Model Essay

Creating a Green Campus

1. 建设绿色校园十分重要

2. 绿色校园不仅是指绿色的环境……

3. 为了建设绿色校园,我们应该……

Successfully as human technology has developed, the earth on which we rely to survive is being threatened by increasingly serious pollution. To accept the sticky challenge human beings are confronted with, I appeal to students taking the lead in creating a green campus, for its significance can never be overestimated.

Maybe overwhelming majority of us conceive green campus as the sanitary green environment, yet there are still lots of aspects included in the concept of green campus. In addition to a clean environment, a green campus stands for a green life style which suggests a simple life by saving resources to make for sustainable development for our next generations. A green campus also includes both physical and mental health for the contemporary college students. “Green” is exactly a comprehensive concept.

Lots of things can be done in creating green campus. In the first place, everyone is supposed to take on the responsibility of protecting the environment by cherishing resources, such as picking up trash and classifying them into the recyclable and non-recyclable ones, turning off lights when leaving the dormitory and never wasting water even when it’s provided for free. Such a tiny action can make a great difference in the long run. Meanwhile we should strive to enrich ourselves, improve our quality and pursue noble and graceful life. As well-educated liberals, we should be active to spread knowledge and culture, create positive and healthy academic atmosphere.

In a word, only when each of us makes a contribution will the final goal of creating green campus be accomplished. 作为人类技术已成功地开发,地球是我们赖以生存的是被污染日益严重的威胁。要接受人类粘面临的挑战,我呼吁学生,在创建绿色校园的铅,其意义绝不能估计过高。

也许我们绝大多数设想为绿色校园卫生绿化环境,但仍有在绿色校园的概念包括很多方面。除了一个清洁的环境,绿色代表着绿色校园生活风格,表明节约资源,使一个简单的生活为我们的下一代的可持续发展。绿色校园还包括身体,为当代大学生的心理健康。 “绿色”就是一个综合概

念。 许多事情可以做,创造绿色校园。首先,每个人都应该承担起保护受珍视,如拿起垃圾和分类将可回收和非可回收的这些资源,环境的责任,离开时随手关灯的宿舍,甚至从来不浪费水当它是免费提供。这种微小的动作可以在长期很大的差别。同时,我们要努力丰富自己,提高素质,追求高尚优雅的生活。由于受过良好教育的自由主义者,我们应该积极传播知识和文化,塑造积极健康的学术氛围。




Euthansia should be legalised

The issue of Euthansia (Mercy Killing) is one of the most disputed/debated/controversial topic of our times.(1) Analysing the different aspects of the issue I wish to express my strong disappointment of the practise.(2) No man has the right to terminate the life of another even it is to end his or her suffering.(3)

To begin with, human life is precious.(4) A life once destroyed can never be be bought back.(5) Moreover, even if the person wants to end his or her life helping him in doing so is unethical.(6) For doing so would be aiding suicide, which is a crime in the eyes of religion and law.(7)

On the other hand, supporters of Euthansia feel that death is preferable alternative to suffering, tremendous and endless pain.(8) This is not always true, they do not realise that death puts an end to any hope of a miraculous recovery which is possible even in the most desperate situation.(9)

Therefore, weighing the pros and cons of the issue I strongly feel that Euthansia is a practise that should never be encouraged or excused.(10) Ending a person's life is a privilege that rests with the superior power.

Every argumentative essay must have.


A opening statement.(2)Claim(3)Thesis(4)Preferably, 1st supporting statement.

(5)Reason for supporting sentence.(6) 2nd supporting statement(7) The reason for the second supporting statement.(8)Opposing argument.(9)Counter argument.(10)Reemphasising the claim.
