篇一 :Personal Statement范文

Personal Statement

As a senior majoring in Economics at XXX, one of the top four universities in Shanghai, the more relevant courses I take, the more I am certain about my future career as an Economist.

However, I realize that what I have learned as an undergraduate is far from enough. Therefore, it is my dream to pursue a graduate program in Economics at your university. If accepted, my intended concentration would be microeconomics or Finance.

My interest in Economics was ignited in high school, where I was first introduced to the fundamental economic theories in our politics class. I was so fascinated by the concepts of ‘invisible hand’, ‘Giffen’s Paradox’ and others that I chose the major of Economics as my first choice before the University Entrance Examination. Unlike my classmates, whose major is usually decided by their parents, I followed the voice of my heart and I am determined to persist in the end.

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篇二 :personal_statement模板50篇

I am keen on sports and outdoor pursuits. I have enjoyed a range of activities from countryside walks to kayaking and abseiling. Because of this I feel I would particularly enjoy the fieldwork the course offers. I have been able to combine this interest in sport with a part time job as a leisure attendant at local sport centres. As part of this post I was asked to lead a youth sports and activities group which aims to promote sport among young people in my area. This activity has also allowed me to introduce other young people to activities that I have enjoyed. This role has also helped me to develop skills that would help me while I am at university. The sports

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篇三 :Personal Statement个人陈述

I am a thinker, but not one to think out loud. I love myself, but am not in love with the sound of my own voice. I want to be loved, but not at the cost of not loving myself. I want to know everything, but realize that nothing can ever be known for sure. I believe that nothing is absolute, but I can absolutely defend my beliefs. I understand that chance is prevalent in all aspects of life, but never leave anything important to chance. I am skeptical about everything, but realistic in the face of my skepticism. I base everything on probability, but so does nature...probably.

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篇四 :怎样写一份成功的personal statement~




说到PS首先总得知道什么是PS,它的功能是什么,应该包含什么内容,质量衡量标准是什么,对吧?其次,咱再来看怎么样才能把它写好,千万不要把顺序弄混了。写PS的准备工作中最首要的任务是明确一个思路和框架,这是最重要也是最困难的工作,千万不要一开始就想我怎么把语言写的多么的深不可测、妙笔连珠,不是说语言好不是PS所需要的,而是开始的时候重点不在这里。好了,言归正传。PS的全称是Personal Statement,意为个人陈述,另称SoP, Statement of Purpose,虽然不同学校对于PS内容的描述和要求确实有微妙的区别,但是大体上可以这么理解:PS,即个人陈述,是一份陈述个人申请原因和解释为什么认为自己适合所申请课程的信。PS的主要功能是向学校解释自己的学术兴趣、教育经历、实践活动、职业规划等成绩单不能体现的方面;这么形象的来说,如果说成绩单和语言能力证明等文件在学校面前搭建了一个申请人的骨架的话,那么PS的主要目的就是为这个骨架增添血和肉,这样才能构建一个鲜活的、独一无二的申请人形象。当然了,这既然是个比喻,它就只是个比喻,只可意会不可细琢。

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篇五 :Personal Statement范例

Personal Statement

Written by Tong Zhang

As a student of Birmingham University, I would like to scale higher intellectual heights by undertaking advanced studies in your Economics PhD program. When introduced to economics in college I realized that it interestingly

qualified as a subject of both Arts and Science. It was an area defined by precise rules, principles and axioms and yet there was tremendous scope for self-expression in the form of interpretation and analysis. This facet of economics intrigued me very much and I decided to pursue further studies in Economics. But, at the same time, I realize that what I have learned as an MSc student is far from enough. Therefore, it is my desire to pursue a PhD degree in Economics at University of Birmingham.

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篇六 :如何写Personal Statement(个人陈述)


PS是Personal Statement的简称,是我们申请美国研究生院的重要材料之一。一份完美的PS有可能使你申请成功的机会大大增加,同时PS也是很好的认识你自己的过程。通过写PS,你将更了解你自己,清楚自己想要什么样的生活,理清自己为什么要去美国,以后将要成为什么样的人。这对申请者来说至关重要,对admission officer来说,PS是你唯一有机会向他们展示一个鲜活的你的材料。成绩单是死的,GRE和TOEFL分数是死的,而他们要找的是一个活生生的人,是一个有血有肉有思想的人,他们在众多的申请者中寻找最适合他们的那一位,你如何认识你自己?你的motivation来自哪里?你将来如何打算?这些东西都可以帮助他们走进你,了解你,认识你,然后决定是不是接受你。U of Washington的admission officer指出,他们会把申请者分成四等: "Admit with guaranteed funding, Admit with potential funding, Tabled (a sort of admissions purgatory), and Reject." It is in the case of "Tabled" and "Admit with potential funding" applications, the admissions officer reports, that the personal statement can make a

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篇七 :personal statement(例文范本)

Personal Statement

Program: Technology, Innovation & Education (TIE)

The slogan of Harvard is Amicus Plato,Amicus Aristotle,sed Magis Amicus VERITAS (Let Plato be your friend and Aristotle but more let your friend be truth.).I am a girl who is believing in truth, so I do believe that a top university can play an important role in an industrious and talented person’s life.I want to apply the Technology, Innovation & Education Program (TIE) in Harvard Graduate School of Education(HGSE).

As far as I know, the Technology, Innovation, and Education Program (TIE) prepares students to contribute to the thoughtful design, implementation, and assessment of educational media and technology initiatives. Graduates of the program fill leadership positions in a wide range of fields, including design and production, policy development and analysis, technology integration and administration, research and evaluation, and teaching with new technologies.

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篇八 :Personal Statement 个人陈述范文

MMM Date of Birth 07/30/1987

Personal Statement

I strive to become a prominent researcher and leader of business in the 21st century. My purpose of transferring to Duke University is to acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical skills at a higher level in this field. I’ve developed a strong passion for business and management through my study, leadership roles and work experience as I grew up. It first drew my attention when I was still in junior high school, I had a team in the student association of more than 20 fellows at that time, I was always thinking of new ways to efficiently distribute work and make all of them finished appropriately, which, could be my first practical operation of managerial method. Since then, management and economics have always inspired my interests because I find it interesting when you see different approaches can lead to different results output and the whole team performance.

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