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要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝. 大宝化妆品

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虹美化妆品:早一天使用,迟一天衰老. 虹美化妆品

女士先生们假如您对选购的上海伊娜化妆品有不满之处,请拨597778,售后服务部同志“正闲得无聊“. 上海伊娜化妆品

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夏天的选择! 奥琪化妆品

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早一天使用,多一份青春! 霞飞牌化妆品

女性魅力,尽在霞飞! 霞飞牌化妆品

霞飞创造你的自然美! 霞飞牌化妆品

潘虹:我只用“霞飞“. 霞飞牌化妆品


趁早下“斑”,请勿“痘”留——香港某除痘祛斑化妆广告 最男人滴广告词



肌肤就象白嫩嫩滴杏仁豆腐——郑秀文对SK-LL产品滴现身说法 最自信滴广告词







肌肤好象剥了壳滴鸡蛋——玉兰油美容炫彩面膜广告词 最具内涵滴广告词



重现初恋季节,岁月不再有踪可循——兰蔻某护肤广告词 最夸张滴广告词




化妆品广告语中的语用预设分析Cosmetics ads in the phrase of Pragmatic Presupposition关键词: 语用预设;化妆品广告;功能;广告语言;社会心理Keywords: presupposition; cosmetics advertising; function; advertising language; Social Psychology摘要: Abstract:广告是经济全球化和信息时代的一个重要的社会现象,在现代社会中扮演着越来越重要的角色。广告语言是一种劝导说服性的语言,其最终目的是向潜在的顾客群体传递产品或服务信息并最终劝说人们实施购买行为。广告撰写人为了宣传或促销某种商品和服务,尽可能地采用一切语言及非语言的技巧来实现广告宣传的目的。语用预设就是其中一个非常重要的语言工具。语用预设具有独特的属性:单向性、主观性、隐蔽性,这些特性有助于增强广告语言的说服力。巧妙运用语用预设,可以衍生出交际所需的策略,广告用语对语用预设的利用正是这种策略性的反映。本文从不同角度对该策略进行了系统的分析和论证。Advertising is the economic globalization and information age is an important social phenomenon in modern society play an increasingly important role. Advertising language is a language of persuasion persuasive, the ultimate goal is to potential customer groups, product or service information transfer and ultimately to persuade people to implement purchasing behavior. Advertising or promotion of the authors of some kind in order to promote goods and services, as much as possible with all the verbal and nonverbal skills to achieve the purpose of advertising. Presupposition is one of a very important language tools. Presupposition has unique properties: one-way, subjectivity, concealment, these features help to enhance the persuasiveness of advertising language. Clever use of language by default, can be derived from the necessary communication strategy, advertising language on the use of pragmatic presupposition is precisely this strategic reflection. This article from a different angle to the strategy of the systematic analysis and argument.本文通过回顾预设研究的历史背景及理论背景,选取最有代表性的化妆品广告作为分析材料,运用心理分析和定性研究的方法,对化妆品广告语言中的语用预设进行了尝试性的分析。本文主要从预设与消费心理、预设与广告语言、预设与广告信息、预设与市场策略及预设与文化差异等五个宏观层面来分析语用预设在广告语言中的功能。通过对诸多化妆品广告的研究,全面分析了语用预设在广告传递的信息中发挥的作用。首先从消费者心理角度分析,把预设分成了存在预设、事实预设、信念预设状态预设以及行为预设五种类型。其次,通过对化妆品广告的分析发现,语用预设不仅可以使广告语言简洁和多样化,还在广告衔接和连贯

上起着重要的作用。再次,语用预设能够扩大广告信息的含量,使广告语篇经济、简洁,降低广告费用。最后,巧妙运用语用预设的隐藏功能和委婉功能,可实现广告制作者的自我保护,恰到好处地使广告取得委婉的表达效果,避免因直白表述引起消费者对广告宣传的反感和抗拒。Advertising is the economic globalization and information age is an important social phenomenon in modern society play an increasingly important role. Advertising language is a language of persuasion persuasive, the ultimate goal is to potential customer groups, product or service information transfer and ultimately to persuade people to implement purchasing behavior. Advertising or promotion of the authors of some kind in order to promote goods and services, as much as possible with all the verbal and nonverbal skills to achieve the purpose of advertising. Presupposition is one of a very important language tools. Presupposition has unique properties: one-way, subjectivity, concealment, these features help to enhance the persuasiveness of advertising language. Clever use of language by default, can be derived from the necessary communication strategy, advertising language on the use of pragmatic presupposition is precisely this strategic reflection. This article from a different angle to the strategy of the systematic analysis and argument.本文通过研究语用预设在广告用语中的工作机制,希望能够帮助广告设计者更加有效地运用语用预设这一策略,设计出更加科学,更具有吸引力的广告。同时也希望对消费者辨别广告信息的真伪和选择适合的产品提供一定的启发。This paper studies presupposition in terms of the working mechanism of advertising, hoping to help advertisers more effective use of the designer presupposition of this strategy, design a more scientific and more attractive advertising. Also hope to distinguish advertising messages to consumers to choose products authenticity and provide some inspiration.
