

The battlefield was so, the world is so!

----The impressions of reading Mulan

纪台一中 八年级四班 吕晨阳


The battlefield was so, the world is so! ----The impressions of reading Mulan

“She cut her long hair .She disguised as a man, replaced her father to join the army.” This is Mulan----a great hero .

I think she is a great girl from the ideological point of view that She joined the army, she love her parents very much! Hua Mulan is a girl, but she must do everything like a boy, so she need to spend more time and energy.

Mulan was born in the Northern Wei Dynasty. At that time, the Northern Wei Dynasty years of war, recruit soldiers around the court. Mulan thought that his father was too old, and her brother was too young, they can’t go to the front , So filial Mulan disguised as men, replaced her father to join the army. Although she is a woman, compared with men, even more strong and bravery than men. More than ten years have passed on the battlefield, Mulan established the innumerable exploits, is really "women don't let a man"!

After reading , I want to say “Although now we do not face the war, but, in our life, study will encounter many difficulties, big and small, in the face of these difficulties, we should face them bravely, never give up .”

All in all, there is love in her heart, so she can hold the line. Because of love, she feels the world is so beautiful; he can live in harsh

environment. Because of love, Hua Mulan feels that love is hope; this is her reason for living!

The battlefield was so, the world is so!









这部电影告诉我们:应该学习花木兰的,机智,勇敢,报效祖国的精神。 山西省侯马市3606学校四年级:魏婕鑫

