

目 录

第二章 商务业务信函范例 ....................................................................................... 7

第一节 资信调查函 ............................................................................................... 7

1.咨询函 ................................................................................................................ 7 2.3.向银行查询新客户资信情况向客户查询信用及经营情况 ......................................................................... ......................................................................... 88 4.带附表的资信调查函 ..................................................................................... 8 5.6.资信调查有利回函,并给予建议信用调查有利回函,告知敬请放心 .................................................................  ............................................................. 89 7.资信调查不利回函,告知管理不善 ............................................................. 9 8.9.信用调查不利回函,告知经济信用不佳表明无法提供确切意见而致歉 .....................................................................  ..................................................... 99 10.请求老客户作为资信证人 ......................................................................... 10 11.12.要求对方提供资信资料同意试销前的资信要求 ............................................................................. ............................................................................. 110 0

第二节 促 销 函 ............................................................................................. 11

1.2.传感剃须刀广告海报男用 喱宣传海报 .......................................................................................  ................................................................................... 111 1 3.香波的报纸广告 ........................................................................................... 11 4.5.便携式小型冰箱宣传册推荐地毯 .......................................................................................................  ............................................................................... 112 2 6.推荐替代品 ................................................................................................... 13 7.8.推荐新产品一般性推销 ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... 113 3 9.描述产品 ....................................................................................................... 14 10.11.写给不经常联系的客户推销教育课程 .............................................................................................  ............................................................................. 114 4 12.推销会议场所 ............................................................................................. 15 13.14.向老客户推销新产品为商贸指南征集广告 ................................................................................. ................................................................................. 115 6

第三节 建立贸易关系 ......................................................................................... 16

1.2.亲抵进行业务调查咨询信 ...........................................................................................................  ....................................................................................... 116 6 3.表达建立业务关系的意愿 ........................................................................... 16 4.5.参观展位后要求建立贸易关系通过自荐信建立商务关系 ...........................................................................  ................................................................... 117 7 6.要求推荐客户 ............................................................................................... 17 7.8.由朋友介绍的公司从广告中得知客户信息 .......................................................................................  ............................................................................... 117 8 9.索取资料 ....................................................................................................... 18 10.11.寄送资料与过去有贸易往来的公司恢复联系 .....................................................................................................  ......................................................... 118 8 12.寻求电子制品合作伙伴 ............................................................................. 19 13.14.寻求纺织品贸易伙伴进口商与出口商的联络信 .................................................................................  ......................................................................... 129 0 15.出口商与进口商的联络信 ......................................................................... 20 16.17.接受建立业务关系函拒绝建立业务关系函 ................................................................................. ................................................................................. 220 0 18.回函拒绝申请交易 ..................................................................................... 21


19.要求对方刊登推销广告 ............................................................................. 21 20.21.索取样品请求担任独家代理 .....................................................................................................  ..................................................................................... 221 1 22.拒绝对方担任独家代理 ............................................................................. 22 23.24.同意对方担任独家代理物色代理商 .................................................................................................  ............................................................................. 222 2 25.欢迎新代理商 ............................................................................................. 23 26.27.要求试销同意试销 ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... 223 3

第四节 价格谈判 ................................................................................................. 23

1.2.第一次询价答复第一次询价 ...................................................................................................  ........................................................................................... 223 4 3.询问价格与优惠条款 ................................................................................... 24 4.5.答复价格,告知优惠条款问询到岸价格 ...............................................................................................  ........................................................................... 224 4 6.答复价格并告知细节 ................................................................................... 25 7.8.中国进口商询盘报同类产品虚盘 ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... 225 5 9.提供代用品报盘 ........................................................................................... 26 10.11.传真报实价最优惠报价 ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. 226 6 12.中国出口商报盘 ......................................................................................... 26 13.14.国外出口商回复询盘答复网上询盘 .............................................................................................  ................................................................................. 227 7 15.报虚盘 ......................................................................................................... 28 16.17.报实盘折价优惠 .........................................................................................................  ..................................................................................................... 228 8 18.回复只能维持现价 ..................................................................................... 29 19.20.加价前优惠大客户还盘函 .........................................................................................................  ..................................................................................... 229 9 21.返还盘函 ..................................................................................................... 30 22.23.接受价格函涨价通知函 ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. 330 0 24.说明涨价原因 ............................................................................................. 31 25.26.询价函对询价函的回函 .........................................................................................................  ......................................................................................... 331 1 27.价目表范例 ................................................................................................. 32 28.回函拒绝还盘 ............................................................................................. 32

第五节 订 货 ................................................................................................. 33

1.订单样本 ....................................................................................................... 33 2.3.电子邮件订单正式订购函 ...................................................................................................  ............................................................................................... 333 4 4.附寄订单的信函 ........................................................................................... 34 5.6.通知接受订单确认订单 .......................................................................................................  ............................................................................................... 334 4 7.试购函 ........................................................................................................... 35 8.9.确认收到订单使用现金支票下订单 ...............................................................................................  ................................................................................... 335 5 10.使用交货付款方式下订单 ......................................................................... 36 11.12.使用信用卡订货通知有货,准备发运 .........................................................................................  ................................................................................. 336 6 13.通知订货方暂无存货 ................................................................................. 36


14.通知无法供货 ............................................................................................. 36 15.16.通知不能供全部货物建议同类型其他产品 ................................................................................. ................................................................................. 337 7 17.无法接受替代品 ......................................................................................... 37 18.19.拒绝接受订单对货物满意,再一次订货 .............................................................................................  ......................................................................... 338 8 20.索取样品函 ................................................................................................. 38 21.22.同意送付样品函回函拒绝送付样品 .........................................................................................  ..................................................................................... 339 9 23.订货函 ......................................................................................................... 39 24.25.回函接受订货拒绝订单并推荐代替品 .............................................................................................  ............................................................................. 349 0 26.催促下订单 ................................................................................................. 40

第六节 付 款 ................................................................................................. 40

1.付款条款 ....................................................................................................... 40 2.开立汇票以支付装运费 ............................................................................... 40 3.4.要求变更汇票日期要求对方开立包括各种费用的汇票 .......................................................................................  ........................................................... 441 1 5.要求连同汇票寄来装船文件 ....................................................................... 41 6.7.同意变更汇票的付款条件要求寄送装运的汇票及提单 ...........................................................................  ....................................................................... 441 1 8.通知对方愿意接受汇票 ............................................................................... 41 9.10.通知接受汇票,并要求迅速履行订货要求接受汇票并付款 .................................................................................  ....................................................... 441 2 11.提议变更付款条件 ..................................................................................... 42 12.13.建议使用见票后要求更易于接受的付款条款30天应付的信用证支付 .....................................................................  ............................................... 442 2 14.答应改变付款方式 ..................................................................................... 42 15.16.要求银行开立信用证索取形式#5@p .............................................................................................  ................................................................................. 443 3 17.寄送形式#5@p ............................................................................................. 43 18.19.付款通知告知付款账户 .....................................................................................................  ............................................................................................. 444 4 20.通知收到付款 ............................................................................................. 44 21.22.回函拒绝对方付款方式接受对方付款方式 .....................................................................................  ............................................................................. 444 5

第七节 催 款 ................................................................................................. 45

1.2.提醒欠款事宜询问还款事宜 ............................................................................................... ............................................................................................... 445 5 3.客气的催款函 ............................................................................................... 45 4.5.询问未果,再次请求还款用对方信用情况提醒对方 ........................................................................... ........................................................................... 445 6 6.要求结清余额 ............................................................................................... 46 7.8.要求付款,并付上新#5@p三度索取欠款 ...............................................................................................  ........................................................................... 446 6 9.再一次催款 ................................................................................................... 46 10.11.寄出欠款账单再度索取欠款 ............................................................................................. ............................................................................................. 447 7 12.告知账户资金不足 ..................................................................................... 47 13.14.答复客户延期付款要求正式电文催款 .............................................................................................  ............................................................................. 448 8 15.已通知律师起诉 ......................................................................................... 48


16.最后通牒 ..................................................................................................... 48 17.付款致谢函 ................................................................................................. 48

第八节 包装、装运和交货 ................................................................................. 48

1.说明发货流程 ............................................................................................... 48 2.3.关于包装要求洽谈包装 .......................................................................................................  ............................................................................................... 449 9 4.告知已装运 ................................................................................................... 49 5.6.要求装船时间通知发运货物 ............................................................................................... ............................................................................................... 550 0 7.通知货物抵达 ............................................................................................... 50 8.9.委托装船指定木箱包装的材料及规格 .......................................................................................................  ....................................................................... 550 1 10.指定包装的材料、重量及唛头 ................................................................. 51 11.12.对包装箱长度、唛头的指示对机器包装的详细指示 .............................................................................  ..................................................................... 551 1 13.海运包装的详细指示 ................................................................................. 51 14.15.请注意包装,并减少费用免费再包装 .................................................................................................  ......................................................................... 551 2 16.告知对方包装无误,要求以保费弥补损失 ............................................. 52 17.18.告知对方已按照指示包装并交付船运通知对方转让装船文件的银行 .................................................................  ..................................................... 552 2 19.通知对方已寄出装船文件 ......................................................................... 52 20.21.运送数量不足,要求抓紧装运因须取得特殊许可,故延迟装运 .................................................................  ............................................................. 553 3 22.要求更改目的港 ......................................................................................... 53 23.24.因生产设备的改进,提前交货对延误装运而不满 .....................................................................................  ................................................................. 553 3 25.因延误装运而致歉 ..................................................................................... 53 26.27.收条告知对方货品抵达,随函附上支票 .............................................................................................................  ......................................................... 554 4 28.装运申请书 ................................................................................................. 54 29.30.装货单装箱单样本 .........................................................................................................  ................................................................................................. 554 5 31.托运人提供的情况 ..................................................................................... 55 32.33.询问装运催促装运 ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... 556 6 34.告知已装运 ................................................................................................. 56

第九节 索赔与理赔 ............................................................................................. 57

1.投诉货物质量欠佳 ....................................................................................... 57 2.投诉产品数量不足 ....................................................................................... 57 3.4.投诉收到货物与订单不符抱怨包装不良 ...............................................................................................  ........................................................................... 557 8 5.对所称包装不良的答复 ............................................................................... 58 6.7.首批到货不合格,保留索赔权对商品质量不满,要求补救 .......................................................................  ................................................................... 558 8 8.处理质量不满的投诉 ................................................................................... 59 9.10.为送错商品致歉为再次寄错商品规格致歉 ...........................................................................................  ......................................................................... 559 9 11.解释双方都有责任 ..................................................................................... 59 12.13.调解客户退货表示愿意调查事实真伪 .............................................................................................  ............................................................................. 660 0 14.调查后做进一步回复 ................................................................................. 60


15.破例进行理赔 ............................................................................................. 61 16.17.拒绝理赔说明包装无误,请对方向保险公司索赔 .....................................................................................................  ................................................. 661 1 18.因数量不一致,补运替代品 ..................................................................... 62 19.20.通知对方运去替代品表明愿意为不良品质负责,并支付差额 .................................................................................  ................................................. 662 2 21.针对索赔,指责对方订货错误 ................................................................. 62 22.23.应付令人头痛的客户改善服务 .....................................................................................................  ................................................................................. 662 2

第十节 商标、说明书、合格证及合同样本 ..................................................... 63

1.2.白鹤牌铅笔商标长城牌地毯商标 ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... 663 3 3.凤凰牌双轮手扶拖拉机使用说明 ............................................................... 63 4.5.叉车使用说明书牡丹牌648型收音机说明书 ...........................................................................................  ....................................................................... 664 4 6.微型电子计算器使用说明书 ....................................................................... 65 7.8.安替司丁药物使用说明书太阳元气袋使用说明书 ...............................................................................  ........................................................................... 666 7 9.产品合格证 ................................................................................................... 67 10.11.装配合同代理协议 ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... 668 9 12.补偿贸易合同 ............................................................................................. 70

第三章 商务通用公文及社交公文 ............................................................................ 72

第一节 通告和启事 ............................................................................................. 72

1.开业通告 ....................................................................................................... 72 2.3.扩张营业通告设立分公司的通知 ...............................................................................................  ....................................................................................... 773 3 4.发布并购消息 ............................................................................................... 73 5.6.迁址通告公司重组启事 .......................................................................................................  ............................................................................................... 773 4 7.拆伙通告 ....................................................................................................... 74 8.9.招标通告租赁注意事项 .......................................................................................................  ............................................................................................... 774 5 10.商品大拍卖海报 ......................................................................................... 76 11.12.消防演习通知董事会会议通知及会议议程 .............................................................................................  ..................................................................... 776 6 13.开会通知 ..................................................................................................... 76 14.15.开业通告增加新合伙人 .....................................................................................................  ............................................................................................. 777 7 16.合伙人退休 ................................................................................................. 77 17.18.布告形式的通知通知参观取消 .............................................................................................  ......................................................................................... 777 7 19.商标所有权通知 ......................................................................................... 78 20.21.支票遗失给顾客的通知 .....................................................................................................  ............................................................................................. 778 8

第二节 公司人事 ................................................................................................. 78

1.2.晋升公告调动通知 ....................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... 779 9 3.自荐求职信 ................................................................................................... 79 4.5.应征求职信求职者熟人推荐函 ...................................................................................................  ....................................................................................... 880 0 6.面试通知函 ................................................................................................... 80


7.录用通知函 ................................................................................................... 80 8.9.工作接受函工作拒绝函 ................................................................................................... ................................................................................................... 881 1 10.辞职信 ......................................................................................................... 81 11.12.接受辞职辞退员工 ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... 881 2 13.褒奖员工 ..................................................................................................... 82

第三节 报告及介绍信 ......................................................................................... 82

1.公司管理改革方案报告 ............................................................................... 82 2.员工福利报告 ............................................................................................... 83 3.4.加强保安措施报告日常工作报告 ...............................................................................................  ....................................................................................... 883 4 5.销售情况调查报告 ....................................................................................... 84 6.7.要求写报告的信函研究报告的序文 ...........................................................................................  ....................................................................................... 885 5 8.业务介绍信 ................................................................................................... 85 9.10.正式报告公司简介 ....................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... 885 6

第四节 邀请与约见函 ......................................................................................... 87

1.2.邀请参加交易会邀请参加开业庆典 ...........................................................................................  ....................................................................................... 887 7 3.邀请参加年度销售会议 ............................................................................... 87 4.5.邀请客户参观公司邀请参观贸易展览会 .......................................................................................  ................................................................................... 887 8 6.正式邀请参观特展 ....................................................................................... 88 7.8.晚宴请柬便宴邀请 ....................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... 888 8 9.邀请参加晚宴(非正式函) .......................................................................... 89 10.11.非正式拒绝晚宴函正式拒绝晚宴函 .........................................................................................  ..................................................................................... 889 9 12.正式邀请函 ................................................................................................. 89 14.15.邀请明信片接受共进午餐的邀请 .................................................................................................  ................................................................................. 990 0 16.拒绝参加招待会 ......................................................................................... 90 17.18.茶会请柬舞会请柬 .....................................................................................................  ................................................................................................. 990 0 19.非正式的预约要求 ..................................................................................... 91 20.21.业务约见函拒绝约见 .....................................................................................................  ................................................................................................. 991 1 22.同意约见 ..................................................................................................... 91 23.24.确认约见函确认合作会议议程 .................................................................................................  ..................................................................................... 991 2 25.安排招待工作 ............................................................................................. 92 26.27.建议更改时间拒绝参会 .....................................................................................................  ............................................................................................. 992 2 28.正式婚礼请柬 ............................................................................................. 93 29.30.欢迎函致欢迎词 .........................................................................................................  ..................................................................................................... 993 3 31.邀请函(非正式) ..................................................................................... 94 32.33.拒绝参加酒会回函到办公室约见函 .........................................................................................  ..................................................................................... 994 4 34.接受约见回函 ............................................................................................. 94


35.拒绝约见回函 ............................................................................................. 95 第五节 祝贺与慰问 ............................................................................................. 95 1.祝贺总经理任职 ........................................................................................... 95 2.祝贺晋升 ....................................................................................................... 95 3.对祝贺晋升的回函 ....................................................................................... 95 4.贺成为董事会成员 ....................................................................................... 96 5.贺同事荣退 ................................................................................................... 96 6.贺员工生日 ................................................................................................... 96 7.祝贺新公司营业 ........................................................................................... 96 8.生病慰问信 ................................................................................................... 96 9.慰问家属 ....................................................................................................... 97 10.表示怀念 ..................................................................................................... 97 11.吊唁函 ......................................................................................................... 97 第六节 感谢与道歉函 ......................................................................................... 97 1.感谢客户订单 ............................................................................................... 97 2.感谢热情款待第三人 ................................................................................... 98 3.感谢惠赐资料 ............................................................................................... 98 4.回复客户的感谢信 ....................................................................................... 98 5.感谢工作推荐人 ........................................................................................... 98 6.感谢客户推荐人 ........................................................................................... 99 7.感谢客户的付款和订单 ............................................................................... 99 8.感谢客户的长期支持 ................................................................................... 99 9.为逾期付款致歉 ........................................................................................... 99 10.为发货单上的错误致歉 ........................................................................... 100 11.为给别人带来不便公开致歉 ................................................................... 100 12.感谢别人盛情款待 ................................................................................... 100 13.致谢大宗订单 ........................................................................................... 100

第二章 商务业务信函范例

第一节 资信调查函


Credit Information

Dear Sirs, our products in the United States as our sole agent: Friendship International Trade Co.Ltd. 250 Royal Road New York,NY.30786   Yours faithfully Li Gang 7

 2.向银行查询新客户资信情况 General Manager (CONFIDENTIAL) Dear Sirs, Atlantic Electronic Co.,Ltd,U.S.A.They have given us your bank as a reference.We wish to know if they are good for this amount and We should of course treat as strictly confidential any advice you tell us and be only too pleased to perform a similar service for you should the opportunity ever  Yours faithfully, 3.向客户查询信用及经营情况 Dear Sirs: credit standing of the Any information you give will be highly appreciated and kept in strict confidence.We shall be pleased to reciprocate if you should need our services at this end.   Yours faithfully,  4.带附表的资信调查函 Credit Information Dear Sir, We have received a sudden bid from the American Trading Co.,Ltd,600 Mission Street,San Francisco,with which you are now doing business and the firm gives us your name as a reference. Any information you may give us will be treated as strictly confidential and Very truly Yours, (Attached Sheet) (1)How long have you been in business relations with the firm? (2)What credit limit have you placed on their account? (3)How promptly are terms met? (4)What amount is currently outstanding?  5.资信调查有利回函,并给予建议 Private & Confidential Dear Sirs, Subject:The London Trading Co.,Ltd. we have now received from Barclay Bank of London the information you require. The London Trading consider them good for business engagement up to an amount of 300 000 pounds.For larger 8

transations we suggest payment by sight L/C. The above information is strictly confidential and is given without any responsibility on this bank.  Truly,  6.信用调查有利回函,告知敬请放心 Gentlemen, The firm mentioned in your letter of September 20 is one of the most responsible dealers of textile goods.     Very truly yours, Mike Business Manager  7.资信调查不利回函,告知管理不善  Private & Confidential Dear Sirs, 18 and have to inform you to consider carefully the business with them. We would advise you to to any business relations with  Yours sincerely,  8.信用调查不利回函,告知经济信用不佳 Dear Sir, We are sorry to say that our experiences with the company which you inquired about in your letter of June 17 have been unsatisfactory. It is true we were in business relations with the firm of the last two years and on several  The company still owes $1 400 for purchase made over seven months ago.The account is now in the hand of our attorneys for collection. May we ask that you treat this information as strictly confidential without responsibility on our part.  Very truly yours,  9.表明无法提供确切意见而致歉


Dear Sirs, firm  had business with them during the past few years,but the amount of business was not so large that  Yours truly,  10.请求老客户作为资信证人  Dear Mr Green, As you know,in our line of work,we depend on good reports about our projects to win further It would also be most helpful if we could occasionally bring a client to look at your hotel.We would,of course,stay overnight at least.   Yours sincerely, Robert Manager  11.要求对方提供资信资料 Dear Sirs,    Sincerely yours,  12.同意试销前的资信要求  Dear Sirs, 10 Private & Confidential

第二节 促 销 函 Yours,

GILIETTE SENSOR The only razor that senses and adjusts to the individual needs of your face. Gillette Sensor:the shave personalized to every man. It starts with twin blades,individually and independently mounted on highly responsive springs.So they continuously sense and automatically adjust to the individual curves and unique needs of your face. razor.You appreciate it in the easy loading system and the convenient shaving organizer. Even rinsing is innovative,the new blades are 50% narrower than any others—allowing water flow freely around and through them,for effortless cleaning and rinsing. All these Sensor technologies combine to give your individual face a personalized shave—the closest,smoothest,safest,most comfortable. The best shave a man can get.  Gillette 2.男用者喱宣传海报 YOU MANAGE A BUSINESS,STOCKS,BONDS,PEOPLE AND NOW YOU CAN MANAGE YOUR HAIR For the first time there?s a remarkable gel that can give your hair any look you want—sleeker,fuller,straighter,curlier,more natural,even wet—without a drop of alcohol or oil.It gets your hair into shape in the morning and keep it under control all day.Whatever your management style,Maltplexx is for you.Get the full facts at the Aramis counter.  Aramis Maltplexx natural hair gel for men  3.香波的报纸广告 WHY YOUR FAVORITE SHAMPOO WILL WORK BETTER IF YOU STOP USING IT FOR 14 DAYS It?s so frustrating!The very shampoo that has always left your hair so silky and clean,the shampoo you depend on gradually,then noticeably,stop working.That fresh-air softness you prize so much in clean hair is gone.Your hair feels limp and looks dull.What is happening?Why the change?“Shampoo build-up”is the reason. Each washing,even with fine expensive shampoos of conditioners,leaves a“residue”,a tell-tale problem that has now been measured precisely in laboratory studies. Recent tests on 10 quality shampoos show that residue accumulates each time you shampoo.It?s a fact of hair life. To rid your hair of this unwelcome build-up you must switch to a shampoo with superior rinsability—even if it?s just a temporary change,move to shampoo that have the ability to revitalize your hair and leave it thoroughly clean.Choose one that will do the job greatly.And don?t put it off.Shampoo build-up is more than unattractive.It can destroy the soft feel of your hair…its manageability…and it can eventually damage the hair itself. Which shampoo rinses the best?In laboratory tests of 10 quality shampoos,Neutrogena shampoo was rated No.1,and demonstrated consistently superior rinsability with almost no

11 1.传感剃须刀广告海报

built-up itself. So Neutrogena removes the most build-up in a single washing and,equally important,leaves a negligible trace of residue compared to all the other shampoos tested. If you feel you need to revitalize your hair,try Neutrogena shampoo for just 14 days.Think of it as a refreshing“vacation”…and afterwards your hair will again respond happily to your favorite shampoo. Use Neutrogena whenever you need to get your hair really clean.Then your favourite shampoo will continue to be your favourite.It is suitable for all hair types and may be used on permed,dyed hair. Neutrogena shampoo is available at chemists ad department stores,in 100ml tubes and 200ml bottles.Look for it—in the white box with the brown band. “Test results indicate a single wash with Neutrogena was adequate to remove in excess of 90% of the residue.Even with conditioners,which are far more substantive to the hair,a single wash with Neutrogena.,removes 70% of the residue.” —Excerpt from N.Skin Care Institute Reports  4.便携式小型冰箱宣传册 Dear Fellow Camper, It is a great day to start your vacation.The sun is ablaze,the van or wagon is humming nicely down the Interstate,and the family is settled comfortably in anticipation of what lies ahead.Even the dog is amicable. Can you guess what happens next?Suddenly there are echoed demands for a rest stop and something to eat.The rest stop idea is good,but the“something to eat”shakes you a little—you have visions of hauling out the old billfold and plunking down fifteen bucks or so for snacks at a fast food place. BUT NOT IF YOU HAVE LEKTRON KOOL WITH YOU! The Lektron Kool is the greatest little portable fridge you?ve ever seen.Pack it with sandwiches,drinks,fried chicken,fruit,whatever,and you?ll have at your fingertips really cold food and drink day and night. The Lektron Kool is not an ice box.It?s a lightweight but roomy electronic refrigerator that you can plug into your car or a 110-volt adaptor that we make available,assuring you of fresh edibles for days and nights.The secret is in Lektron Kool?s thermoelectric solid-state module,which replaces all the bulky piping coils,compressors,and motors you find in conventional portable refrigerators. One enthusiastic owner of Lektron Kool writes:“Last summer our family took a camping trip to Canada.It was one of those?perfect?vacations;everything went just as we had planned.But when we got back to Atlanta,all of us agreed that,aside from our new Caprice wagon,the most indispensable item of equipment we carried was our Lektron Kool.Not only was it a convenient,it saved us a bundle!” Now you can own the Lektron Kool for $40 or $50 less than the regular price.That?s right.Our three models ordinarily priced at $139,$179,and $199 can now be had for $99,$139,and $149,but you must hurry because this offer will be withdrawn by June 15.

Call us toll-free at 800-622-0391 to place your order,or mail us your check or credit card number.But if you want more information before you order,the enclosed postage paid card will bring you a complete catalog of our Lektron Kool models.  Yours very sincerely, David Hawk Business Manager  5.推荐地毯 Dear Sir,


Great interest was aroused at the recent Arts & Crafts product exhibition in Beijing by the largest carpet manufacturer in China.Numerous enquiries and orders have also come for the beautiful hand-woven carpets. The carpets are preferred for the following: Appearance Elegant designs with different sizes cater for the customer?s needs. Prices Superb quality with prices much lower than those from other sources. Comfort Carpets are made from wool and silk,so they are giving the feeling of natural warmth and comfort. You will be interested to note that our annual production is 20 000 pieces.Recently we have received enquiries from Japan,Germany,Australia and South Africa.We are convinced that our carpets will be exported to more countries in the near future.  Sincerely yours,  6.推荐替代品 Dear Sirs, Mode 2. We regret that we can no longer supply the said raincoats,which are out of production.In their place we would like to offer our Rainbow Raincoat Mode 3.This is our new design,made of light,durable and waterproof material.The quality of this article is excellent,but the price is 5%  Our illustrated catalogues and sales literature are being sent by separate cover.  Faithfully,  7.推荐新产品 Dear Sirs, You may be interested to know something about the new products developed by our technicians.This kind of new products sells very well at our market. If you think you We are awaiting your early reply.  Yours faithfully,  8.一般性推销 Dear Sirs, our“Spring Flower”Vacuum Cleaner,from which you will understand why it is difficult for us to meet the 13

these  Yours faithfully,  9.描述产品 To:Allan Jackson,Workshop Manager From:Jack Nelson,Model Shop Manager Subject:Prototype of ORIENT Cutting Tool tool,designated as ORIENT,has been developed by the Second Group. The tool is composed of four parts cast from low-carbon steel and finely machined.The cutting edges on one side of each of the two long pieces feature a bonded tungsten alloy ground to a high degree of sharpness. A strong machine screw holds the two long pieces together.A tension plate of spring steel between them keeps constant pressure on the cutting edges as they are opened and closed by thumb finger action. When using the tool,place the thumb in the smaller hole and the index and middle fingers in the larger one.By applying pressure with the thumb and fingers,you can easily open and close the cutting edges.   10.写给不经常联系的客户 Faithfully,  11.推销教育课程 CAMERON CAREER INSTITUTE 766 HIGHLAND AVENUE ORLANDO,FLORIDA 32802  WOULDN?T YOU LIKE TO OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS? If you?re looking for the chance to be your own boss…or earn extra income in your spare time…or a way to achieve independence when you retire…SMALL-ENGINE REPAIR could be the answer. CCI can quickly train you—in your spare time at home—to service and repair mowers,tillers chain saws,outboards,garden ctors,mopeds,motorcycles,snowmobiles,and dozens of other types of small-engine equipment.It?s a great way to get your own CCI?s Small-Engine Course contains forty-five lessons,each easy to read and understand.Every lesson is short and fully illustrated with step-by-step diagrams and photographs.It?s“hands-on”training-you actually build a 31/2 -horsepower four-cycle engine.You 14

also perform experiments that show you how every part of an engine works.And we supply you with professional tools—of wrenches,electrical system tools,inductive tachometer,engine overhaul tools,voltmeter,and others.Everything you need! each lesson(and there are sample pages of the actual study materials),and contains illustrations and descriptions of the equipment you will use.The instructor you will be assigned to has been a professsional small-engine mechanic.He will be your“partner”in your studies. Just fill in and mail the enclosed postcard for your free catalog today.It needs no postage.  Sincerely, Director of studies  P.S.:No sales representative will call you!  12.推销会议场所 Dear Mr.Edwards: “Thank you for helping us put on the best conference we?ve ever had.Y Pardon me for crowing just a bit,but the statement above was received a few days ago from the vice president of one of the country?s largest manufacturing companies.And it?s typical of many we get from top executives who chose Whispering Pines in Myrtle Beach,South Carolina as their host for meetings,conferences,seminars,and get-togethers. At Whispering Pines we know how to help you make your meetings really successful.It?s what we were designed to do,what we?re in business for,the reason we like to think we?re the ideal convention headquarters.Whispering Pines is not just another magnificent resort center that offers everything and meeting goers could ask for outstanding cuisine…big name entertainers……all sports,including a championship We?re all those things,of course,and we are more. By“more”,we mean that we are really professionals when it comes to arranging space for your specific needs and providing every service you require to make outstanding meetings and conferences.At Whispering Pines you?ll find a staff that is dedicated to personal and friendly hospitality. Skeptical?Let me prove what I have said.Please look over the enclosed colorful booklet,which shows our spectacular setting and elegant facilities.Then,to learn about our professional side,mail the enclosed card for your free copy of “Organizing,Planning,and Running a Meeting.”  Hopefully yours,  13.向老客户推销新产品 Dear Sirs, For your information,we are planning a range of classical English dinner services which should do well in the North American market. 15

 14.为商贸指南征集广告 Thank you for your business. You are currently represented in our directory.This is the only directory of its kind which reaches all companies in the building and construction industry in the UK.Advertising in our directory was a wise move on your new edition will be expanded to include major manufacturers of plumbing equipment in the European Community.For proper coverage in the directory,you ought to appear in more than one category.If you do opt for a multiple listing,you will be able to buy space in additional categories at half price.You can be assured that the new edition will be on the desks of all the major decision makers in the building and hardware trades.Please complete the enclosed form and return it with the appropriate fee. Thanks again for your business. 

第三节 建立贸易关系

1.亲抵进行业务调查 Gentlemen: The writer is leaving for Japan on a business research trip very shortly and expects to arrive in Tokyo some time around December 15.I would appreciate your contacting me through Mr.Smith of the Oriental Trading Company in Tokyo,Japan. Our company is a subsidiary company of McCarthy Oil and Gas Corporation,one of the place ourselves in a position where we can conduct some business relationships of mutual benefit.  Very truly yours, HOUSTON FOREIGN TRADE & IMPORT CO. Paul J.Tunks  2.咨询信 Dear Susan,  if you have carpet stocks in your Which hotels does your corporation have contracts with and at what rate?I will need 3~4 at the Fair on the side yard.Do you have any friends or contacts in this field? With best regards to you and your manager. Jerry 3.表达建立业务关系的意愿 Gentlemen, The Commercial Councillor?s Office in this city has advised us of your  We are one of the largest importers of electric goods in Xi?an and 16 Yours faithfully, Peter Export Manager

banker is Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Xi?an Branch,which can provide you information about our character and finances. At present we are interested in your cordless phone and shall be glad to receive your lowest quotation as soon as possible.  Yours truly,  4.参观展位后要求建立贸易关系  Sincerely, Sanyang Import & Export Company B.G.Lucas Purchasing Manager  5.通过自荐信建立商务关系 Gentlemen: We are a state-operated corporation and are in a position to accept orders against   Truly yours,  6.要求推荐客户 Dear Sirs, ten introduce us to some of the most reliable exporters of Japanese Nylon Goods? As to our standing,we are permitted to mention the Bank or China,Beijing,as a reference. We are looking forward to your favorable and prompt reply.  Very faithfully yours,  7.由朋友介绍的公司 Dear Sirs, We have obtained your address from a friend of ours in San Francisco and are now writing 17

for the establishment of business relations. We are very well connected with all the major dealers here of light industrial products,and feel sure we can sell large quantities of Chinese goods if we get your offers at competitive prices. Please let us have all necessary information regarding your products for export.  Yours faithfully,  8.从广告中得知客户信息 Dear Sirs, the newly developed Video Cassette Recorder M83. Please send us your catalogue and  For your information we are one of the largest importers of Electrical Appliances in England and are trying newly developed VCR from  Yours faithfully,  9.索取资料 Dear Sir/Madam, Your company?s name to our attention through an article in the August issue of “Ocean Thank you for your attention.  Yours faithfully,  10.寄送资料 Dear Mr.Yamato, We have not sold our We look forward to hearing from you.  Yours sincerely,  11.与过去有贸易往来的公司恢复联系 Dear Sirs, We understand from our trade contacts that your company has reestablished itself in Beirut and is once again trading successfully in your region.We would like to extend our congratulations and offer our very best wishes for your continued success. Before the war in Lebanon,our companies were involved in a large volume of trade in our 18

very much hope that we can now that peace has returned to lines have changed beyond recognition.While they reflect current European tastes in fabrics,some of our designs are specifically targeted at the Middle We look forward to hearing from you.  Yours,  12.寻求电子制品合作伙伴 Dear Sirs, SEEK AGENT FOR ELECTRIC APPLEANCES Shanghai?s of Electric Home Products,“Shun Fa”offers you an ideal business opportunity. TV,portable computer,MP3,MP4,car radio,car stereo,medical instruments,electronic industrial instruments,etc.  Shun Fa Electric Co.,Ltd. 22 Zhong Yuan Road,Shanghai, China Wang Hui General Manager  13.寻求纺织品贸易伙伴 Gentlemen, WUXI TEXILE TRADING CO.,LTD. As your name and address were listed in“The Textile Magazine”,complete catalog of our goods,and some samples,from which you will readily observe the extent of our reliabilities. We are looking forward to your early and favorable reply.  Very truly Yours, Li Xiang Sales Manager  Encls.Pamphlet 1 Catalog 1


Sample 3  14.进口商与出口商的联络信 Dear Sirs, Electric Sewing Machines and Trade Exhibition held in Srilanka last July,and we have been told that you export these products. One of our potential customers intends to purchase a number of Electric Sewing Machines with 3 drawers We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.  Yours sincerely,  15.出口商与进口商的联络信 Dear Sirs, Chinese light industrial products and hope that you would contact us if any item is of interest to you.  Yours faithfully,  16.接受建立业务关系函 Dear Sirs, We are glad to note from your letter of the 1st March that you,as importers of light industrial  Yours faithfully,  17.拒绝建立业务关系函 Dear Robert, Thank you for the good work you did in preparing your district?s 2007 budget.You supplied year. I agree with you that three-fourths of all your road equipment should be replaced.However,we are not able to do it this year;the best I can promise is a new mixer and spreader. Hopefully next year the company will be able to replace more of your equipment.The budget dollars should be similar.Let me know if I can do anything to help keep your equipment operating efficiently for one more year.  Harry King 


18.回函拒绝申请交易 Dear Sirs, Your communication of the 28th May addressed to our sister corporation in Shanghai has been passed on to us for attention and reply as the export of enamelware falls within the scope of our business activities. However,we very much regret that we are not in a position to supply you with enamelware direct,as we are already represented by Messrs.Freemen and Brothers Co.,Ltd.for the sale of this commodity in your district.We would advise you to get in touch with them for your requirements. In case you are interested in other items,kindly let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers directly.  Yours faithfully,  19.要求对方刊登推销广告 Dear Sir, Chinese Lotus Nuts Origin:Hunan and Jiangxi of China Specification: Peeled lotus nuts without embryos Packing:In bamboo baskets of 50kgs,or gunny bags of 80kgs,net each China National Cereals,Oils and Foodstuffs Import and Export Corp.,Hunan Branch Postal address:34 Dongmao Street,Changsha,Hunan,the People?s Republic of China Tel:0730-6654002 The advertising fees will be paid upon the publication of the With best wishes.  Yours very sincerely, (signed) Li Dengfeng Manager  20.索取样品 Gentlemen, We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated Oct.12,2006.We are very much interested in your household porcelain articles produced by the Liling Guoguang Porcelain Plant of Hunan province. Thanking you for your attention to this matter and looking forward to your early reply.  Yours truly, Walter Camilleri Co.,Ltd. (Signed) William Thorndike Managing Director  21.请求担任独家代理 Gentlemen:


We would like to inform you that we act on a basis for a number of manufacturers.We specialize in finished cotton goods for the Middle eastern market.Our activities cover all types of household linen.Until now,we have been working with your textiles any information regarding our company. We are very interested in an exclusive arrangement with your factory for the promotion of your products in Bahrain. We look forward to your early reply.  Yours, 22.拒绝对方担任独家代理 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of 1 September suggesting that we grant you a sole agency for our household  Yours,  23.同意对方担任独家代理 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of 12 April have examined our long and,I must say,mutually beneficial collaboration.We would be very that you have two service engineers who took training courses at our Milan factory.The sole know whether they meet with your approval.On a personal note,I must say that I am delighted I look forward to reciprocating on your next visit to Milan. My very best wishes to you and your wife.  Yours,  24.物色代理商 Dear Sirs, Our company manufactures a range of printing presses that are used successfully by companies in over 20 countries.A product specification brochure is enclosed.We are considering expanding our products to new markets and we would appreciate your assistance.In particular,we would like to identify the best agents who are currently serving the printing industry in your region.We are looking for organizations which conduct their business in a truly pro-fessional manner.They must be fully conversant with the technical side of the printing industry and have a comprehensive understanding of all the features of the lines they three or four organizations that match 


 25.欢迎新代理商 Dear Sirs, I would like to welcome you to our organization.We are very pleased to have you on our team.I know that you will be equally proud of our products.Our European sales have a problem.If I can ever be of service,please call  Yours,  26.要求试销 Dear Sirs, We are a leading dealer in waterproof garments in this city.Our customers have expressed interest in your raincoats and enquired about their quality. selection of men?s and women?s raincoats.Any of the items unsold at the end of the period,and  We look forward to hearing from you soon.  Yours,  27.同意试销 Dear Sirs, We were very pleased to receive your letter of 5th April answering our advertisement for typewriters and,as requested,enclose a copy of our latest illustrated catalogue and current price list. We think the“Portable 07”is a machine that would suit your purpose very well.It weighs 2.5 kg and is a bit heavier than the usual portable,but it is good for heavy duty and at the same time conveniently portable when carried in its case. We have one of these machines in stock and we shall be pleased to arrange for you to try it.  Yours,

第四节 价格谈判

1.第一次询价 Dear Sirs, We have learned from the Company of Birmingham that you manufacture a range of high-fashion handbags in a variety of leathers.We operate a quality retail business and obtain high prices for our goods.Would you please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue with details of your prices and payment terms? We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various skins from which the handbags are made.  Yours faithfully, 23 Yours,

 2.答复第一次询价 Dear Ms.Jones, Thank you for your enquiry of 16 July.We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our separate cover,together can be assured,however,that such skins as crocodile and ostrich,not included here,are of the same high quality. Mrs Green,our European Sales Manager,will be in the UK next month and will be pleased to call on you.She will have with her a wide range of our products.When you see them,we think that you will agree that only the best quality materials are used,and that the high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most discriminating buyers.We also manufacture a wide range of leather belts and gloves in which you may be interested.They are fully illustrated in our catalogue and are of the same high quality as our handbags.Mrs Green will be able to show you examples when she calls. We look forward to receiving an order from you.  Yours sincerely, Marketing Vice-President  3.询问价格与优惠条款 Dear Mr.Smith: We are considering providing each of our sales representatives with an electronic calculator.Last week I saw a demonstration of your Model GH Wizard at the Boise Business Show,and I think it would fill our needs very nicely. I understand that the Wizard retails for $33.95.Is there a trade discount for companies that buy in fairly large quantities?Our initial order would be for about 80 units and reorders in perhaps lots of 20. Not only do I need price information,but I also want complete details about service,warranties,carrying case—any information you think will assist me in making a decision.  Cordially,  4.答复价格,告知优惠条款 Dear Miss Rowe: Your high opinion of our Model GH Wizard pleases me very much. We offer a discount of 10 percent on orders of 40 or more calculators.I have enclosed an order blank if you wish to take advantage of this offer. The enclosed booklet gives complete details about service,warranties,and the like.Actually,a carrying case is not necessary with the Model GH Wizard;the handsome,leather-like exterior of the Wizard not only makes carrying it convenient but gives it full protection. Thank you for allowing me to supply you with this information,Miss Rowe.If I have left anything out,just call me at(010)54731060.  Cordially,  5.问询到岸价格 Dear Sirs, We are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all size.We would be obliged if you would give us a quotation per kilogram CIF Liverpool,England. It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price list to us.

24 Manager

We used to purchase these products from other sources.We may now prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices.In addition,we have confidence in the quality of your products. We look forward to hearing from you by return.  Yours faithfully,  6.答复价格并告知细节 Dear Mr Brown, Thank you for your enquiry of 2 October 2006.In reply,we would like to make the following offerl,subject to our final confirmation: Production:Steel screws Specifications:As per the attached list Packing:Loose in boxes of 5kg net Quantity:100 boxes Price:As per the attached list Shipment:January/February 2007 Payment:Confirmed,irrevocable letter of payable by draft on sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment. Under separate cover,we have sent you samples of various sizes,our catalogue and price list.If you find our offer acceptable,please telex or fax us for confirmation.  Yours Sincerely,  7.中国进口商询盘 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your brochure for Petroleum Analysis & Data Management Software dated May 6 and the photo booklet enclosed. We have approached a number of our customers in this area and many of them take an interest in the application software.We therefore ask you to make us your best offer on CIF Tianjin basis for 500 Petroleum Analysis & Data Management Software packages(No.PADM-3456). We would like to point out that unless your quotation is attractive to the buyers here,it would be difficult for us to push successfully the sale of your software products in this competitive market. We shall appreciate your offer in the form of a pro forma invoice.  Yours sincerely,  8.报同类产品虚盘 Dear Sirs, We are glad to note from your letter of May 19 that,as an exporter of Chinese silk goods,you are desirous of entering into direct business relations with us.This happens to coincide with our interest. We shall be pleased to receive from you by airmail catalogues and other information on your goods so as to acquaint us with the quality and workmanship of your supplies.Meanwhile,please quote us your lowest price CIF Dublin,Ireland,inclusive of our 5 percent commission,stating the earliest date of shipment. Should your prices be found competitive and delivery date acceptable,we intend to place a large order with you. We trust you will give us an early reply. 


 9.提供代用品报盘 Dear Mrs Green, Thank you for your telex enquiry of 23 September concerning cotton print 634. We appreciate your efforts in marketing our products and consequently we regret very much that we are unable to supply the desired goods due to excessive demand.We would,however,like to take this opportunity to offer,without engagement,the following material as close substitute. 500 pieces cotton print 428 at US$1.5 per metre CIF New York,including your commission of 2% A sample is enclosed for your reference.If you find the sample acceptable,please telex us as soon as possible.  Your sincerely, Jack Sales Manager  10.传真报实价 Dear Sirs: This is to confirm your fax of 16 January 2007,asking us to make you firm offers for rice and soybeans C&F Singapore. We faxed you this morning offering you 300 metric tons of polished rice at A$2 400 per metric ton,C&F Singapore,for shipment during March/April 2007.This offer is firm,subject to the receipt of your reply before 10 February 2007. Please note that we have quoted our most favourable price and are unable to entertain any counter offer. With regard to soybeans,we advise you that the few lots we have at present are under offer elsewhere.If,however,you were to make us a suitable offer,there is a possibility of our supplying them.As you know,of late,it has been a heavy demand for these commodities and this has resulted in increased prices.You may,however,take advantage of the strengthening market if you send an immediate reply.  Yours faithfully, Tony Smith Chief Seller 11.最优惠报价 Gentlemen: We are pleased to offer you firm,subject to your reply reaching here by June 20 as follows: Article:Shoes Quality:ABC Brand No.5 Quantity:100 pairs Price:US$30 A pair FOB Keelung Shipment:July-August Terms:Draft at 60 d/s under Irrevocable Letter of Credit We are sure that this is the best offer we can make and that no other firms can offer you better terms than these.At present we are receiving a lot of orders from all over the world and there is a possibility of our running out of stock one of these days.Therefore we think it will be to your interest to place an order at once. Your early order is looked forward to.  Yours very truly,  12.中国出口商报盘

26 Yours faithfully,

Dear Sir, Thank your for your interest in our silk products.As mentioned in the previous letter to you,our silk garments and other goods sell extremely well in over 30 countries and regions in Asia,Europe and Latin America.The fine workmanship and the high quality materials used have enjoyed a good reputation in the industry. As requested,we sent you yesterday morning our latest illustrated catalogue,from which you will learn everything you want to know. Below we?d like to clarify on these terms: About the CIF Dublin prices:please refer to the entries hand-written in the catalogue. About the payment terms:our usual practice is by confirmed irrevocable L/C at sight in our favor one month prior to shipment. About the commission:we offer a discount of 5 percent for any order exceeding 3 000 dozen,and therefore allow no commission. About shipment date:shipment is usually effected within two months after receipt of an order. We hope to receive your reply soon so that we can work on you order in time.  Yours sincerely,  13.国外出口商回复询盘 Dear Sirs, Your inquiry of Sept.10 has received our attention,and thank you for your interest in our digital panel instruments. A copy of our illustrated export catalogue will be sent to you today.All the goods we supply are of the very best quality.The elegant designs together with the super accuracy can meet the requirements of any manufacturing and/or analytical processes. We have our own representatives based in your city.We have informed them of your interest.They will be pleased to call on you next week for any technical consultation.They have our authorization to discuss the terms of order with you or to negotiate a contract.  Yours truly,  14.答复网上询盘 Dear Sirs, Automobile Tires We take the liberty of addressing you as we understand from the Internet that you are interested in our automobile tires. We are pleased to make you an offer as follows: The Greet Wall Brand Automobile Tires Quality & Price: A. 670×13 6Pr US $20.6 per piece C&F your port,net B.700×14 6Pr US $23.8 your port,net Quantity:As required Packing:Two pieces to a wooden case weighing about 22 kgs,and measuring 22 cft Shipment:Prompt,after receipt of your L/C Payment:L/C at sight established in our favour Validity of offer:Two weeks ending September 1,2006. If the prices are not satisfactory,your suggestions will be most welcome.We would also add that your agency may be considered eventually upon mutual agreement. Our reference:


The Bank of China,Head office,Beijing. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. 

 15.报虚盘 Dear Mr.Green, Thank you for your e-mail of August 9,inquiring for Flying Pigeon bicycles. Based on your requirement,we are quoting as follows: 26″ Men?s style US $25 per set 20″ Women?s style US $26 per set 28″ Men?s style US $27 per set 26″ Women?s style US $28 per set Payment term:By L/C at sight to be opened through a bank to be approved by us. Shipment:October/November 2006,provided the covering L/C reaches us by the end of this month. The above prices are understood to be on CIF Cairo basis net.Please note that we do not allow any commission on our bicycles,but a discount of 5% may be allowed if the quantity for each specification is more than 1 000 sets. The above quotation is made without engagement and is subject to our final confirmation. We look forward to your early reply.  Faithfully Yours,  16.报实盘 Dear Mr.Green: Thank you for your inquiry of November 8 about TCL Bathrooms. Today I?ve sent you a catalogue in which you will see our range of sanitary wares.I?m pleased to quote you as follows: White Colored Acrylic Bath $147.40 $169.40 Basin $31.20 $32.90 Pedestal $21.60 $22.80 Cistern $69.10 $72.80 Pan $64.10 $67.30 The prices are exclusive of the sales tax but include delivery to your warehouse and are valid for a month from the date of this letter. Besides,the prices quoted are for orders of invoice value below $2 000.For larger orders we offer an extra 5 percent discount. TCL bathroom equipment has an unrivalled reputation for high quality and design at very keen prices.We had stocks of the TCL range in twelve attractive shades and can deliver within two weeks of receiving an order. We are sure you?ll find our prices satisfactory and look forward to hearing from you.  Yours Sincerely, John Nissan Sales Director  17.折价优惠 Dear Mr.Smith, We are glad to learn from your letter of 4 July of your interest in our products.Please find 28 Yours faithfully, George Brown Sales Manager

enclosed the catalogue and price list you asked for.Alsoenclosed are details of our conditions of sale and terms of payment. Please note that we offer special allowance on the following basis: On purchases exceeding a total of: —US $10 000 but not exceeding US $25 000—10% —US $25 000 but not exceeding US $50 000—20% —US $50 000 and above 30% No special allowance could be given on a total purchase below US $10 000. We look forward to your first orders.  Yours Sincerely, Liu Xiangdong Manager of Department of Aquatic Products  18.回复只能维持现价 Dear Mr.Green, It was a pleasure to receive your inquiry of March 16,concerning the supply of our best electric fans.We are enclosing our price list and a copy of our catalogue,in which you will find full details of our normal trade conditions. We note that you have requested an additional discount of 3% and would point out that our prices have already been cut to an absolute minimum.These prices can not be offered by our competitors. We therefore regret that we are unable to allow you any discount in this instance.You can,however,be sure that any advantage we receive in the way of manufacturing costs is always passed on to you in the form of lower prices. In spite of the increased cost of raw materials,we anticipate being able to maintain present prices. We look forward to hearing from you.  Yours Sincerely, Jack  19.加价前优惠大客户 Dear Sirs: Due to the rise in the world price of paper,from 1 January of next year,prices for our products are due to increase by 10% across the board. Since you are a valued customer of long standing,we wish to give you the opportunity to beat the price increases by ordering now at the current prices. In addition,we are willing to give you a discount of 5% on all orders of more than GB£20 000. We are aware that you do not have sufficient warehousing for large quantities of reserve stock.In the circumstances,we would be prepared to hold paper for you to be delivered at your convenience.There will be no charge for warehousing at this end. We believe that you will see the advantages of this arrangement,which will save you at least 15% on paper purchases in the coming year. We look forward to your early reply.  Yours faithfully, Tony Smith Chief Seller  20.还盘函


Dear Sirs, Apples We thank you for your letter of August 27 offering us 200 tons of the subject goods at US $125 per ton CIF Shanghai.

Although we are in urgent need of such product,we find your price is too high and out of line with the prevailing market level.Your quoted price will deprive us of any profit.To tell you the truth,we have received quotations 11% lower than yours.Should you be prepared to reduce your price by,say 10%,we might come to terms. Considering our long business relations,we make you such a counter offer.As you know,this year?s apple harvest was good and the market is declining,though there is a heavy demand for apples.We hope you will consider our counter offer most favorably and let us know your acceptance at your early convenience. Hope to hear from you soon.  Yours faithfully,  21.返还盘函 Dear Sirs, Apples Upon receipt of your counter-offer of Sept.6,we have made a very careful study. As our two companies have done business with each other for so many years,we should like to grant your request to lower the price by 10%.However,such practice will mean nil profit to us.Our apples are of higher quality and thus of higher cost than that of others.It is impossible for us to reduce the price by 10% without lowering the Grade of apples.Considering our long-standing mutual relationship,let?s meet half way.We suggest a reduction of 5% on orders of 300 tons.Only on orders of this size can we manage to make the reduction without lowering the Grade of apples. We hope our counter-suggestion will be acceptable to you and look forward to your orders.  Sincerely Yours,  22.接受价格函 Dear Sirs, We are very pleased to receive your order No.BD/135 Canned Beef.We accept the order and are enclosing you our Sales Confirmation No.354 in duplicate of which please countersign and return one copy to us for our file.We trust you will open the relative L/C at an early date. As to the Items A and B,we shall arrange delivery as soon as we get your L/C,and for items C and D we shall ship accordingly. Hoping the goods will turn out to be your entire satisfaction and we may have further orders from you.  Yours faithfully,  23.涨价通知函 Dear Mr.Green: Your satisfaction is important to us.In order to continue to produce a high-quality product,we have recently installed new high-speed,high-definition printing presses.This,along with the increased price of paper,has forced us to increase our prices by 10 percent effective March 15.I have enclosed a brochure with the new prices in it for your benefit.Orders received before March 15 will be filled at current prices. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.We feel that these increases will still allow you to sell these superb cards at competitive prices.We hope you will let us know immediately if there is any way we can serve you better. 30

 24.说明涨价原因 Dear sirs, I enclose our new price list,which will come into effect from the end of this month.You will see that we have increased our prices on most models.We have,however,refrained from doing so on some models of which we hold large stocks.We feel we should explain why we have increased our prices. We are paying 10% more for our raw materials than we were paying last year.Some of our subcontractors have raised their prices by as much as 15%. As you know,we take great pride in our machines and are jealous of the reputation for quality and dependability which we have achieved over the last 40 years.We will not compromise that reputation because of rising costs.We have,therefore,decided to raise the price of some of our machines. We hope you will understand our position and look forward to your orders.  Yours faithfully, Andrew Export Sales Manager  25.询价函 Dear Sirs, Messrs Jones and Smith of New York inform us that you are exporters of all cotton bed-sheets and pillowcases.We would like you to send us details of your various ranges,including sizes,colors and prices,and also samples of the different qualities of material used. We are large dealers in textiles and believe there is a promising market in our area for moderately priced goods of this kind mentioned. When quoting,please state your terms of payment and discount you would allow on purchases of quantities of not less than 100 dozen of individual items.Price quoted should include insurance and freight to Liverpool.  Yours faithfully, 26.对询价函的回函 Dear Sirs, We are very pleased to receive your enquiry of 15th January and enclose ourillustrated catalogue and price list giving the details you ask for.Also by separate post,we are sending you some samples and feel confident that when you have examined them,you will agree the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price. Our regular purchases in quantities of not less than 100 dozen of individual items,we would allow you a discount of 2%.Payment is to be made by irrevocable L/C at sight.Because of their softness and durability,our all cotton bed-sheets and pillowcases are rapidly becoming popular and after studying our prices you will not be surprised to learn that we find it difficult to meet the demand.But if you place your order not later than the end of this month,we would ensure prompt shipment.  Yours faithfully, 31 Sincerely, (Signature) K.Charles Grand President Encl.

 27.价目表范例


28.回函拒绝还盘 Dear Sirs, I write to thank your letter dating December 24th asking for re-reduction of price. We are sorry to know that you still find our reduced price too high.Anyhow,we do our best to keep 32

the price as low as possible without sacrificing quality.What is more,as far as the quality of the goods we supply is concerned,we do not feel the prices we quoted are expensive at all.If you can not accept it,I have to say sorry that it is not possible for us to meet the demand you requested. If you care to place an order with us any time in the future,you may be assured of the same prompt attention which you have had in the past.  Yours very truly, 

第五节 订 货

1.订单样本 31st October,2006 Messrs.Jefferson & Co.,Ltd. 4Hall Street,Taka Bangladesh



Shipment:During October Packing:10 pcs.in Hessian bale    Shanghai Made in Bangladesh Insurance:A.A.R.full invoice amount plus 10% Terms:Draft at 30d/s under an irrevocable L/C Remarks:Certificate of quality inspection & shipment samples to be sent by air mail prior to shipment  ABC Trading Co.,Ltd. Jim Chen Import Manager  2.电子邮件订单 Dear Sir, We are writing to urge your confirmation of our order for furniture.As reminders,enclosed are the copies e-mails exchanged recently between us. From our e-mail of last week,you will see our order for 50 sets of Luxurious furniture upholstered with genuine leather.We therefore enclose a copy of our order No.ST555 together with our shipping instructions. We would be grateful if you would execute the order as speedily as possible.Any delay could lead to future problems with our clients. We will have the letter of credit opened,which we hope will reach you within 10 workdays. 33

Enclosures(3): Past copies of negotiation communication Copy of Order ST555 Packing instructions  3.正式订购函 Dear Sirs, We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your quotation dated June 16 and note the total $150 000 CIF Qingdao.We gree to this price,and would ask you to accept this order-letter as our offcial order. Please ship at the first available opportunity.The payment is being made by the Banker?s Draft today.In view of the fact that we have been doing business with you for more than a year,we should appreciate it if you agree to settle our accounts quarterly.  Yours faithfully,  4.附寄订单的信函 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of February 4,and we are very pleased to inform you that the samples and prices are satisfactory.Enclosed please find a copy of our Order No.116 for four of the items We hope that you will make delivery at your earliest convenience.  Yours faithfully,  5.通知接受订单 Dear Sirs, Re:Your Order No.18 We have booked your Order No.18 for typewriters and are sending you herewith our Sales Confirmation No.AP-111 in duplicate.Please sign and return one copy to us for file. It is understood that a letter of credit in our favour covering the above-mentioned goods will be established immediately.We wish to point out that the stipulations in the relevant credit should strictly conform to the terms stated in our Sales Confirmation in order to avoid subsequent amendments.You may rest assured that we shall effect shipment with the least possible delay upon receipt of the credit. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to receiving your further orders.  Yours faithfully,  6.确认订单 Dear Sirs, After our exchange of recent e-mails,we now confirm our purchase from you of 2 500 metric tons of acrylics.The following terms and conditions will apply. Price:USD 760 per metric ton net shipping weight Payment:by confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit in your favour Quality:against the seller?s guarantee that the goods conform to the relevant Chinese industrial standards Packing:in paper bags of 50 pounds net each We are pleased that this first transaction with your company has come to a successful 34 Yours sincerely,

conclusion.We look forward to a continuing and mutually beneficial trade between our two companies.  Yours faithfully,  7.试购函 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of January 4.Having studied your illustrated catalogue and price list,we have chosen six models among them,for which we?d like to enclose our order. We would like to stress the fact that this is a trial order.If we are satisfied with both the quality of goods and shipment,you can expect our regular repeated orders.In order to avoid any difficulties with the customs authorities here,please make sure that our shipping instructions are carefully observed. For our financial and credit standing,we refer you to the Chamber of Commerce in your country.  Yours faithfully,  8.确认收到订单 Dear Sirs, We thank you very much for your kind order for our tea which we have received.It has our immediate and careful attention. You may rest assured that the tea under the order has been carefully packaged in chest to prevent damage in transit.We shall send you the shipping advice and the invoice at the time of shipment by this May. The terms of payment you suggested are acceptable,and you may rely on us to give all your orders prompt attention. Since it is the best season for tea,we hope you make full use of the opportunity.I am sure you will be pleased to collect good comments about our tea from your consumers,and build up a market for the product in your country. We hope this will lead to more considerable orders.  Yours faithfully,  9.使用现金支票下订单 Ladies and Gentlemen:


Enclosed is my check for 246.94 for the following:  15 Liquid Paper 2.80 42.00 18 Desk calendars 3.20 57.60 12 Ace correction tape 2.99 35.88 12 Scotch tape 2.88 34.56 10 Ko-Rec-Type 3.72 37.20 6 Golden book mark 1.99 11.94 80 True Point pens 0.69 

$274.38 

Less 10%discountNet amount 246.94 I?m getting low on the above items,and I would appreciate your giving my order high priority. 


 10.使用交货付款方式下订单 Gentlemen:


 11.使用信用卡订货 Dear Sirs, This is my order for the Czech Tractor/Wagon,which was advertised in the July issue of“Atlantic”.This miniature is to be a birthday gift and should be sent to: Mr.Keith Wood 115 South Williams Street Holder,Florida 32645 Please charge the gift($39.50)to my Discover credit card as follows: Theodore Wood Number 0000 0000 0000 0000 Expiration date:2007~2017 Is it possible to schedule this mailing so that the gift arrives no earlier than August 15 and no later than August 20?I would greatly appreciate it if you could.Thank you!  Sincerely,  12.通知有货,准备发运 Dear Sirs, I have pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your order of the 6th instant regarding: —the aluminium sheeting —the polyethylene laminate We have all the articles in stock and everything should be ready for shipment next week.  Yours faithfully, (signature) Sales Manager  13.通知订货方暂无存货 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your order No 342/7-9. We are sorry to inform you that our present stock is not sufficient.We anticipate shipping the goods to you by the end of the month and hope this arrangement is acceptable. Please excuse us for the delay. Sincerely yours, 14.通知无法供货

36 Very truly Yours,

Dear Sirs, We refer to your telex of 12 August and ours of today regarding the supply of black silk. As you perhaps know,demand for the above has been heavy since last year.We are consequently fully committed at the moment and are unable to make you the offer as requested. We assure you,however,that we shall contact you as soon as fresh supplies become available.Should your customers require other silks,please let us know.  Yours faithfully,Jack Manager  15.通知不能供全部货物 Dear Sirs, Thank you very much for your fax order of 14th October requesting a Rotary Printing Press Model PM-600,PM-800 and PM-1600.We are pleased to book all except the first one which is now under mechanical redesigning. As you requested us to ship them by November end,we have just faxed you two alternatives concerning Model PM-600 as shown in the enclosed fax: 1)As an excellent substitute for PM-600,we recommend PM-630.This is our latest model and much superior in printing speed,90 revolutions per minute.Considering your inconvenience,we will make a special price discount to£1 500.00.If this is acceptable,please fax us“Accept”and we will dispatch all items in November. 2)We may ship PM-800 and PM-1600 during November and PM-600 during January next year upon finishing the redesigning,providing you prefer to import PM-600. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.However,please note our wish to offer an alternative,especially our special discount price. We hope this will meet your immediate acceptance so that we can execute the order in a most satisfactory manner.  Yours faithfully, John Eldin Business Manager  16.建议同类型其他产品 Dear Sirs, This time last year you placed an order for Type BS362 12-volt sealed batteries. This is a discontinued line which we had on offer at the time.We now have a similar product on offer,Type CN233.It occurs to us that you might be interested.A descriptive leaflet is enclosed.We have a stock of 590 of Type CN233 which we are selling off at GB£30 each.We can offer a quantity discount of up to 15%,but we are prepared to give 20% discount for an offer to buy the complete stock.We are giving you this opportunity in view of your previous order.We would appreciate a prompt reply,since we will put the offer out in the event of your not being interested.  Yours faithfully, Tony Smith Chief Seller  17.无法接受替代品 Ladies and Gentlemen: During the past three months I have placed two sizable orders for “The Handy Desk Companion”,by Mauck,specifying the new spiral binding.Both times you sent me the hard-cover binding because you were out of stock on the spiral. Fortunately I am still selling quite a few of the hard covers,but more and more customers ask 37

for the new spiral-bound book(at least two of your competitors have similar reference books in this easy-to-use binding). I?m frankly concerned that unless you solve this out-of-stock problem,we?re both going to be hurt.Up to now I have stocked only the Mauck book—my customers tell me it is the best of its kind on the market—but I may have to change my policy in self-defense.It may sound a little foolish that people will choose a book because it?s easier to use rather than on the merits of the content,but it really seems to be happening.Enclosed is my order for 75 copies of“The Handy Desk Companion”in spiral binding.Please do not,under any circumstances,send me anything else.I have plenty of the hard-cover copies in stock. The new“Recipe Date Book”is a winner.I sold 162 of them in April and will soon have to place another order.Please don?t be out of stock!  Sincerely Yours,  18.拒绝接受订单 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your order No.458 for tin plate sheets which we received today. We regret that,owing to a shortage of stocks we are unable to fill your order. Moreover,our manufacturers can not undertake to entertain your order for future delivery owing to the uncertain availability of raw materials.We will,however,contact you by telex once supply improves. In the meantime,please feel free to send us your specific enquires for other types of metal sheets.You can be assure of our best attention at all times.  Yours faithfully, Brown Export Manager  19.对货物满意,再一次订货 Dear Sirs, We have received the above shipment ex SS Blue Seas and are pleased to inform you that we find the goods quite satisfactory. Since we believe we can sell additional quantities in this market,we wish to place with you a repeat order for 500 dozens of the same style and size. We would be grateful if you could arrange early shipment of this repeat order as we are in urgent need of the goods. If the goods are not available from stock,we would be grateful if you could advise us,with full particulars of the specifications,of replacement goods which can be shipped from stock.  Yours faithfully, Green Head Buyer  20.索取样品函 Dear Mr.Green, We have received your letter of October 10,2006 outlining your commercial terms and the attached specifications for your product No.1080. In order for us to make a proper evaluation of your product,it would be very helpful to examine an actual sample.We wonder if it would be possible for you to send us one unit of the product as a sample,free of charge. We await your positive reply. 


 21.同意送付样品函 Dear Mr.Smith, Thank you for showing interest in our product No.1080. We sent you two sample units by courier service today.Today being Friday,they will most likely arrive in your hands on Monday,October 25. We are confident that the samples will be very satisfactory and we look forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards.  Truely,  22.回函拒绝送付样品 Dear Mr.Smith, In reply to your recent letter regarding the supply of 10 free sample units of our product No.1080,we regretfully have to say that we are unable to supply them. It is our corporate policy that we never agree to free-of-charge supply of more than two units.Therefore,we can only send you up to two units free of charge,and we would have to charge US$1200.00 for the remaining eight units. We are sorry that we are unable to comply fully with your request.We await your reply. Best regards,  Truely,  23.订货函 Dear Mr.Carter, Please ship us orange marmalade as per the following terms: Quantity: 15 000 jars Unit: 1lb per jar Description: Orange marmalade,Quality A2 Price: US$2.10 per jar CIF Zhuhai Shipment: By December 10,2006 Mode of transport: Ocean freight Payment: Irrevocable letter of credit by draft at sight Discount: 5% special discount We are waiting for your acknowledgement.  Sincerely,  24.回函接受订货 Dear Smith, I really appreciate your order for 400 Gem-Con plastic motorcycle tanks.These will be shipped at once.Thanks,too,for the check! Beginning in June,we?re offering a special discount for 40 percent.In addition,we?re giving a cash discount with terms of payment until the end of the mouth.This means you have an extra month to make payment and still receive the cash discount. A lot of our customers are switching to the plastic tank as a replacement for original metal equipment.They report hearty endorsements from participants in motor-cross competition—that the tanks are very lightweight,but extremely tough.We predict you?ll have a similar endorsement! 

39 Sincerely,

 25.拒绝订单并推荐代替品 Gentlemen: Thank you for your order of September 1 for 20 units of Portable Radio Set A102,10 units of Cassette Tape Recorder B84 and 10 units of Microphone C59. We have in stock Portable Radio Set A102 and Cassette Tape Recorder B84,but regret to say Microphone C59 is out of stock.This article is no longer manufactured because it is rather outdated.A new model C60 is recently developed and enjoys wide popularity.We would like to ask you if you would buy this model instead of C59. The other two items will be shipped to you as soon as possible. Your prompt reply by fax concerning C60 would be appreciated. Yours very truly,  26.催促下订单 Dear Peter, Per conversation by phone few days ago,we know your visiting schedule for inspecting crust leather of“big world”. We?ve already checked this leather,couldn?t find loose grain problem as well as softness having been improved than before. We assure that we can finish and deliver this order according to the prescribed time. We hope that you will come to our company ASAP and appreciate very much your kindly corporation. Best regards. William

第六节 付 款

1.付款条款 Dear Sirs, We have thoroughly considered the terms of payment discussed with your Mr Wu.We are in agreement with your proposals and hereby give you in writing the terms and conditions which have been agreed upon as follows: (1)Your terms of payment are confirmed,irrevocable L/C with draft at sight instead of D/P at sight. (2)The price quoted to us are net with no discount whatsoever. The above terms of payment were approved by our manager and will be acted upon accordingly.The relative order is now being prepared and will be sent to you in the course of next week. Taking this opportunity,we would like to inform you that our representative at the forthcoming Guangzhou Fair will be Mr Brown,who will doubtlessly write to you about it.We sincerely hope that future discussions between our two companies will result in further business to our mutual advantage.  Yours faithfully, 2.开立汇票以支付装运费 Dear Sirs, In order to cover the shipment we will draw a draft at sight on you under an irrevocable letter of credit and ask you to honor it on presentation to you. 

40 Sincerely yours,

 3.要求变更汇票日期 Dear Sirs, You require a draft at sight under irrevocable L/C as payment terms. However would you make them a little easier? We would like you to allow us a draft at 90 d/s under an irrevocable L/C.  Yours,

 4.要求对方开立包括各种费用的汇票 Dear Sirs, As for the payment,we would like you to draw a draft at 30 d/s on us for the invoice amount plus shipping and other expenses with a 10% commission.  Yours,  5.要求连同汇票寄来装船文件 Dear Sirs, Please draw on us for the full amount of your invoice at 60 d/s and attach such relative shipping documents as the commercial invoices,bill of lading,insurance policy,packing lists,certificate and list of weight and/or measurement,to your draft.  Yours,  6.同意变更汇票的付款条件 Dear Sirs, As our maximum concession to the payment,we will admit your payment of a draft at 60 d/s under documents against acceptance. Therefore please let us know immediately if these terms are acceptable to you.  Yours,  7.要求寄送装运的汇票及提单 Dear Sirs, As to the execution of this order,we agree to accept our order in three shipments. Therefore we request you send a sight draft on us under documents against payment at every shipment attaching the B/L.  Yours,  8.通知对方愿意接受汇票 Dear Sirs, In order to ensure your earlier shipment,we have instructed The Mitsui Bank,New York to accept a draft drawn on them by you for a sum of US $35 000.  Yours,  9.通知接受汇票,并要求迅速履行订货 Dear Sirs, We have today instructed our bankers,the Bank of Tokyo,London to accept your draft at 90 d/s on us drawn under irrevocable L/C and would ask you to execute our order promptly. 41 Yours,

 10.要求接受汇票并付款 Dear Sirs, As to this business,we will draw our draft at 30 d/s on you against the 100 units of the construction machines for a sum amounting to US$750 000 under the L/C. We ask you to accept it on presentation and honor it on maturity. Yours,  11.提议变更付款条件 Dear Sirs, Concerning the payment of this transaction,we suggest a 90 d/s draft under D/A apart from the usual terms of business. The market here is quite dull and we are overstocked now. Therefore we believe this is quite acceptable to you. Yours,  12.建议使用见票后30天应付的信用证支付 Dear Sirs, We wish to place with you an order for 1 000 casks Iron Nails at your price of US $150.00 per cask CIF Lagos for shipment during July/August. For this particular order we would like to pay by 30 days L/C.Involving about US $150 000,this order is comparatively a big one.As we have only moderate means at hand,the tie-up of funds for as long as three to four months indeed presents problem to us. It goes without saying that we very much appreciate the support you have extended us in the past.If you can do us a special favour this time,please send us your contract,upon receipt of which we will establish the relative L/C immediately.  Yours faithfully,  13.要求更易于接受的付款条款 Dear Sirs, Our past purchase of Mild Steel Sheet from you has been paid as a rule by confirmed,irrevocable L/C. On this basis,it has indeed cost us a great deal.From the moment to open credit till the time our buyers pay us,the tie-up of our funds lasts about four months.Under the present circumstances,this question is particularly taxing owing to the tight money condition and unprecedentedly high bank interest. If you would kindly make easier payment terms,we are sure that such an accommodation would be conducive to encouraging business between us.We propose either“Cash against Documents on Arrival of Goods”or“Drawing on Us at Three Months? Sight”. Your kindness in giving priority to the consideration of the above request and giving us an early favourable reply will be highly appreciated.  Yours faithfully,  14.答应改变付款方式 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of 9th February.We have carefully considered your proposal to receive a trial delivery of our cutlery on D/A,but wish to inform you that to promote business the 42 Yours,

best we can exceptionally do as a trial will be on D/P at sight terms.In accepting our proposal you assume no risks since our cutlery is well-known for its good quality,attractive design and reasonable price.This cutlery sells well in many other countries and we think it will have a good sale in your store. If you are interested in our proposal,please write to us by return and we will approach you further.  Yours faithfully,  15.要求银行开立信用证 Dear Sirs: We request you to open for our account by air mail with the Bank of China,Shanghai Branch,an Irrevocable and Without Recourse letter of Credit in favor of Shanghai Textile Import & Export Corp,China to the extent of US $30 000(US Dollars Thirty Thousand only)available by draft in duplicate drawn on us at 90 days after sight for full invoice value against shipment of 20 000 yards Shanghai Printed Pure Silk Fabrics as per our order No.3154 dated 15 May 2007 accompanied by the following documents:

(1)Invoice in triplicate.

(2)Packing list in triplicate.

(3)Full set Clean Bills of Lading made out to order and endorsed in blank notify Buyers marked freight payable at destination.

(4)Evidence of shipment of the said merchandise to be effected on or before end of June 2007 from Shanghai to San Francisco. Partial shipments are not permitted.Transshipments are not allowed.

(5)Marine insurance to be effected by Buyers in San Francisco.

We hereby agree duly to accept the above mentioned draft on presentation,and pay the amount thereof at maturity,provided such draft shall be negotiated within three months from this date.  Yours faithfully,  16.索取形式#5@p Dear Sirs, One of our clients has asked us to obtain a pro forma invoice for the following product: Lion Brand Nail Clippers Model 21 chrome plated. Please send us your pro forma invoice in triplicate for 500 dozens of the above product as soon as possible so that we can get our client?s confirmation. We will have no problem in obtaining the import licence.As soon as this is approved,a letter of credit will be opened in your favour.  Yours faithfully,Tom Import Manager  17.寄送形式#5@p Dear Mr.Green, In reply to:your request,dated 14 July 2006,we have much pleasure in sending you our pro forma invoice in triplicate. For your information,our offers usually remain open for about a week.Seeing that our nail clippers are selling very fast,we suggest that you act on the quotation without delay. We look forward to hearing from you.  Yours sincerely,Lui 43

18.付款通知 Dear Sir/Madam, We refer to your payment request of 1st November,2006. We have made an application to our bank for remittance as requested. Our remittance details are as follows: (1)Amount of 1st Installment:US $50 000. (2)Value Date of Payment:30th November,2006. (3)Payment Method:By T.T.remittance. (4)Remitting Bank:The Bank of Newcastle,Queensway Branch,London. If you do not receive advice on our remittance from your bank within one week,please do not hesitate to contact us.  Yours faithfully,  19.告知付款账户 Dear Sir, Firstly,We?d like to apologize for the late reply due to the problem of our computer network.We have repaired the machine and mailed back to you.Do you receive it?The repair charge is US$1 500,and the receipt will be based on the US$1 200 as you requested.After the confirmation,please transfer US$1 500 repairing charge to the following a/c:To show our sincerity,we are willing to reduce price of US$120 000 to the lowest US $114 000.Besides,regarding to the 3 items you request,we will mail to you by express. Thank you for your cooperation and we wish you success in your business.  Yours,  P.S.:We are the SMT Machine manufacturer,and we only produce the new machines.Since we do not carry on the sales of used machines,we are unable to provide you the related information.  20.通知收到付款 Dear Mr.Green, Thank you for your letter dated yesterday,advising us of your remittance. We confirm receipt of US $50 000 in our account with The Bank of China,Dinghuisi Branch,this morning.Thank you again for your remittance.  Best regards,  21.回函拒绝对方付款方式 Dear Sirs, We thank you for your order No.23A46 for 200 Air Conditioners and appreciate your intention to push the sales of our products in your country.However,your suggestion of payment by time L/C is unacceptable.Our usual practice is to accept orders against confirmed,irrevocable L/C at sight,valid for 3 weeks after shipment is made and allow transshipment and partial shipments. As per the above terms we have done substantial business.We hope you will not hesitate to come to the agreement with us on payment terms so as to get the first transaction concluded. Your favorable reply will be highly appreciated.  Yours Sincerely, 44 Export Manager 

 22.接受对方付款方式 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your order of Iron Nails as per your letter of May 5. Your proposal of paying by letter of credit at 30 days has been carefully studied by us.Usually,time credit is not acceptable to us.However,in view of our long pleasant relations as well as our willingness to support our African friends,we agree with you this time.But let us make it clear that this accommodation is only for this transaction,which will in no case set a precedent. Attached here with is our Sales Contract No.105 covering the above order.Please follow the usual procedure.  Yours faithfully, 

第七节 催 款

1.提醒欠款事宜 Dear Mr.Wang, This a reminder that your account of $15 000,originally due May 1,has not yet arrived. If you have already mailed your payment,please disregard this letter. Many thanks.  Yours sincerely,  2.询问还款事宜 Dear Mr.Wang, Our records show that your account of $15 000 is still outstanding.Perhaps you are experiencing problems that make it difficult for you to pay.Please let us know if that is so,and we will be happy to work the matter out with you.If there is no problem,please remit the sum today.  Yours sincerely, 3.客气的催款函 Dear Mr.Green, We?ve appreciated a good business relationship with you over the past three years,and want to serve your interests fully. I?m concerned,however,by your current account balance,which is 50 days in arrears.Please take a moment to check on the status of our invoices to your Accounts Payable desk.You now owe a total of $2 389.88,and we request payment immediately. Call me at 283-2837 if I can provide further information or assist you.  Sincerely,Tang Han Credit Manager  4.询问未果,再次请求还款 Dear Mr.Wang, Although we have sent you 2 letters regarding your past-due account of$15 000,we have heard nothing from you. We hope you understand we are unable to continue waiting patiently in silence.Please do 45

not disappoint us once more.If your check is already in the mail,please ignore this letter.  Yours sincerely,  5.用对方信用情况提醒对方 Dear Mr.Wang, Since you have ignored several requests for payment,we must take other action to collect your past-due account of $15 000.Unless we hear from you in 10 business days,we will turn your account to a collection agency.Neither of us wants to see your credit in danger.So if payment has not yet been made,we urge you to send your check as soon as possible.  Yours sincerely,  6.要求结清余额 Dear Sirs, We have received your letter of the 17th July with thanks. We received payments of $275 on the 2nd July,and $525 on the 9th July respectively.This leaves a debit balance of $320.We would like to remind you that in your letter of the 22nd June you promised to repay before the end of June. We enclose a statement for the period ending on the 31st July.We would appreciate a prompt settlement of this account.  Yours Sincerely,  7.要求付款,并付上新#5@p Dear Sirs, We have received your letter of March 2 with thanks. As requested,we are enclosing a fresh invoice for our services offered on August 25,2006,previously billed under our invoice No.829,which you could not find. Since the account is long overdue,we would very much appreciate your prompt processing of payment on your side.  Yours faithfully, 8.三度索取欠款 Dear Sirs, Account No.8756 It is very difficult to understand why we have not heard from you in reply to our two E-mail of 8th and 18th September for payment of the sum US$80 000 you are still owing.We had hoped that you would at least explain why the account continues to remain unpaid. I am sure you will agree that we have shown every consideration and now you fail to reply to our earlier requests for payment,I am afraid you leave us no choice but to take other steps to recover the amount due. We are most reluctant to do anything from which your credit and reputation might suffer and even now we prepare to give you a further opportunity to put the matter right.We therefore propose to give you 15 days to clear your account.  Yours faithfully,  9.再一次催款 Dear Mr.Green, We have not yet received your payments.This is to remind you that both your first and second payments of $100 are now overdue.This $200 plus the balance of $119.04 is due on 46

August 15. In the credit agreement you signed,you agreed to pay off your bill in three payments.The first payment of $100 was due June 15,2006,the second payment of $100 was due July 15,2006,and the final payment of $119.04 is due August 15,2006.Please send the full amount in 10 days. Failure to pay on time will affect your ability to charge merchandise at our store.If you want to discuss your account,call me at 800-555-9875.Perhaps we can arrange a more comfortable payment plan. Thank you for your immediate attention.  Sincerely, (Signature) Mary West Credit Manager  10.寄出欠款账单 Dear Sirs, Account No.8756 As you are usually very prompt in settling your accounts,we wonder whether there is any special reason why we have not received payment of the above account,already a month overdue. We think you may not have received the statement of account we sent you on 30th August showing the balance of US$80 000 you owe.We send you a copy and hope it may have your early attention.  Yours faithfully,  11.再度索取欠款 Dear Sirs, Account No.8756 Not having received any reply to our E-mail of September 8 requesting settlement of the above account,we are writing again to remind you that the amount still owing is US$80 000.No doubt there is some special reason for delay in payment and we should welcome an explanation and also your remittance.  Yours faithfully,  12.告知账户资金不足 Dear Mr.Black: Thank you for your July 28 payment,check #1429 for $200.Unfortunately,it was returned by your bank because of insufficient funds. I?m returning the check to you for your review.Please send a payment this week after you reconcile this matter with your bank.If we receive your payment by August 31,you will avoid accruing additional interest charges on your outstanding balance with us. Your continued patronage is important to us.We appreciate your good payment record in the past years.We know that you,too,will be happy when this situation is resolved.If I can help,just call me at 800-555-1234.  Sincerely, (Signature) Jackie Green Encl. 


13.答复客户延期付款要求 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your check for US $3 500.The balance remaining on your account is now US$3 000.

We understand that you have come across some unexpected financial difficulties and note with due attention your request for an extension. Considering our long-term business relations,we offer you the following payment plan:US$1 000 by the 15th of the month for the next three months.

If you have another plan in mind,please contact us by phone so that we may discuss it.Otherwise,we will expect your next check for US$1 000 on December 15.  Sincerely Yours,  14.正式电文催款 DURING OUR TELEPHONE CONVERSATION ON APRIL 3,YOU PROMISED IMMEDIATE PAYMENT OF YOUR ACCOUNT.YOUR CHECK HAS NOT ARRIVED,AND IF IT IS NOT ALREADY IN THE MAIL,I URGE YOU TO SEND IT TODAY.  15.已通知律师起诉 Dear Mr.Wang, As you have failed to meet your obligation to settle your account for $58 000,overdue for more than four months,which we have already urged you for 3 times without any responses from you,we have instructed our legal advisers to prepare to take proceedings against you in court. However,we are still willing to withdraw the proceedings so long as you make the payment within 10 business days.  Yours faithfully, 16.最后通牒 Dear Mr.Wang: This is to notify you that unless your check for $1 295.35 is received by May 1,your account will be placed in the hands of our attorneys for collection.  Very truly Yours,  17.付款致谢函 Dear Mr.Green: Thank you for your payment of $563.89.Your current balance is $3 000—your credit limit.A payment of $500 is due May 1. We appreciate your attention to your account status with us.Your patronage is important to our company. If we can assist you,please contact us at 800-555-9000.  Sincerely, (Signature) Anita Black Account Executive 

第八节 包装、装运和交货



Dear Ms.Smith: Thank you for your order of 25 authentic Cherokee headdresses on August 11,2006.We will be sending those immediately. Because of the fragile nature of our headdresses,we hand deliver to our customers within Oklahoma.Our delivery day for Tulsa is Friday,which means that your headdresses will arrive this coming Friday,August 17.If this is unsatisfactory,please call us so that we can arrange an alternative delivery date. Thank you for your business.I?m sure you will be most pleased with our headdresses,and we look forward to working with you in the future.  Sincerely Yours, (Signature) Tamara White 2.关于包装要求 Dear Sirs, We thank you for your Quotation No.153 on Round Steel Bars. We regret to inform you that among the eight lots of Round Steel Bars that arrived here per M/V“Jing Hua”on June 7,2006 were six bundles of different grades,which were in scattered and mixed condition because their packing was not sufficiently strong and their iron hoops were broken in transit.Since it was very difficult to assort them,inconvenience and losses that occurred.Although we had in time notified you of such unfortunate things that occurred before,the present case has showed that our comments were ignored,for no improvement in packing has been made. Therefore,we must have your promise to take effective measures to improve your packing before we could book this new order with you. We await your early reply.  Yours faithfully,  3.洽谈包装 Dear Sirs, Your fax of July 6 has just come to hand. We regret our inability to agree to your proposal to pack the goods in cartons,because transshipment has to be made at Hamburg for the goods to be shipped to our port. We must insist on the packing as specified in our enquiry:The goods should be packed in strong and damp-proof wooden cases,capable of withstanding rough handling during ocean transportation.Please note that in the event of order,should there be any damage and/or loss to the goods due to improper packing,we shall have to approach you for indemnification. Please fax us your comments as soon as possible.  Yours Sincerely,  4.告知已装运 Gentlemen: We confirm our fax just dispatched informing you that your order No.20 of March 1 for 300 Cassette Tape Recorders RS-5 has been shipped today from Keelung by the m/s The International,which is due to arrive at your port about May 15. Enclosed are copies of Invoice No.105 in duplicate,copies of Bill of Lading No.25 and Insurance Policy No.TS-1576 as well as Packing List and Certificate and List of Measurement and/or Weight. We have drawn a draft at sight for the invoice amount under The Bank of San Francisco Letter of Credit No.1234 through The Taiwan Bank,Taipei to whom all documents have been 49

handed. We hope the goods will reach you safely and we look forward to your further orders.  Yours very truly,  5.要求装船时间 Gentlemen: We confirm having accepted your E-mail counter offer for 100 units of Video Cassette Recorder XYZ at US$2 500 per unit CIF New York for September shipment as per our Telex reading as follows:RYT FIFTEENTH BOOKED SHIPMENT SEPTEMBER WRITING. We are enclosing our Sales Note No.10 to confirm this contract.We would appreciate it if you would immediately arrange with your bankers to open an irrevocable L/C in our favor to ensure September shipment as agreed upon. We thank you very much for this order and assure you of our best attention to its execution.  Yours truly,   6.通知发运货物 Dear Sir: We are pleased to inform you that all the goods you ordered in your letter of the 6th June have now been shipped yesterday and is due to arrive at New York on the 12th September.The Bill of Lading,invoice and other shipping documents are enclosed herewith. We look forward to your reply informing us that the goods have arrived safely and in good order.  Yours faithfully, Encl.  7.通知货物抵达 Dear Mr.Frank, Our new shipment from England has been unloaded,delivered,dusted,and is now ready for your review. We welcome you to come if you like and join us in a cup of espresso.We know you won?t be sorry! See you soon.  Yours,  8.委托装船 Dear Sirs, We inform you that we have today sent the goods to the American wharf addressed to you for shipment: 50 Cases Canned Crab-Meat, 70 Cases Canned Sardine in Oil, 90 Cases Canned Pineapples, 90 Cases Canned Salmon, To be forwarded as per specifications enclosed,to Messrs.J.P.Evans & Co.,Liverpool.Value for Insurance is $800.Your kind attention for same will oblige.  Your very truly, J.WALKER & CO. J.Walker,President 50

 9.指定木箱包装的材料及规格 Dear Sirs, Packing in strong wooden cases is essential. Cases must be battened,nailed and secured with metal straps all over. Overall measurements of each case must not exceed 4′(H)×2′(W)×2′(D). 

10.指定包装的材料、重量及唛头 Dear Sirs, We require these articles to be wrapped up in corrugated paper and packed in wooden cases with excelsior. Please limit the weight of any one of the wooden cases to 50kg and metal strap all cases in stacks of three and mark all the cases with an A in the square.  Yours,  11.对包装箱长度、唛头的指示 Dear Sirs, Crates must not exceed an overall length of 10 meters. All crates are to be marked as usual,but please number them consecutively from No.1 to No.5. All marks other than our own and the name of the country of origin are to be removed from the crates before shipment.  Yours,  12.对机器包装的详细指示 Dear Sirs, Please pack this machine in a strong wooden case and wrap and pad generously all polished parts of the machine to avoid scratches and knocks against the container. Also please put the machine in a case of about 10 cubic meters covered with waterproof cloth and strapped vertically and horizontally with metal bands and cut vent holes in the case to minimize condensation.  Yours,  13.海运包装的详细指示 Dear Sirs: Please pay your best care to pack the goods so as to withstand the hazards of ocean transportation and water-proof it against the tropical climate. Also please stencil our shipping marks five inches high and give gross and net weight,port of destination,country of origin and a B in the rectangle as the main mark of each case.  Yours,  14.请注意包装,并减少费用 Dear Sirs: Taking into account the specialty of this article,we request you to pack this cargo with your best care. Please note that each cargo is requested to be wrapped up in oil-paper and packed in a zinc-lined case.

51 Yours,

All cargoes are required to be marked and numbered on the outside. Please minimize the packing expenses as we expect it to be heavy. 

 15.免费再包装 Dear Sirs: According to your packing instructions,we have arranged to pack your ordered goods in five cases. We have packed the goods according to your usual requirements and have dispatched them from our Taibei factory by air freight. They are to be repacked at Bangkok,as we have been informed,and the charges for special packing are excluded from our price. Therefore please rest assured on the packing.  Yours,  16.告知对方包装无误,要求以保费弥补损失 Dear Sirs: We have received information that your ordered goods were damaged during transportation. On investigation,we have found that the goods were in perfect condition when leaving our shipping department. You will readily see it from the copy of our clean receipt enclosed. Therefore we ask you to cover the loss against insurance.  Yours,  17.告知对方已按照指示包装并交付船运 Dear Sirs, We are pleased to inform you that your order has been packed as requested and shipped per M/S Wilson leaving here August 10. We hope that the goods will reach you in perfect condition and give you full satisfaction.  Yours,  18.通知对方转让装船文件的银行 Dear Sirs: In order to cover shipment,we have drawn a draft at sight under your L/C,and have negotiated the shipping documents through the Bank of China. We ask you to honor it on presentation.  Yours,  19.通知对方已寄出装船文件 Dear Sirs: The commercial invoice,packing list,and insurance policy,together with clean on board ocean B/L,have been sent through the Bank of China,with our sight draft under your irrevocable L/C. Please advise us of the safe arrival of the goods.  Yours, 

52 Yours,

20.运送数量不足,要求抓紧装运 Dear Sirs: Concerning our order No.351 for 5 000 sets of color TV,you have so far shipped only 3 000 units against the shipment during August. When we placed the order,we gave our customers a definite assurance that we could supply the goods by the end of October. Therefore we request your urgent shipment.  Yours,  21.因须取得特殊许可,故延迟装运 Dear Sirs: Our Government has recently put an embargo on the export of various medicines to your country and we have to obtain a special licence to execute your order. We think the delay will not be more than three weeks,and we shall give your order special priority immediately on receiving permission to make shipment.  Yours,  22.要求更改目的港 Dear Sirs: Owing to the increase of consignments arriving at Dalian port,discharge of the cargoes seems to be much delayed,and we must ask you to change the port of destination.We should like you to send the goods to Yantai port and there should be no alteration in shipping date. To cover the risk of the increased distance we request you pay special attention to packing.  Yours,  23.因生产设备的改进,提前交货 Dear Sirs: In our previous letter we could not guarantee the delivery within six months. We are glad to inform you that we have improved our production facilities and are now in a position to offer shipment within three months after receiving an order.  Yours,  24.对延误装运而不满 Dear Sirs, We enclose herewith the figures of sales in your product during the past six months,from which you will see that our sales of the special line are quite disappointing.Because the end-users here are in urgent need of the good,we requested your prompt shipment of them,which you accepted.However,five weeks went by before the goods arrived instead of three weeks,and we lost a wonderful opportunity of sales. On enquiry we found that the goods were not shipped until four weeks after the date of dispatch.We have been put to considerable inconvenience through long delay and have to ask you to make us allowance corresponding to our loss.  Yours faithfully,  25.因延误装运而致歉 Dear Sirs, We have received your letter complaining our delay of shipment,and we are very sorry that 53

we have not been able to deliver your order on time.The delay was caused by the belated arrival of some of the raw materials. It is on account of the reasons entirely beyond our control.We are glad,however,that your order will be ready for shipment next week,and we hope that they will arrive in time for the season.Please accept our apologies to you for the delay and the inconvenience it has caused you.  Yours faithfully,  26.收条 June 8,2006 Received from Mr.Green the following things: One typewriter One computer  Bruce  27.告知对方货品抵达,随函附上支票 Dear Sirs: As payment of your invoice No.150,we enclose our bank cheque for 8 500 yuan. We add that we are pleased with the way you executed our order. The goods arrived exactly on time by a United Airlines plane.  Yours,  28.装运申请书 Shanghai,18th July,2006 No.2781 The Chang He Shipping Co.,Ltd. 24 Changjiang Rd.Shanghai Dear Sirs, Please grant us Shipping Order for the undermentioned goods for the M/S“Yuan Cheng”which will set sail on the 19th August,2006 from Shanghai to Wellington.


Yours faithfully, Product Wholesale Corporation … Manager  29.装货单 To the Commanding Officer,the Chang He shipping Co.,Ltd. Steamer:M/S“Yuan cheng”Voy.No.XX-031 Loading Port:Shanghai Destination:Wellington With transhipment at… From Product Wholesale Corporation Please receive on board the undermentioned goods in apparent good order and condition,and grant accompanying Receipt:



30. 装箱单样本 PACKING LIST 

31. 托运人提供的情况   TOTAL PACKAGES(IN WORDS)



32.询问装运 Dear Sirs, Referring to our previous letters and e-mails,we wish to call your attention to the fact that up to the present moment,no news has come from you about the shipment under the captioned contract. As you have been informed in one of our previous letters,the customers are in urgent need of the goods contracted and are in fact pressing us for assurance of timely delivery. Under the circumstances,it is obviously impossible for us to again extend our L/C No.3059,which expires on August 21st,and we are obliged to remind you of this matter once again. As your prompt attention to shipment is most desirable to all parties concerned,we hope you will let us have your shipping advice by telephone without fail.  Yours faithfully,  33.催促装运 Dear Peter, We have received your e-mail,contents of which have been duly noted. Upon receipt of your previous e-mail,we lost no time to get in touch with the manufacturers and press them for prompt delivery.As a result of their delay in reply,which made us unable to fix the date of shipment,we did not reply to your letter last month,for which we express our deep regret. After repeated consultation with the manufacturers,however,it has been


decided that the goods are to be shipping on Dongfeng due to sail on or about the 25th this month.As soon as the shipment is competed,we shall call you the shipping advice without delay. Best wishes.  ABC Export & Import Company 34.告知已装运 Dear Sirs, We are pleased to confirm our e-mail 14th October,2001 informing you that we shipped the following goods covering your order No.5312 dated July 30 on the same day by the M/S“Yuan Three cases portable computer Model BX-856 600 SETS C/# 1-3 Made in China To cover this shipment,we have drawn a draft at sight and negotiated it through XX Bank with the L/C,No.2981 issued by The New Zealand Commercial Bank,Wellington.We hope you would honor the draft upon presentation. We believe that the goods will reach you in good order and give you perfect satisfaction so 56


that you may furnish us with further orders. 

第九节 索赔与理赔 Yours faithfully, Mike Export Manager

1.投诉货物质量欠佳 Dear Sirs, OUR INDENT NO.538:BLACK SERGE We should like to draw your attention to the defective goods shipped by the M/S“Sunlight”on 23rd July. Upon unpacking the cases,we found that the quality was much inferior to the sample on which we approved the order.Moreover the length of each piece is short by approximately 5 meters. After examining the enclosed cutting samples we sent as evidence from the Lloyd?s Survey Report,we are sure you will agree to the inferiority of the goods. We are now in a very awkward situation,because our customers,who have been very strict about the quality,are very impatient to take delivery of the goods. We hope that you will immediately take this matter into your careful consideration and favor us with a prompt solution by return call.  Yours faithfully, Jack Business Manager  2.投诉产品数量不足 Dear Mr.Green: The cargo of two hundred units of your portable computers has arrived in New York.Unfortunately,however,our inspection showed that eleven units were missing their connection cords.Attached is the report made by the surveyor who inspected the cargo.As you can see from the report,the eleven cords were already missing at the time the units were packed at your factory. Please send us the cords free of charge and as soon as possible,and no later than March 20.We await your favorable reply.  Sincerely,  3.投诉收到货物与订单不符 Dear Mr.Green, The goods we received on July 15 were found not to match our order.The goods we ordered were Item No.2345,whereas the goods received were Item No.2354. We cannot understand how this kind of mistake could occur at your end.We have decided to ship the goods back to your company by freight at your expense and we ask that you refund the US $15 000 which we have already paid you.Please remit this amount to our account(A/C No.1012379)with The Midori Bank,Ltd.,Minato Branch,Tokyo.Please note that we hereby also reserve the right to claim any damages arising out of your wrong shipment. A quick refund will be highly appreciated.  Regards, 57

 4.抱怨包装不良 Dear Sirs, We regret having to inform you that the Cotton Goods covered by our Order No.6031 and shipped per S.S.“Peace”arrived in such an unsatisfactory condition that we cannot but lodge a complaint against you.It was found,upon examination,that nearly 20% of the packages had been broken,obviously attributed to improper packing.Our only recourse,in consequence,was to have them repacked before delivering to our customers,which inevitably resulted in extra expenses amounting to £650.We expect compensation from you for this,and should like to take this opportunity to suggest that special care be taken in your future deliveries as prospective customers are apt to misjudge the quality of your goods by the faulty packing.  Yours faithfully,  5.对所称包装不良的答复 Dear Sirs, We have for acknowledgement your letter dated March 11 and are sorry to note your complaint respecting the Cotton Goods we sent you by S.S.“Peace”.We can assure you,however,that the goods in question were in perfect order when they left here,hence the damage complained of must have occurred in transit.In these circumstances,we are apparently not liable for the damage and would advise you to claim on the shipping company who should be held responsible. At any rate,we deeply regret to learn from you about this unfortunate incident and should it be necessary we shall be pleased to take the matter up on your behalf with the shipping company concerned.  Yours faithfully,  6.首批到货不合格,保留索赔权 Dear Sirs, Subject:Wheat Midges We regret to advise that the first lot of the wheat dispatched on July 14th,2006,against our Purchase Contract No.156 has been examined and found to contain wheat midges.The Commodity Inspection Bureau has carefully examined the quality of the wheat and found it is far below the standard stipulated in the Contract.The Inspection Certificate will be airmailed to you as soon as it comes to hand. Please look into the matter at once and take urgent measures to ensure that nothing like this will happen in the second and the third lots. The storage of this lot causes us considerable difficulty and hamper us in our efforts to dispose of it.We consider ourselves entitled to an allowance for the loss we have to suffer.Hence,we reserve our right to lodge a claim against you.  Yours faithfully,  7.对商品质量不满,要求补救 Dear Sir, On 5th October I bought one of your expensive“Apollo”fountain pens from Julian?s,a big department store of this town.Unfortunately I have been unable to use the pen because it leaks and fails to write without making blots.I am very disappointed with my purchase. On the advice of Julian?s manager I am returning the pen to you and enclose it with this letter for correction of the fault. Please arrange for the pen to be fixed or replace it with a new one and send it to me as soon 58

as possible. 

 8.处理质量不满的投诉 Dear Mary, Thank you for your letter of 9th October enclosing the defective“Apollo”fountain pen,received today.We very much regret that the pen you bought has given your trouble. Normally each of our pens is individually examined before being passed into store and it is hard to understand why this one escaped examination.We have passed your pen to our quality control department for inspection and a report.Meanwhile,we are arranging to replace your pen with a new one. We extend our apologies for the inconvenience this matter has caused you,but are confident that the replacement pen you will be receiving will prove satisfactory and give you the service you are entitled to expect from our products.  Yours,  9.为送错商品致歉 Dear Harlan, Twelve wrist watches with a tennis motif were sent today by Priority Mail to replace the watches you received with a golf motif. You know,Harlan,one would think it would be impossible to make an error like this one.You clearly specified in your order that these watches were to be awarded to winners of the Annual Lakeside Tennis Tournament on August 18.The stock number you supplied was correct.There was no reason for a ship-up at this end,and I can?t even guess how it happened. I am much relieved,however,that you will have the right watches in time for the awards dinner.I really don?t know what a tennis player?s reaction would be to having a classic golf swing in bas-relief on his prize! When you get around to it,would you please send the golf watches to me?I?ll pay the postage.  Yours very sincerely,  10.为再次寄错商品规格致歉 Dear Mrs.Green: Six 48-inch Victory fans are on their way to you.I know because I saw them loaded on the truck. By this time you must think we take special delight in mixing up your orders—two careless errors in a row.I suppose,judging from these mistakes,if we had had a fourth sweep dimension we would have sent that before getting your order right! It?s embarrassing to inconvenience any customer,but unforgivable when that customer is so highly valued as you.Red-faced and contrite,I ask your forgiveness and offer you my personal assurance of better service in the future. Thank you for your patience,and best personal regards.  Sincerely,  11.解释双方都有责任 Dear Mr.Smith: I am very sorry you did not receive the eight 6-hp Sea Serpent outboards you wanted,and I guess both of us share the blame.

59 Yours,Mary

Your order(photocopy enclosed)lists the 7.5-hp motor along with its stock number,yet the price indicated is for the 6-hp motor.Since you?ve regularly ordered the 7.5,we assumed that this one was what you really wanted,and we went ahead and shipped it.We should have checked with you,and I?m sorry we didn?t. We will,of course,ship the eight 6-hp motors immediately.Do you think you might sell the 7.5s?If so,you may wish to keep them awhile,and if they don?t move,you can return them to us.In any event we?ll pay all shipping charges. I?m delighted you?re having such a good season with the Sea Serpent line.We?ll be ready for your next order;I promise no mix-ups!  Very cordially Yours,  12.调解客户退货 Dear Mr.Green: Early this week we received 34 one-gallon cans of exterior white Durable paint from you.I assume that you wish us to issue a credit memorandum for $261.12. I am very sorry,Mr.Green,that we cannot allow you full credit on this paint,which you purchased over eighteen months ago.As announced to all our customers,we discontinued the Durable brand last April,at which time we cleared out our entire inventory.We are now handling only Luxor Sheen house paints. I have a suggestion that may save time and effort for both of us.At the time we discontinued Durable,we marked it down to our actual cost of $5.76 a gallon.We are willing to give you credit for the difference between $7.68 and$5.76—or a total of $65.28.Or,if you prefer,we can return the paint to you for disposal at the price you choose. Please let me know your decision right away Mr.Green,and I will take immediate steps to handle the matter accordingly. We?ve had wonderful success with the new Luxor Sheen line.Dealers are delighted with consumer acceptance—some reporting up to 40 percent increase in paint sales since they took on Luxor Sheen.We?d be mighty happy to have an order from you!  Best wishes,  13.表示愿意调查事实真伪 Dear Sirs, We are very surprised to learn from your letter of December 30th,2006 that the green beans dispatched November 4,2006 were below the standard stipulated in the contract and that you are reserving the right to lodge a claim against us. Naturally we hope that the transaction will be concluded to your satisfaction.Now that you have found the quality of the beans do not comply with that stipulated in the contract,we want to have the problem clarified without any delay.So we have sent our representative to your end to investigate the matter in detail.We would not give any comments before our representative inspects the goods.We will soon let you know the date of his visit and hope you will give him your best cooperation. You may be assured that the matter will be settled in a reasonable manner to our mutual benefits.  Yours faithfully,  14.调查后做进一步回复 Dear Sirs, We have got the news from our representative that through his careful study he has found deterioration of a very small part of the green beans delivered November 4,2006,under the S/C 60

No.AH012.First please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused to you. Nevertheless,as you may be aware such deterioration can hardly avoided during the long period of transportation and storage.We hope that you will not take this case as a breach of the contract and refrain from making any claims against us as the loss can be negligible,and you know well,in fact,we have delivered more quantities than that stipulated. Please be assured that in our future business,we will take great measures to ensure nothing like this to happen again.  Yours faithfully,  15.破例进行理赔 Dear Mr.Green: Here is our credit memorandum for $521,which covers the returned shipment of Family lawn chairs($477.80)and shipping charges($43.20). Although the chairs we sent you seem to be the ones listed in your April 7 order,perhaps they are not what you had in mind.I?m sending you a copy of your order,together with a ad sheet of the Family line,so that you may check.Because we think there might have been some misunderstanding,we are paying the return shipping charges,which we don?t ordinarily do. The important thing,of course,is that you have a stock of lawn chairs to meet your summer needs.Be sure to place another order soon so that you may have them for the first warm day.Separately I am sending you a section from our general summer furniture catalog;you might be more interested in the new Easy-Fold line(pages 18~22),which is fast becoming our best seller. Let me know,please,how I can be of further help.By the way,we can ship your next order the same day it is received.  Sincerely Yours,  16.拒绝理赔 Dear Ms.Black: When I talked with you on the telephone about returning the 16 reproductions in our Art Master Series,I said that our policy is to accept for full credit all items returned in salable condition. The reproductions arrived today and I was shocked at their condition.Apparently,they were stored in a damp place.The pictures are faded and the canvas wrapped,what?s more,the finish on the frames is blistered. Would you like me to return the reproductions to you?Perhaps you can dispose of them at a special reduction in price.Since we can?t sell them to our customers,the only thing we can do is donate them to local hospitals and charitable organizations. I?m sorry to disappoint you,Ms.Black,but under the circumstances I am confident that you will fully appreciate my position.  Very truly Yours,  17.说明包装无误,请对方向保险公司索赔 Dear Sirs, We have learned from your letter that one case of our shipment is badly damaged. As the goods were packed with the best care,we assume that the case has been roughly handled. Therefore we ask you to lodge your claim with the insurance company.  Yours, 


18.因数量不一致,补运替代品 Dear sirs: On investigating the matter of your claim,we have noticed a discrepancy between our invoice figure and the quantities you specified. On the quantities you required,we will ship the replacements at once. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you have been put to.  Yours,  19.通知对方运去替代品 Dear Sirs, Thank you for sending us the sample of inferior goods for investigation. We have passed these on to the production department for comment.Evidently through an oversight,some wrong goods were mixed in your consignment. We have arranged for immediate dispatch of replacements.  Yours,  20.表明愿意为不良品质负责,并支付差额 Dear Sirs, If you care to dispose of the inferior goods at the best price obtainable,we will sent a cheque for the difference when we hear from you. We apologize sincerely for the trouble caused to you and will take all possible steps to avoid such a mistake again in the future.  Yours, 21.针对索赔,指责对方订货错误 Dear Sirs, Your claim is apparently made due to a misunderstanding. If you look into our quotation you will see that we explained that you had to state our model number in addition to the name of the article.  Yours,  22.应付令人头痛的客户 Dear sirs, We have been doing business together for a long time and we value our relationship.But recently,we have not been able to provide the kind of service we both want. The problem is that your purchasing department is changing orders after they have been placed.This has led to confusion and frustration for both of our companies.In several instances,you have returned goods that were originally ordered. To solve the problem,I propose that on receipt of an order,our sales staff contact you to verify it.If you decide on any changes,we will amend the order and fax you a copy so that you can check it. I trust that this system will cut down on delays and errors,and allow our operations to run smoothly.  Yours faithfully, James Brown Manger  23.改善服务


Dear sirs, Thank you for your letter of 26 January.I appreciate for the delivery problems you had with us last month. I have had a meeting with our production and shipping managers to work out a better system for handling your account.We know we made a mistake on your last order.Although we replaced it for you,we want to make sure it does not happen again. We have devised the enclosed checklist to use for each of your future orders.It includes your firm?s particular specifications,packing requirements and marking instructions.I believe we can service your company better and help your operations run more smoothly with this safeguard. Please contact us if there are any additional points you would like us to include.  Yours faithfully, Jim Green Export Manager 

第十节 商标、说明书、合格证及合同样本

1.白鹤牌铅笔商标 WHITE CRANE PENCILS Good quality wood Uniform and easy to sharpen Polished in various colours Brilliant and attractive Moderate hardness for smooth and clear writing in hexagonal or round shapes with rubber tips China National Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corp.,Changchun Branch  2.长城牌地毯商标 “GREAT WALL”BRAND CARPETS Carpets are one of China?s traditionl handicrafts of both artistic and practical value.“Great wall”carpets handled by this corporation include super grade woolen carpets,80 lines woolen carpets,natural colour woolen carpets,natural colour animal hair rugs,and artistic tapestries,They excel for their workmanship,colour,design,and durability. Designs:Aesthetic Design,Beijing Design,Floral Design,and Scenery-Animal Design. Thickness of pile:(3/8)″,(4/8)″,(5/8)″. Sizes may be made to order. China National Native Produce & Animal By-Products Imp.& Exp.Corp.,Dalian Branch Address:139 Stalin Road,Dalian,China  3.凤凰牌双轮手扶拖拉机使用说明 PHOENIX BRAND TWO-WHEEL HAND TRACTOR The Phoenix Brand two-wheel hand tractor is rational in design,simple and compact in structure,steady and safe in operation,light in weight,low in power consumption,easy to disassemble and maintain.It is equipped with an operator?s seat.The tractor may be used in paddy fields,small dry plots,orchards,vegetable plots or low gradient hilly land.Optional attachments and accessories enable the tractor to be used for ploughing,rototilling,harrowing in paddy fields,manuring and seeding,harvesting and transportation.It can also be used for small-scale drainage and irrigation,dusting and spraying,threshing,milling and fodder-crushing. Technical Data


Overall dimensions(L×W×H)2 680mm×960mm×1 250mm Ground clearance 200mm Wheel track 800 740 717 657mm Constructional weight 340kg Travelling speed Forward 40km/h Reverse 30km/h Engine rated power 9kW Revolving speed 2 000r/min Max.fuel consumption 260g/kW/h Max.working slope 15° Exporters:China National Machinery Import & Export Corp,Head Office, Fax:010-88112222 Telephone:010-88112233  4.叉车使用说明书 FORKLIFT TRUCK Model CPCD-5 Forklift Truck produced by our plant is designed for loading,unloading,stacking and transporting goods at railway stations,harbours,airfields,warehouses,construction sites and factories.The truck,mechanically driven,modern and compact in construction,attractive in appearance,has excellent manoeuvrability.It is safe,stable,and easy to operate,repair and maintain.It may be used with a trolley or other attachments. Main Specifications Rated capacity 5 000kg Load center 600mm Max.lifting height 3 000mm Free lifting height 500mm Max.lifting speed(laden) 20m/min Tilting angle:(forward/backward) 6°/12° Fork height 1 200mm Min.ground clarence 200mm Min.turning radius(outer) 3 400ram Max.speed(full/empty) 23/26km/h Max.gradeability(laden) 20° Axle base 2 200mm Wheel base(front/rear) 1 490/1 520mm Dead weight 7 500kg Overall dimensions(L×W×H) 4 750mm×2 000mm×2 720mm You are welcome to order our truck.Ordering is easy and convenient.The price is reasonable.Delivery is prompt.Quality is guaranteed by assuming the responsibility for repairing or replacing the goods or making refunds.All spare parts are available.Orders for special fork lift trucks of the customer?s design and technical specifications are accepted. Manufacturers:CHANGCHUN FORKLIFT TRUCK WORKS Address:1008 People Street,Changchun City,Jilin Province,the People?s Republic of China Phone:0431-85373106  5.牡丹牌648型收音机说明书 “PEONY”MODEL 648 RADIO RECEIVER INSTRUCTIONS “PEONY”model 648 is a portable,2-band radio.Its frequency range covers a medium wave band and a short wave band.An external antenna is provided to improve the short-wave reception.On the left side of the receiver,there are two jacks,one for the earphone and the other for 64

the external power source,making it suitable for different uses. SPECIFICATIONS WAVE RANGE: M.W. 535kHz~1 605kHz(560m~187m) S.W. 3.9MHz~12MHz(77m~25m) TRANSISTORS: 3AG23 or 3AG24 Convertor 3AG21 1st I.F.amplifier 3AG21 2nd I.F.amplifier 3AX21 or 3AX24 Audio amplifier 3AX31BX2 Class B push-pull power output 2AP9 Strong signal suppressor 2AP9 Detector and A.G.C. INTERMEDIATE FREQUENCY: 465kHz UNDISTORTED OUTPUT POWER: No less than 150 milliwatt(Distortion no greater than 10%) LOUDSPEAKER: 80mm diameter(Impedance 80hm) POWER VOLTAGE: 6V.D.C. CURRENT DRAIN 12 mA at zero signal and no greater \ than 80 mA at undistorted output DIMENSION. 240mm×121mm×45mm WEIGHT: 0.8kg approx.(Without cells) OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS

① POWER SOURCE:Four“C”size cells may be applied to the power source in this set.When inserting them into the cabinet,please pay attention to their polarities and put them in the right position so as to avoid possible damage to the parts.

② CONTROL KNOBS:There are two control knobs at the right side of the set.The upper one is for frequency tuning,and the lower one is the“on-off”switch and it is also for volume control.Turn the lower knob counterclockwise and the set is on.Turn it further and the volume increases.

③ BAND SWITCH:At the rear of the cabinet,there is a slide switch for band selection.Push the button to the right side and you can get the medium wave band.Push it to the left side and you can get the short wave band.

④ SOCKETS:On the left side of the cabinet there are three jacks.The one at the top is for connecting the external antenna,the one in the middle is for the earphone and the one at the bottom is for external power source.A 6 volt D.C.power source of any type may be applied.The red cord of the plug is connected to the positive pole and the black cord to the negative pole. ACCESSORIES Accessories include an external antenna wire,a plug with cords for external power source and a midget earphone.  6.微型电子计算器使用说明书 MINIATURE ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR OPERATIONAL MANUAL NOMENCLATURE

① Read-Out It shows hour,minute,second,AM/PM,year,month,date and day when this unit is in the regular timekeeping mode;It shows the time being measured either in stopwatch or in timer mode;It shows each entry and result,suppressing unnecessary O?s(zeroes)in calculating mode.

② Reset Button It is used for setting calendar and time.

③ Time Key(symbolized by TIME) It allows the unit to start with a time signal after setting the calendar and time. It is used for retrieving timekeeping mode when the unit is in either stopwatch,timer,or 65

calculating mode.

④ Stopwatch Start/Stop Key(symbolized by ST) It allows the unit to be used as a stopwatch and controls start/stop of timing.

⑤ Multi-Display(Full Viewing)Key(symbolized by MD)

It is used for calendar viewing(Releasing the key converts to time display)in timekeeping mode;It is used for displaying fractions of a second in either stopwatch or timer mode;It is used for displaying last 2 figures of 8-digit entries or results in calculating mode.

⑥ Numeral/Decimal Point Key(symbolized by) It enters numerals.For decimal,please use the key in its logical sequence.

⑦ Function Command & Equal Key(symbolized by=) Press numeral and function command keys in the same logical sequence as the formula and the key obtains the answer;To correct a function command,press the appropriate function key.

⑧ Time Entry Key(symbolized by TM) It is used for entering hour,minute and second to set the time;It performs time calculations in sexagesimal notation.

⑨ Date Entry Key(Symbolized by DT) It is used for entering year,month and date to set the calendar;It performs date calculations.

⑩ Entry Clear Key(C) It clears entry for correction.

⑾All Clear Key(AC) It allows the unit to be used as a calculator;It resets the unit for next event in stopwatch mode;It clears entire calculating registers,and also releases overflow or error check. POWER SOURCE Two silver oxide batteries(Type.G-13,S 76E,MS-76H)About 18 months continuous operation with type G-13 batteries if used as a calculator for one hour every single day;replace batteries immediately the time stops and/or display darkens,as the unit is affected by insufficient battery power. REPLACEMENT OF BATTERIES

① Slide open the batteries box cover on the back of the unit by lightly pressing the portion marked“BATTERY”.

② Remove used batteries.

③ Put new batteries,taking care not to reverse battery polarity.

④ Replace battery cover.To prevent damaging the cover lock,press the cover flat over the batteries and slide it into the slot.

⑤ Press Key“AC”and confirm that“0”(zero)is displayed.If not,remove batteries and repeat operations ③ to ⑤. Be sure to replace both batteries. Do not leave dead batteries in the battery-box as this may cause malfunction. CARE OF THE UNIT Since the unit contains precision electronic components,never attempt to disassemble it. Be careful not to drop the unit or give it a hard knock. Avoid operating the keys roughly. Avoid using the unit in extreme cold(below 32℉,or 0℃),heat(above 104℉,or 40℃),dust or humidity. Special care should be taken not to leave the dead batteries inside the unit.Remove the batteries when not using the unit for an extended period,or replace them every 18 months.  7.安替司丁药物使用说明书 ANTISTINE:DIRECTIONS FOR USE Antihistamine for the Treatment of Allergic Affections


Antistine either attenuates or suppresses the effects of histamine,which plays a major role in provoking allergic disorders.It is upon this experimentally confirmed ability to antagonize histamine that the indications for Antistine are based.



Urticaria;food allergies;hay fever;vasomotor rhinitis;itching due to skin diseases,including eczema;pruritus;and serum sickness.

〔Administration and dosage〕

Tablets Adults:1 tablet,3~4 times daily. Small children:1/2 tablet,once daily. Children of school age:1/2 tablet,2~3 times daily. The tablets should be taken during meals and swallowed whole with a little fluid. Ampoules 1 ampoule is given each time by intramuscular or slow intravenous injection,2~3 times daily.For children the doses should be correspondingly reduced.


Since Antistine may cause temporary drowsiness,caution is indicated when it is employed,for example,to treat drivers of vehicles.Likeother antihistamines,Antistine,too,may give rise to allergic reactions.In such cases the preparation should be withdrawn.

〔Composition and forms of issue〕

2-(phenyl-benzyl-aminomethyl)—imidazoline(2—antazolin):tablets of 100 mg.and ampoules of 2 mL containing 100 mg. Made in Switzerland  8.太阳元气袋使用说明书 The Sun Vital Herb Belt is made with a specially selected mixture of over 50 valuable natural herbs,drawing on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine.Based on theories of“Yin”and“Yang”,it acts on vital energy,blood circulation to the organs,along the main and collateral channels.It modulates bodily functions through the naval acupoint to cure illness and protect health.The belt can be used by men and women of all ages with no side or toxic effects. Main functions:Nourishing life essence and vital energy,balancing“Yin”and“Yang”,supporting healthy energy and eliminating malevolent factors,enhancing the kidneys and immune function,nourishing Yin and promoting the production of body fluids,invigorating blood circulation,dispersing depressing liver energy and regulating vital energy,improving the spleen and stomach,reducing phlegm and soothing asthma,eliminating body moisture,preventing colds and fatal epidemics,taking good care of the complexion,maintaining slimness and warding off senility. Health care:Deficiency of vital energy and blood,general fatigue,stomach chills and abdominaldistention,abdominalpain,gastritis,diarrhoea,constipation,nephritis,dropsy, weakened sexual function,sexual frigidity,impotence,premature ejaculation,seminal emission,frequentmicturition,prostatitis,obsecity,asthma,neurasthenia,dysmenorrhea,excessive vaginal charge,irregular menstruation,sterility,adnexitis,back pain,coronary heart disease,infant bedwetting,post surgical syndrome,etc. Made by China Xianyang Health Products Factory Address:No.3 Leyu Road(N),Xianyang,Shaanxi Province,China Tel.2213392,2218328 Fax.(0910)218606 Contact Person:Zhou Huá Postcode:712000  9.产品合格证 SPRING WAVE BRAND REFRIGERATOR QUALIFICATION CARD Name of product:Refrigerator Brand of product:Spring Wave Model:Model 346


Manufactory:Sea Green Refrigerator Factory Date of Manufacture:April 2005 Serial number:547632 Inspector.Zhao Li Purchaser?s name:Liu Fangyi Date of purchase:July 18,2005 Dealer?s name:Double-Swallow Department Store Dealer?s address:166 Lotus Road,Xiangtan City,Hunan Province Guarantee period:One year after the date of purchase This product,made of choice materials to precise standards,has undergone rigid quality check and has been found to meet all the requirement.It?s fully guaranteed against defective materials and workmanship under normal use.In the guarantee period,repairs,adjustments for defects and replacement of parts will be done free of charge upon presentation of this qualification card.  Sea Green Refrigerator Factory Address:174××Road,××City,××Province Tel:5368432  10.装配合同 ASSEMBLY CONTRACT No.01-4350 Date:October 10,2005 Hisonic Electronic Industries,Ltd.13 Hua Tai,Singapore(hereinafter referred to as“Party A”)and Hong Xing Electronic Industries,Ltd.,5 Kunming Road,Guangzhou,Guangdong,China(hereinafter referred to as“Party B”)have discussed the matter of cooperation for assembling TVs and on the basis of equality and mutual benefit concluded the Contract,the terms and conditions as follows: 1. Samples Party B manufactured 15 sets of sample TVs in August 2005 with the components and auxiliary materials supplied by Party A according to the samples and blueprints sent by Party A.The representatives of Party A have examined and tested the samples made by Party B and are satisfied with the specifications of samples.The production in large quantities shall be carried on in accordance with the above said specifications. 2. Duration and Quantity Both sides have agreed to conclude business by means of assembling supplied components.Party B shall assemble 60 000 TV sets in a year(March 2006—February 2007).The cooperation period is temporarily stipulated for three years(March 2006—February 2009).The output of the second and third year will be discussed in future. 3. Responsibilities Party A shall,at its own expenses,provide Party B with all components,auxiliary materials,blueprints and other technical data.Party B shall assemble them into finished products and then send to Party A.Most of the components,auxiliary materials and necessary technical data to be sent by Party A and used by Party B for the first year shall arrive at Guangzhou before the end of February,2006. 4. Assembly Fees Through repeated discussion,both parties have agreed that the fee of assembly for each set is US$30.00.Party A puts forward that Party B should consider a proper adjustment of assembly fee in the second and third year when monthly output comes up to 7 000 sets.Party B agrees to talk about this matter by then. 5. Terms of Transport Through negotiations between both parties,it is provisionally decided that two shipments of the finished goods are to be made each month,all charges to be borne by Party A.


6. Terms of Payment Party A shall remit Party B by draft once a month after receiving the finished goods dispatched by Party B. 7. Terms of Insurance Party A shall insure the goods against All Risks with Warehouse to Warehouse Clause.However,while the goods are in the warehouse of Party B or during the course of assembly,Party B shall take the responsibility of insurance on behalf of Parly A. 8. Compensation Should Party A fail to supply the components and auxiliary materials in time or Party B fail to deliver the finished goods in time and should the opposite party sustain any loss,the responsible party shall compensate for the direct loss.The concrete method will be decided through discussions between both parties. 9. Damage Allowance In case damage is found in the components and auxiliary materials supplied by Party A,Party B shall inform Party A immediately so as to enable Party A to make a replacement.The allowance for damage of components and auxiliary materials is 3 percent during the process of assembly. 10. Packing One set is to be packed in a carton lined with waterproof and shockproof materials. 11. Technical Support After signing the Contract,Party B shall,at Party A?s expenses,dispatch 10 technicians and administrative personnel respectively to Party A?s factory to be trained.Party A?s factory should send 5 engineers to Party B?s factory for technical assistance.When necessary,two people of Party A shall make shuttle trips between China and Singapore for exchange in technique. 12. Number of Contracts There are 8 originals for the Contract.Party A and Party B each hold 2 originals.The rest shall be sent to the departments concerned in execution of the Contract. Party A:Hisonic Electric Industries,Ltd. Otto Pride,President Party B:Hong Xing Electronic Industries,Ltd. Wang Yinghui,President   11.代理协议 No.:10/441 Date:October 2,2005 The Agreement is made and entered into between the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions set forth as below: 1. Parties Concerned Party A:Times Software,Inc.412 Seaward Drive San Francisco,CA 90015 USA Party B:Southwest Electronic Development Company,91 South Section,Ring Road 1,Chengdu,Sichuan 610031 PRC 2. Commodity,Quantity and Territory Party A hereby agrees to appoint Party B to act as its representative to sell the under stipulated commodity in the under mentioned territory and Party B agrees to undertake the task: 1)Commodity:The goods listed in Exhibit A attached to the Agreement. 2)Minimum Annual Sales Quantity:2 000 sets for Model 0032 and 1173 each;1 000 sets for the rest models each. 3)Territory:The territory covered by the Agreement is confined to Chengdu,Sichuan,China only. Party B shall undertake the sales of the aforesaid commodity during the validity of the Agreement.The progress of execution shall be examined half yearly.In case Party B fails to place 69

orders for the minimum quantity of the above mentioned commodity within 6 months without giving sufficient reasons acceptable to Party A,Party A shall have the right to appoint other clients as representatives or take alternative measures without being bound by the Agreement. 3. Confirmation of Order and Payment The quantities,prices,shipment,and payment for the commodity stated in the Agreement and the accessory hereof shall be confirmed for each transaction,the particulars of which will be remitted to Party B by Party A after receipt of the payment. 4. Market Report Party B shall have the obligation to forward half yearly to Party A a detailed report on current conditions and of consumer?s comments.For reference,Party B shall,from time to time,forward to Party A samples of similar commodities offered by other suppliers,together with their prices,sales position,and advertising materials. 5. Advertising and Publicity Party B shall take all effective measures by advertising in order to enlarge the sales of the above mentioned commodity for the duration of the Agreement and submit to Party A all drafts and drawing intended for such purposes for prior approval. 6. Arbitration All disputes arising from the execution of,or in connexion with,the Agreement shall be settled amicably through friendly negotiation.In case settlement fails to be reached through negotiation,the case shall then be submitted to the Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for arbitration in accordance with its rules.The arbitral decision is final and binding upon both parties. 7. Other Terms and Conditions 1)Party A shall not supply the commodity under the Agreement to other buyers in the above mentioned territory.Direct inquires,if any,will be referred to Party B.2)For any business transacted between governments of both parties,Party A shall have full right to handle such direct dealings as authorized by Party A?s government without binding themselves to the Agreement.Party B shall not interfere with such direct dealings,nor shall Party B bring forward any demand for compensation or commission thereof. 3)The Agreement,when duly signed by the parties concerned,shall remain in force for two years to be effective as from February 1 2005 to January 31,2007.If no written objection is raised by either party one month before its expiry,the Agreement will be automatically extended for another year.Should one of the parties fail to comply with the terms and conditions of the Agreement,the other party is entitled to terminate the Agreement. 4)Any amendment or supplement to the Agreement shall be made in writing and duly confirmed by both parties through negotiations.Such amendment or supplement shall be regarded as an integral part of the Contract. 5)The Agreement is made out in Chinese and English,the two versions being equally valid.Each party shall keep one original of the Agreement. Party A:Times Software,Inc. Tom,President Party B:Southwest Electronic Development Company Wang Yanbo,President  12.补偿贸易合同  Compensation Trade Contract This Contract made on…,20,at_____,China,between ABC Co.(hereinafter called Party A)with its principal office at__________,China,and XYZ Co.(hereinafter called Party B)with its principal office at_____,USA WITNESSES Whereas Party B has machines and equipment,which are now used in Party B?s manufacturing of steel wire rope,and is willing to sell to Party A the machines and 70

equipment;and Whereas Party B agrees to buy the products,steel wire rope,made by Party A using the machines and equipment Party B supplies,in compensation of the price of the machines and equipment;and Whereas Party A agrees to purchase from Party B the machines and equipment;and Whereas Party A agrees to sell to Party B the products,the steel wire rope,in compensation of the price of Party B?s machines and equipment; NOW THEREFORE,in consideration of the premises and convenance described hereinafter,Party A and Party B agree as follows: 1. Purchase Arrangement Party A agrees to purchase from Party B the following commodity under the terms and conditions set out below: 1.1Commodity,Specifications and Its Capability Commodity: Specifications: Capability: 1.2Quantity 1.3Price:On FOB_____basis. Unit Price:US $_____;Total Price:US $_____ 1.4Payment The price of the machines and equipment shall be compensated with the products,the steel wire rope,manufactured by Party A using the machines and equipment.The payment of the total price shall be effected three times equally in three successive years,beginning in 1.5Shipment Time of shipment: Port of loading: Port of destination: Shipping marks: 1.6Insurance To be effected by Party A. 1.7Inspection 1.8Guarantee Party B guarantees that the machines and equipment are unused,sophisticated and of best quality,and that the machines and equipment are capable of manufacturing the steel wire rope of____specifications with a production of____meters per hour. 2. Sales Arrangement Party A sells to Party B the steel wire rope in compensation of the price of the machines and equipment Party B sells to Party A. 2.1Commodity and Specifications Commodity:steel wire rope. Specifications: 2.2Quantity _______meters of steel wire rope per year,of which the price shall be US $_____ per annum. 2.3Price The price of the steel wire rope shall be set on the basis of the prevailing price in the world market at the time when shipment is made.The price shall be based on CIF basis. 2.4Shipment Shipment shall be made twice a year,in June and in December,each for the value of_____. Port of loading: Port of destination: Shipping marks:


2.5Packing To be packed in wooden reels. 2.6Payment Payment shall be effected by confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit in favour of Party A,payable at sight,allowing transshipment.The letter of credit shall reach Party A 15 days before the month of shipment and shall be valid for not less than 90 days. The letter of credit shall be in strict accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract.Otherwise,Party B shall be held responsible for the delay in shipment and Party A may lodge claims against Party B for the losses arising therefrom.All the expenses arising from the amendments shall be for Party B?s account. 2.7Insurance To be covered by Party A for 10% of the invoice value,covering WPA and War Risk. 2.8Inspection The quality certificate issued by Party A shall be regarded as final.If,on arrival of the goods at the port of destination,Party B finds the quality not up to the specifications mentioned above,Party B shall notify Party A within 45 days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination.Both Parties shall have consultations for a settlement of the matter in dispute. 3. Force Majeure Party A or Party B shall not be held responsible for any failure or delay in delivery of the entire lot or a portion of the goods under the contract as a result of any force majeure accident(s). 4. Arbitration All disputes arising in connection with this contract or in the execution thereof,should be settled amicably through negotiations.In case no settlement can be reached,the case in dispute shall then be submitted for arbitration in____.The decision of the arbitration shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties. 5. Governing Law The formation,interpretation and performance of the contract shall be governed by the laws of the People?s Republic of China. 6. Original Text The contract is made,in English,in two originals,one for each party. 7. Duration  Party A: Party B: (Signature) (Signature) 

第三章 商务通用公文及社交公文

第一节 通告和启事

1.开业通告 Dear Sir, We have acquired the premises at the above address for a new retail confectionery store to be opened on 1st February. As manager in charge,we have appointed Mr.Green.His 16 years? experience of the trade,will ensure goods supplied are sound in quality and reasonable in prices. The store will open at 8 o?clock on the morning of 1st February,and as a special celebration offer a discount of 50% will be allowed on all purchases made by the first hundred customers. 72

We hope we may look forward to your being one of them. 

 2.扩张营业通告 Dear Sir, To meet the growing demand for a hardware and general store in this area we have decided to extend our business by opening a new department.The new department will carry a wide range of hardware and other domestic requisited at prices that compare very favorably with any charged by other suppliers. In order to demonstrate the range of merchandise that will be avails,we are arranging a special window display during the week beginning on 15th March.The official opening will take place in the following Saturday,1st of April. We hope you will visit the new department during opening week and give us the opportunity to show you that it maintains the reputation enjoyed by our other departments for giving sound value for money.  Yours faithfully,  3.设立分公司的通知 Dear Sirs, We respectfully inform you that on account of a rapid increase in the volume of our trade with China,we have recently established a new branch at People Square.We have entrusted the management thereof to Mr.Zhang,one of the original founders of our firm.  Yours very truly,  4.发布并购消息 Ladies and Gentlemen: Jack is pleased to announce the acquisition of Great Wall Publishing Company,a long-time publisher of medical textbook and books for practicing physicians. We are immensely proud of this marriage of two important publishing houses—Jack and Great Wall.Great Wall was founded in 1932 by Zhang Ming,a distinguished medical professional who felt the need for modern textbooks for medical schools,as well as books for practicing medical men and women.For over 60 years,Great Wall has been the most successful medical publisher in the country.Its current president,Zhang Li,is the grandson of Zhang Ming and has continued to publish outstanding medical publications.It was Zhang Li who launched the publishing of Medical Innovations,a sophisticated monthly magazine with a circulation of over 50 000 medical professionals,libraries,and hospitals. We welcome Great Wall into the Jack family.Zhang Li will continue as President,bringing with him 22 editors and production specialists.The Editor in Chief is Samantha Wilcox,and the Manager of Production is Peter Alsop.Great Wall will continue in its location in Denver,but is expected to occupy our headquarters at 1246 Avenue of the Americas,New York City.  Sincerely Yours,  5.迁址通告 To Our Customer: Please be advised that we have changed our address as follows: NEW ADDRESS Beniyama Ltd. Third Floor

73 Yours faithfully,

Friendship Building 1-2-5 Building C 115 Fucheng Road,Beijing China Telephone:010-3210-1000(unchanged) Fax:010-3210-2000(unchanged) Please update your records accordingly. 

 6.公司重组启事 Gentlemen/Ladies: This announce a change of organization in our company of September 1,2006. Department Name: Territorial Responsibility: General Manager: (Pre reorganization) Business Department No.1 Japan,Asia and the Middle East Jack Business Department No.2 Americ and Oceania Mary Business Department No.3 Europe and Africa Rose (Post reorganization) Business Department No.1 Japan and Asia Jack Business Department No.2 America and Oceania Mary Business Department No.3 Europe Rose Business Department No.4 the Middle East and Africa Tom The above changes have been instituted due to an expansion of our business.In accordance with these changes,staff presently assigned to Business Department No.1 and 3 and engaged in business with the Middle East and Africa,respectively,will transferred to Business Department No.4. We believe that the new organizational structure will allow us to provide our customers with a higher level of service and we look forward to your continued support.  Very truly Yours,  7.拆伙通告 Dear Sir, It is with deep regret that we announce the death last week of Mr.Huang Jiaguang,our senior partner.By common consent we,the remaining partners,have been appointed as liquidator to wind up the business and will discharge all the firm?s liabilities and receive all payments due to it.According to our records the amount outstanding on your account with the firm is $28 000 and this should be paid to Mr.Gao as this address as soon as possible. We have been grateful for your custom and have appreciated our friendly business relationship with you.We regret that we shall no longer be able to serve you.  Yours faithfully,  8.招标通告 CHINA NATIONAL TECHNICAL IMPORT CORPORATION INVITATION TO BID No:TCB 827010 In accordance with the Loan Agreement concluded between the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of the People?s Republic of China and the Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund of Japan for the four projects Jing-Qin Railway,Yan Shi Railway,Da Yao Shan Tunnel and Shijiusuo Port Construction,China National Technical Import Corporation is authorized to 74 Very truly Yours,

purchase Signal Equipment,Communication Equipment,Electric Power and Overhead Electric Traction Line Equipment,Electric Wire and Cable,Water Pumps,Construction Equipment,Glass,etc.needed by the above-mentioned projects by way of international competition.The payment for all purchases will be made under the Loan. We hereby invite well reputable and experienced manufacturers and/or trading companies organized and registered in and controlled by the eligible source countries(referring to all developing countries,including China and all OECD member countries)to participate in the supply of the above-mentioned equipment.Interested manufacturers and/or trading companies are kindly requested to inform us by letter of the items they are to supply and submit us relevant documents in English in triplicate for prequalification not later than Jan.20,2007.The contents of the documents mentioned above are as follows:

① The full name of the manufacturer and/or trading company and the name of the country in which it is registered.

② A brief history of the company.

③ The regulations of the company.

④ The organization structure and the main members of the company and the name of the consortium to which it belongs.

⑤ Paid-up capital and total annual volume of business for the last three years and total net profit.

⑥ Name of the Bank Reference and a Certificate of Financial Standing issued by the Bank Reference.

⑦ Information about the authorized agent and a Letter of Authority from the manufacturer(if it is an agent).

⑧ Information about manufacture and sale of similar equipment in the last three years,a reference list and a Certificate of Quality.

⑨ Supply capacity,time of delivery expected for the above-mentioned equipment.

Those qualified in the last two tenders may submit only supplementary documents. The validating period of qualification for each bidder who is qualified in this tender will last for one year.When any equipment listed below is purchased within one year of the publication of this Invitation to Bid,we will send inquiries directly to those who are qualified in this tender and no Invitation to Bid will be published again. The 7th Department China National Technical Import Corporation Address:Erligou,Xijiao,Beijing,China Phone:87890931—2400,2420  9.租赁注意事项 CONDITIONS FOR HIRING PLEASURE BOATS

① Our business hours are:9 a.m.to 5 p.m.

② All the customers must queue up here for tickets and boats.

③ The hourly fee is ten yuan.A further charge is made for all time in excess of one hour. ④ A deposit is levied on all boats and it is returned at the end of hire.

⑤ No deposit is to be refunded unless the ticket is produced.

⑥ Any damage done to the boats and accessories should be compensated for according to the cost.

⑦ Customers should take care of their articles.We accept no responsibility for the loss of anything.

⑧ Pay attention to public hygiene,protect state property.

 Boat-Hiring Office May 28,2007 


GOOD NEWS Summer Clearance Sales All the goods on show are sold at twenty percent discount.Please examine and choose them carefully before you pay.There will be no replacement or refunding.You have been warned in advance.You are welcome to make your choice.  Personal Shopping Service  11.消防演习通知 Fire Drill Notice A Fire Drill will be held on Monday afternoon.All staff must observe the following procedure: 1. In the event of a fire,the ALARM will ring.On hearing the fire alarm,all staff should evacuate the building by the appropriate fire exits.The assembly area is the staff car park at the rear of the building. 2. If you are not at your place of work at the time,don?t go back to it to collect personal belongings. 3. Evacuate the building even if the alarm stops. 4. If you discover a fire,shout“Fire”and operate the nearest fire alarm.Attack the fire with an extinguisher but don?t take any risks. 5. Don?t return to your place of work until your Fire Marshal gives the all-clear. If anything is unclear,inform 3468.  12.董事会会议通知及会议议程 Notification of Board Meeting A Board meeting will take place in the Board Room on March 12,at 9 a.m. It is anticipated that the meeting will continue for at least two days,and the Directors coming from out-of-town should inform the secretary if they need hotel accommodations booked for them. Agenda 1. Call to order by Chairman,Mr.Jackson 2. Reading of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting 3. Matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting 4. Issues for discussion:

① budget for moving to the new office

② advertising strategies for new products

③ in-company promotion 

5. Any other Business 6. Date of Next Meeting 7. Adjournment  13.开会通知 Meeting Notice TO:All salesmen Subject:The Year-end Sales Meeting From:Susan Lee,Secretary The last sales meeting for 2006 will be held on Monday,December 17th 10∶00 a.m.until 4∶00 p.m.at the Head Office Lunch will be provided. The agenda will be mailed by the end of November. If you have any items to be included,please forward them to me by November 20th.

76 10.商品大拍卖海报

If you are unable to attend,please call 63419403,not later than November 30th. Thank you.  14.开业通告 Dear Sirs, The Sino-Foreign Trading Co.,Ltd.takes pleasure in announcing the commencement of business from tomorro,the third of January at 409,××Road,4F,Flat C,Hong Kong.Telephones:5678901 and 5678902.  Yours faithfully,  15.增加新合伙人 Dear Sir, A large increase in the volume of our trade has made necessary an increase in the membership of the firm and it is with much pleasure that we announce the admission of the Mr.Peter Tsang as a partner. Mr.Tsang has been our head buyer for the past 8 years and is well acquainted with every aspect of the firm?s policy.His expert knowledge and wide experience will continue to be of great value to the firm. The firm?s present name will remain unchanged and we shall continue to do business and to sign ourselves as: Union Import & Export Co.,Ltd. We look forward to continuing with you the happy business connection that has been so much to our mutual advantage in the past.  Yours faithfully,  16.合伙人退休 Dear Sir, We regret to inform you that our senior partner,Mr.Jim Smith,who through ill-health had not recently taken an active part in the management of the partnership,had decided to retire on 31st March next. The withdrawal of his capital by Mr.Smith will be made good by contributions from the remaining partners and the amount of the firm?s capital will therefore remain unchanged.The firm will continue to trade under its present title of Friendship Financial Co.and there will be no change in its established policy. We trust that the confidence you have shown in the firm in the past will not in any way be diminished by the altered arrangement and that we may rely on your continued custom.We shall certainly do everything possible to ensure that the firm?s present standards of service are maintained.  Yours faithfully, 17.布告形式的通知 NOTICE All department managers are requested to meet in the company conference room on Saturday,August 17,at 2∶00 p.m.to discuss problems of international exchanges.  May 14,2006  18.通知参观取消 NOTICE The visit to Friendship Hospital,originally scheduled for tomorrow,Oct.5,is now put off until 77

further notice. 

 19.商标所有权通知 Take notice that ALWAYS GARMENTS LIMITED of ××Building,13th floor,10-14 Dongfeng road West,Guangzhou(herein after referred to as“ALLWAYS”)is the proprietor of all industrial property rights subsisting in their trade mark“FLYING HORSE”registered in Guangzhou No.××of 2000.A copy of the said mark is shown hereunder A flying horse(sketch) FLYING HORSE registration No.×× of 2000 This is to notify all parties that ALWAYS will immediately take all necessary steps(including the institution of legal proceedings for an injunction,full damages and costs)against any party found to be manufacturing and selling any garments bearing the said trade mark or any colorable imitation. DATED the 20th day of November,2002. Messrs. Yang & Lee of 12th floor,×× Commercial Building, Zhongshan Road West,Guangzhou, Solicitors for ALLWAYS GARMENTS LIMITED.  20.支票遗失 NOTICE Partners of SOUTHSEA INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION at Block B,10th floor,flat A,Yau Tong Industrial Building,Yau Tong Bay,Knowloon hereby declare their firm?s Cheques Nos.223344,223345 and 112246 duly signed by two of their partners in blank have been missing and are totally null and void.They shall not be responsible to any holders,endorsers or bearers for any dealing with the same as instructions have been given to their banker,×× day of November,2002.  Tong & Co. Solicitors for Southsea Industrial Corporation, Nos.122-124 Connaught road Central, ×× Commercial Building,14th floor, HONG KONG  21.给顾客的通知 ANNOUNCEMENT Comrade customers,your attention,please. Just now two young girl students wearing the school badges of“Changsha Electric Power Institute”bought at the foreign languange book counter four books on English literature of the nineteenth Century.But when they left after paying,they forgot to take the change.Will they please come back to fetch it?  Wei Dong Salesman 

第二节 公司人事

78 Mary Office

1.晋升公告 TO:All Corporate and Division Executives,Managers,Editors,and Authors Jeffrey C.Eliott is appointed Vice President and Editorial Director of the corporation,effective March 1,2006. In assuming this new assignment,Jeff replaces Mr.Green,whose retirement was announced in my memo of December 9,2005. As the Book Company pursues its role as a major factor in the publishing of U.S.and foreign educational materials,it can only maintain its leadership by recruiting and training superior editorial,design,and production personnel.This is critical and underlies our ability to reach our goals.Of equal importance is the absolute need to maintain the high standards of editorial quality that largely accounts for our success.While Jeff?s assignment will embrace many functions,his greatest contribution should come in these two areas: 1. Finding and training good people 2. Helping to produce quality books and instructional materials Reporting to Jeff and assisting him in these objectives will be Mrs.Marie Miller,Manager of Editing Services,Miss Lucille Lawson,Manager of Copyrights and Permissions,and William Woodson,Assistant Vice President,Production Research. Jeffrey C.Elliot grew up in Oklahoma,graduated cum laude from Oklahoma State University and in that state began his professional life as a school teacher.He worked briefly as a sales representative for our company and was Associate Dean of Beacon College,in Richmond,California.As Editor in Chief of the Business Books Division,Jeff has had a major hand in bringing that division to editorial eminence in business education.  Edward E.Meagher  2.调动通知 Dear Mr.Green, This is to advise you that after five memorable years in Los Angeles,I am returning to Tokyo at the end of this month to take up my new assignment in our head office,I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support and friendship you extended to me during my stay here. In my new assignment I will be in charge of exporting golf equipment into the U.S.market.Therefore,I will still have the opportunity to work with you,although indirectly through our Los Angeles office.Hopefully I will also have ample opportunities to see you in the future,either in Tokyo or in the United States. I have my responsibilities here in the capable hands of Mr.Jack,who will be arriving from Tokyo next week.Please rest assured that Mr.Jack will supply you with the same,or an even better,level of service as you have had from me in the past.I also hope you will give him the same generous support as you have given me during our very agreeable association.  Yours sincerely,  3.自荐求职信 Dear Sir, I take the liberty of writing you to apply for a position in your corporation. In 1981,I graduated from the Powerman Course and Electrical Equipment Repair Course of the U.S.Engineer College and also graduated from the Management Course of Industrial College of the U.S.University in 1985. I have just returned from the United State.I would like to work in your corporation.I believe that I can perform well under your leadership. I sincerely hope that you could give me an opportunity of first of all. Enclosed herewith are three copies of the U.S.diplomas and a copy of my resume for your 79

reference. Your prompt reply in this matter would be greatly appreciated. 

 4.应征求职信 Dear Sir, In response to your advertisement in the newspaper of January 15,I wish to apply for the position of(secretary,accountant,clerk,salesman,etc). I am twenty-five years old and a graduate of Changchun University.My experience in this line of work includes three years as an assistant accountant with the ABC Company.The reason for leaving my present employment is because they are closing their office. I am enclosing my resume together with my photo,and believe that they may be found satisfactory.With respect to salary,I shall expect HK$5 000 a month.I assure you that if appointed,I will do my best to give your satisfaction.  Very truly Yours,  5.求职者熟人推荐函 Dear Mr.Hunter: John Stewart,your director of public relations,told me that you were looking for a communications specialist.I am a recent graduate of Beijing University and would like the opportunity to talk with you about the position. My degree is in journalism,and my intern work during my senior year was on the community desk at Beijing Today.The summer of 2003,I assisted the editor of the Friendship Hospital newsletter and was responsible for writing the articles and taking pictures. May I have an appointment to discuss my qualifications and my interest in working with you as a communications specialist?I will call your office Friday morning for a time that is convenient for you.  Sincerely,


Joan Williams  6.面试通知函 Dear××, Thank you for your recent application for employment with The Chambers Corporation. An interview has been scheduled for you on Monday,June 7,2007,at 10∶00,with Mr.Phil Menot,Head of Personnel.Mr.Menot?s office is located on the 10th floor,Room 1009. A test will be administered to you immediately following your interview,which will take approximately one hour. If you are unable to keep this appointment or if you have any questions,please call me at(813)555-4000. 7.录用通知函 Dear Mr.Jackson, With reference to your letter of Monday 12 January,I am pleased to confirm the offer of a position as system analyst in this company. Enclosed are three copies of our contract of employment.Please sign two of these and retum them to my secretary as soon as possible.We have also enclosed a leaflet giving you full details of our pension fund,our luncheon voucher scheme,the sports club and the annual outing. If you have any queries about the terms or the contract itself,please do not hesitate to contact

80 Yours very truly,

me. 

8.工作接受函 Dear Mr.Johns: It is a pleasure to accept the position of risk manager,effective January 3,2007.I am eager to begin my new assignment. Thank you for your confidence in me.I will do my best to surpass the challenge presented by Johns Oil Company?s phenomena growth.  Sincerely,


Jack  9.工作拒绝函 Dear Ms.Green: The position of executive drafting assistant sounds exciting.Thank you for considering me.However,I cannot accept this offer in good conscience at the time. The computer expertise this position requires for success demands more experience than I currently have.I want to do an excellent job;therefore,I am enrolling in a CAD course at Tulsa University.In four months I will have the training to pursue a similar position with determination. Perhaps TU instructors can suggest names of recent students who are prepared now to accept the responsibilities of the job.Someone better trained than I am is waiting to be discovered. Thank you again for thinking of me.It has been the incentive I needed to get the extra training I must have to continue in the drafting field.I intend to be prepared for the next executive drafting assistant opening as your company continues to expand its operation.  Sincerely,


Chris Black  10.辞职信 Dear Mr.Smith: This will confirm my resignation as Director of Human Resources. I have accepted a position as Editor at a growing publishing house in New Jersey.I am looking forward to my new position and the challenges that await me. My last day of work will be December 10,2006,which should allow me plenty of time to finish ongoing projects and to turn over my position to my replacement.Please feel free to contact me at any time should you have any questions regarding my past work.I hope that the transition will go smoothly for everyone. My experience with DBG has been very rewarding.I appreciate having had the opportunity to work for such a fine company.I wish you and the organization continued success.  Yours,  11.接受辞职 Dear Sir, It is with deep regret that we accept your resignation as executive manager of our

81 Yours Sincerely, Mary Director

company. We can appreciate the demands that this position has placed on you,and appreciate all of the fine contributions you have made as manager.  Yours, 12.辞退员工 Dear Mary: I am sorry to tell you that on May 15 you will receive your last check from Friendship Corporation. As you know from our previous talk,this action is taken because of unfavorable economic conditions and our increasing costs in a declining market.We simply are not producing a reasonable profit,and profit is the“name of the game”in American business.No matter how much was cut from expenses other than salaries,it simply wasn?t enough,therefore,we are forced to dismiss a large number of employees.As to the future,who can say?We are not optimistic;we must somehow struggle on. I very much hope that you will be able to find employment elsewhere,Mary.You have been a good worker,and your immediate supervisor,Beth Southenland,speaks well of you.If in your search for another job you need a recommendation,then I invite you to use my name.You may be sure that I will say the right thing in your behalf. Thank you for your loyalty to Friendship,and best wishes for a fine future for you and your family.  Very sincerely Yours,  13.褒奖员工 To:R.Green From:J.Black Subject:Thank you!  Ron: Thank you for all the great work on the Masterson project!As you know,this was a really big one for our group,and it was thanks to you that the project got out the door on time. I and everyone at Friendship truly appreciate and applaud your work!  Best regards, Jane 

第三节 报告及介绍信

1.公司管理改革方案报告 Report From:Jack Owens To:President?s Advisory Committee Subject:A Management Development Program for APG Electronics Inc. Date:16 November,2006. Here is the report that you have requested on executive development for the years ahead.(President Bellman?s memorandum of 10th November) I interviewed 8 managers of our 8 departments and some 30 research workers,salesmen and other employees. I also studied the management development programs of some prosperous industries over the past few years.


I came to the following conclusions: (1)That some departments have ineffective management because:

① The department managers have too little autonomous decision power and have to make every decision according to our company?s policies.

② Some departments are too inclusive.For example,the Marketing Department includes sales of goods,after sales services etc. (2)That we lack foresight to regarding market changes and market needs due to our poor research capability.As a result we often produce products that are out of date.By the time we find it out,know it and change our product mint,we have too much inventory in our warehouses that we have to sell at lowered prices. Therefore I recommend: (1) That every department manager be given the power to make his own decision so far as it is not against our company?s policies. (2) That some big departments like the Marketing Department be divided into two separate departments. (3)That a research group be organized to study and predict every sector in our production.And the group be directly under our company?s executive management.  2.员工福利报告 A Report on the Benefits for the Staff of ABC Software From:Personnel Manager To:Managing Director Date:31,July,2006 Re:Your instructions of 15th July,2006 to report on the policy of the staff benefits. The materials included in this report were gathered from earlier reports on staff policies and our conversations with the staff members of all levels in ABC Software.Many staff members demand that we formulate specific policies on staff benefits as early as possible.As we know,other big companies have such policies and our present policies have caused a lot of dissatisfactions.We propose that we formulate and practice policies by the end of this year. We would like to present these preliminary recommendations for your consideration: (1)That all staff members are assured of individual attention as well as a good pay package. (2)That those who have to retire early because of illness will have full retirement benefits if they have worked for the company for over 15 years. (3)Everyone in the company is covered by life insurance as soon as they join our company. (4)Holidays are fixed at 25 days,rising to 30 days after five years. (5)We must ensure that all personnel actions such as compensation,benefits,transfers,layoffs,return from layoff,company-sponsored training,education and tuition assistance are administered fairly.  3.加强保安措施报告 Report From:Security Director To:General Manager Subject:Security Measures at the Headquarters The secretary of the Board of Directors of our company instructed me to make a general investigation as to what security measures are needed at our company?s Headquarters.I accordingly visited the premises and made a careful survey there from 16 August to 20 August.I make the following proposals: (1) That all visitors to our company should register at the main gate and wear a visitor?s card while visiting the workshops. (2) That the lock on the door of the Accounting Manager?s office is too old and can easily be taken off.It needs to be replaced by a new stronger lock. (3)Five more security men are needed since our two new warehouses have been finished. 83

(4)That a TV camera should be installed at the west gate because most people enter the company by that gate. (5)That we purchase some anti-spy products to detect bugs planted in our offices in order to avoid the release of confidential news. (6) That each PC or terminal be fixed with a computer screen protector to prevent spies from reading our computer screens,from outside of our building.  4.日常工作报告 ROUTINE REPORT To:Jack,Safety Director From:Tom,Safety Training Coordinator Date:May 3,2006 Subject:Safety Training Program for April 2006 Introduction The training staff held one advanced training course for supervisory personnel and one basic training course for rank-and-file workers in April.In May,we have scheduled one advanced course and two basic courses.Unless enrollment increases,we will consolidate scheduled classes.The final version of the“Safety Manual”,which is under revision,will be ready by May 10. Work Performed during This Period Two training sessions are not being well attended because this training is on a voluntary basis.Unless this training is made compulsory,attendance will continue to be a problem. Project Plans The following classes are scheduled for May: May 15 Advanced Course (Shop Superintendents and General Foremen) May 22 Basic Course (Rank-and-File Workers) May 29 Basic Course (Rank-and-File Workers) Final editorial changes are being made in the “Safety Manual”.The cover and final artwork for several drawings are nearing completion.The manual will be ready for distribution by May 10.  5.销售情况调查报告 INVESTIGATION REPORT TO:Leonard Johnson,Sales Manager From:John Lee Date:September 28,2006 Subject:SALES PERFORMANCE OF THE BEIJING BRANCH You expressed your concern and dissatisfaction at the poor performance of the Beijing Office.You instructed me to examine the causes of the decline in sales and recommend possible solutions.I visited the office and most of their major customers in the area,and these are my findings.

(1)Some of our major customers in Beijing have closed down,and some have moved to other areas.

(2)Other customers are thinking of moving to new towns such as Langfang.There are quite generous government incentives for movement to these and other developing zones.

(3)The Beijing Office has not kept an up-to-date mailing list for sending circulars to existing customers who have moved,or potential customers new to the area.

(4)The customers I visited were interested in more advanced intercommunication systems instead of the traditional model we supply them with at present.


Therefore,I recommend that the Beijing Office appoint a traveling salesperson,whose job will be to cover the northern part of China.He or she should contact our old customers at their new addresses,and should help in keeping the mailing list up-to-date.He or she should cooperate with the Sales Department in the Beijing Office to find new customers in the northern area. In addition,I recommend that we begin to supply our customers with our latest intercommunication systems,as the demand for them is certainly increasing.  6.要求写报告的信函 To Secretaries and Departmental Assistances, I should like to have you give me a brief report of your activities during the company year,touching upon: (1)The particular duties which you perform,with an estimate of the proportion of your time devoted to each type of duty. (2)The names of faculty and executive force by whom you are given instructions for work or dictation. (3)Any recommendations that you wish to make in regard to your work or your surroundings—anything which,in your opinion,would improve the conditions under which you are working. I should like to have this report not later than April 12.  Jones Director  7.研究报告的序文 Dear Sir, We wish to present the report of the committee on the Consolidation of Greater Boston as authorized by you on February 17,2007. We have attempted to present the most vital information on the subject in an impartial manner,and trust that it will be of value to you.The field is a broad one and must necessarily be limited to the most practical and non-technical phases of the problem. Mr.Goodman reported on the question and the legal implications of the proposal;Mr.Logan,on the various possibilities of consolidation;and Mr.Henderson,on all phases of the proposed consolidation of Suffolk Conty and Brookline.  Respectfully submitted,  8.业务介绍信 Dear Sir, The bearer of this letter is Mr.John Smith,our manager for the sales and marketing department.Mr.Smith will be spending two months in New York in order to develop our business with suitable firms. We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable business people and give him any help or advice he may need.We feel that with your experience and connections and your knowledge of the trade you are the best person we know who is able to do this. We shall very much appreciate your help and look forward to the opportunity of reciprocating when you come to our city.  Yours faithfully  9.正式报告 To:Julie Oliver,Managing Director From:Alexander White,Training Manager


Date:16 September 2006 Subject:Provision of in-house training courses 1. Introduction The purpose of this report is to examine the feasibility of holding all training courses in-house.External training providers were consulted,estimates of training costs were received,and comparative costs examined.Questionnaires were completed by 80 employees from four departments and 10 of the respondents were interviewed by members of the training department. 2.Advantages 2.1Following consultation with four of the company?s regularly-used external training providers,it was calculated that in-house training would reduce the present cost by 26% in the first year. 2.2It was felt by 65% of the staff that training courses could be better designed to suit the specific needs of the organization,and therefore bring benefit to the company as a whole. 2.345% of those who responded to the questionnaire felt that they were more likely to participate in training courses if they were held on-site. 3.Disadvantages 3.1Some respondents,particularly in the sales department,expressed concern that valuable business contacts arising from external training courses would be lost if all training was held in-house. 3.2Some training needs are very specific,and may only be required by one or two staff members.It was felt that these could not always be met by in-house training courses,as the necessary expertise could not always be brought in from outside. 3.3Participation in external training courses is seen by 30% of respondents as a perk of the job,and it was felt that this motivational factor would be diminished with the provision of all training in-house. 4. Conclusions As a result of an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of providing all training in-house,the following conclusions can be drawn: Considerable savings will be made in the immediate future if in-house training courses are introduced. The staff response is favourable overall,particularly at higher levels of management,though in some departments the loss of external training courses is seen to be a real disadvantage,with the loss of business contacts. While many employees feel that in-house training is a positive move and is likely to increase participation,30% regarded it as a loss of a perk. 5. Recommendations In-house training courses should be introduced where a significant number of participants are required to attend. Where there are fewer than five participants,external courses should be an option. Staff should be consulted regularly as to the level of satisfaction with in-house training courses,and feedback regarding motivational factors should be addressed.  10.公司简介 Metcalf Limited Company Metcalf,the multinational manufacturer of food products,is based in Liverpool,UK,and operates factories,sales offices and depots in over sixty countries.Metcalf?s chief products are chocolate snacks,canned fruit and vegetables,ice cream,soups and teas. The company was established in 1898 as a small English business producing chocolate.This would later form the core of Metcalf.In the twenties,Metcalf diversified and added canned goods to its product range,and by 1930 the company had greatly expanded its business throughout the UK and northern Europe.


1990 saw a merger with BTL Foods in Michigan,USA,and the new Metcalf was floated on the Stock Exchange ten years later.Metcalf has recently acquired a Japanese confectionery manufacturer,and continues its expansion plans. In addition to food production,Metcalf has interests in pharmaceuticals,plastics and leisure activities. 

第四节 邀请与约见函

1.邀请参加交易会 Dear Mr./Ms.…, We should like to invite your Corporation to attend the 2007 International Fair which will be held from August 29 to September 4 at the above address.Full details on the Fair will be sent in a week. We look forward to hearing from you soon,and hope that you will be able to attend.  Yours faithfully,  2.邀请参加开业庆典 Dear Mr.Rogers, Our new factory will be commencing production on August 28 and we would like to invite you and your wife to be present at a celebration to mark the occasion. As you will appreciate,this is an important milestone for this organization.This is the result of continued demand for our products,both at home and overseas.We trust that you will pay us the compliment of accepting the invitation. We do hope that you will be able to join us in this opportunity.We look forward to seeing you at the Garden Hotel at 8∶00 p.m. on Wednesday,August 28.  Zhang Ming  3.邀请参加年度销售会议 Dear Mr.Jackson, We have the pleasure of inviting you to our annual sales conference.This year it will take place at the White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou from December 12 to the 15. We enclose details of the conference,accommodation arrangements and a provisional program. Last year you gave a very interesting presentation on the subject of“On Customers? Brand Loyalty”.We would be very grateful if you would consider giving us an update on this.We would appreciate it if you could confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.Please contact me at 62132512.  Yours sincerely Christina Zou Conference Organizer  4.邀请客户参观公司 Dear Friend, I hope you are planning to attend the annual convention of National Association of Teachers of Homemaking in Minneapolis June 4 through 7.Perhaps you know that Sterling Mills calls Minneapolis home,and I consider it a rare opportunity for our city to host such a distinguished group. While you?re here,we?d like you to visit us,so we have arranged a special Open House for all 87

members of NATH on Thursday,June 6,at our main plant from 5∶30 until 8: 30 p.m.(This is a free evening,according to the officers of your organization.).We?ll have refreshments and a buffet,followed by a guided tour of the sections of our plant that we think will interest you most,including our famous recipe testing center. We?re only about twenty minutes from the Radisson,your convention headquarters,and will have courtesy limousines to pick you up there and return you to the hotel at the end of the tour.Full details will be provided at the registration desk. If you are planning to attend the convention,would you please indicate on the enclosed card whether you are likely to attend the Open House?I certainly hope you will be with us!  Sincerely,  5.邀请参观贸易展览会 Dear Sirs, Many thanks for your letter and enclosures of 12 September. We were very interested to hear that you are looking for an UK distributor for your teaching aids.We would like to invite you to visit our booth,No.46,at next month?s London Toy Fair,at Earl?s court,which starts on 2 October.If you would like to set up an appointment during non exhibit hall hours,please call me.I can then arrange for our senior staff to be present at the meeting. We look forward to hearing from you.  Yours,  6.正式邀请参观特展 EXCELLO ILLUMINATION CORPORATION cordially invites you to visit its exhibit at the American Institute of Architects at THE COW PALACE,SAN FRANCISCO March 6 to 9,2007 and to view an exciting new film “LET THERE BE LIGHT” at the“Little Theatre”that adjoins the exhibit. The film briefly traces the history of artificial illumination and presents startling new developments and innovations in the science of lighting. It will be shown every hour from 9 a.m.to 5 p.m.  7.晚宴请柬 Mr.and Mrs.Peter Washington request the pleasure of Mr.and Mrs.Thomas Green?s company at dinner on Thursday,August the twentieth at seven o?clock at West Lake Restaurant  8.便宴邀请 Dear Miss Smith, My brother Peter will be staying with us for a few days during the Christmas holidays and my wife and I have planned a family dinner for him next Saturday evening at seven o?clock so that he can meet some of our friends.We should be delighted if you could join us.I hope you will 88

let me know that you can come. 

 9.邀请参加晚宴(非正式函) Dear Mrs.Benton: Will you and Mr.Benton have dinner with us here on Thursday,the fifth of April,at seven o?clock? It has been a long time since we had the pleasure of seeing you,and we do hope you can come.  Sincerely Yours, Jack Black  10.非正式拒绝晚宴函 Dear Mr.Lee, I am so sorry that I cannot come to the dinner you and Mrs.Lee are giving next Saturday for your brother because of a previous engagement that evening. I do appreciate your asking me and hope that I will have the opportunity to meet your brother on some other occasion in the near future.  Jack  11.正式拒绝晚宴函 Mr.and Mrs.John Smith regret that they are unable to accept Mr.and Mrs.Wang?s kind invitation to dinner on Sunday,the fifth of July at eight o?clock New Asia Hotel owing to previous engagement.  12.正式邀请函 Dear Mr.and Mrs.Smith: You are cordially invited to a formal dinner in honor of Jack on October 21,2006,at 8 p.m.at the Boise Hilton. Mrs.Smith,as you are an associate of Mr.Whitters,we would like you to speak briefly about his work in the lumber industry.If this is possible,please let me know within the next week. Please note that this is a black-tie event.RSVP with the names of those attending by October 14.  Sincerely Yours,


John Randall Ⅲ Chairman,Social Committee  13.正式请柬 Mr.and Mrs.Ming Wang request the pleasure of your company at a dinner in honor of their parents Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary on Sunday,the fifth of July at eight o?clock New Asia Hotel 100 Deep Water Bay Road

89 Jack

R.S.V.P.  14.邀请明信片 Hong Kong You?re Invited! The Toulles House is having an Open House. Please join us for caroling,cocoa and cookies on Sunday,November 30, anytime between 2∶00 and 5∶00 o?clock in the afternoon. 

 15.接受共进午餐的邀请 Dear Mr.Green, I?m writing on behalf of Mr.John Smith.He?d be delighted to be your guest for lunch at the Royal Restaurant,March 16.It will be a good opportunity for him to talk in more detail about the new project and at the same time have an enjoyable time together. As you suggested,he?ll be arriving at the restaurant at 11∶40. He?ll be looking forward to seeing you then.  16.拒绝参加招待会 Dear Mr.Green, I?m writing on behalf of Mr.Smith,Personnel Manager. It would be a great pleasure to join you at the reception party at the Holiday Inn on April 4th.Unfortunately,he will be in Hongkong on that date attending a company conference. Thank you for invitation.We hope the banquet is a great success.  Susan Assistant Manager  17.茶会请柬 TO MEET Professor William H.Hudson. the Foreign Languages Department of the Changsha Electric Power University requests the pleasure of your company at a tea party on Friday,the sixth of September from three to five o?clock in Room 207 of the Department building Please send response to the Department office.  18.舞会请柬  DANCE INVITATION Professor and Mrs.Charles Gordon request the pleasure of your company at a small dance to be held at the college club on Saturday,the tenth of May

90 Toulles House 1601 Lexington Drive Nantucket Sound,Massachusetts 21807

Please reply to 168 Pine Street. Phone No.:8186472  19.非正式的预约要求 Dear Mr.Green: Could we meet some time this month to discuss the supermarket proposal?We want to make decision by the beginning of next month.We would very much like to hear your thoughts before we make any definite plans.Could you choose a venue for the meeting?I can fly to London any time,perhaps you would prefer Lyon or Paris?I leave it to you to choose.I look forward to seeing you again.  Yours,  20.业务约见函 Dear Mr.Green: Would you be interested in stocking a radical new departure in laptop computers?I would very much like to brief you on this great innovation.Could we make an appointment?The machine is the same size as others but comes with some totally new features.The retail price will undercut its nearest competitor by at least 20%.I shall be in the UK from 1 September to 20 October.If you would like to know more,just fax or call me.  Yours,  21.拒绝约见 Dear Mr.Green: Thank you for your letter of 7 July regarding your new laptop computer.I regret to say that we cannot agree to your request for an appointment.We currently have the sole agency for another computer company.Under the terms of the contract,we are barred from stocking any other company?s products.The sole agency comes under review in six months?time.Contact us then and we may be able to consider your new product.  22.同意约见 Dear Mr.Green: Thank you for your letter of 15 September.I note that you will be in the UK during the whole of November.I wish we could meet. We are quite interested by the fashion knitwear illustrated in your catalogue.As a fashion Chain,we might consider having some of our own designs manufactured in China.Please let me know when you would like to call on us.The week beginning 6 November would suit me best. I look forward to meeting you and discussing this matter.  Yours,  23.确认约见函 Dear Mr.Wu, I would like to confirm our luncheon appointment at Nobel Hotel on 6thJuly,at 12∶00. We have reviewed your preliminary proposal concerning our new computer network system.Compared with other proposals we have received,yours seems to provide superior solutions to our information management needs.Would it be possible for you to bring to the meeting two extra sets of materials to pass along to our partners? We are looking forward to seeing you on 6th July. 

91 at seven o?clock

 24.确认合作会议议程 Dear Sirs, I would like to confirm our appointment to discuss the possibility of merging our distribution networks.I am excited of the prospect of expanding our trade.As agreed,we will meet of our office in bond street at 9∶30a.m.on Monday,20 March.I have scheduled the whole day for the meeting.If for any reason you are unable to attend,please phone me so that we can make alternative arrangements.Please let me know if you would like our office to arrange hotel accommodation. I look forward with great pleasure to our meeting.  Yours,  25.安排招待工作 Dear Ms.Green: Novatel ?Year 2005? Conference As discussed,I am enclosing the schedule for the ?Year 2005? conference which will be held here in London from 22-26 July this year. Could you please send me the names of the participants from your offices who will be attending,so that we can confirm hotel and local transport arrangements? I look forward to hearing from you soon.  Yours sincerely Ailsa Macauley Ailsa Macauley Organizer  26.建议更改时间 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter concerning Mr.Smith?s visit to China.Unfortunately our Export Manager,Mr.Li,is in the USA at present and will not be back until 19th June.He would,however,be very pleased to see Mr.Smith if he could be in Beijing after that date. We look forward to hearing from you.  Yours faithfully,  27.拒绝参会 Dear Jack: How I wish I could be on your panel at the AADA convention in Washington on September 4~6.Everything you said in your letter is just right except the date.I simply cannot get away,since I will be at Riverside Press in Hammond to oversee the printing of a massive mailing that has Number 1 priority here.The pressure is on from all the top people in the organization. I wonder if you know Professor Smith at the University of Nebraska.A dynamic young man,Smith is a true specialist in direct mail—I often bend his ear for advice,and he always comes up with a good answer.I have not,of course,spoken to Smith,but you may wish to invite him to be on your program,mentioning that I suggested him.He can be reached by telephone at number 45776666. Have a good conference,Jack.I?m awfully sorry to miss it.  Sincerely, 

92 Best Wishes,


R.S.V.P.  29.欢迎函 Dear Mr.Green: Thank you for your letter of March 16 and we are glad to learn that you are planning to visit China in April.We shall be happy to welcome you and to do all that we can to make your visit both enjoyable and beneficial. We have arranged the following activities for your three-day visit to our city.On Monday April the 15th,you will go to the Chinese Export Commodities Fair(also called Canton Fair)to get information about the light industrial products.On Tuesday,16th we will drive you to our plant located in Zhongshan,where you will see a wide variety of our products and the advanced production process.On Wednesday the 17th,there will be a Chinese Investment Seminar at China Hotel.On Wednesday evening we have arranged for you to see the Beijing Opera. Please let me know if the above arrangements are satisfactory.Before your departure,please tell us your flight number and time of arrival in Guangzhou,we will be happy to meet you at the airport. You may be sure you will have a warm welcome.  Yours faithfully, Mary  30.致欢迎词 Dear Mr.James Town and all of Our Distinguished Guests, Following the deepening of reform and opening to the outside world,more and more foreign visitors are coming to our country to explore the possibilities of investing in China in the forms of joint venture enterprise,cooperative enterprise and exclusively foreign-owned enterprise.Today,we have great pleasure in greeting the arrival of the Far East American International Trade Mission by Mr.James Town.On this very special occasion tonight,we feel greatly honored to have our distinguished guests with us.First of all,please allow me,on behalf of the Oriental Chinese Trade Development International Corporation,and on my own behalf,to extend our warm welcome to Mr.Town and the other American guests who come from the other side of the Pacific Ocean.And in the meanwhile,I wish to thank you for joining us tonight and to express our appreciation for the friendly cooperation you have shown us over the years. The United States and China have enjoyed more opportunities to exchange friendship and business ever since the signing of the Shanghai Communique in 1972.The bilateral trade has greatly increased.As an old friend of ours,Mr.Town has committed himself to the mutual understanding and the friendship and the trade cooperation between China and the United States for many years.He has visited China many times.This is his sixth visit to China,and the main purpose of his visit is to seek investment opportunities in China.I?m confident that your own visit will not only 93 Mr.and Mrs.David White request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Audrey to Mr.Jim Green on Saturday,June 10 at 10∶30 a.m. Saint Peter?s Church and afterwards at the reception Royal Hotel 24 People Road

help to enhance the understanding and friendship between the peoples of our two countries,but also help to promote the friendly trade relations of both sides. We welcome you warmly and wish your visit a great success and also wish all of you very good health and a happy stay in China.Now,let us invite Mr.Town to speak to us.  31.邀请函(非正式) Tele World 1810 Ohio Ave,Little rock,AR 72293 June 13,2006 Ramona Jenkins Little rock,AR 72291  Dear Ramona: The marketing department is having a surprise get-together next thursday afternoon after work for the retirement of J.J.Small. Please bring a gag gift to send J.J.on her way to a happy retirement.We?re asking each person to contribute $5 for a legitimate retirement gift.Wanda Templeman is collecting. Let Wanda(ext.233)know by Monday if you can make it,so she can order enough refreshments.  Sincerely,


Chuck Meyers Chairman,Social Committee  32.拒绝参加酒会回函 Dear Mr.Smith, I very much appreciate the honor of being invited to your cocktail reception to celebrate your anniversary.Please accept my congratulations on this wonderful occasion. Unfortunately,due to a previous commitment on that particular day,I am unable to attend the reception.I hope you understand. I have long admired your achievements over the last twenty years and hope you will continue in your role as one of the leaders in your field. Again,thank you very much for your kind invitation.  Yours sincerely, 33.到办公室约见函 Dear Henry: Please be advised I will be travelling to the United States next month to promote the latest products from Hara Software Inc.I will be in New York and available for discussions from November 17 till November 19. I would like very much to pay you a visit.Assuming this is acceptable,please let me know when it will be convenient for you to meet me at your office.  Sincerely Yours,  34.接受约见回函 Dear Mr.Green: Thank you for your letter of October 15 regarding your visit next month. We would be delighted to meet you to discuss your new products.Could you please come to our office at 11∶00 a.m.on November 18?If your schedule permits,we would like to invite you to lunch after the meeting.


We look forward to seeing you. 

 35.拒绝约见回函 Dear David: I am very sorry to tell you that it will not be possible for us to meet during your forthcoming trip to Japan.Unfortunately I will be out of town on June 20,which is the only date that you said you have available in Tokyo. If you are planning to make another visit to Japan sometime soon and if you can give me some advance notice of your visit,I would be delighted not only to see you again but also to arrange a visit to our factory. In any case,I look forward to meeting you again in New York on my next trip.  Sincerely, 

第五节 祝贺与慰问

1.祝贺总经理任职 Dear Mr.Green, We learned from your company?s May 1st announcement that you have been named President of J.J.Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd. Please accept our warmest congratulations on your appointment.Our thoughts and best wishes are with you as you take up your new and important position. It is our sincerest hope that the close relationship existing between our two companies will continue and perhaps even be strengthened further,and I look forward to being able to contribute to our mutual benefit.Once again,congratulations.  Yours sincerely,  2.祝贺晋升 Dear Zhang Ling: How pleased I feel when I heard you have been promoted to the position of Credit-Manager.I really think that you deserve the position because of your extensive experience,diligence and outstanding intelligence. My congratulations should also be extended to the president of your bank.He has such a good sense to find the best person. Congratulations on your well-deserved promotion.  Truly Yours,  3.对祝贺晋升的回函 Dear Mr.Smith: Thank you for your kind letter of September 15 and for the supportive words. My new position is one that will require total commitment,and I assure you that I am determined to do my utmost to tide us over during this difficult time and to make the company stronger in every way possible. I look forward to your continued support and patronage.  Sincerely, 

95 Sincerely,

4.贺成为董事会成员 Dear Mr.Smith, I am writing to convey my warm congratulations on your appointment to the Board of Asia Industries Ltd. My colleagues and I are delighted that the years of service your have given to your company should at last have been rewarded in this way and we join in sending you our very best wishes for the future.  Yours sincerely  5.贺同事荣退 Dear Herb: I was a mite surprised at the gift presented to you on the occasion of your retirement party—a really beautiful set of golf clubs.I happen to know that you are not a golfer,and when I asked someone about the gift,the answer was:“That?s what Sheila said Herb wanted most of all.He doesn?t play now,but he?s determined to learn.” Of course,I shouldn?t be surprised.You?ve been constantly pursuing new challenges throughout your 45 years at Watson-Ferguson,and I can?t think of one that you didn?t master.It?s that fierce determination—tempered with a delightful wit and practical-mindedness—that has made you such an outstanding financial executive.Why not golf,indeed! We will miss you,naturally but our gloom is brightened somewhat by our vision of your chasing the little white ball all over Hilton Head Island.That,by the way,sounds like a lot more fun than juggling debentures and arguing with security analysts. Mary joins me in wishing for you and Sheila many happy years in the Sun Belt.Be sure to drop in on the folks here at W-F when you get to Cleveland.  Best personal regards,  6.贺员工生日 Dear Jack: It?s your birthday again!Where has the time gone?We hope your birthday is a happy one.We appreciate your work here at ABC and hope that we enjoy many more birthdays together.  Sincerely,


Larry 7.祝贺新公司营业 Dear Mary, How wonderful it is to learn that your new branch will be open and be ready for business,congratulations! With your experience and proven capability in the trade,I know that your organization will be a huge success. Please accept my warmest congratulations and best wishes.  Sincerely Jack Wang President 8.生病慰问信 Dear Mary: I am sorry to hear that you have been hospitalized.I?m sure that the staff at Trinity General will take good care of you and get you on your way.Please call us if you have any questions


regarding the company?s health insurance. Friendship Furnaces relies heavily on its employees and will feel your absence.I hope that you will recover quickly.We look forward to your return.  Sincerely, Ole Ole Munson President Friendship Furnaces  9.慰问家属 Dear Kitty: I was shocked and distressed to learn of Rob?s heart attack,and I won?t rest easy until I learn of his full recovery. Knowing Rob,I suspect that when he surmounts this crisis,he will be champing at the bit to get back to his job here.But you mustn?t let him.Although his presence will be sorely missed,we?ll find a way to cover his desk while he is away,perhaps not nearly as well as he would like,but as best we can.Please insist that he follow the doctor?s prescribed routine for convalescence,with no thought for any other responsibility he may feel.We want him back,of course,but not until the doctor says he should return.In the meantime,Rob will remain on full salary and benefits. Kitty,please let me know when it is permissible for Rob to have visitors.I want to see him.Now,is there anything I can do for you?  Affectionately, 10.表示怀念 Dear Mr.Brown, I have just learned with deep regret of the death of your wife and I am writing at once to express our heartfelt sympathy. There is not much one can say at a time such as this,but those of us at the office who have met Mrs.Brown would like you to know that you have our sincere sympathy in your bereavement.We recall her many kindness.She will be missed by all who knew her. If there is any way in which we can be of any help,either now or later,do please let us know.  Yours sincerely, 11.吊唁函 Dear Mr.White, We were distressed to read the announcement of Mr.Smith?s death in this morning?s Everyday Daily News,and write immediately to express our deep regret. By his untimely passing the camera industry has lost one of its pioneers. We recall his great kindness and active cooperation with our company in the past. He will long be remembered by all who knew him and who worked with him. On behalf of our company,please extend our deepest pity and hearty condolence to his bereaved family.  Yours very sincerely, 

第六节 感谢与道歉函

1.感谢客户订单 Dear Black,


Thank you for your order No.464 of 20 September. The models you selected from our showroom went out today under my personal supervision.The package is being air-mailed to you on Swiss.The relevant documentation is enclosed.I enjoyed meeting you and hope that this order represents the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship between our companies.The next time you visit us,please let me know in advance so that I can arrange a lunch for you with our directors.  Sincerely yours, Jim Green Sales Manager  2.感谢热情款待第三人 Dear Mr.Smith, I am writing to you just to tell you how very much I appreciate the warm welcome you extended to my wife when she visited your country last week. The help and advice you gave to her,and the introductions you arranged for her,have resulted in a number of very useful meetings and I should like you to know how very grateful I am for all you have done to make them possible. I realized the value of time to a busy person like you and this makes me all the more appreciative of the time you so generously gave to her.  Yours,  3.感谢惠赐资料 Dear Mr.Ford, Thank you for your letter enclosing an account of the organization and work of your local trade association. I am very grateful for the interest you have shown in our proposal to include details to your association in the next issue of the Finance Associations Year Book,and for your trouble in providing such an interesting account of your activities.Your account is sure to inspire and encourage associations in other areas.  Yours sincerely,  4.回复客户的感谢信 Dear Mr.Green, We greatly appreciate your letter describing the assistance you received in solving your air-conditioning problems. We are now in our fifth year of operation,and we receive many letters like yours indicating a high level of customer satisfaction with our installations. We are pleased that our technical staff assisted you so capably.We would like you to know that if you need to contact us at any time in the future,our engineers will be equally responsive to your request for assistance. If we can be of service to you again,please let us know.Thank you again for your very kind letter.  Yours Sincerely, Chief Engineer  5.感谢工作推荐人 Dear Professor Black: I think you?ll be pleased to know that I have been hired as Assistant Advertising Manager of 98

Southern Outdoorsman.I will report to work July 21.This gives me a little time,and I hope to drop in to see you before I leave for Charleston. At any rate,I want to thank you for your help.The job looks very challenging,but because of the thorough training I received at USC,together with your own informal coaching,I?m confident I can handle it.  Best wishes,  6.感谢客户推荐人 Dear Paul: Yesterday I received a large order from Binghamton Auto Supply and was told by the owner,Janet Rosenberg,that you were responsible for my getting the business. I was mighty pleased to have the new business,Paul,but even more pleased that you thought well enough of me to recommend my company to Janet Rosenberg.That?s the highest recommendation I can imagine,and I?m grateful for it.Thank you!  Cordially,  7.感谢客户的付款和订单 Dear Mr.Green: I really appreciate your order for 200 Gem-Con Plastique motorcycle tanks.These will be shipped at once.Thanks,too,for the check! Beginning in June,we?re offering a special discount on the Gem-Con line.In addition to the trade discount of 33.3 percent,we?re giving a extra discount of 5%. A lot of our customers are switching to the Plastique tank as a replacement for original metal equipment.They report hearty endorsements from participants in motorcross competition—that the tanks are very lightweight,but extremely tough.We predict you?ll have a similar endorsement!  Sincerely Yours,  8.感谢客户的长期支持 Dear Mr.Green: On March 16,ABC will celebrate its third anniversary.It?s a wonderful occasion for us,and we?re not so quietly strutting a bit about the progress we?ve made. Yet we?re fully aware that our accomplishments are not simply attributable to“genius”leadership or hard-working employees.We grew and prospered only because we found some great friends like you who gave us loyal support along the way. So this is a thank-you note—for buying and pushing our products,putting up with occasional errors due to“growing pains,”and just helping to put ABC on the map.The future looks bright,and we want to acknowledge your contribution to this rosy outlook.As we say in Georgia,“Appreciate it!”  Very sincerely Yours,  9.为逾期付款致歉 Dear Mr.Green, We have received your letter,dated today,by fax and apologize for the delay in payment. Due to our internal remittance procedures,which stood longer than anticipated,we could only make our remittance application to our bank today.Therefore,you should be able to confirm the receipt of the funds in your account tomorrow,your time.Please accept our sincere apologies 99

for the delay. 

 10.为发货单上的错误致歉 Dear Mr.Black: You?re entirely right.In our January 16 statement that you requested we neglected to deduct the extra discount of 10 percent to which entitled. As sometimes happens,the folks who prepare the statements don?t always get the message.And this time for good reason:I simply did?t get the word to them about the additional discount;so I?m the guilty party. Please deduct $462 from the statement you received.The net amount due is $4 158 instead of $4 620. I want you to know that I?m very sorry about this oversight and that I?m grateful to you for pointing the error out to me.I appreciate your business!  Cordially Yours,  11.为给别人带来不便公开致歉 Dear Xidan Resident: Building a new store is a messy business as you undoubtedly noticed from the dust clouds we raise,the rerouting of traffic on Old Town Road,and the noise and general confusion we create. Although things are still unsettled,we are doing everything we possibly can to eliminate inconvenience and discomfort for our friends.The good news is that we expect to finish the“dirty”part of the job by April 10 and then get back to normal. Thank you for your patience.Although we regret being a nuisance,we think you will be proud of this new Family Foods outlet—a full acre of shopping pleasure—which is scheduled to open September 8 of this year.  Cordially Yours,  12.感谢别人盛情款待 Dear Jack, Lisa and I are still talking about the great afternoon and evening you gave us in New York.It is an occasion that will be long remembered. Although you probably take New York in stride,everything we saw and did was a grand adventure:the boat trip around Manhattan Island,cocktails at the top of the World Trade Center,dinner at the Four Seasons,the Broadway revival of our favorite musical,“The Oracle,”and finally the famous cheesecake at Lindy?s. The buying trip was very successful,and my boss was immensely pleased with my selections.Never again will I believe the old saying,“You can?t mix business with pleasure.”You provided the pleasure and,incidentally some of the business.Thank you!  Yours Faithfully  13.致谢大宗订单 Dear Sirs, this is your first order with us,I feel I must write to tell you how pleased we were to receive it and to thank you for the opportunity you have given us to supply the goods you need. I hope our handling of this order will lead to further business between us and to a happy and 100 Yours sincerely.

lasting association.We shall certainly do our best to make it so. 

 Yours faithfully, 101
