







正方; 一辩手: 二辩手: 三辩手: 四辩手: 反方; 一辩手: 二辩手: 三辩手: 四辩手:

主持人:好!现在我宣布辩论赛正式开始。首先将由正方一辩 同学表明立场和发言,时间为2分30秒。

主持人:感谢正方一辩的精彩发言,谢谢!下面有请反方一辩 同学来陈述观点,时间为2分30秒。


主持人:感谢反方一辩!接下来要进入的是攻辩环节。在这个环节中,我们首先有请正方二辩选择反方二辩或三辩进行一对一攻辩一分45秒分钟。注意:攻方每次提问不得超过15秒辩方每次回答不得超过20秒。,首先有请正方二辩赛手 同学提问。






主持人: 非常感谢反方一辩!

好了,下面紧接着要进入辩论会最为精彩的阶段也是他们施展才华的时刻——自由辩论,在自由辩论开始之前,让我提醒双方代表,你们每队各有 5分钟的发言时间,正反双方自由轮流发言,同一方的发言次序不限。正方先发言。一方发言落座之后,另外一方要马上发言,若有间隙,累计时间照常进行。如果一方用时已完,另一方可以继续发言,也可以向主持人提出不发言。我们提倡







主持人:下面要进行我们全场最关键的一个环节,总结陈词阶段,各方的四辩作总结性陈述,我们先从反方四辩开始,时间 3 分钟。请。

主持人:谢谢!现在我们请正方四辩为正方作总结性陈述,时间为 3 分钟。请。

主持人:在比分揭晓之前,先请现场的评论员 对今天的辩论进行点评,有请,大家掌声欢迎!









Dear teacher and students, Good afternoon!

I am honored to be the chairman of today’s debating contest.

Today we hold here a debate in the title of "human rights or sovereignty, which is more important?" Here you can release your energy, you can arouse your youth, here is the collision of the wisdom, here is the fierce competition. Here is no failure, here is only the curtain call of the hero, here is the debate stage in ……. Firstly, I have the great privilege of presenting today’s judge for this debate contest. Boys and girls, Let us welcome ……. with enthusiastic applause.

Next please let me introduce the contestants of both sides.

Those from team A are XXX, XXX, XXX, and XXX, their opinion is “human rights is more important”

Those from team B are XXX, XXX, XXX, and XXX, their opinion is “sovereignty is more important”

Next, welcome timekeepers of both sides raise hands to give a sign.

Ok, as everybody is ready now, here starts the debate.

(a) Opening statement part

In this part, the first debaters of two sides state their view one by one. This Time is for 3 minutes.

Firstly, please welcome the first debater of team A

Thanks to the wonderful statement of ...., please welcome the first debater of team B (B) Attack debate part

Now, let us welcome the second debater of team A to choose the second or third or fourth debater from team B to have a dabate, the time is for 90 seconds.

Next let us invite the second debater of team B to choose the

second or third or fourth debater from team A to have a dabate, the time is for 90 seconds.

Next let us invite the third debater of team A to choose the second or third or fourth debater from team B to have a dabate, the time is for 90 seconds.

Next let us invite the third debater of team B to choose the second or third or fourth debater from team B to have a dabate, the time is for 90 seconds.

Next the two sides is going to have a summary about the attack defense links.

Firstly, let’s invite the first debater of team A to have a summary, the time is for 2 minutes.

Thanks to …, next, let’s invite the first debater of team B, the time is also for 2 minutes.

(C) Free debate part

In this part, both debaters could take part in the debate, the time for each team is 5 minutes.

Let’s begin with team A

(D) Last sum-up part

In this part, the forth debaters of both sides have a summary. Time for each team is 4 minutes.

Firstly, let’s invite the forth debater from team B

Thanks to …, next, let’s invite the forth debater from team A. (E) The audience question part

In this part, our audience could ask both teams some questions, each team need to answer questions from the audience. Let's welcome our judge to give us some comments.

Now, the wonderful debate is going to its end, thanks for your participation
