










English lesson representative inaugural address

People often say "in its place, seek the government", so I in some time ago as English lesson representative has been very positive, bold initiative to complete all the work, and made some achievements: in most people's minds, and lesson representative is not accept the homework assignments and JiJi short list? But I think, lesson

representative should be all the students in the subject of learning all the representatives and model, should be the whole class in the subjects of the study led successful learning: lead the whole class to achieve the success of this discipline study.

Below is my in this semester in preparation for trying to do:

1, I will first should be leading by example, integrity justice, initiative, serious and responsible. All of this discipline solely responsible for the study task. In class's and grade's English learning in a leader and organizers role.

2, I will always want to the teacher, the students think, urgent teacher, the students of the anxious, work to have to obey the consciousness and advanced consciousness. Thinking positive progress, dare to bear. 3, in the proper time and send and receive the homework, homework assignments and check is my duty. If there is making a person, failed the homework, homework a copycat to timely report to the teacher. And help the students to correct, in English learning not lag behind.

4, I will go to the office before class to ask the teacher in this class to study tasks preparations before class.

5, I'll help the teacher in class should maintain classroom discipline, and actively cooperate with the teacher, and actively raised his hand, drive students also actively learning English.

6, the last is the right time every day a two way English problem, consolidate the everyone to the knowledge of mastery.

In a word, I'll do my best, guide you to learn English well this subject, if I have a shortage, also please everybody many opinion!

Thank you!



英语课代表( )职责

1. 收发作业,作业必须晨读前统一收齐上交到英语老师处,若有未交者,作业不合格者,作业抄袭者,要及时记录在工作本上并抄一份送交班主任;当天如果有作业,必须在英语课前将作业本及时的下发给每一名同学;

2. 上课之前要去办公室询问老师准备什么,上课之前要及时打开电脑等教学设备待课。

3. 每天放学前在黑板上板书当天作业,并大声念给全体同学听;

4. 监督有没有抄作业现象,并做好记录;

5. 每周末总结统计本周的情况。包括作业不交、作业作弊、课堂违纪等次数最多者,将检查结果上交任课老师和班主任,任课教师将酌情严肃处理。

英语课代表( )职责

1. 布置每天的背诵任务和晨读及课前读书的任务(即背什么,读什么)

2. 统计每天背诵的情况,每天上午或下午第三节课前向老师汇报一次。

3. 督促组长检查每天的背诵,把不会背的或者不熟的同学名字记下来公布在黑板上,给予一定时间背诵后,要求组长再次检查,并再次向老师汇报

4. 检查组长的背诵并做好记录。

5. 协助老师开展好每天的背诵比赛活动。

英语课代表( )职责

1. 统计并管理同学的帮扶情况,并督促履行帮扶的行为

2. 观察同学们上课和自习的表现情况并及时记录在工作本上,及时和值日班长取得联系,并做好加减分;

3. 及时向任课老师反映班级学生思想动态,可以有选择性地向任课老师提出有利于本学科的可行建议,自己能处理的小事自己处理做好记录,不能处理的交由任课老师处理。

4. 做好月考,期中期末考试的统计工作,包括进步退步的同学及具体分数。

5. 上课前把讲桌擦拭干净,给老师创造一个良好的上课环境。可以督促当天的值日生完成此项工作。


1. 课代表每天应在上下午主动去英语办公室帮老师叫同学

2. 课代表应该有集体荣誉感。始终想老师之所想,急老师之所急,工作上要有服从意识和超前意识。思想上要有要求上进和敢于担当的精神。

3. 自己要学好,严格要求自己,不怕老师,首先自己要成绩好,名列前茅,树立威信。


1. 本学期每次年级统考如果英语考在第一名,课代表功不可没,每人加10分,组长加10分。

2. 本学期每次年级统考如果英语考在二至三名,课代表每人加5—8分,组长加5—8分。

3. 本学期每次年级统考如果英语考在第三名以后,课代表每人加2—5分,组长加2—5分。
