篇一 :花木兰英语读后感

The impressions of reading Mulan

During the summer holiday, I have finished reading the book Mulan, it

makes my heart can not be calm for a long time.

when I read she cut her long hair ,finding that she is very decisive. I

think she is a great girl from the ideological point of view that She joined

the army, she love her parents very much! Hua Mulan is a girl, but she

must do everything like a boy, so she need to spend more time and


In a war, a doctor finds she is a girl, it makes her feel nervous, the

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篇二 :英文读后感花木兰

A Brave Heart

——the feeling after reading Mulan This morning,I sat on the chair near the window and listened to the birds ,reading this book— Mulan .I have heard hundreds of times.I can say, she was with me throughout my childhood. But every time I pick up this book ,I always have more feelings.

Hua Mulan,as we all know,she was a brave woman.Since she was born,she have had an optimistic nature and a strong heart,just like a boy. As the Emperor called up a man in every family to the battleground .At that time her father was ill and old and her brother was only a little boy.So Mulan decided to join the fight resolutely instead of her father.

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篇三 :《花木兰》读后感



诏书发到家里的第二天,花木兰来到军营,战士们谁都不知道她是个女孩儿。就这样她开始了军营生活,日复一日的训练让她跟着战友们练了一身好功夫。一天,长官把箭射在最高的柱子上,但是没有谁能把它取下来,只有花木兰不断努力花了一整夜的功夫,爬到最高处,拿下了那支箭,也让身边其他的士兵对“他”刮目相看。终于要上战场了,他们走啊走,突然前面有很多敌人向他们冲来,原来是中了埋伏。花木兰看到前面的雪山和悬崖,灵机一动,把大炮对准雪山,就是一炮,雪崩的巨大威力使得敌人的千军万马全部被淹没在皑皑白雪里。 长官也被雪崩的力量冲走了,花木兰为了救他,被冰块刮伤,将军请大夫来给她包扎的时候,大家发现原来花木兰竟然是个女的。由于想到花木兰救了自己一命,就没有杀她,军队抛下了花木兰回都城了。花木兰发现还有敌人没有死于雪崩,单于还活着。花木兰连忙赶回都城,冒着被处死的危险,去通知大家敌人还没死。可是没有人相信她,就因为她是个女孩儿。不幸还是发生了,在皇帝给长官赏赐的时候,单于发动了突袭,皇帝被抓走关在城楼上。大家这才相信了花木兰的话,齐心协力和花木兰一起救下了皇帝。皇帝想让花木兰留在身边当自己的大臣,却她拒绝了,她只想回自己的家乡。皇帝赐予花木兰单于的剑,让所有人都看到这个女孩子为国家做的贡献,人民和皇帝对她的感谢。

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篇四 :花木兰读后感


The battlefield was so, the world is so!

----The impressions of reading Mulan

纪台一中 八年级四班 吕晨阳


The battlefield was so, the world is so! ----The impressions of reading Mulan

“She cut her long hair .She disguised as a man, replaced her father to join the army.” This is Mulan----a great hero .

I think she is a great girl from the ideological point of view that She joined the army, she love her parents very much! Hua Mulan is a girl, but she must do everything like a boy, so she need to spend more time and energy.

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篇五 :花木兰读后感






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篇六 :跨文化交际 花木兰读后感

Who Say Woman Not So Good As Men

英语121 钱奕琪 3120311009


“A single grain of rice can tip the scale One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.” As it is mentioned in the Americanized movie Mulan, In our common sense, heroes are always strong and mighty, and girls are beautiful but weak. There was a special girl who was different from all the other girls. Her name was Mulan.

This retelling of the old Chinese folktale is about the story of a young Chinese maiden who learns that her weakened and lame father is to be called up into the army in order to fight the invading Huns. Knowing that he would never survive the rigours of war in his state, she decides to disguise herself and join in his place. Unknown to her, her ancestors are aware of this and to prevent it, they order a tiny disgraced dragon, Mushu to join her in order to force her to abandon her plan. He agrees, but when he meets Mulan, he learns that she cannot be dissuaded and so decides to help her in the perilous times ahead. For my part,

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篇七 :花木兰读后感



有一天我在童话>故事书上看了一篇叫“花木兰”的故事,看了这篇故事 让我很感动。







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篇八 :花木兰读后感


The battlefield was so, the world is so!

----The impressions of reading Mulan

学 校:纪台一中

班 级:七年级三班

姓 名:王 琳

辅导教师:宋 爱 凤

The battlefield was so, the world is so! ----The impressions of reading Mulan

“She cut her long hair .She disguised as a man, replaced her father to join the army.” This is Mulan----a great hero .

I think she is a great girl from the ideological point of view that She joined the army, she love her parents very much! Hua Mulan is a girl, but she must do everything like a boy, so she need to spend more time and energy.

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