篇一 :失乐园读后感 英文版On the Image of Satan in Paradise Lost

On the Image of Satan in Paradise Lost

The success of Milton?s Paradise Lost owes much to the depiction of the main epicimage of Satan whose attributes enable him to achieve tragic status. Although Satan may be an epic machine, he is best portrayed as the tragic anti-hero of paradise Lost. The critics in the world have been concerning the image of Satan in Paradise Lost, whose complexity makes the poem more controversial.The reason why the image under Milton?s pen is so complex is that the Satan attracts the poet?s inner force, which drives him to change the people?s traditional ideas and cause resonance of all the revolutionaries.

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篇二 :《失乐园》读后感[感想随笔]


光阴荏苒,岁月如一去不复返的列车,又匆匆地带走了一年。独自一人在家过年,给了我一份清静,也给了我看完《失乐园》这本书的机会。小说的开始并没有我想象中那样精彩,甚至,我以为它和近年来流行的各种写实主义现代派小说没有什么不同——美丽而孤独的女人、有钱而冷酷的男人、精致的餐具、精美的菜肴,而这一切,不过是为了没完没了的床上戏作铺垫。我以为《失乐园》也会同样浅薄轻松,那样的话,它就只配被当作像《废都》那样纯粹追求感官刺激的都市色情小说了。我很高兴《失乐园》并不是这样一部浅薄的小说。越往后看,我越感受到了它的深沉与凝重——爱的深沉与凝重。我一直以为,男人是不可能了解女人的爱情,虽然他们是女人恋爱的对象。爱一个人可以爱到想要杀死他!从古到今有几个人敢说出这样的话?记得以前朋友给我说起过一个英文故事,讲的是一位老姑娘爱上了远方来的“打工仔”,可是后来不知为何“打工仔”怀念远方的家人,想要回家去了。老姑娘艾米莉怕情郎一去不复返,在情郎准备离开的前夜杀死了他,并把他的尸体放在她自己的床上,这样就可以永远和心爱的人在一起...... 我相信很多人都会以为艾米莉疯了,而我,却深信这才是爱的真谛!当一对相爱的情人相互爱到了极至,当爱情到达了不可能再高的高度,我相信真心相爱的人是愿意共赴死亡之旅的。其实,对他们来说,这并不是生命的终结,而是要将快乐与幸福永远地封存起来。久木和凛子是在同时到达高潮的那一刹那共赴黄泉的,对他们来说,还有什么比这更幸福与快乐的呢?!比起艾米莉,凛子简直是幸福得让人嫉妒!因为她是和心爱的人一起登

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篇三 :《失乐园》读后感


初二(8)班 朱嘉尧





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篇四 :失乐园读后感

Comment on Paradise Lost

The writer of Paradise Lost is John Milton .He was one of the most famous poets in the 17th century in British history. During this period, the United Kingdom had made significant progress in capitalist development. However, the feudal autocratic monarchy had seriously hindered the development of British capitalism. The contradiction between the two classes had been very serious. And the best way to solve the problem is revolution. Milton is a revolutionary activist, he was willing to contribute his passion to his motherland. He opposed to royal tyranny and was prepared to attack it by writing poets.

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篇五 :《失乐园》读后感







因为“性”就可以放弃一切,不顾一切,违背一切,那人活着还和动物有什么区别呢? 现在的我还是个单身,我也在努力的寻找着自己的另一半!至少我现在是希望自己能够找到那个最适合自己的另一半。为了爱情,为了真正夫妻之间的爱情,我和他都要努力的去为了“爱情”,为了“责任”,让对方拥有一个幸福的“性”。

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篇六 :失乐园读后感

Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost is written by John Milton. It is a long epic in 12 books, written in blank verse. The story were taken from the Old Testament. The story is developed as follows: led by Satan, the rebellious angels rose against God himself, but they were finally defeated in the battle. As a result, Satan and his followers are banished from Heaven and driven into hell. But even here in hell, Satan and his adherents are not discouraged. Satan’s proud spirit is not subdued. He tries to seek for revenge by temping Adam and Eve, the first man and woman created by God, to make them tools in the struggle against God’s authority. Although God learns his intention, his plan succeeds at last. Adam and Eve eat apples from the forbidden tree, so they are both deprived of immortality and exiled from Paradise and doomed to an earthly life full of hardship and sufferings.

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篇七 :《失乐园》读后感——爱与性的执着探索





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篇八 :弥尔顿失乐园英文评述paradise lost

Paradise Lost

Melton's magnum opus, the blank-verse epic poem Paradise Lost, was composed by the blind and impoverished Milton from 1658 to 1664 (first edition) with small but significant revisions published in 1674 (second edition). As a blind poet, Milton dictated his verse to a series of aides in his employ. It has been argued that the poem reflects his personal despair at the failure of the Revolution, yet affirms an ultimate optimism in human potential.

The extract from Paradise Lost ids mainly talking about: Mammon who was the least erected spirit that fell from Heaven, discovered and robbed wealth with evil and greed from earth to build his paradise. When he was in Heaven, he was preferred gold and pavement other than admiring holy and bright side. This time, Mammon educated people to be greed and evil. He led a group of people to seize treasure from the mother of earth. With spade and pickax, all the miseducated men were devoted to trenching a field or casting a rampart. Soon his group had opened the hill into a spacious wound and gained ribs of gold. Meantime, another team digged many caves, magic flames under caves melted the gold and then pured all those with somewhat magic thicks. At the same time, the third groups had finished various models for architecture. Still with magic power, all the gold in boiled liquid flowed followed pipes of the buildings. It sounds like a pleasure beautiful music. Quickly and unexpected, a resplendent and magnificent palace was just stood there.

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