篇一 :EN150骑行感受


1. 我的EN150也会跑偏,偏右边,不能甩把行驶,车架比较的话,EN的车架没有战鹰的好,EN的车架感觉有点软,这个感觉来自龙头轴承那个部位,但跑80以上高速也没感觉它软,反而是低速的时候有这种感觉,而战鹰车架要结实点,而且我之前的战鹰随便甩把骑,不会跑偏

2. EN150电喷车也会发冲:当你高速行驶后用发动机制动低速再拧油门加速的时候会有可能出现发冲的现象,比如你4档跑40,然后放开油门自动降低速度到25,这时你稍微加点油门,那么车子很有可能往前一扯一扯的,但如果你加油门时加多点,那么只会冲一下,原因不明.....

3. 有一次,我的车子在放了5天后(放在家中没有开防盗),我拿出来洗干净,然后如往常一样一枪点燃,热车5分钟后,出去跑了2公里,期间一切正常,但回来之后突然熄火,然后正常手段无法打燃,后来我按着启动电钮并加大了油门才点燃(一般电喷车点火不加油门的),点燃后我一直来回哄油门,过了一会儿,车子回复正常,直到现在又是1000多公里了,也没有出现熄火的现象,这是我的EN150 6000公里发生的唯一一次无故熄火现象,原因未知。。。

4. 目前EN150快8000公里了,我们的停车棚过了14点多就要被太阳晒到,EN150已经出现过两次这种情况:下午6点回家,点火一次点燃很正常,但1分钟不到自动就熄火,然后打不燃,过了很久才打燃,而且要捎带油门,(一般情况电喷车打火不带油门的),感觉像是油管里面有一段没油一样;

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篇二 :山地车的种类

目前的山地车,从近10年来的流行趋势来看,比较主流的分类主要有:XC,Trail,AM,DH, FR这5个大类。

1) XC = Cross Country 越野


2) Trail 林道车,


3) AM = All Mountain 全山地

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篇三 :色牢度测试标准


1. 《纱线捻度测试》
 GB/T 2543.1-2001;GB/T 2543.2-2001;ISO 2061:1995;
 ISO 7211-4:1984;BS EN ISO 2061:1996;
 ASTM D1422-1999;ASTM D1423-2002;
 2. 《织物单位面积重量的测定》
 GB/T 4669-1995;FZ/T 60003-1993;ISO 3801:1977;
 ISO 9037-1:1989;JIS L 1096-1999 Section 6.4;
 BS 2471-2005 ;ASTM D 3776-2002;
 ASTM D 3887-2004 Section 9;
 3. 《纺织品 耐水洗色牢度测试》
 GB/T 3921. 1~5-1997;GB/T 12490-1990;ISO 105 C01-C05:1989;
 ISO 105-C10:2006;ISO 105-C06:2002;DIN EN ISO 105-C06:1997;
 AATCC 61-2003;JIS L 0844-2005(Method B Method C);
 4. 《纺织品 耐摩擦色牢度测试》
 GB/T 3920-1997;ISO 105-X12:2001;BS EN ISO 105-X12:2002;
 DIN EN ISO 105-X12:2002;EN ISO 105-X12: 2002;
 AATCC 8-2005;JIS L 0849-2004: Type I;
 5. 《纺织品 耐汗渍色牢度测试》
 GB/T 3922-1995;ISO 105-E04:2002;BS EN ISO 105-E04:1996;
 DIN EN ISO 105-E04:1996;AATCC 15-2002
 6. 《纺织品 耐水渍色牢度测试》
 GB/T 5713-1997;ISO 105-E01:2002;BS EN ISO 105-E01:1996;
 DIN EN ISO 105-E01:1996;EN ISO 105-E01:1996;
 AATCC 107-2002
 7. 《纺织品 耐海水色牢度测试》
 GB/T 5714-1997;ISO 105-E02:2002;BS EN ISO 105-E02:1996;
 DIN EN ISO 105-E02:1996;EN ISO 105-E02:1996;
 JIS L 0847-2004;AATCC 106-2002
 8. 《纺织品 耐干洗色牢度测试》
 GB/T 5711-1997;ISO 105-D01:1993;BS EN ISO 105-D01:1995;
 DIN EN ISO 105-D01:1995;EN ISO 105-D01:1995;
 AATCC 132-2004;
 9. 《纺织品 耐热压色牢度测试》
 GB/T 6152-1997;ISO 105-X11:1994;EN ISO 105-X11:1996;
 DIN EN ISO 105-X11:1996;BS EN ISO 105-X11:1996
 AATCC 133-2004
 10. 《纺织品 耐干热(热压除外)色牢度测试》
 GB/T 5718-1997;ISO 105-P01:1993;
 BS EN ISO 105-P01:1995;DIN EN ISO 105-P01:1995;
 AATCC 117-2004
 11. 《纺织品 耐干热(热压除外)色牢度测试》
 GB/T 5718-1997;ISO 105-P01:1993;AATCC 117-2004;
 BS EN ISO 105-P01:1995;DIN EN ISO 105-P01:1995;
 12. 《纺织品 耐唾液色牢度测试》
 GB/T 18886-2002
 13. 《纺织品 撕破强力的测定冲击摆锤法测试》
 GB/T 3917.1-1997;GB/T 3917.2-1997;GB/T 3917.3-1997;
 FZ/T 60006-1991;ISO 13937-1:2000;ISO 13937-2:2000;
 ISO 13937-4:2000;BS EN ISO 13937-1:2000;
 BS EN ISO 13937-2:2000;DIN EN ISO 13937-1:2000;
 DIN EN ISO 13937-2:2000;ASTM D 2261-1996(2002);
 ASTM D1424 – 1996;AS 2001.2.8-2001;
 CAN/CGSB-4.2No.12.3-M94;JIS L 1096-1999 Section 8.15.5 Method D;
 14. 《纺织品 断裂强力和断裂伸长率的测定 条样法》
 GB/T 3923.1-1997;GB/T 3923.2-1998;ISO 13934-1:1999
 ISO 13934-2:1999;BS EN ISO 13934-1:1999;BS EN ISO 13934-2:1999
 DIN EN ISO 13934-1:1999;DIN EN ISO 13934-2:1999
 EN ISO 13934-1:1999;EN ISO 13934-2:1999
 ASTM D 5034-1995(2001);ASTM D 5035-2006
 15. 《织物 弹子顶破强力试验》
 GB/T 8878-2002 5.4.1;FZ/T 01030-1993 方法A
 16. 《机织物接缝滑移性能的测试》
 GB/T13772.1-1992;ISO 13936-1:2004
 ISO 13936-2:2004;BS 3320:1988(2001)
 ASTM D 434-19
 17. 《机织物接缝强力的测定》
 GB/T 13773-1992;ISO 13935.1:1999;
 ISO 13935.2:1999;ASTM D 1683-200495;
 18. 《纺织品 剥离强力试验方法》
 FZ/T 01085-2000;FZ/T 80007.1-1999
 19. 《纺织品 织物起球试验 起球箱法》
 GB/T 4802.3-1997;ISO 12945-1:2000
 BS EN ISO 12945-1:2001;DIN EN ISO 12945-1:2001
 JIS L 1076 Method A-1992;BS 5811-1986(1997)
 20. 《织物起球试验:马丁代尔法》
 GB/T 4802.2-1997;ISO 12945-2:2000
 BS EN ISO 12945-2:2000;DIN EN ISO 12945-2:2000;
 ASTM D4970-2005;
 21. 《纺织品耐磨试验》
 ISO 12947-1:1998;BS EN ISO 12947-1:1999
 AS 2001.2.25-1990;ASTM D 4966-1998
 22. 《纺织品 pH值测定》
 GB/T 7573-2002;ISO 3071:2005;
 JIS L1096-1999 Section 6.40;AATCC 81-2006;
 23. 《纺织品 甲醛的测定》
 GB 2912.1-1998;ISO 14184.1:1998
 EN ISO 14184.1-1998;DIN EN ISO 14184.1-1999
 BS EN ISO 14184.1-1999
 24. 《织物厚度的测试》
 25.《纺织品 缩水率的测定》
 GB/T 8628-2001;GB/T 8629-2001;GB/T 8630-2002;
 ISO 3759:2007;ISO 6330:2000;BS EN ISO 6330:2001;
 DIN EN ISO 6330:2001;EN ISO 6330:2000;ISO 5077:2007;
 BS EN 25077:1994;DIN EN 25077:1994;EN 25077:1993;
 AATCC 135-2004;AATCC 150-2003;GB/T 8631-2001;
 FZ/T 70009-1999;FZ/T20010-93;FZ/T 80007.2-1999;
 FZ/T 20009-1993
 26. 《织物洗后扭斜的测定》
 AATCC 179-2004;SN/T 0755-1999
 27. 《蒸汽尺寸稳定性》
 FZ/T 20021-1999;ISO 3005:1978;BS 4323:1979(1995)
 GB/T 5455-1997;JIS L 1091-1999;AISM D6413-1999
 29. 《纺织品 沾水性测试》
 GB/T 4745-1997;ISO 4920:1981
 BS EN 24920:1992;AATCC 22-2005

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篇四 :给缸头强制降温 高速跑20公里后温度78度11

给缸头强制降温 高速跑20公里后温度78度11.4号128楼更新

为了占位 暂时没有图片 两个读卡器都坏了 最多后天上图 想看实实的顶上去 用事实让你心服口服

我的是EN125 准确的说现在是EN150 前段时间扩了153的缸 那个爽动力带人跟以前比感觉还是一个人一样 唯独让我不爽的是改完之后缸头温度吓人 散热片最外端的边缘温度已经达到122度

开始上图 顺便说一下我本来是想今天上全部图片 因今天我们这里有活动 到现在才回来 而且下了暴雨 所以没有去买读卡器 希望大家体谅 不过参加聚会看到的朋友的都说好 随时停车都可以摸缸头 还有天海胖子帮忙改的那个GT125也去了他也表示说油冷效果远不入这个 也让帮忙买 我没有支付宝 朋友代买 没有答应他 不过我说给给他连接 不是做广告是为了造福机油 顺便说一下参加今天漯河模有聚会的朋友 看到实物的朋友证实一下 谢谢了 开始上图 还是德国的东西 很暴力 有参数我不知道风力怎么算 型号:T***4112N/31HHA



电流: 1.5A

风量:182CFM 310m3/h

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篇五 :exercise sheet for 12 argumentative essay-2 reading and learning UNIVERSITY IN EVERY TOWN




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei




Zoe Lei

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篇六 :The Genernation Elements of Jazz Age on Tender Is the Night(分析《夜色温柔》中爵士乐时代元素)

The Generation Elements of Jazz Age on Tender Is the Night


American Literature

June 15, 2014


American writer Fitzgerald is the creator of Tender Is the Night and regards continental Europe as the background of the story to describe a group of people in the United States. Although far from America, the work still has a strong the generation elements. This article is about the aspects of analysis through to the characters in the story the lifestyle of the moral beliefs and broken dreams that people want to pursue, combines with the exploration of the characteristics of the Jazz Age, extracting the strong Jazz Age characteristics in the novel.

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篇七 :The Main Difference Between My College Life And My Middle School Life

The Main Difference Between My College Life And My Middle School Life

It is generally accepted by college students that the main difference between middle school and college life lies in the degree of independence. As for me, I prefer the more independent life in university for the following three reasons. First and foremost, since the very day I entered the university, I have learned to live on my own and cultivated the habit of solving problems by myself. Without parents company, I have learned to arrange my daily meals for myself, wash clothes, set financial plans and make decisions relying on myself. Besides, college life is academically different from that in middle schools. Teachers in university only give students due guidance at due time, which renders college students more freedom to set academic goals. What’s more, we can choose any courses we are interested in and the teachers whose teaching styles are to our preference. Last but not least, we enjoy more free extracurricular time. We can make good use of the free time to broaden our views and make more friends.

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篇八 :The Main Difference between My College Life and My Middle School Life

The Main Difference between My College Life and My Middle School Life

Before students enter the university, they all want to know the main difference between college life and middle school life. According to my experience, college life has more freedom than the life in middle school. As for me , I prefer the more free life in university for the following three reasons. First, our studying becomes unconstrained. At the middle school, we spend most of our time studying. We have many courses and a lot of work waiting for us to complete. We try our best to study because we all want to go to better universities. But in university, it’s different. We have more time not only for studying but also for many other things. Scores are not the only standard for our life. Besides, we have more freedom in our daily life. In middle school, we always controlled by our parents and teachers. However, we can arrange our time without parents’ company in college life. Last but not least, we enjoy more free extracurricular time. The only thing we can do in middle school is studying. We have no spare time to do what we want to do. But it’s totally different in our college life. We have more free time to take part in various kinds of activities, such as dancing, playing different kinds of balls, which make our life more colorful and meaningful.

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