度、她的经历,当然还有她的style,永远都是媒体关注的焦点。她就是我们要说的It girl。

An It girl or It-girl is a charming, sexy young woman who receives intense media coverage unrelated or disproportional to personal achievements. The reign of an "It girl" is usually temporary; some of the rising It girls will either become fully-fledged celebrities or their popularity will fade. The term "It boy", much less frequently used, is the male equivalent. This term is unrelated to the abbreviation IT.

It girl(或It-girl)指受到媒体




其个人成就 极不匹配,中文多译作



到瞩目的It girl,有点可能会蜕变成真正意义上的名人,有的可能就此销声匿迹了。与其相对应的It boy指同样境况的年轻男子。这

里的It跟我们通常所说的信息工程(information technology)这个词的缩写IT一点关系都没有。

The term was coined by English romance novelist and

screenwriter Elinor Glyn to describe actress Clara Bow as she appeared in the 1927 Hollywood silent film It. Glyn described the term thus:

"IT" is that quality possessed by some which drawstring all others with its magnetic force. With "IT" you win all men if you are a woman—all women if you are a man. "IT" can be a quality of the mind as well as a physical attraction.


“It”是有些人身上具有的一种特质,这种特质独有的吸引力能够让这些人得到所有人的关注。如果你是女人,有了“It”,你就可以赢得所有的男人——如果你是男人,有了“It”,你就可以赢得所有的女人。“It”可以是精神上的吸引力,也可以是肉体上的吸引力。 Since 1927 the term has been extended beyond the world of film, referring to whoever in society, fashion or the performing arts was in vogue at the time, and eventually extending beyond young female performing artists to mere "media celebrities".

19xx年以后,It girl这个说法就不限于电影界了,它可以指社会上、时尚界或演艺界任何一个走在潮流前线的人,后来It girl的界限不断延伸,从年轻的演艺明星到纯粹的“媒体名人”,都可以用It girl来指代。

草莓族 Strawberry Generation

坊间对80后的议论还没有褪去,针对90后的种种说法又袭来了。“他们的素质都很不 错,可就是承受不了打击,太容易受伤害了。”这话听着是不是很耳熟呢?是啊,大概因为80后和90后这样的情况太普遍了吧,所以人们用了一个很生动的比喻 来指代他们

——Strawberry Generation。

They look chic and sophisticated.

They are soft and get hurt easily.

They seem unbearably spoilt and

can't take much pressure. They

are the so-called "Strawberry



The term was coined by a Taiwan writer in one of her books about office rules. It refers to the post-60s generation of office

workers, who grew up in a protected environment and got easily dented - just like strawberries - by life's lightest knocks. “草莓族”这个说法是由一位台湾作家在她一本关于办公室法则的书中创造出来的,它指的是60年代后出生的办公室职员,他们像草莓一样是在多方保护的环境中长大的,生活中轻微的碰撞就能让他们受到伤害。

This expression is now finding its way into the mainland, and refers to young workers, of only child families, who have been active in the workforce for just a year or two. They

are generally well educated but are self-centered and give too much importance to appearance and material comforts.




1. Stopping acting like a baby! Pull yourself together! 别耍孩子气了,振作起来。

Pull oneself together 常用在口语中,意思就是重新振作起来,镇静下来。

2. Chin up! Only two exams left.


Chin up或者keep your chin up 就是别灰心,别气馁。当别人处境困难时,可以用这句话鼓励。

3. Be prepared for a rough time. And hang in there. 准备吃苦,坚持下去。

Hang in there 别泄气,坚持下去。当朋友想要放弃的时候,说这句话,让他们咬牙坚持下去。

4. I'm sure it'll work out.


Work out(某种事情)有效的,切实可行,成功。比如:The plan worked out badly. 计划实行得很不成功。

5. You can do anything if you really want to. That's the spirit! 只要你想做,你就一定能做得到。那才是好样的!

That’s the spirit! 用于鼓励他人的勇气、决心,意思是那样才对,那才算好样的。


pull oneself together 振作起来

chin up 别灰心,别气馁


hang in there 坚持住

It'll work out. 总会有办法的

That’s the spirit! 那样才对,那才算好样的


四世同堂式的大家庭曾在中国很普遍,七大姑八大姨齐聚一个屋檐下也不足为奇。但随着社会的发展,家庭模式也有了新的变革。核心家庭(nuclear family)、丁克家庭(DINK family)都是时下常见的家庭模式。其实,大家庭并没有消失,只是换了种模式,他们成了beanpole family。

Beanpole family,一般译作“豆竿家庭”,指的是:

A family whose living members come from many generations, but with few members in each generation.



近年来,在很多国家都出现了这样的家庭,新生代的人数普遍减少,多为独生子女,而老一代 人的寿命又在延长,所以整个家庭的模式就像插在地上帮助豆秧向上攀爬的豆竿(beanpole)一样,又细又长。这种家庭最初在英国被称为 verticalized family(垂直化家庭)。 The rising divorce rate partly explains the growth of the 'beanpole' family. With almost one in two marriages ending in divorce, many adults have at least two families, each with a single child.


杠杆女 VS 经适男



The term “lever women” refers to wives or girlfriends who play their advantages to the full to help their husbands or boyfriends succeed in careers. Such women are compared to levers to lift their husbands or boyfriends.




More and more women now tend to seek a "budget husband" instead of wealthy men just as home buyers now look for budget houses rather than villas during the economic crisis. Although not earning a lot, the budget husbands don't have bad habits such as drinking, smoking or gambling and are family-oriented. 现在越来越多的女性不再想着找“金龟婿”了,而是倾向于找“经济适用男”(简称“经适男”)做老公。这个趋势跟经济危机时期,买房的人不再考虑买别墅,而是四处搜寻经济适用房的情况很类似。“经济适用男”虽然收入不高,但是他们没有抽烟、喝酒或赌博等恶习,而且他们还很顾家。
