篇一 :个人年终总结(英文版)

Annual Personal Summary

The new year is around the corner and in the soon-to-last 2010, there are so many memorable moments.

Annual Summary

I take up new work as a sales, which is both familiar and strange to me. Much difference from translation, this position is not only interesting but also full of challenges. Because things are not in your hands and

sometimes out of control, while if you could try to grasp buying point of customers, you would gain the upmost accomplishment. This is totally what I have felt and my eternal pursuit.

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篇二 :英文版的年终总结



Year-end is a good time to review your programs to get them ready for the next year. Typically, this time of year things slow down due to the holidays you might have some time to focus on the recommendations below.

Year-end Recap

It is critical that you develop a year-end recap and send it out to as many people as possible.

This will let then know your successes as well as challenges in the past year. You can use this to brag about the successes, which can lead to more support as well as budget.

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篇三 :个人年终总结(英文版)

Annual Personal Summary

The new year is around the corner and in the soon-to-last 2010, there are so many memorable moments.

Annual Summary

I take up new work as a sales, which is both familiar and strange to me. Much difference from translation, this position is not only interesting but also full of challenges. Because things are not in your hands and sometimes out of control, while if you could try to grasp buying point of customers, you would gain the upmost accomplishment. This is totally what I have felt and my eternal pursuit.

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篇四 :20xx年英文版的年终总结

英 文 写年终 总 结

个人的年终总结和工作的年终总结会有所区别,一起来看看该怎么写、要包含哪些内容吧! Year-end is a good time to review your programs to get them ready for the next year. Typically, this time of year things slow down due to the holidays you might have some time to focus on the recommendations below.

Year-end Recap

It is critical that you develop a year-end recap and send it out to as many people as possible. This will let then know your successes as well as challenges in the past year. You can use this to brag about the successes, which can lead to more support as well as budget.

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篇五 :20xx年终工作总结英文版范文

The ye end is ing, befe e ve n he ne ye, i’s high ie f ll f us d evie f he ye T e, ding his nnul evie is like geing ep d I’s n diffeen ih y nnul evie – exep hese esuls en’ f y sudies –hey’e bigge They’e f y life


Ipne f Ye End Revies


S hy is i ipn d ye end evie? Thee e 4 siple esns:


1 D lessns f he ye


Wh hve yu expeiened his ye? Wh hve yu lened f he? Wih evey expeiene e fe, hee e ipn hings len We n eihe le hese inidenes pss us by, e n sp undesnd, inenlize he, nd d lessns f he Life is yu shl, nd he lessns e dessed up s yu eveydy inidenes Yu dn’ n be living ye fe ye ihu lening f yu expeienes Th’s jus sleeplking yu life y

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篇六 :中英文年终总结



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篇七 :公司年终总结范文



公司各部门: 20** 年,是继20** 年后的又一个>房地产“ 政策年,也是历年来国家实施房地产宏观调控力度最大的一年。为稳定房价,上半年,国家及地方接连不断地集中出台相关调控新政策( 新老国八条及七部委意见等) ,房地产市场一度呈现持币观望,成交量大幅放缓的局面。面对风云变幻、市场动荡不安的20** 年,在集团公司董事会的正确领导和决策下,全体同仁通过进一步转变观念,认真分析当前的形势,努力克服各种不利因素,齐心协力,扎实工作,基本完成了年初工作目标计划。现将公司一年来的>工作总结如下:

一、20** 年主要工作情况:

( 一) 经济指标完成情况:

全年开发房屋建筑面积170000 平方米,建成房屋面积 150000 平方米,完成房地产建设>投资20300 万元,实现销售23500 万元,销售面积125000 平方米。

( 二) 项目推进方面:

经过一年的艰苦工作,聚信广场完成了项目的前期策划及产品功能定位; 完成了一期用地范围内所有建筑物的拆迁、高压线路的搬迁手续及规划方案的设计和审批、地质勘探等大量前期工作,并己进入土石方施工。龙头寺项目完成了项目的可行性研究、前期策划、控规调整及产品功能定位; 协调好了用地范围内五回高压线的搬迁事宜; 完成了项目土地手续并取得了部份国土证; 完成了项目用地范围内各种构建筑物的拆迁; 完成了现场施工围墙的修建及活动棚屋的搭建; 完成了方案设计并通过了方案的审批; 完成了项目融资7000 万元,并己开始售楼部施工。

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篇八 :20xx年公司年终总结(终稿)







2、根据公安部和质检总局联合下发的《关于加强和改进机动车检验工作的意见》要求,从20xx年9月开始,车辆检验新规18条开始实施,部分车辆免于上线检验,原来的小(微)型载客汽车要进行行车证的换证。根据要求,我们 1

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