
1.Original sentence : Education is one of the key words of our time. A man without an education, many of us believe, is an unfortunate victim of circumstances, deprived one of the greatest twentieth-century opportunities(新概念英语4 lesson33 "education")

My version: "Friends" is one of the key words of our time. A man without a friend, many of us believe, is an unfortune victim of circumstance, deprived of the greatest treasure. However, by which way should we make friends?

connection:20xx(Is it wise to make friends on-line)

2.Original sentence:There is only one difference between an old man and a young man: the young man has a glorious future before him and the old man has a splendid future behind him: and maybe that is where the rub is. (From "Youth "in the New Concept English)

my version:There is only one difference between making friends online and making friends in traditional way: the former can express our inside feelings freely without considering each other' statute, wealth, and so

on, however,the latter may prevent our inside feelings from springing up: and maybe that is where the rub is. That's why we prefer the former to make friends with others.

connection:20xx (Is it Wise to Make Friends Online )

3.Original sentence:The value of a man is not in his skin, that we should touch him.(Solitude-Henry David Thoreau)

My version:The value of a man is not how many he had,that how many he gave away to others.

Connection:20xx(The Benefits of Volunteering)

4.Original sentence: The purpose of the symposium, as i understood it, was to scrutinize the obligations of the media and suggest the best ways to meet those obligations. (A New English course Book 5.Unit 9 where is the news leading us.)

My version: The benefit of being a volunteer, as I understood it, was to realize the value of one person and

find the best way to meet some obligations.

Connection: (20xx The Benefits of Volunteering)

5.Original sentence:So stop waiting until you take your last test, until you finish school, until you go back to school, until you have the perfect body, the perfect car, or whatever other perfect thing you desire.

My version :So stop waiting until people in need cry for nothing, until disasters destroy our belongs as well as our hope, until you have the regrettable tears, the regrettable sighs, or whatever other regrettable moods you have without offering your helps to others.

Connection: (20xx The Benefits of Volunteering)

6.Original sentence: As food is to the body,so is learning to the mind.(大学英语六级写作 P122 “Learning:a lifelong career")

My version:As food is to the body, so is environment to the health.

Connection:20xx (Will Tourism Bring Harm to the environment)

7.Original sentence:The peer group has become television-oriented, and much of the time children spend together is occupied by television viewing.(高阅第5册 Unit5)

My version:The peer group has become tourism-oriented, and much of the time family spend together is occupied by traveling.

Connection:20xx(Will Tourism Bring Harm to the environment)

8.Original sentence:Indeed, hurry can be the assassin of elegance.(高阅第6 册unit2"the fine art of putting things off")

My version:Indeed, escaping the basic responsibility can be the assassin of all-round development. connection:20xx( should college students hire cleaners?)

9.Original sentence:A good carpenter is not distinguished by the number of his tools,but by the craftsmanship with which he uses them.(高阅第5册unit1"Hit the nail on the head")

My version: A good student is not distinguished by the scores he gets, but by the ability to develop in a all-round way.

connection:20xx(should college students hire cleaners?)

10.Original sentence: Many of the home electric goods which are advertised as liberating the modern woman tend to have the opposite effect, because they simply change the nature of work instead of eliminating it.(20xx专四真题 Text A)

My version: private car owners be taxed for pollution tend to have the opposite effect, because it simply rationalizing the pollution instead of improving the awareness of protecting environment.

Connection :20xx(Should Private Car Owners Be Taxed for Pollution)







2. 只要努力按照老师的要求去做,就一定能做好。付出与收获是相辅相成的。一份耕耘一份收获,有付出就有收获。每次努力去完成老师和连队布置的任务,取得了不错的成绩,得到了连队内的同学和老师的肯定。记得老师第一堂课就跟我们说过:应用文写作,就犹如一个人的字,一个人字的好坏,就会给其他人不一样的印象,字体写得好的人,无论在日常生活中还是在职业生涯中都可以助你一臂之力,起到事半功倍的效果。老师这一席话正好踩到我的痛脚。因为字和文章都写得不好正是本人之短处,可是,我却并没有因此而更讨厌应用文写作


3. 加强团队意识,努力融入团队。我们四连由4个学员组成,每次老师布置的连队任务,我们都会一起进行讨论。我也会在讨论中,积极发言,提出自己的观点,自己所提出的一些好的建议也得到了连队其他成员的认可。此外,我还会认真地完成连长分配的任务,做好每一次的工作,以为我们整个连队做出一定的努力和贡献,能够让我们整个连队在营内更好地发展。









