篇一 :托福TPO28口语答案分析之Task1&Task2



Task 1:

Students have to complete various types of academic assignments in school. Choose one of the assignments below and explain why you think it is beneficial for students: Research paper, class presentation, group project.

Research paper:

1)do a lot of reading, enlarge knowledge pool

2)get professional references, good for academic accomplishment class presentation:

1)cultivate the ability to be presentable—good for career development

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篇二 :新托福tpo28独立写作范文

Topic: parents are more involved in their children’s education than the parents in the past.

It is not uncommon to see that parents are have incredible zael to participate into their children’s education in many perspectives. At contemporary society, parents always take part in some semilars that are related to students’s study and force their children to join the extra-curricula classes which can help their chldren to improve acdemic performance. Therefore, as far as I am considerd, nowadays, parents’ involvement in kids’ study is much more emphasized than ever before.

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篇三 :新托福模考tpo28综合写作范文

In the reading, it mainly talks about that Rorbot E Peary has been to north pole because it has three striking evidneces. However, in the lecture, the professor thinks that the points provided in the reading are not convencing.

First of all, the reading points out that at the end of the investigation, the committee has concluded that Rorbot E Peary has been to the north pole. Nevertheless, the professor believes that the committee was not objective at all. Firstly, it was writed by his friends. What’s more, the investigation only msintained for two days and they can get precise conclusion in such a short time. So the committee is biased.

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篇四 :口语TPO12 答案总结


The university plans to expand college radios station’s broadcasting range so as to attract more students and to provide the university with an extra source of revenue.

The woman in the conversation thinks this change will work.

She says currently the radio station range is limited to the campus. If they expand the range, there’ll be more programs which will give students more professional experience and put them in a favorable position to find jobs.

Besides, the woman says this change will benefit the whole university. Since her friend’s university started a similar change five years ago and make a lot of money out of commercials. They use the money to offer more scholarship and fund programs to renovate new facilities.

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篇五 :新TOEFL考试口语题目总结





What are the characteristics of a good friend?/ Describe the person you admired most/ describe the person who has the greatest influence on you


Describe your favorite country/city


Describe your favorite holiday/ what is your favorite day of the year?


What is your favorite food?


What is your idea of a perfect job?


Describe an object that has special meaning to you.


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篇六 :雅思口语Part1常见话题—儿童类




儿童类题目是指题目中出现“child”“children”等关键词的题目,如:What are the effects of playing indoor games on children? 这类题目在雅思口语Part1中较为常见,几乎所有话题都可以针对儿童进行提问,题目的数量十分多,因此我们很有必要将儿童类的题目进行细分。



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篇七 :英语学习口语中常出现的那些"Not”

如果有人问你, "Did you break this plate?" 你要强调这不是我干的, 你会怎么说? 你会不会说, "No, I didn't." 但是要注意喔! "No, I didn't" 只是说, "我没有作" 这跟 "不是我干的" 有很大的差别喔.. 那正确的说法应该是怎样?


1. Not me. 不是我。

嘿... 没想到这么简单吧! 这种看似简单, 文法也不对的句子, 却是老美天天挂在嘴边的话。 这句话简单明了, 而且把重点 "不是我" 给强调出来. 这是非常好的一个句子。 另外, 老美也很喜欢讲 "Wasn't me." 这跟 "Not me." 都是一样的意思, 同样强调这不是我干的。

还有像以前大家很流行机车联谊, 结果很不幸你的钥匙被恐龙给抽中了, 你就可以望天长叹说, "Oh, not me." (怎么会是我呢?) 或是你也可以说, "Why me?"

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篇八 :外贸口语总结 Microsoft Word 文档

We’ve got to report back to the head office.


Thank you for you cooperation.


We’ve arranged our schedule without any trouble.


Here is a copy of itinerary we have worked out for you and your friends.Would you


have a look at it?


If you have any questions on the details, feel free to ask.


I can see you have put a lot&nb

I’ve come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one.


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