














期中考试作文是:据说,凡是报考印度孟买佛学院的学生,进校的第一堂课就是由该校教授把他们领到学院正门一侧的小门旁,让他们每人进出小门一次。这个门只有l.5 米高,0.4 米宽,一个成年人想要进去,必须弯腰侧身,不然,就只能碰壁撞头了。进出过这个小门的人几乎无一例外的承认,正是这个独特的行为,使他们顿悟,让他们受益终身。


上面话题的材料已不具有以往的宽泛性,材料明显带有作者的思想倾向,作者的这一倾向,实际上就是我们作文的立意方向,偏离了这一点,就会偏题。审题时一定要把握住这一倾向。而这次考试中班里不少学生没有抓准立意他们把材料中的“弯腰,侧身 ”理解为谦卑,谦虚,虔诚”题目为:

1.人要谦卑 2.懂得谦让 3. 学会谦卑地弯腰 4.谦虚使人进步 5.谦虚的营养 6.谦卑若愚 7.退一步海阔天空 8.谦虚做人,心怀礼节 9. 谦虚是一种态度 10. 谦谦君子,温润如玉 10.成熟的稻谷会弯腰 11.谦虚——不败的花朵 12.谦卑为怀




1. 韩信忍胯下之辱终成一代名将


2. 苦心人天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴


3. 《报任安书》“古者富贵而名摩灭,不可胜记,唯倜傥非常之人称焉。盖西


厥有《国语》;孙子膑脚,《兵法》修列;不韦迁蜀,世传《吕览》;韩非囚秦,《说难》《孤愤》;《诗》三百篇,大底圣贤发愤之所为作也。此人皆意有所郁结,不得通其道,故述往事、思来者。乃如左丘无目,孙子断足,终不可用,退而论书策,以舒其愤,思垂空文以自见。”这么多圣贤哪一个不是弯腰侧身,忍辱负重,最终通过人生的小门? 就司马迁本人,手工行之辱,立志著书,最终实现了自己“究天人之际 通古今之变 成一家之言”的《史记》。

4. 鸿门宴上刘邦唯唯诺诺却终成霸业;刘备礼贤下士,三顾茅庐,三国鼎立形势成矣;唐太宗广开言路遂有了贞观之治。





A great city in China ---Shanghai/An international city/ My hometown/ My favourite city

Shanghai is a big and beautiful city. It is in the east of China. There are many interesting places here. Tourists like visiting the Yu Garden, the Bund and Jinmao Tower. Many tourists like shopping in Shanghai because there are so many huge department stores. People can visit those places by underground, by bus or taxi. There are about 18 million people in Shanghai. They love eating sweet food

My Favourite City/The capital of China/ My hometown

Of all the cities I have been to, I like Beijing best.

It’s the capital of our country. There are many places of interest in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and so on. There are also many museums and huge department stores in Beijing. The people in Beijing are very friendly. If visitors want to ask for the way, they’re always ready to help.

All in all, Beijing is my favourite city.

A trip to Beijing/A trip plan to …/ My holiday plan

I will have a trip to Beijing this weekend.

I will get there by air. I have bought my plane ticket and a big suitcase for this trip. I will visit my aunt and my uncle in Beijing. They will show me around Beijing and some interesting places. I will visit the Great Wall .I plan to stay there for two weeks.

I hope I will have a good time in Beijing.

Dragon Boat Festival/My favourite Festival / Chinese traditional Festival

Dragon Boat Festival is an important festival in China.

It is on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.It has a history of more than 2,000 years. People eat rice dumplings and have dragon boat races to celebrate the festival. I like the salty ones with meat best. They are tasty and delicious. People celebrate the festival to remember a great man, Qu Yuan.

I like Dragon Boat Festival very much.

My favourite activity (outdoor)

Playing football after school is my favourite activity.

I play football with my friends twice a week. Sometimes I play football with my classmates in PE lessons. Playing football is good for my health. It can keep me strong and fit. And I can also make new friends when I am playing football. So I like it best.

My favourite activity (indoor)

Doing puzzles after school is my favourite activity.

I do puzzles with my friends twice a week. Sometimes I do puzzles with my mother at home. Doing puzzles is good for my health. It can keep me clever . And I can also get along well with my parents when I am doing puzzles .

So I like it best

How to keep/stay healthy/ Good habits

It is very important for us to be healthy. But what can we do to keep healthy?

I think we should eat enough rice, noodles, bread and so on because they can give us heat and energy. What’s more, we should do exercise every day because it can make us strong. And we should eat plenty of vegetables and fruit because they are fresh and healthy.

In a word, if we have healthy eating habits, we will be healthier and healthier.

What will I be like in ten years?(强调外表的改变的多)

Everybody has his future. What will I be like in the future?

Perhaps I will be taller and slimmer in ten years’ time. I think I will possibly be a reporter, because I love taking photos and I enjoy going traveling all over the world. I am good at English and Chinese. I also do well in writing. I will take many photos and write a lot.

So from now on, I will practice writing and taking photos more. I will have a great future!

What will I be in the future?(强调做什么职业)

Many people want to be a boss, a doctor, and so on in the future. But I want to be an English teacher because my mother is a teacher. I am her fan. I can help my students. We can help each other. Sometimes we go out to have English classes. We play games after class. I can teach them how to learn. We are good friends, I hope my dream will come true.

My school life ( in summer/spring/autumn/winter)

School life is a very important part of my life.

In summer/spring/autumn/winter, it is always hot and sunny. Not many students like playing in the playground because it is too hot. Many students enjoy having soft drinks and ice cream after lunch. So do In a word, I think my school life is interesting and colorful.
