

Adobe Photoshop,简称“PS”,是一个由Adobe Systems开发和发行的图像处理软件。Photoshop主要处理以像素所构成的数字图像。使用其众多的编修与绘图工具,可以更有效的进行图片编辑工作。20xx年,Adobe将Adobe Photoshop 8更名为Adobe Photoshop CS。因此,最新版本Adobe Photoshop CS6是Adobe Photoshop中的第13个主要版本


Photoshop 是一款功能强大的平面图像处理软件,广泛应用于印刷、广告设计、封面制作、网页图像制作和照片编辑等领域。它是图像处理领域的标准工具,可帮助用户提高工作效率,尝试新的创作方式,并能制作出适用于打印、Web页和其他用途的最佳品质的图像。Photoshop的出现,将图形图像的设计与处理推向了一个更高的艺术水准,越来越多的艺术家、广告设计和平面爱好者均视它为自己的法宝。还有更多专门为数码相机开发的新功能,如智能调节不同区域亮度,镜头畸变修正等。以前需要应用几个软件共同完成的工作,现在只需要Photoshop一个软件就可以完成,可以说它的功能已经非常完善了。









图形图像处理是科学与艺术的结合,美术功底扎实与否是影响您将来平面作品水平高低的重要因素。美术功底不好,使得我 学习Photoshop总感到乏味 。虽然只是一个得力的工具。画笔都会用,而画匠只会重复别人的作品,画家才能实现自己的创意。




温故而知新,可以为师矣。学习Photoshop要时常的练习一些素材,把老师教的以及课外学习的内容,更好的操作。才能使我们的运用软件处理照片的 时候更能 得心应手于学会的操作技法,不仅能独立重复制作,而且要理解其中的知识点,知其然,还要知其所以然。书中每一个练习的设计都是用心良苦的,一定要弄明白每个练习之间的关系,搞清楚每个部分之间的联系,逐步在头脑中建立起一个完整清晰的操作体系,使自己的操作从必然走向自由;




论文的写作是枯燥艰辛。最后要感谢学院提供一个接触学习这门课程的机会 ,让我能与我的指导老师林碧莲老师度过一个愉快而又丰富的学习。再次向林碧莲老师表示感谢。



1.丁海祥. 计算机平面设计实训. 高等教育出版社.2006:99-106

2.金永俊. Photoshop7.0


3.许坤. Photoshop7影像特效宝典.海洋出版社 中国青年出版社. 2007:12-31


相片修饰润色技术. 中国青年出版社.


【版权所有 翻版必究】


第二篇:Theology of His Body 总结论文

Theology of HIS Body

The world gives a message about the meaning of masculinity very different from the one we will find in this book. The truth is that man hood is found in conquering

themselves for the sake of others. “Every man hungers to know and live the truth about life, love, and sex.” This indicates that when we don’t feed ourselves from the banquet of God’s plan, we inevitably end up bringing on junk food. As men get closer to God, the more they become who God made you to be as a man. We can say that the man’s body is made for a woman’s body --- made to be a life- giving gift to her. So her body reveals his calling.

The most obvious differences between the male and female bodies is the strength of gracefulness. From the most of the movies in Hollywood, we may find out that it seems laughable that a real man would lack strength. It reveals the interior strength that men possess. True masculinity requires interior strength. Things like conviction,

perseverance, character and courage define a man more than anything else. If a man does not possess interior strength, he is a walking contradiction of what it means to be a man. Pope John Paul II can be a perfect example for this.

If you work with God, he works with you. He treats everyone equally. A guy protect the girl from himself. He respects her, never hurts her in anyway. He prevent harmful things from her. We all desire to do what is noble and valiant. But our aspirations often

become tainted. Our intentions are not always as pure as we know they ought to be. Our minds and wills-and even our hearts --- need to be formed according to the truth.

Every human being experiences the effects of original sin in different ways.

Homosexuality must realize that he is not alone. Original sin causes us all to have

darkened intellects,weakened wills and disordered appetites. Original sin is manifested in a different way. Human sexuality is designed for procreation. When it comes to homosexuality, the causes of such attractions are not always easy to explain.

Homosexuality in men is still an attempt to unite with what is feminine and have one’s masculinity affirmed. Instead of uniting with women in a physical way, some men with homosexual inclinations identify with women psychologically.

Throughout a high school junior’s words, we found that love is responsibility. God

initiates the gift of life. We should not engage in the act that creates a family until we are prepared to bear the responsibility for one. The demands of fatherhood area not far away from the guys. Young men should begin to assume gradual responsibility for it. The very nature of God’s creative love is stamped into our male anatomy. According to the book, the mission of being a father is something that every man is called to do, in virtue of being a male. Fatherhood can be lives out in many ways. Priests’ God-given desire to become fathers is fulfilled because they participate in the generation of life---- eternal life. By being the man God wants them to be, some guys will play a fatherly role in the development of others.

Lose dad through an untimely death and Lose a father who fight in a war when the child is young are the same thing. They are suffering from the feeling of loss, however, the

memory of their dad’s love would always last in their mind. Fatherhood brings life to the world, and makes the life better to the world. “Every man who seeks the kingdom of God finds himself.” Come on, men. Be confident and responsible!

Throughout the book, i think i started to understand a little bit of the men. I always think that men are easy to understand. It might be true compared to the women, however, it’s still a difficult study to truly understand them. Or i can say that they do not understand themselves, too. It’s the same situation as women.

Men have their own desire and thoughts. I don’t want to require him to always do the things i want. The only few things i want them to have are responsibility and true love. The man for me does not have to be too wonderful. They will be the gold or treasure for me even if they seem to be not that successful among others. Without responsibility, the man would not be totally trusted. About true love, i understand they hide something or cheat me sometimes because of the reasonable situation. I always believe that they have their own space. It doesn’t mean it does not matter to do so. If they truly love us, they will know what to do.

I believe that everyone need fatherhood. My father is a business man who is always working outside busily. It was hard for me to see him since i was pretty young. So i think i could understand part of the people who did not really enjoy fatherhood. With responsibility, a man could give the full fatherhood to others.

This book helped me to recognize manhood on the other side of view. It pointed out the most important things men usually has. It helped me to find the man be “man” for me.
