

1.Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic.

2.Recently the problem has been brought into focus.

3. Nowadays there is a growing concern over ... .

4. What calls for special attention is that.。。

5. There’s no denying the fact that.。。

6. what’s far more important is that.。。

7.It is common knowledge that honesty is the best policy.

8.It is well-known that…

9.Many nations have been faced with the problem of ...

10.According to a recent survey, ...

11. With the rapid development of .。.


1.From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that ...

2.In conclusion, it is imperative that ...

3.In summary, if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue, more problems will crop up.

4.With the efforts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly.

5.Taking all these into account, we ...

6. Whether it is good or not /positive or negative, one thing is certain/clear.。。

7.All things considered, .。。

8.It may be safely said that.。。

9.Therefore, in my opinion, it’s more advisable.。。

10. It can be concluded from the discussion that.。。

11. From my point of view, it would be better if.。。


1.The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

2.The advantages of A are much greater than those of B.

3.A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that...

5.For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages.

6.Like anything else, it has its faults.

7.A and B has several points in common.

8.However, the same is not applicable to B.

9. A and B differ in several ways.

10. Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects.




I. 可用一些较难的词替代简单的

Therefore, … 替代So…

However,… /While + 从句替代But …

be fond of / be interested in / enjoy替代like

as well 替代 too

II. 议论文常用句型

1. 分点说明

1) First of all,… Second, … Last but not least,…

2) …because… Besides, ( Meanwhile, )… What’s more, ( What’s worse, ) …

2. 表述个人观点

1)I personally think that …

2)In my opinion, …

3. 引用谚语

1)Just as an old saying goes,…

2)As we all know,…

4. 总结

1) In short, …

2) In a word, …

III. 记叙文

1. 写事:

I still remember the first time I learned to ride a bike. That was one summer afternoon when I was seven years old. …

… It gives me a lot of pleasure. Whenever I see other kids learning to ride a bike, it reminds me of that summer afternoon.

2. 写人:

The person I ‘ll never forget is my English teacher…



1.表对比和转折 conversely 相反的是 on the contrary 恰恰相反 By contrast In contrast

as opposed to与……相对应

whereas... 可是……(与while用法相同) however放在句中,前后用逗号隔开,比放在句中使用更有逼格 Despite that

Despite the fact that In spite of that Regardless of

regardless of不管 Nonetheless尽管如此 Nevertheless rather than instead of otherwise 否则 While Though Although

Even though即使


Consequently所以 Accordingly

Owing to... 因为…… Thanks to... 因为……多亏 Therefore... 所以 Thereby Thereafter Because of Since Due to Thus Hence

As a result

As a consequence For this reason

3.表递进和补充 furthermore 还有

what's more 更重要的是 moreover

more importantly

particularly in particular especially

in addition 另外 Additionally besides 另外

meanwhile 与此同时 in the meantime Similarly 同样地

Correspondingly相应地 对应地 Likewise同样地 In the same way


To sum up,... 总之 To summarize 总之 in summary to conclude in conclusion

draw the conclusion 做总结

to put it in a nutshell简而言之


as a matter of fact in fact actually indeed

obviously 很明显地 apparently 表面上地 seemingly表面上地 virtually 事实上 in reality

evidently 很显然

6.表举例子 for example for instance such as

take...for example 拿...做例子来说take the example of a case in point be exemplified by


firstly = initially = first of all = to begin with = to start with= in the biginning secondly thirdly

Finally = ultimately = at last = last but not least=eventually =in the end

8.表目的 aim to

in order to so as to purpose goal target objective

It is hoped that以期……

9.表观点 View

Viewpoint Point of view Standpoint Argument perspective claim opinion belief thought idea

perspective statement

10.表文章的目的的词 assess 评估 evaluate 评估 determine 测定 measure 测量 investigate 调查 survey 调查 examine检验 appraise评估 validate证实 unveil揭示 reveal揭示 exhibit展示 discuss讨论 introduce介绍 Estimate 评估 Outline概括 Test测试

Deal with处理 Clarify澄清

Provide a insight into……提供新的视角、洞察力

11.表示促进作用的词 boost 增强

facilitate 促进 promote 促进提高 improve 改进

ameliorate改善 改进 boom 增强

encourage 促进 enhance 加强

motivate 加强促进 stimulate 促进 trigger 引发 optimize 改进 Strengthen


solve the problem

address the issue/concerns cope with deal with tackle handle settle work out resolve

figure out 想明白

13.导致 lead to result in give rise to cause induce

bring about contribute to

be responsible for yield产生 generate产生 form形成 shape 形成 trigger 引发

14.表关键和重要 Key

Important crucial critical

is essential to Decisive Central Paramount Influential Fundamental

Gather great importance Play a central role in

15.表劣势和缺点 disadvantage demerit weakness fault

shortcoming drawback flaw

defect 缺陷

16.表优势和优点 merit

advantage strength virtue

benefit 好处

superiority 优越 优势

17.几个表时间的词 currently 近来 recently lately

up to now = by now = now = up until now up to date as of today for the time being 目前 nowadays 近来 at the moment

at the present time 目前 so far= by far到目前为止

over the past few years/decades subsequently 后来 simultaneously 同时地 in the subsequent yeas in the long run 长期 over the long term长期

18.巨大的 大量的 considerable enormous tremendous huge vast

substantial massive mighty extensive remarkable marked noticeable notable dramatic significant

19.非常 very

extremely greatly quite

badly(偏口语化) highly fairly

particularly in particular specially

20.显著地(形容词去掉ly) significantly dramatically considerably markedly

noticeably evidently remarkably starkly notably strikingly prominently observably distinctly widely广泛地 broadly 广泛地

21.表示作者观点的词 Think Consider Believe Regard show 表示

present陈述 主语是人 indicate 提示 suggest 提示 reveal 揭示 point out 指出 claim 声称 declare 声称 state 陈述 insist 坚称

demonstrate 说明

illustrate 图示说明 note 标注 暗示 提示 proclaim 声明 argue 反对

find out 调查发现 refer to 指 reflect 反映 represent 代表 advocate拥护

shed some light on 阐明

22.表...缺乏 deficient insufficient inadequate lack of be short of 23.表...充足 enough

be rich in 富含 sufficient adequate abundant ample plenty of full of filled with plentiful


put forward ... suggestion bring forward... proposal propose raise

pose a question

set forth a proposal come up with make suggestions


Benefit from Benefits 益处 Helpful

be beneficial for

good for one's health 对健康有益 conducive 有益的

26.有害 do harm to

be harmful to one's health 对健康有害 detrimental 有害的

exert a adverse impact on施加不利影响undermine 逐渐损害 Destroy Impair Jeopardize

27.就...而言 in terms of with regard to speaking of

when it comes to as for

28.组成 包含 comprise compose

consist of (不能用被动) be composed of include

contain Vitamin D 富含维生素D constitute

be constituted by be made up of make up

encompass包含 form

29. 上升 增长 rise increase go up ascend grow

skyrocket 飞速增长 surge 激增 soar 激增

proliferation 增长 growing 增长的 mounting 增长的 boost 增长 boom增长

30.下降 减少 drop fall decrease descend

go/come down decline

plummet 骤然跌落 plunge 骤然下降 reduce

economic recession 经济萧条 in a slump 低谷

fluctuate 波动 浮动 31.与...一致 in line with

in accordance with

be identical with一致的 be consistent with in tune with

be compatible with correspond with be consonant with

32. 完全地 Thoroughly Completely Wholly Totally Utterly Entirely

33. 主要地 主要的 Mainly Majorly Primarily Largely

Leading cause/reason Prime cause Primary Fundamental

34. 大量的

A wealth of research into A number of

A surge of research Numerous 无数的 A set of A load of Tons of

A wave of 一波儿 Extensive 大量的 A variety of Various A body of Plenty of

A series of 一系列 A mass of Quantity of Amount of

A bunch of

A handful of 少量的 35.有关 关于 About

Concerning Regarding Involving In regard to In respect to Concerned with Related to Involved with

36. 在某种程度上 In a sense In a way

To some extent In some ways


Has sth to do with Be strongly related to Be relevant to

Be closely associated with Be tied with Be linked with

Be highly connected with Be pertinent to

Be correlated with统计学上的相关

38.表示强调 Stress Emphasize Accentuate Highlight Underscore

Place/lay/put/receive an emphasis on……

Attach great importance on In the spotlight

Be vital to 至关重要

Play a increasingly critical role in A central issue/concern is 39.在这方面 In this regard In this respect

In all aspects of 在所有方面 40.确保 确定 弄清 Assure Make sure Ensure Ascertain Identify Confirm Determine


Receive/draw/attract/catch some attention

There is a growing/increased attention being given to…… Growing interest


42.实施 Carry out Implement Conduct

Undertake承担 Perform

Put into practice

43.发生 Happen Occur

Take place

44.努力做…… Attempt to do

Try one’s best/utmost to do Make some joint efforts to do Endeavor to do Intend to do

Bend over backwards to do竭尽全力去做 Attempts 尝试(名词) Do one’s part to do

Spare no effort to do不遗余力去做某事


Exert influence on Exert/impose

adverse/powerful/negative/profound impact on

Have a positive effect on Affect

46.改变 Change Shift Alter


Incorporated into…… Integrated into…… Blend in

48.越来越…… More and more Increasingly

49.取得进步 Progress 动词

Make some progress Make some advances Make great strides

50. 值得注意的是 It is noted that

It is worth noting that

It is important to note that It must be further noted that


In other words Namely

In simple terms Basically

More specifically Simply stated In brief Simply put

To put it this way

52 与……比较 Be compared with In comparison with Be superior to Be inferior to

53 集中精力于 Focus on

Concentrate on

Place more concentration on Center attention on Pay more attention on

54 与……相同 Be similar to Resemble

Be equivalent to Be equated with

Share something in common有相同之处Be identical with 55 与……不同 Be different from Be distinct from

Be distinguished from Differ by Vary

As opposed to Unlike

Contrary to Paradoxical Contradictory In conflict

Incongruent不相容 Incompatible不相容 The difference lies in

55 令人惊奇的 Startling Staggering Amazing

56 很少地 Scarcely Hardly Barely Rarely

57 保有……

Remain controversial

Unclear Uncertain Disputable Unknown

58 在……领域 Field Realm domain area

59 经历 Undergo Go through Witness 目睹

60 不停地 不断地 Consistently Continuing Incessant

61 由……引起 源于…… Arise from Root in 起因于 Lies in 存在于 Originate from

62 方法 Methods Approach By means of

63 提供……基础

Offer a sound/unsound theoretical basis for

Lay the ground work for Serve the basis for Lay a solid foundation for

64 根据……鉴于…… According to In light of Based on

On the basis of

Take sth into account/consideration

65 成就 Achievement Accomplishment Attainment

66 争论 Debate Dispute Argument

Disagreement Controversy Combat

There is no general consensus on Reach the consensus 达成一致

67 阐述 Elucidate Elaborate Present Expound State


shed some light on 阐明

68 加深理解 拓宽眼界 Broaden one’s knowledge Widen one’s horizon Deepen our understanding

Gain a better understanding of…… Expand one’s scope of knowledge

Promote the mutual understanding 促进相互理解

69 表范围的词 Range Scale Scope

70 招募收集研究对象 Enroll Recruit Collect

71 研究对象 Individuals Subjects Participants Sample

72 合理地 Reasonably Rationally Make sense

73 有必要

It is necessary to It is essential to

It is in urgent need that It is urgently needed

74 采取……措施 Take actions to do

Take effective measures to do Take steps to do

75 充分利用

Make most/utmost/best of Make full use of

Take full advantage of

76 从另外的角度、视角 From a different angle From a different view

From a different perspective In other ways

In a different way

77 易受……的影响、伤害 Be vulnerable to Be susceptible to Be sensitive to 78 随着……的发展

With the rapid development of Along with

In the wake of 紧随……之后 Following 在……之后

Faced with great opportunities and challenges 面临…… 79意识到

Be (fully) aware of Be conscious of Realize

Be apprehensive of

80 除了…… Apart from Other than Rather than Except

81 大约 About Around Rough Roughly Approximate Approximately

82 表可能

Less/more/most likely to do Tend to do Probably Possibly Perhaps Maybe

83标准 Criteria

Criterion(复数形式) Standards Norms


Catch/keep up with Keep pace with Overtake

85 缓解减轻 Alleviate Ease Relieve Lighten

86 培养 Develop Cultivate Foster Nurture
