多次往返 在职证明-商务派遣信

Dear Officer,


The purpose of this visit of the above person is to He will for the length of stay approximately days and will back

Please give a one year or more than one year multiple entry visa due to the demand for work each year to go to Germany to visit and participate in the exhibition business to understand and learn new products.

All expenses including food, lodging, medical, insurance as well as transportation, etc. will be

We guarantee that he will abide the laws and rules in your country and will come back China on time and resume his position in our company.

It will be grateful if you issue him visa as soon as possible! For further information, please contact us at any time!

Yours faithfully,


Name: Add : Tel :


第二篇:在职证明模板 商务



兹证明 姓名 ,男/女,护照号码 ,自 年 月

起在我公司工作。现为我公司 职务 , 月薪约为人民币 元。

应 国家 公司邀请,我公司现派遣其于 年月日 至 年月日 前往 国家 进行 说明详细出访目的 。所有费用均由我公司/邀请方承担。我公司保证 姓名 先生/女士在访问期间遵守当地的法律并按时返回中国,同时我们为其保留职位。


联系人: 负责人签字(注明职务)



日期: 年 月 日
