

1) 表示大约数目

大约数目指的是围绕特定数目、以及比特定数目或多或少的数目。汉语在数词前加“约”、“约计”、“大约”、“大概”等词,或在数词后加“左右”、“上下”等词表示。英语(论坛)在数词前加 about, around,some,approximately,roughly,more or less,in the neighbourhood of等词或词组,或在数词后加or so,or thereabout,in the rough等词组表示,例如:

a) about/around five o’clock大约五点钟/五点钟左右

b) about/around/some/approximately/roughly/more or less/in the neighbourhood of twenty people 大约二十人/二十人左右

2) 表示“少于”的数目

表示比特定数目少或小的数目,汉语在数词前加“少于”、“小于”、“低于”、“不到”、“不及”、“不足”等词,或在数词后加“以下”、“以内”、“以里”等词表示。英语在数词前加fewer than, less than,under,below,within等词或词组表示,例如:

a) fewer than/less than/under/below/within one thousand yuan少于一千元/不到一千元/一千元以下

b) below zero degrees Celsius 摄氏零度以下

3) 表示“差不多”的数目

差不多,是一种特殊的表示“少于”的数目的方法,接近特定数目或仅差一点。汉语在数词前加“近”、“将近”、“接近”、“几乎”、“差不多”、“差一点”、“差一点不到”等词表示。英语在数词前加nearly,almost,toward,close on等词或词组表示, 例如:

a) nearly/almost/toward fifty years old将近五十岁/差一点五十岁

b) nearly/almost/close on one hundred yuan将近一百元/差不多一百元

4) 表示“多于”的数目

表示比特定数目多或大的数目,汉语在数词前加“多于”、“大于”、 “高于”、 “超过”等词,或在数词后加“多”、“来”、“几”、“余”、“以上”等词表示。英语在数词前加more than ,over,above,upwards of等词或词组表示,或用在数词后加and more,odd,and odd等词或词组表示,例如:

a) more than/over/above/upwards of a hundred yuan one hundred yuan and more/odd/and odd一百多元/一百来元

b) above thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit华氏32度以上

5) 表示“介于"的数目


a) from five to six days; between five and six days五至六天

b) from eight hundred to nine hundred kilometres anywhere between eight hundred and nine hundred kilometres(介于) 八百到九百公里 (之间)

6) 表示“相邻”的数目

连用两个相邻的数字,表示一个不确定数目。英语用or连接两个相邻数字来表示。注意“三三两两”是特殊的“相邻”的数目。表示“两个或两个以上”等,英语在数词后加or more表示, 例如:

a) two or three两三个

b) sixty or seventy六七十

c) three thousand or four thousand三四千

d) by twos and threes 三三两两

e) two or more两个或两个以上

7) 表示“数十”等数目

表示“数十”、“数百”、“数千”等不确定数目,英语在ten/dozen/score/hundred/thousand/million/billion等数词的复数形式后加of 构成,例如:

a) tens of(20—99);dozens of(24—99); scores of(40-99) 数十/几十/好几十

b) hundreds of (200—999);several hundred 数百/数以百计/几百/好几百/成百

c) thousands of (2,000—9,999);several thousand 数千/数以千计/几千/好几千/成千

d) tens of thousands of (20,000—99,999) 数万/数以万计/几万/好几万

e) hundreds of thousands of (200,000—999,999) 数十万/几十万/好几十万

f) millions of (2,000,000—9,999,999) 数百万/几百万/好几百万 g) tens of millions of (20,000,000-99,999,999) 数千万/几千万/好几千万 h) hundreds of millions of (200,000,000-999,999,999) 数亿/几亿/好几亿 i) 数十亿/几十亿/好几十亿 billions of(2,000,000,000—9,999,999,999)




一、动词(重点中的重点 共35题)

对近五年的上海高考英语试题进行分析,发现每年考察动词的试题均有7题,其中它们的分布为情态动词1题,动词时态1题,时态与语态的综合1题,非谓语动词4题,包括现在分词、过去分词、动名词(xx年动词词义)、不定式各一题。 (20xx年6题)

27. It’s no use ______ without taking action. (动词 动名词)

A. complain B. complaining C. being complained D. to be complained

28. I ______ worry about my weekend—I always have my plans ready before it comes. (情态动词)

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. daren’t D. needn’t 31. After getting lost in a storm, a member of the navy team ______ four days later. (动词 时态语态)

A. rescued B. was rescued C. has rescued D. had been rescued

32. The rare fish, ______ from the cooking pot, has been returned to the sea. (动词 过去分词 补充说明 定语)

A. saved B. saving C. to be saved D. having saved

33. At one point I made up my mind to talk to Uncle Sam. Then I changed my mind, ______ that he could do nothing to help. (动词 现在分词 原因状语)

A. to realize B. realized C. realizing D. being realized

34. Did you predict that many students ______ up for the dance competition? (动词 时态)

A. would sign B. signed C. have signed D. had signed

40. Today we have chat rooms, text messaging, emailing… but we seem ______ the art of communicating face-to-face. (动词 不定式 时态) A. losing

B. to be losing

C. to be lost

D. having lost


28. Every few years, the coal workers their lungs X-rayed to ensure their health.(时态)

A. are having B. have C. have had D. had had 29. ---Sorry, Professor Smith. I didn't finish the assignment yesterday. ---Oh, you have done it as yesterday was the deadline.(情态动词) A. must B. mustn't C. should D. shouldn't

31. The church tower which will be open to tourists soon. The work is almost finished.(时态与语态)

A. has restored B. has been restored C. is restoring D. is being restored

32. I had great difficulty the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.(动名词)

A. find B. found C. to find D. finding 33. Lucy has a great sense of humor and always keeps her colleagues with her stories.(过去分词)

A. amused B. amusing C. to amuse D. to be amused

35. the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height.

A. Approaching B. Approached C. To approach D. To be approached(现在分词)

40. That is the only way we can imagine the overuse of water in students' bathrooms. (不定式)

A. reducing B. to reduce C. reduced D. reduce


27. It ______ have been Tom that parked the car here, as he is the only one with a car. (情态动词) A. may B. can C. must D. should 29. Mary went to the box office at lunch time, but all the tickets ______ out. (时态) A. would sell B. had sold C. have sold D. was selling 31. A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city, _____ all four people on board. (现在分词) A. killed B. killing C. kills D. to kill

33. With the government’s aid, those ______ by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements. (过去分词) A. affect B. affecting C. affected D. were affected 35. Bill suggested ______ a meeting on what to do for the Shanghai Expo during the vacation. (动名词) A. having held B. to hold C. holding D. hold

(20xx年7题) 36. During the period of recent terrorist activities, people _______ not to touch any

28. --- Did you tidy your room? unattended bag. (时态与语态)

A. had always been warned B. were always being warned --- No, I was going to tidy my room but I _____ visitors. (动词 时态) C. are always warning D. always warned A. had B. have C. have had D. will have

29. --- Guess what! I have got A for my term paper. 39. David threatened ______ his neighbor to the police if the damages were not paid. (不

定式) --- Great! You _____ read widely and put a lot of work into it. (情态动词) A. to be reported B. reporting C. to report D. having reported A. must B. should C. must have D. should have

30. With the help of high technology, more and more new substances _____ in the past (20xx年7题)

years.(动词 时态语态)

28. — Do you know if Terry will go camping this weekend?

A. discovered B. have discovered

—Terry? Never! She ______tents and fresh air! (时态)

C. had been discovered D. have been discovered

A. has hated B. hated C. will hate D. bates

29. According to the air traffic rules, you ______switch off your mobile phone before

bearding. (情态动词)

A. may B. can C. would D. should 30. My sister, an inexperienced rider, was found sitting on the bicycle ______to balance it.(现在分词短语 表伴随状况)

A. having tried B. trying C. to try D. tried 32. In recent years many football clubs ______as business to make a profit. (时态与语态)

A. have run B. have been run C had been run D. will run 33. If there's a lot of work______, I'm happy to just keep on until it is finished. (不定式 作后置定语)

A. to do B. to be doing C. done D. doing 35. Something as simple as ______some cold water may clear your mind and relieve pressure. (动名词短语 作主语)

A. to drink B. drinking C to be drinking D. drunk 37. Ideally ______for Broadway theatres and Firth Avenue, the New York Park hotel is a favourite with many guests. (过去分词短语 作原因状语)

A. locating B. being located C. having been located D. Located

34. After a knock at the door, the child heard his mother’s voice _____ him. (动词 现在分词短语 做后置定语) A. calling B. called C. being called D. to call

35. There is nothing more I can try ______ you to stay, so I wish you good luck. (动词 不定式)

A. being persuaded B. persuading C. to be persuaded D. to persuade 36. The Town Hall _____ in the 1800’s was the most distinguished building at that time. (动词 过去分词短语 做后置定语) A. to be completed B. having been completed C. completed D. being completed

41. At minus 130 C, a living cell can be _____ for a thousand years. (动词词义) A. spared B. protected C. preserved D. developed

二、介词(共5题 每年考1题)

25. Graduation is a good time to thank those who have helped you ______ the tough years.

(xx年时间) A. through B. up C. with D. from 25. Sean has formed the habit of jogging the tree-lined avenue for two hours every day.(xx年地点)

A. between B. along C. below D. with 25. Four Chinese models were ______ the 14 people awarded prizes on Friday at the World Supermodel Competition.(xx年范围 ) A. among B. between C. along D. beside

25. The two sportsmen congratulated each other ______ winning the match by shaking hands.(xx年搭配中的介词 )

A. with B. on C. in D. To 25. Leaves are found on all kinds of trees, but they differ greatly _____ size and shape. (xx年外观) A. on B. from C. by D. in

三、代词(共5题 每年考1题)

26. To stay awake, he finished a cup of coffee and ordered ______. (xx年不定代词)

A. the other B. other C. the others D. another 27. If our parents do everything for us children, we won't learn to depend on . (xx年反身代词)

A. themselves B. them C. us D. ourselves

26. –Wow! You’ve got so many clothes.

--But _____ of them are in fashion now.(xx年不定代词) A. all B. both C. neither D. none 26. — Do you want tea or coffee?

—______. I really don't mind. (xx年不定代词) A. None B. Neither C. Either D. All 26. The mayor has offered a reward of $5000 to _____ who can capture the tiger alive or dead.(xx年不定代词) A. both B. others C. anyone D. another


27. When Mom looked back on the early days of their marriage, she wondered how they

had managed with ______ money. (xx年so+形容词) A. so few B. such few C. so little D. such little

26. It took us quite a long time to get to the amusement park. It was journey.(xx年复合/合成形容词)

A. three hour B. a three-hours C. a three-hour D. three hours

30. In ancient times, people rarely travelled long distances and most farmers

only travelled the local market. (xx年句意) 39. our manager objects to Tom's joining the club, we shall accept A. longer than B. more than C. as much as D. as far him as a member. (xx年条件状语从句) as A. Until B. Unless C. If D. After 28. The Great Wall is _______ tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year.32. You can’t borrow books from the school library _______ you get your student card.(xx年语法 such/so…that句型) (09 时间状语) A. so a well-known B. a so well-known C. such well-known a D. such a well-known A. before B. if C. while D. as 27. In my view, London's not as expensive in price as Tokyo but Tokyo is ______in traffic.(xx年形容词比较级) A. the most organized B. more organized C. so organized as D. as organized as 27. Alan is a careful driver, but he drives _____ of my friends. (xx年形容词比较级) A. more carefully B. the most carefully C. less carefully D. the least carefully 33. Pop music is such an important part of society ______ it has even influenced our language. (xx年such/so…that句型)

A. as B. that C. which D. where 五、从句(重点中的重点 共23题 重在考查连接词)


36. If a lot of people say a film is not good, I won’t bother to see it, or I’ll wait ______ it

comes out on DVD. (xx年时间状语从句)

A. whether B. after C. though D. until

37. The police officers in our city work hard ______ the rest of us can live a safe life. (11


A. in case B. as if C. in order that D. only if

34. you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge.


A. However a serious problem B. What a serious problem

C. However serious a problem D. What serious a problem

31. — Are you ready for Spain? — Yes. 1 want the girls to experience that ______they are young. (08 时间状语从

句) A. while B. until C. if D. before 40. ______well prepared you are, you still need a lot of luck in mountain climbing. (08 让步状语从句) A. However B. Whatever C. No matter D. Although

38. Small sailboats can easily turn over in the water ______ they are not managed carefully. (xx年条件壮语从句) A. though B. before C. until D. if


35. There is clear evidence ______ the most difficult feeling of all to interpret is bodily

pain. (xx年表语从句)

A. what B. if C. how D. that

36. One reason for her preference for city life is she can have easy

access to places like shops and restaurants.(xx年表语从句)

A. that B. how C. what D. why

37. When changing lanes, a driver should use his turning signal to let other

drivers know .(xx年宾语从句)

A. he is entering which lane B. which lane he is entering

C. is he entering which lane D. which lane is he entering

37. It is not immediately clear _______ the financial crisis will soon be over.(xx年主语

37. His movie won several awards at the film festival, ______ was beyond his wildest 从句)

A. since B. what C. when D. whether dream. (xx年关系代词) 40. As a new diplomat, he often thinks of ______ he can react more appropriately on such A. which B. that C. where D. it occasions.(xx年宾语从句)

六、反意疑问句(共2题) A. what B. which C. that D. how

34. As his best friend. I can make accurate guesses about ______he will do or think. (0830. It doesn’t matter if they want to come to your party, ______? (xx年前否定后肯定)

A. doesn’t it B. does it C. don’t they D. do they年宾语从句)

A. what B. which C. whom D. that 30. Sally’s never seen a play in the Shanghai Grand Theatre, ______?(xx年前否定后肯36. It has A. hasn’t she 定) B. has she C. isn’t she D. is she been

七、倒装(共4题) proved ______eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illnesses

in later life. (xx年主语从句) 38. Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away ______.(xx年全部倒装)

A. if B. because C. when D. That A. fleeing the thief B.was fleeing the thief C.the thief was fleeing D. fled the thief

39. So much of interest ______that most visitors simply run out of time before seeing it 39. _____ he referred to in his article was unknown to the general reader. (xx年主语从

句) all.(08 部分倒装) A. That B. What C. Whether D. Where A. offers Beijing B. Beijing offers C. does Beijing offer D. Beijing does offer

31. --- How was the televised debate last night? 3、定语从句(共5题)

39. You’ll find taxis waiting at the bus station ______ you can hire to reach your host --- Super! Rarely _____ so much media attention. (xx年完全倒装)

A. a debate attracted B. did a debate attract family. (xx年关系代词)

A. which B. where C. when D. as C .a debate did attract D. attracted a debate

32. The little boy came riding full speed down the motorway on his bicycle. ______ it was! 38. Wind power is an ancient source of energy we may return in the

near future.(xx年介词+关系代词) (xx年不完全倒装)

A. What a dangerous scene B. What dangerous a scene A. on which B. by which C. to which D. from which

34. Mozart’s birthplace and the house ______ he composed ―The Magic Flute‖ are both C. How a dangerous scene D. How dangerous the scene

museums now.(xx年关系副词)

A. where B. when C. there D. which xx年语法对名词,动词,形容词,副词词义考题各一题: 38. We went through a period ______communications were very difficult in the rural areas.41. At minus 130 C, a living cell can be _____ for a thousand years. (动词词义)

A. spared B. protected C. preserved D. developed (xx年介词+关系代词)

A. which B. whose C. in which D. with 42. Since Tom ______ downloaded a virus into his computer, he can not open the file now. which
