

  演讲之前感到些许紧张是自然的,这表明你渴望把事情做好。不过,过度紧张会适得其反。本文将向你介绍一些控制紧张情绪,进而使演讲达到预期效果的方法。   10 Tips for Successful Public Speaking

  Know the room. Be familiar with the place in which you will speak.① Arrive early, walk around the speaking area and practise using the microphone and any visual aids.

  Know the audience. Greet some of the audience as they arrive. It’s easier to speak to a group of friends than to a group of strangers.

  Know your material. If you’re not familiar with your material or are uncomfortable with it, your nervousness will increase. Practise your speech and revise it if necessary.

  Relax. Ease tension by doing exercises. Visualize yourself giving your speech. Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear, and assured. When you visualize yourself as successful, you will be successful.

  Realize that people want you to succeed. Audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating, informative, and entertaining. They don’t want you to fail.

  Don’t apologize. If you mention your nervousness or apologize for any problems you think you have with your speech, you may be calling the audience’s attention to something they hadn’t noticed. Keep silent.②

  Concentrate on the message — not the medium. Focus your attention away from your own anxieties, and outwardly toward your message and your audience. Your nervousness will dissipate.

  Turn nervousness into positive energy. Harness your nervous energy and transform it into vitality and enthusiasm.③

  Gain experience. Experience builds confidence, which is the key to effective speaking. A Toastmasters club can provide the experience you need.

  [242 words]









  放松自己。做些准备活动松弛紧张的神经。 设想你自己演讲时的情景。想象你自己在侃侃而谈,声音洪亮、吐字清晰、充满自信。倘能设想自己成功,你就一定会成功。

  要意识到在场的人们希望你成功。听众希望你的讲话趣味昂然、催人向上、旁征博引且风趣'; } else if (google_ads[0].type == "flash") { s += ''; } else if (google_ads[0].type="text") { s += ''; if (google_ads.length == 1) { s += 'Ads by Google' s +='' + '' + '' + google_ads[0].line1 + '
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  If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, and prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry.如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友,以经验为参谋,以谨慎为兄弟,以希望为哨兵。


  Experience more than sufficiently teaches that men govern nothing with more difficulty than their tongues. 经验给我们太多的教训,告诉我们人类最难管制的东西,莫过于自己的舌头。

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Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of pink cheeks, red lips and flexible knees; it is a matter of will, a quality of imagination, a vigor of the emotion, it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

Youth means a dispositional control of courage over cowardice, of the appetite for adventure merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.

Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human beings’ heart the looking forward to wonder, the endless child-like appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living.① In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it is receiving messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from God, you are young.②

When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80.

[243 words]


文章一开始使用了一组排比,用四个it is …句型给youth下了定义。第二段将60岁和20岁的人进行对比,从而得出结论:年轻不是单纯指年龄,而是指心态。读到这里,读者可能会提出质疑:那要如何保持心态的年轻呢?作者紧紧抓住读者的心理,在第四段中用a wireless station为例,形象地描述了保持年轻的方法。最后一段将对比the aerials are down和aerials are up进行对比,提出号召:只要乐观向上,我们就能够永远年轻。进一步深化了主题。


散文语言优美,内容凝练。各段落之间有很强的内在联系,形散而神聚,全文紧紧围绕青春这一主题,运用排比、拟人、比喻等多种修辞方法是文章的一大亮点,为文章增色不少。 好文妙译


青春不是人生的一个时期,而是一种心境。青春不是指粉红色的面颊、红润的嘴唇和灵活的膝盖,而是指坚强的意志、丰富的想象和激越的情感。青春是生命深处的一泓清泉。 青春是一种气质:勇猛果敢而不是怯懦退缩,渴望冒险而不是贪图安逸。一个60岁的老人身上常常散发着这种气息,而20岁的青年身上倒未必可寻。没有人会单纯因为年岁增长而衰老,而一旦丧失理想,就会真正变老。





imagination n. 想象力,幻觉

dispositional a. 有某种性情的

cowardice n. 怯懦 胆小

appetite n. 胃口,食欲

enthusiasm n. 热情,积极性

wrinkle n. 皱纹;v. 起皱

aerial n. 天线

cynicism n. 愤世嫉俗,玩世不恭

pessimism n. 悲观,悲观主义

optimism n. 乐观,乐观主义


①【注释】look forward to 期望做…,盼望…

【临摹】I am looking forward to seeing you again on the Christmas Eve.我期待着在平安夜再次见到你。

②【注释】so long as只要,如果

【临摹】So long as you make Mary happy I’m content.只要你能让玛丽高兴,我就满足了。 思如泉涌

Youth means limitless possibilities.年轻意味着无限的可能。If you do not learn to think when you are young, you may never learn.如果你年轻时不学着思考,你将永远不会。
