
Meeting minutes

Date: 2012.7.9, 10:00am-12:00am

Place: meeting room

Moderator: Phoebe, Brice

Attendees: Kevin, Ken, Nancy, Jet

Subject: Matters need attention in coming months, 6 topics

Topic 1: normal order procedure

? Documents preparation for DAF and DAC orders--Nancy

-If sage data is ready, should provide Brice documents for task assignment in 1 day;

Note: For DAF order, information is DAF’s NEGOCE order and RFQ table

For DAC order, information is from enterprise planning

-If sage data isn’t ready, Carmen and Damien will make it ready in 1 week. If after 1 week, data still isn’t ready, should push them to provide sage data ASAP, then provide Brice documents for task assignment in 1 day once the data is ready;

? Making offer-Jet, Ken

According to Brice‘s task assignment, purchaser will get relative documents for enquiry

-Time management:

For simple cases, quotation should be provided in 3 days;

For difficult cases, quotation should be provided in 1 week.

Note: when choose supplier for enquiry, should take into consider supplier’s capacity, supplier’s workload, target order volume percentage confirmed by Thierry.

-price management:

Target price coefficient: 10≤DAF sale price

DAC purchase price(machining part)Purchasers provide price compare table and drawings to Brice for approval, table should include: 3 supplier quotations, best price after negotiation, real coefficient, lead time.

Ken is responsible for comp price and purchase way (process or not), comp. price should be confirmed in 1~2 weeks.

With confirmed price of machining price and comp. packing, purchaser makes necessary calculation, make offer to DAF.

? Placing order –Nancy, Ken (Jet)

-order for mechanical parts: once get DAF confirmed order, Nancy should place order in 1 day; -order for comp.: Ken (Jet) check enterprise planning frequently, once there is a need, place order directly;

-order for box: Nancy place order according to enterprise planning

? Deliver date following –Nancy(Jet, Ken)

Nancy is responsible for push supplier to deliver all our goods on time, including machining parts, comp., packing, etc.

When Nancy meet difficulty, Purchaser should assist Nancy, find suitable way to solve problems, like change supplier, give more pressure, etc.

Topic 2: Technical support –Kevin, Jet, Ken, Damien

Nancy transfer supplier’s questions to purchasers. The purchaser, who confirmed the price with supplier, is responsible to answer supplier’s technical questions.

First purchasers should try best solve it themselves, then turn questions to Damien if meet difficulty.

Topic 3: NC information communication- Nancy, Tom

Nancy only helps quality dept. to send NC report to relative suppliers, purchasing dept. don’t explain quality problems. If suppliers have questions for NC report, quality dept. should explain it on phone or discuss face to face.

Topic 4: new supplier management -Kevin

Kevin will manage new or potential supplier fully, including: make offer, place & confirm order, delivery date and NC following, and update relative tables (quotation summary, status, supplier’s certificate, etc.)

Topic 5: inter –site table-Jet

Jet is responsible to transfer price from SMEC to NEGOCE on quotation summary table, according to part number on inter-site table, 20 lines per week.

Topic 6: daily work

-Report- Nancy, Kevin, Ken, Jet

Delivery date report –Nancy, every Thursday

Order volume-Nancy, every Thursday

Debit note volume-Nancy, every month

Quotation summary sending-Nancy,every month

Quotation summary updating-purchaser(Kevin, Ken, Jet),every day

-unavailable price on quotation summary

Purchaser, who made previous price, is responsible for solve the problem, jet will responsible for phoebe’s cases

-purchasing application

No purchasing application table with Brice’s approval, no action in purchasing dept., except victor’s application.






主席:鍾長宏 老師
記錄:錢宏偉 老師

出席人員:校長陳文財、教務主任孔繁鉞、林淑惠老師、邱曉薇老師、盧冠伃老師、鍾長宏老師、鐘秀琴老師、潘憲政老師、錢宏偉老師、楊惠茹老師 (實習老師),共八位。




1. 段考除了是階段學習的評量之外,應仍具有鼓勵學生學習的作用。
2. 各年級配分百分比標準表:


3. 出題方式儘量參考基本學測方式。




    1. 競賽時間:第二次段考後隔一週實行。
    2. 競賽項目:『閱讀』(Reading)競試。
    3. 對象:(1) 以八年級課輔班A、B、C三班全數參加,非課輔班學生採自


             (2) 七年級學生採自由參加。

    4. 獎勵:另行公布。
    5. 題目:以10篇閱讀測驗為主。

    6. 本領域教師繳題截止日:四月15日。
    7. 出題人員:除邱曉薇老師及錢宏偉老師負責兩篇外,其餘老師各負責一


    8. 出題方向:參照文法診斷網站,以八年級第二次段考止為範圍。

    9. 備註:確切日期將與教務處協調。

    1. 倉頡輸入法,兩小時。
    2. 文法診斷網站使用,兩小時。

    3. 講師:鍾長宏老師;助教:盧冠妤老師。
    4. 實施日期與教務處協調後再通知。



    1. 試教範圍:「be動詞與主詞的一致」、「祈使句、現在單純式、現在進行式」、「(過去、現在、未來)單純式與進行式」、「祈使用、動名詞、不定詞」、「疑問詞where, what, how和There is/are句型」、「疑問詞when, what time, which, how many及how much」、「冠詞」、「形容詞原級、比較級、最高級」、「形容詞與情態副詞」、「人稱代名詞主格和所有格」、「人稱代名詞主格、所有格、受格」、「主格、所有格、受格、所有代名詞」「不定代名詞 & it/they」、「連接詞and, but, so, or」、「連接詞if, when, before, after」、「連接詞because, so, though, but」、「介詞+地方(一)」、「介詞+地方(二)」、「介詞+地方(三)」、「介詞+地方(四)」、「介詞+時間(一)」、「介詞+時間(二)」。

2. 盧冠伃老師:
    (1) 以八大主題作為寒假輔導課程。

    (2) 施行步驟:大綱的複習 → 學生討論。
    (3) 授課老師的反應:做練習時間太少,題目解講比較匆促。

    (4) 學生的回饋:重點清楚、立即練習可以知道結果並作補救。

    3. 鍾長宏老師:
    (1) 版面編排適中,剛好可以節省紙張的列印。
    (2) 學生間的討論極為熱衷。
    (3) 檢討部分:a. 文法重點的講解,也一邊訓練學生作筆記習慣。
                 b. 訂正說明,讓學生自己將所犯錯的文法範圍作統計,讓學 

                 c. 教師在檢討題目時,善用『關鍵字』的提示,可以激發學  


3. 「文法診斷網」首頁部分,需增加一「使用說明」網頁,讓使用者知道如何使用本診斷網,以達最佳效果。該「使用說明」網頁,請鍾長宏老師負責。

4. 寒假期間的試教,因學生只學到第四冊,故還有一些較深的部分,尚未試教,會議中決議,到四月下旬至五月下旬國中基測前,做為九年級復習與文法診斷之用,也一併查驗試題的妥適度,以做為第二次修正之依據。
