
说明:如未做特别说明述职模板中 1 、金额均以“万元”为单位,销量均以“万台”为单位; 2 、同比增长均指比去年同期增长; 3 、“天数”和“百分比”数据均采用同比增减,即用当期值减去去年同期值。

1.组织概要 1 .1公司组织结构图

2. 暗点与亮点 l 暗点 1. 2. 3. l 亮点 1. 2. 3. l 说明:暗点/亮点只能从以下三个方面中各选一条。 l 注意:暗点要是通过主观努力可以改善的,不要强调客观原因。 l KPI完成的暗点和亮点 l 收入增长,以及销量与份额增长 l 利润增长,以及费用和成本控制 l 核心竞争力提升的暗点和亮点 l 产品推广 l 营销网络 l 客户管理 l 管理 l 组织气氛 l 变革创新

3、市场机会分析与竞争对手比较 3.1 市场机会分析 3 .1.1 ××产品市场机会分析 地区 地区行业情况 我司现状及机会 今年容量 同比增长% 预期3年后容量 平均毛利率% 我司份额 同比增长% 明年目标份额 机会空 间 合计 资料来源(对比资料应尽可能来源于一到两个权威渠道,便于在同一平台上进行比较,下同): 说明:同比增长=(当期值-去年同期值)/去年同期值 同比增减=当期值-去年同期值 市场机会分析: 3.2 竞争对手比较 3.2.1 竞争对手份额情况 国家或地区 品牌 销量 份额 数量 同比增长% 份额 同比增减% 品牌1 品牌2 品牌3 自有品牌 资料来源(对比资料应尽可能来源于一到两个权威渠道,便于在同一平台上进行比较,下同): 说明:同比增长=(当期值-去年同期值)/去年同期值 同比增减=当期值-去年同期值 分析与判断: 3.2.2 直接竞争对手SWOT分析 品牌 机会 威胁 劣势 优势 对手1 1 、 2 、 3 、 …… 对手2 1 、 2 、 3 、 …… 对手3 1 、 2 、 3 、 …… 自有品牌 1 、 2 、 3 、 …… 分析与判断: 3 .2.3标杆比较的雷达图分析 分析与判断:

4、KPI达成情况及承诺 4 .1四年经营绩效趋势图 4.2 KPI 达成及分析 4.2.1 KPI 达成情况 KPI KPI 目标 本年当期 达成率% 同比增长% 挑战值 全年预测 销售收入 利润总额 KPI3 说明:1、同比增长=(当期值-去年同期值)/去年同期值 同比增减=当期值-去年同期值 2 、全年预测数不等于年初计划数,是基于实际情况对全年业绩的预测。 指标达成与目标差异显著及 同比增长的原因、对策和效果预计: 4.2.2 分产品销售构成 产品类型 本年当期 去年同期 同比增长 销量 营业收入 收入比率% 销量 营业收入 收入比率% 销量 营业收入 收入比率增减% 产品1 产品2 。。。。。。 说明:同比增长=(当期值-去年同期值)/去年同期值; 同比增减=当期值-去年同期值 分析与判断: 4.2.3 分产品毛利率 业务或产品 本年当期 去年全年比去年增减% 产品1 产品2 。。。。。。 分析与判断: 4.2.4 支出比例或同比增长明显偏大的费用项目明细表 项目 本年当期 占销售收入比例 % 去年同期 占销售收入比例 % 金额同比增长 % 费用总额 1 、销售费用 其中广告费用 运输费用 售后服务费用 说明:不限于表中所列科目,其它费用偏大的项目也要列入 分析与判断:

5.市场核心竞争力提升的措施 5.1总体策略 5.1.1总体策略表述 表述方式:针对什么机会或问题,采取什么措施,达到什么目标。 5.2 产品组合优化策略 说明:运用帕雷托图等方法进行品种结构分析,反映产品组合优化效果。 5.2.1 产品营业收入贡献分析(按营业收入额降序排列) 说明:一般来说,按营业收入降序排列,收入最大的前 20 %的产品应贡献 70 %的收入,中间 40 %的产品应贡献 95 %的收入,最后 40 %的产品应贡献 5 %的收入。 产品品种 销量 收入 数量 比重 % 金额 比重 % 标准比重 % 营业收入最大的前10%品种 营业收入最大的前 20% 品种 70 % 营业收入最大的前30%品

种 营业收入最大的前40%品种 营业收入最大的前50%品种 营业收入最大的前 60% 品种 95 % 营业收入最大的前70%品种 营业收入最大的前80%品种 营业收入最大的前90%品种 产品收入结构的问题点与改善对策: 5 .2.2 产品毛利贡献分析(按毛利额降序排列) 产品品种 销量 毛利额 数量 比重 % 金额 比重 % 毛利额最大的前10%品种 毛利额最大的前 20% 品种 毛利额最大的前30%品种 毛利额最大的前40%品种 毛利额最大的前50%品种 毛利额最大的前 60% 品种 毛利额最大的前70%品种 毛利额最大的前80%品种 毛利额最大的前90%品种 产品毛利结构的问题点与改善对策: 5 . 3 战略营销管理 项 目 本年当期 去年同期 同比增长% 全年预测 1、战略性推广投入 其中:广告投入 广告投入占战略性推广投入比例% 2、战略性推广投入占营业收入比例% 3、战略性推广投入占销售费用比例% 营销管理存在问题及改进措施:

6. 组织学习与成长

6.1 关键人员组织气氛指数 说明:如无上一年调查数据,则只填写今年数据进行分析。

6.1.1 组织气氛调查数据 (上一年调查数据) 灵活性 责任性 奖励性 进取性 明确性 凝聚性 现实 理想 差异性 低维度 (今年数据) 灵活性 责任性 奖励性 进取性 明确性 凝聚性 现实 理想 差异性 低维度

6.1.2 折线图对比 (去年同期) (今年结果)

6.1.3 结果对比分析:(揭示的主要问题及原因分析)

6.1.4 改进措施 7. 困难与求助 为了完成全年目标,存在哪些困难,需要总部提供哪些支持,需要相关部门提供哪些协作和配合。 困难 资源需求 预计效果



大学生心理健康教育系列一 ——大学生的角 色转换与环境适应 一名优秀的大学生,努力将自己塑造成为合格的人才,这是所有步人大学校门的新生的共同愿望。但如何完成由高中生到大学生的角色转变却是摆在每个新生面前的一个大问题。 在高中,同学们是老师的宠儿,家长的骄傲,为了让同学们能安心学习,家长和老师承担了一切的一切。生活上有家长无微不至的照顾,学习上有老师呕心沥血的指导。然而进入大学之后,情况完全改变,远离了老师的叮咛嘱咐与家长的唠唠叨叨,同学们会窃喜获得了自由,但随之而来的现实问题,就让同学们手足无措了。



进入大学,同学们获得了自由与自主,但在生活、工作、学习上也遇到了不少难题,应该怎样正确处理这些矛盾,尽快完成由声中生到大学生的角色转变呢 第一,要摆正自己的位置。大学生是高中时代的佼佼者,成绩名列前茅,而进入大学后,面对的是来自祖国各地的精英,相比之下,就不可能再像高中时那样突出。大学生不能再沉醉在高考成功的喜悦中,而应做好"一切从头开始"的心理准备,迅速给自己定位,既不自卑也不自负,有坚定的信心和顽强的毅力,要具备良好的心理素质,经得起挫折和失败,有较强的受挫折能力和抗挫折能力。











1. It was conceivable that, if three promising concepts (molecular imprinting,

magnetic separation, and optical detection) were combined, a novel fluorescein

isothiocyanate (FITC)-labelled magnetic MIP could be constructed that exhibits

high sensitivity and selectivity.

2. As a reference, non-imprinted polymer coated beads (Fe3O4@SiO2-Dye-NIP),

which did not contain the template, were also prepared in parallel with the

Fe3O4@SiO2-Dye-MIP by using the same synthetic protocol.

3. The polymer layer had a thickness of about 5.7 nm and appeared to be uniform

(top inset), which could be attributable to the intrinsic characteristics of the

controlled/living polymerization mechanism of RAFT.

4. The EDS analysis was also conducted to confirm the existence of imprinted


5. When the microspheres are placed in an external magnetic field, efficient

magnetic separation is observed in a short time (about 85 s).

6. The results showed that none of the compounds being evaluated gave any

significant interference.

7. A piece of polypro-pylene membrane was soaked in the polymerization solution

for 5 min

8. It showed that the fluorescence intensity was accelerated along with the increase

of reaction time till 6h and then decreased.

9. Short reaction time produced few specific sites, whilst long reaction time would

cause higher crosslinking degree of polymer which may block the imprinted


10. Molecular recognition selectivity is an important parameter in evaluating

imprinted material

11. These kinds of thermosensitive protein-imprinted beads can be used to control the

uptake and release of the target protein from a mixture of proteins.

12. Molecular non-imprinted beads (NIP beads) were generated in the same way as

the MIP beads but without addition of the template protein.

13. elemental analysis was performed with the Vario Micro cube elemental analyzer

(Elementar, Hanau, Germany) to monitor the surface composition of the beads.

14. The afore mentioned results demonstrated that two-layer structures of the coated

MIP beads have different adsorption characteristics compared with the MIP beads.

15. An MIP-NiO magnetically controlled glassy carbon electrode (GCE), hereafter

denoted as MIP-NiO/GCE, was used as the working electrode.

16. As a result, the NiO nanoparticles were able to be isolated from the solution by an

adscititious magnet. (外加的)

17. To evaluate the effect of the buffer solution, the performances of the MIPs sensors

were examined by readsorption (or rebinding) of chlortoluron in the following(:1),


18. The catalytic current decreased until almost constancy with increased readsorption


19. Consequently, the readsorption time of 10 min was used in all subsequent assays.

20. Some compounds of chlortoluron analogs such as isoproturon, difenoxuron,

veburon, and fluometuron were tested by mingled with chlortoluron separately in

the competition procedure. (混合)

21. Table 1 shows that the recoveries of this sensor were from 96.9% to 104.7%,

which signifies good practicability. (表示) 22. The presence of Cr(III) is thought to originate from the chemical interactions of

Cr(VI) ions with GOF/Fe3O4 (发源于)

23. 2. the GOF/Fe3O4 showed an excellent absorption performance for the removal of

Cr(VI) ions with maximum absorption capacity (258.6 mg/g) and fast adsorption

rate (100 mg/L, 20 min) at pH 2, which significantly outperformed the reported

2D graphene-based adsorbents and other conventional adsorbents. (胜过;做得


24. There are a great deal of efforts to enhance the structural stability of the composite

membranes, such as establishing covalent or ionic linkage between active layer

and the substrate, or forming an adhesive layer to link the active layer and the


25. There were evident differences about the membranes' structure when comparing

with the composite membranes at higher monomer concentrations

(7#and11#membranes), where more nodular structures were generated and finely

dispersed on the surfaces of dopamine/TMC composite membranes. (非常地)

26. It is known that dopamine is inclined to self-polymerize in alkali condition. (倾

向于. . . 有意. . .)

27. It can clearly be seen that the water flux was decreased rapidly-to-slowly and

ultimately reached a steady state.

28. Some DFT calculations highlight that among all of the isomers of the tetramers,

the one having the coniguration of a porphyrin is the most stable. (突出,强调)

29. The particles issued from the oxidation of dopamine in solution. (由…产生)

30. This is in line with the known insolubility of eumelanins. (in accordance with;

in keeping with)

31. the detachment appeared to reach a threshold after the membranes were subjected

to thefirst wash (临界值)

32. As for the deposition of poly(DOPA),the presence of depronated carboxylic

groups might give rise to thestronger electrostatic repulsion between the already

deposited filmand the poly(DOPA) nanoaggregates in the solution. (引起,导致,


33. Further sys-tematic study on the surface properties of polymer substrates in

relation to the binding strength is needed. (关于,有关,涉及)

34. small polydopamine particles could notbe really disassembled in 0.1 M HCl (分


35. Phosphorylation is one of the most ubiquitous post-translational protein

modifications in living cells。

36. so investigation into the phosphorylation mechanism is of keen interest in the field

of proteomics

37. Therefore, the design and synthesis of novel magnetic IMAC materials for

in-depth analysis concerning phosphoproteome research is extremely important

38. so it is characterized by strong magnetic responsiveness, outstanding

hydrophilicity and ultrahigh surface area.

39. With the motivation of understanding these bioprocesses, much effort has been devoted to the development of methods to identify the specific sites of phosphorylation

40. Figure 3a shows the MALDI-TOF MS of 0.2 nmol mL–1 tryptic b-casein digest without any prefractionation

41 Core-shell structured microspheres have recently been subject to extensive research for the combined functionalities of cores and shells which endow them with great application potentials in various fields.

42 Wide-angle XRD patterns show that the microspheres have diffraction peaks similar to that of the parent Fe3O4 particles,

43 Numerous research results have indicated that MCs are extremely toxic and are produced in cyanobacterial blooms widely occurring in many eutrophic waters(沃化水,含太多养分的水)

45 .Other disadvantages are related to high cost and tedious synthetic procedures which have impeded the large-scale production.

46 based on the literature survey, that the initial growth stage of magnetite nanoparticles was not clearly elucidated

47 .From all aforementioned observations

48 .we believed that the chemical conversion should be accounted as an important factor for the hollowing process.

49 .An intensive contrast between the black margin and the bright center of the particles indicates the existence of hollow structure in the resulting spheres

50 .Due to macroporous carbon’s exceptional properties, there are great opportunities for it to be used in various advanced applications

51..limit the further utilization of macroporous carbon on an industrial scale.

52 implying good miscibility between PBZ and dioxane.

53 resulting in a substantial amount of time and energy consumption

54 . The void structure was the consequence of the solvent removal and evaporation of the molecular fragments as a result of carbonization,
