
Taylor swift是美国著名乡村音乐女歌手。于19xx年12月13日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州 图中左侧的正是年纪尚小的Taylor,刚入歌坛的小明星。 图右为如今的大牌,在第19届MTV欧洲音乐大赛中大放光彩。经过多年的蜕变,两张图片难以辨认,但是确实是同一人。现在的背景音乐是taylor的专辑《Red》中第5首歌曲。(20xx年1月26日的第56届格莱美奖颁奖典礼上,Taylor Swift现场表演了这首歌.)

泰勒无疑是MTV欧洲音乐大奖的最大赢家,她揽获了三个大奖:最佳女歌手,年度最佳穿着,最佳现场奖。在现场,Taylor 演唱了一曲 We Are Never Getting Back Together,她身着红色马戏团风格的服装,也许是在为新专辑《Red》做宣传。Taylor称自己从没想过能在音乐界如此出名,回想过去,和母亲时常想起这个问题并且束手无策,但在今时今日她的确做到了。


接下来为大家带来taylor于20xx年创作的一首经典歌曲 Save & sound.

Save and sound是电影《饥饿游戏》中的配乐,在20xx年第55届格莱美奖的最佳乡村二重唱/组合性能和最佳歌曲奖“视觉媒体”的两项提名奖中,这首歌赢得了后者,并在20xx年的金球奖颁奖典礼上获得最佳原创歌曲奖提名。 这是Amy对这首歌的评价.《滚石》杂志的乔迪·罗森给了歌曲五颗星,称这是泰勒“最美丽的民谣。”

接下来献给大家的是另一首歌名叫sparks fly.

很喜欢taylor,很喜欢她的歌,可能是因为动人的旋律,也可能是因为触动人心的歌词。 也许我们喜欢一首歌,不是因为它的旋律多么优美动听,而是享受着听歌时的心情。



我们会肩并着肩作战,彼此贡献泪与汗。 不管风雨雷电,只愿携手向前。在未来的天空上,在云里,在taylor的歌声中。

I see three girls.Our dream is shining like the sun beside taylor. 一个迷路的精灵,送了我一个装满幸福的宝盒




Thanks for listening. That’s all.

All Too Well

I walked through the door with you

It was cold, but something 'bout it felt like home somehow and I

Left my scarf there at your sister's house And you still got it in your drawer even now

Oh your sweet disposition At my wide eye gaze

We're singing in a car getting lost upstate Autumn leaves falling down like pieces in the place

And I can picture it after all these days And I know it's long gone, and magics not here no more

And I might be okay, but i'm not, found it all

Cause here we are again on that little time street

You almost ring the red cause you were looking over me

Wind in my air I was there I remember it all too well

Photo album on my counter Your cheeks were turning red

You used to be a little kid with your glasses in a twin size bed

And your mother's telling stories 'bout you on a tivo team

You tell me about your past thinking your future was me

And I know it's long gone, and there was nothing else I could do

And I forget about you long enough to forget why I needed you

Cause here we are again in the middle of the night

We're dancing round the kitchen in the refrigerator light

Down the stairs I was there I remember it all too well

And maybe we got lost in translation Maybe I asked for too much

But maybe this thing wasn't masterpiece He tored it all up

Running scared, I was there I remember it all too well

Hey you called me up again just to break me like a promise

So casually cruel in the name of being honest

I'mma crumble up piece of paper lying here Cause I remember it all, all, all too well

Time won't fly it's like I'm paralyzed by it I like to be my old self again But i'm still trying to find it

After platshirt days and that's when you made me your own

Now you mail back my things and I walk home alone

But your keep my old scarf from that very first week

Cause it reminds you of innocence and it smells like me

You can't get rid of it, cause you remember it all too well

Cause there we are again and I loved you so Back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known

It was where, I was there, I remember it all too well

Wind in my air, you were there, you remember it all

Down the stairs, you were there, you remember it all

It was where, I was there I remember it all too wel

Sparks Fly

The way you move is like a full on rainstorm

And I'm a house of cards Your the kinda reckless that should send me run

But I kinda know that I won't get far

And you stood there in front of me just

Close enough to touch Close enough to hope you couldn't

See what I was thinking of

Drop everything now

Meet me in the pouring rain Kiss me on the sidewalk Take away the pain Cause I see Sparks Fly Whenever you smile

Get me with those green eyes Baby as the lights go down

Give me something that'll haunt me

When you're not around Cause I see Sparks Fly

Save & sound

I remember tears streaming down your face

when I said, I’ll never let you go When all those shadows almost killed your light

I remember you said, don’t leave me here alone?

But all that’s dead and gone and passed tonight Just close your eyes the sun is going down You’ll be alright no one can hurt you now Come morning light

You and I’ll be safe and sound Don’t you dare look out your

Whenever you smile

My mind forgets to remind me You're a bad idea

You touch me once and it's Really something you find I'm even better

Than you imagined I would be

I'm on my guard for the rest of the world

But with you I know it's no good And I could wait patiently but I really wish you would

Drop everything now

Meet me in the pouring rain Kiss me on the sidewalk Take away the pain Cause I see Sparks Fly Whenever you smile

Get me with those green eyes Baby as the lights go down

Give me something that'll haunt me

When you're not around Cause I see Sparks Fly Whenever you smile

window darling

everything’s on fire The war outside our door keeps

raging on hold onto this lullaby

even when the music’s gone Just close your eyes the sun is going down You’ll be alright

no one can hurt you now Come morning light

You and I’ll be safe and sound Just close your eyes You’ll be alright Come morning light,

You and I’ll be safe and sound

融 张金刚




④央视20xx年《开学第一课》,于丹讲得好:把生鸡蛋、胡萝卜、茶叶分别放在三个锅里煮。第一个锅里,生鸡蛋被煮熟,变得硬邦邦。生活中有些只固守着自己内心、不肯融合的人,最后变成了孤家寡人,被生活煮硬。第二个锅里,胡萝卜被煮得软塌塌,成了胡萝卜泥。有些人因为没有生命的坚持,被生活煮得没了自己。第三个锅里,茶叶在沸腾中自己舒展了、丰美了、滋润了,同时它把无色无味的水变成了一锅香茶,有些人,在煎熬里成全了自己,改变了别人。 ⑤其实,这正是社会、个体间正能量、负能量的较量与融合。社会并不完美,个人也不是完人,学会适应,彼此融入,才会统一。有时,坚守,并不合时宜,就要尝试接纳和改变;有时,妥协,就会被现实无情地打败和抛弃;最佳,便是融合,你中有我,我中有你,共生共荣,做一片既能释放、传递正能量,又能承受煎熬、历炼,涅槃重生的“茶叶”。这便是做人、处世的通用法则。 ⑥一直有人在置疑,仅一些模范、英雄能否撑社会善美的天空。我无法回答。但我更希望将他们看作“源头活水”,在其汩汩喷涌、涓涓流淌间,滋润、浇灌出周边茂盛的花草,融汇、吸纳无数奔流向海的细流,一起融入浩瀚的湖海。一人、两人、多人,渐渐传递、互融,终可汇成大爱、大德、大义。人与人,融洽和睦,其乐融融。社会,被爱包容,和谐祥和,自会一派融融。







第二篇:小学音乐科演讲稿 我最成功的一堂课







