篇一 :英语论文文献综述

How to Write a Literature Review ?

. The definition of Literature Review

文献综述(Literautre Review)是科研论文中重要的文体之一。它以作者对各种文献资料的整理、归纳、分析和比较为基础,就某个专题的历史背景、前人的工作、研究现状、争论的焦点及发展前景等方面进行综合、总结和评论。通过阅读文献综述,科研工作者可花费较少的时间获得较多的关于某一专题系统而具体的信息,了解其研究现状、存在的问题和未来的发展方向。

. The purposes of literature review And Its Components

A. The Purposes

On the one hand, it helps you broaden the view and perspective of the topic for your graduation thesis.

On the other hand, it helps you narrow down the topic and arrive at a focused research question.

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篇二 :英文文献综述样本




文 献 综 述


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篇三 :英语专业毕业论文文献综述




学生姓名: 李朝妮 专 业: 英语 班级学号: 080380130 指导老师: 郭瑞芳 指导教师职称:

20xx年 2 月 25 日

英语 专业毕业论文文献资料目录及综述表




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篇四 :2-英语专业文献综述模板(模板)


Literature Review




The thesis of this paper is ……

The purposes for collecting those literatures are as follow: ……



上3.5cm  下2.6cm  左2.7cm  右 2.7cm  页眉2.4cm   页脚 2cm




I will divide all the literatures and materials into four categories.

Scholar Nida says in his book ……

Newmark says in his book ……



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篇五 :关于“飘”英文文献综述范文

The Integrity of Human and Nature

——— An Analysis of Gone with the Wind from the

Perspective of Eco-feminism

It’s generally accepted that Gone with the Wind is a popular novel except a few people thought it is not worth reading. Due to some controversial problems had been discussed in the book so the novel was neglected for a long time by critics, such as its descriptions of the black, of the reconstruction after the war and of ku klux klan and so on. However, Donald W. Miller praised the book as a great epic which influences a number of people of different generations and nations. Recently people come to realize there is something significant behind the big work so that more and more people are addressing themselves to study it from many perspectives.

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篇六 :英语论文文献综述





In the early reviews of this novel reveals a variety of attitudes toward and assessments. Some early reviewers suspected strongly that Sons and Lovers is an autobiographical work. “We suspect that Paul is a projection of the writer’s own personality,” Harold Massingham said. Others did not explicitly make a direct to the passionately personal style of Sons and Lovers. Some of Lawrence’s contemporaries insist on seeing the novel Sons and Lovers as the author’s only-slightly-revised personal history; others do not, although one complains about the writer’s lack of “scientific detachment.” Some of the reviews believe the book to be about the tragic “wastage” of Walter Morel; others think the author is writing against his own biological father. Then, too, there are critics who seemed to sense that the inconsistent reviews of the book are made possible by the work itself, which is about emotional oxymoron, passionate contradictions. Before any reviewers fully insisted upon the autobiographical nature of Sons and Lovers. “In order to understand Mr. Lawrence fully, we must go beyond his works,” Alfred Kuttner suggested in A Freudian Appreciation in Sons and Lovers. Insisting on the strong similarity between Sons and Lovers and Lawrence’s earlier novels and love poems, Kuttner declared all these works to be “expressions of the same personal experience,”namely, Lawrence’s “hatred”for his “father.” Having said this, Kuttner went even further, suggesting that what Lawrence “particularizes so passionately” is what Freud, more generally, “ has proved beyond cavil,” namely, that “the child’s attachment to the parent of the opposite sex becomes the prototype of all later love relations.”

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篇七 :英语专业毕业论文文献综述要求和格式






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篇八 :文献综述英文版

Title :Magnetic motor shell stamping process and die design Author:yu

Department of Materials

"Magnetic motor shell stamping process and die design" literature review Abstract摘要

By read these references and documents, in-depth understanding of the contemporary mold of advanced manufacturing technology and metal forming technology, a number of instances of mold design and the understanding and learning, to further study the method of stamping die design, die design and thus have a directionalguidance.As used in this design and drawing die punching die and so on, through the design of the book related to mold in-depth study, this drawing die and the punching die and so the design methods have shape.These references and documents, the design of low-cost high-accuracy die with directional guidance. Keywords: Mold advanced manufacturing technology Mold Manufacturing Trends Drawing Punching CAE Die Materials Prices

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