篇一 :读《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》有感


经过一段时间的努力,终于把《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》这本英文小说看完,感触颇多。 这本小说讲述的是美国的一个流浪儿哈克贝利·费恩在历险中从一个不分青红皂白乐于当强盗的孩子变成一个善良、机智、勇敢、能辨善恶的孩子的故事。



Read "Huckleberry Finn" Feeling

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篇二 :哈克贝利费恩历险记读后感

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was a great work published in 1885 and it was written by Mark Twain. As it known to all Mark Twain is a world-renowned literary giant and a gifted humorist. As a prolific writer, he makes great achievements in novels and short stories. However, what makes him popular are mainly his novels, in particular this book.

The story happens along the Mississippi River. Huckleberry Finn, a little uneducated white boy of about 13 years old. He comes from the lowest level of society. His father is a poor town drunkard. The other boy Jim is an ignorant, uneducated black slave named Jim. The book tells the story of Jim’s escape from slavery, and, how Huckleberry Finn tries his best to help Jim.

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篇三 :读哈克贝利费恩历险记后有感


摘要:儿童形象在文学形象中属于较为特殊的形象,人们往往以成人世界的眼光来看待儿童的思想和行为。通过对 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》的阅读,可以让我们通过儿童的声音来听取儿童真实的内心,看到一个鲜明的真实的儿童形象------探索、反抗、逃避、绝望。

关键词:无声反抗 探索 逃避 绝望 儿童形象

Abstract: The image of children belongs to be the comparatively special image among the image in literature. People usually treat children’s thought and behavior with themsleves eyes .Pass to read the 《The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn》, which can let us pass the voice of the children’s heart to hear the children’s reality, see a fresh and clear reality of children’s image-----exploration, resistance, escapeism, desperate.

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篇四 :读马克·吐温的《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》有感

寒假里,我读了一些书。使我记忆犹新的书叫:《哈克贝利·芬历险记》 它是美国举世闻名的大作家马克·吐温写的。据说,这本书是马克·吐温写的最好的一本书。 它主要讲了汤姆·索亚和主人公哈克贝利·芬(以下简称“哈克”),这两个善良、可爱、顽皮的孩子怎么样帮助家奴吉姆得到自由。



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篇五 :哈克贝利·费恩历险记读后感







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篇六 :哈克贝利费恩历险记读后感 (1)

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Mark Twain (pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, 1835-1910) was brought up in a small town of Hannibal, Missouri, on the Mississippi River. Owing to his father’s death, he had to leave school at the age of twelve. He was successively a printer’s apprentice, a tramp printer, a silver miner, a steamboat pilot on the Mississippi, and a frontier journalist in Nevada and California. All of these experiences gave him a wide knowledge of humanity. Mark Twain is a world-renowned literary giant and a gifted humorist. As a prolific writer, he makes great achievements in novels and short stories. However, what makes him popular are mainly his novels, in particular, his masterpiece, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. In 1884, he wrote this book, one of his most enduring books, it has not only delighted generations of readers but made history exciting. It has always been regarded as one of the great books of western civilization.

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篇七 :哈克贝利费恩历险记读后感 (1)

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The story happens along the Mississippi River. On both sides of the river there was unpopulated wilderness and a dense forest. Along the river floats a small raft, with two people on it. The protagonist of this story is Huckleberry Finn, a little uneducated white boy of about thirteen years old. He comes from the lowest level of society. His father is a poor town drunkard. The other boy Jim is an ignorant, uneducated black slave named Jim. The book tells the story of Jim’s escape from slavery, and, how Huckleberry Finn tries his best to help Jim. At the beginning, Huckleberry Finn cannot see Jim as a proper human being. He was told that that black are by nature lower than white, they are inferior animals. He always plays jokes on Jim. But, at the process of helping Jim to escape, Huckleberry Finn gradually changes his mind, his prejudice toward black people. At last, He treats him as a man and a close friend. Huckleberry Finn’s inner struggle between his sense of guilt in helping Jim to escape and his profound conviction that Jim is a human being was vividly described in the book. Underlying Twain's good humor is a dark subcurrent of antebellum cruelty and injustice that makes The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn a frequently funny book with a serious message.

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篇八 :《哈克·费恩》读后感




文章讲述了男孩哈克,原本住在收养她的寡妇家,寡妇让哈克上了主日学校。可他的酒鬼父亲不让他上学,把他抓到了密林深处的小木屋里,经常打骂他。于是,哈克逃出了小木屋,与逃跑的黑奴杰姆一路,沿密西西比河漂流。一路上,他们目睹了两个家族的冲突,还遇到两个四处招摇撞骗的骗子。在密西西比河上漂流时,他们还曾遇到大雾弥漫,险度急流险滩的扣人心弦的情节。总之,他们两人经历了许许多多的事件,还曾几度分离,但之后又总能化险为夷,再度重逢。 全文风趣幽默,细读又能体会出其中的深刻含义。有许多,使我印象深刻。 在文中,哈克和杰姆曾遇到两个自称是国王和公爵的骗子。这两个骗子看上了三个刚刚丧父的孤女继承的财产。骗子冒充孤女的两个叔叔,打算获得这巨额财产。哈克把真相告诉了孤女,使巧计揭穿了骗子的老底,保住了孤女的财产。读到这里,我不禁赞叹,哈克是多么机智勇敢呀!

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