篇一 :《苏菲的世界》英语读后感

THE BOOK REPORT OF 《Sophie's Worl》 Recently I have been reading a famous book called 《Sophie's Worl》,it’s a philosophical book, but to my surprise it is not as difficult to understand as other such kind of books .On the contrary,it

introduces many concepts of philosophy through the communication between a clever and cute girl named Sophie and a wise teacher calle Albert.It is not hard to see that the book is written for children but in fact it even has a big influence on the adults.The book,instead of telling a story ,aims at leading people to think about themthelves and the outside world over and over again. Sophie goes through the ancient Greek to the Renaissance and she meets many famous people such as Plato,Socrates and Shakespeare.She learn many things about the talent of Da Vince,the Shakespeare’s splendid dramas and the in-depth ideology of every thinkers.Where Sophie comes,there must be the a essence of a great civilization.Sophie wants to seek the answers of so many mysteries,but to her

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篇二 :Sophie 苏菲的世界读后感 英文哟~~

20096102 王钰梅

With translations now available in over 40 languages, Sophie is a major player on the world scene. But, we may well ask, who is this Sophie? Despite her black hair, she is very much a Norwegian girl, but Sophie and her world have been subtly Americanised.

Sophie Amundsen (Sofie Amundsen in the Norwegian version) is a fourteen year old girl who lives in Norway in the year 1990. She lives with her cat Sherekan, her goldfish, a tortoise, twobudgerigars and her mother. Her father is a captain of an oil tanker, and is away for most of the year. He does not appear in the book.Sophie is the main character in Sophie's World. She is the creation of Albert Knag in order to amuse his daughter Hilde. Along with Alberto Knox, Sophie is a part of Hilde's birthday present. Sophie is to turn fifteen on June 15, the same day as Hilde. Sophie is clearly created as somewhat of a counterpart to Hilde, but she and Alberto manage to escape Albert Knag's mind and gain an existence of their own. Throughout the book Sophie learns how to be a philosopher. Early on she ponders the questions that Alberto gives her and has good thoughts about them but she really does not know how to answer them. However, as the lessons continue Sophie's mind becomes extremely acute. She remembers everything that Alberto has taught her because it is all- important to her and she is able to come up with interesting philosophical propositions of her own. Although Alberto knows more about philosophy than Sophie does, she fares better when they enter their new lives as beings of spirit existing within Hilde's world. Perhaps this is because Alberto has trained Sophie and so she has not only picked up what he has tried to teach her but also been critical of him. She was given the best education possible and uses it to the best of her abilities. Sophie figures out that she and Alberto can have an effect on Hilde's world when she dares to think that they can. Alberto disagrees with her, but Sophie has learned from him that the opinions of others should not have the power to dissuade someone from an action they believe in. Sophie is also extremely individualistic. She learns from Alberto but she thinks on her own. She is critical of him, her mother, and her friend Joanna. Sophie acts with conviction and thinks things through before she does them and that makes it difficult to fault her. After all, she is only a fifteen year old girl, and she acts extremely mature for her age.

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篇三 :Sophie's world 苏菲的世界 读后感 英(1000字)


What Wonderful Philosophy!

Two semesters I have read the book Sophie's World. I was wondering what on earth this kind of book should be. Just a best-seller novel? Or an adventure of philosophy?

Actually, Sophie's World is not only a novel but also a history of philosophy, so it is not strange that philosophy is its main theme. Sophie is the main character. She is the creation of Albert Knag. Along with Alberto Knox, Sophie is a part of Hilde's birthday present. Philosophy is presented not as some complex exercise to be performed by people with free time but rather as something integral to life itself. Sophie and Alberto need philosophy to understand their world, so do we. And we are the same. Their world is created by Albert Knag, but just because we don't know the answer to the question of where our world comes from, it doesn't mean that we are free from asking about it. Actually, as the writer stresses in the book, a philosopher never stops asking questions. Alberto tries to get Sophie to realize how amazing her own existence is. It does not matter that there may be no answer to our questions. The only question is what makes us human. Why we are here, what makes a good life, and all of the other philosophical questions raised in the book are the most important things we ask according to the writer. Once our physical well-being is taken care of, we must relate ourselves to our mental lives. Life is thrust upon us, and the only way that can mean anything to us is that whether we ask these questions constantly. Philosophy stands alone, outside of other disciplines, because in reality the writer regards it equal to living. If we live without philosophy, then we may deprive ourselves of the greatest pleasure and understanding that we would never come to. Philosophy is an ongoing, lifelong pursuit. We with all the creatures on earth can engage in philosophy. Although it may not make our lives simpler or offer us any easier answers, philosophy will fill us with a sense of wonder about our existence. The writer shows us that even when philosophy is intricately complicated, it revolves around simplicity.

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篇四 :《苏菲的世界》读后感大综合





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篇五 :《苏菲的世界》读后感







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篇六 :苏菲的世界读后感



班级: 6

姓名:赵佳佳 09级 班






在其中一封信中,有三个新的问题:1.“万事万物是否由一种基本的物质组成?”2. “水能变成酒吗?”3. “泥土与水何以能制造出一只活生生的青蛙?”



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篇七 :《苏菲的世界》读后感





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篇八 :苏菲的世界读后感





——“Who are you ?”

——“Where does the world come from?”

从此,她的生活彻底改变,在一位神奇的哲学老师艾伯特的指引下,她开始思索,从苏格拉底到柏拉图,从黑格尔到马克思,从文艺复兴到浪漫主义,各位大师所思考的根本问题。 与此同时,苏菲不断收到一个自称是少校的人的神秘信件,,并托她转达给一个叫席德的人。可苏菲并不认识这个叫席德的人。世界像谜团一样展现在苏菲眼前,她运用少女天生的悟性与后天的知识,企图解开这些谜团,然而,事实真相远比她所想的更离奇,更怪异…… 在艾伯特的指引下,他们发现自己仅仅是少校写的一本为自己女儿席德生日而送的书中的人物,他们所做的一切,包括思考的一切都被少校用笔写了下来,换句话说,苏菲和艾伯特,以及他们那个世界中的一切,全部都是不存在的,是虚无的!

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