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了解到据联合国难民署20xx年公布的统计数字,截至20xx年底,全球难民总数已超过1400万, 重申1951 年《关于难民地位的公约》及其1967 年《议定书》是国际难民保护制度的基础,确认各缔约国必须全面、有效地落实这些文书及其体现的价值,满意地注意到现有一百四十六个国家成为其中一项或两项文书的缔约国,鼓励非缔约国考虑加入这些文书,特别强调必须充分尊重不驱回原则,并确认一些非国际难民文书缔约国慷慨收容难民, 注意到1954 年《关于无国籍人地位的公约》现有五十八个缔约国,1961 年《减少无国籍状态公约》有三十个缔约国,并鼓励高级专员继续为无国籍人开展活动, 了解到目前难民人数仍在不断增长, 意识到难民问题给国际社会带来的巨大不稳定因素, 意识到难民问题由来已久,原因复杂, 意识到解决难民安置问题对解决难民问题的意义巨大。

第一条 敦促国际资源、技术的补充与援助,确保收容国与国际资源衔接到位;

第二条 建议发达国家将对收容国有一定的经济、技术援助,促进收容国的经济发展;

第三条 希望各个国家能加大对外投资,帮助难民输出国的经济发展,最终吸引难民回到其原住地;

第四条 希望各国各取所长,积极派遣科学技术专家,对于有条件的难民进行职业技能培训,指导各难民安置点的经济生产和社会发展,使难民能更好的维持他们的基本生活,减轻对安置国的经济压力;

第五条 在难民入境前,进行全面、合理的身份登记和安全检查,将恐怖主义分子排除在外;

第六条 对难民的社会宗教背景进行充分地调查,并以此进行合理的难民安置;

第七条 解决难民短期内无法融入安置国社会生活的问题,对此应做到:




第八条 希望各国共同协商,共同创立一个较为公平,公正的监察机构,对此应做到:



第九条 加强宣传工作,应做到:



第十条 制定应对难民问题的长期计划,对此应做到:


(丑)强调所有国家均有义务接受本国国民返回,吁请各国便利那些经确定不 需要国际保护的本国国民回返,并申明有关人员的回返,不论其地位为何,都必 须以安全和人道的方式并在充分尊重他们的人权和尊严的情况下进行;




General Assembly

Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country

Sponsors: Argentina, Germany, Japan, South Africa, United States of America

Signatories: Azerbaijan, Brazil, Bangladesh, Barbados, Croatia, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Jamaica, Zimbabwe, etc. The General Assembly, on the privileges and immunities of the United Nations, the agreement between the United Nations and the United States of America regarding the headquarters of the United Nations and the responsibility of the host country, resolution, 2819 (XXVI) of 15 December 1971, the Committee should consider, and advise the host country on, issues arising in connection with the implementation of the Agreement between the United Nations and the

United States of America regarding the headquarters of the United Nations, competent authorities of the host country, in particular to prevent any acts violating the security of missions and the safety of their personnel,

1. Endorses the recommendations and conclusions of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country contained in paragraph 86 of its report;

2. Requests the host country to consider removing the remaining travel restrictions, notes that during the reporting period some travel restrictions previously imposed by the host country on staff of certain missions and staff members of the Secretariat of certain nationalities were removed, and, in this regard, notes the positions of affected;

3. States as reflected in the report of the Committee, of the Secretary General and of the host country;
