
弘扬医德医风 谱写和谐乐章


大家好!我是X科的x,很高兴站在这里为大家演讲,我今天演讲的题目是《弘扬医德医风 谱写和谐乐章》。

“我志愿献身医学,热爱祖国,忠于人民,恪守医德,尊师守纪,刻苦钻研,孜孜不倦,精益求精,全面发展。我决心竭尽全力除人类之病痛,助健康之完美,维护医术的圣洁和荣誉。救死扶伤,不辞艰辛,执着追求,为祖国医药卫生事业的发展和人类身心健康奋斗终生!” x年x月x日,带着这光荣的誓言我有幸加入临城县中医院这个大家庭,成为一名针灸医生。


作为一名青年医生,最近有幸拜读了浙江大学医学院附属第二医院院长王建安老师《写给医院年轻人的10个字》这篇文章。在文章中他提到“爱”、“学” 、“真”、 “新”、 “勤”、 “廉”、 “健”、 “拼”、 “洁”、 “礼”十个字。这个十个字告诉我们要有一颗爱心,要报着感恩之心去回馈我们的衣食父母,是他们给了我们这个职业的生存价值。要通过不断学习成为一名思想品质和医疗技术合格的医疗工作者,而将这些学来的一切在爱的基础上去履行我们的职责,不断的为我们的成长注入新能量,无愧于这个人类生命攸关的崇高职业。

我们现在的针灸科正是汇聚了众多的优秀青年才俊,他们正以赤城之心服务于患者,用爱与付出践行自己的医学诺言。我们乐于听到大众“白衣天使”赞誉,使我们更加感慰作为生命使者、健康卫士的使命感。作为青年医生,我们必须要发扬“高尚医德、纯洁医风”的医风、院风,必须牢固地树立救死扶伤的思想意识,必须具有 “视病人如亲人”的崇高精神。首先,我们要时刻心怀感恩之心,从语言、仪表、礼仪、服务及职责等各方面服务于病患,实时了解病人的需要,急人所难。其次,我们还年轻,还有很大的进步空间,我们要不断向前辈请教、不断自主学习,加强专业技术学习,不断更新知识,不断提高专业水平,提高为人民服务的质量。另外,对于医患沟通难这个问题,我们要发挥年轻人沟通的优势,要多问,多关心,态度要温和,要将心比心,谋求和谐。以往的众多案例也说明,树立良好的社会主义医德风尚,对于促进医院和医务人员的优质服务,提高医疗质量,技术上精益求精,起着重要的作用。我这也正是我们要践行的。

加入针灸科已经x时间,我时刻感恩着前辈的教导,同事的帮助。让我不断的学习、进步、成长。20xx年以来,针灸科在XX方面都取得了骄人的成就。尤其是在2015开展的脑瘫治疗项目,已取得重大进展,已然已成为我院一大优势业务(不知道合不合适);另外在治疗颈肩腰腿疼等方面也收到众多患者的肯定和表扬。我们是个朝气蓬勃的科室,我们有着精益求精的精神,我们憧憬着未来,并为此不断实践和进步。我们许诺自己成为一名更好的医疗服务者,我们奉献患者提供一个更好的服务团队,弘扬医德医风 谱写和谐乐章。




Good afternoon everyone! My name is XXX. It’s my great honor to stand here giving my presentation. Someone of you may feel annoyed that you are easier to get a catch as the weather is getting colder and colder. Now I’d like to share some little tricks about how to strengthen your immune system and stay away from cold.

Well the first thing you’d better do is to optimize Vitamin D levels. It should be noted that Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin but also a kind of hormone which has receptor sites in every area of the body including the immune system and respiratory tissue. Studies have linked Vitamin

D as necessary for the production of antimicrobial protein from immune cells in response to infection.

Low levels of vitamin D in the blood are linked with increased incidence of upper respiratory infection. Then you may be concerned about how much Vitamin D should we intake and what kinds of foods are rich in it? Adults should keep optimum levels by taking at least 2000IU daily. It isn’t hard to match the standard if we eat an egg, drink a cup of milk and have some fruits and vegetables everyday. Well, the best way is to exposure to natural sunlight , and this is the primary method by which the human body generates vitamin D stores.

Secondly, learning about some immune boosting tonics is helpful. The recommended one is a Chinese herbal medicine astragalus, used to prevent illness and strengthen immunity once you do get sick. You can buy the root and make it into a tea or soup, otherwise , buy extracts in liquid or capsule form and take as directed.

Breathe deeply is also an effective way to improve one’s immunity. All you need to do is making deep breaths when you are free. Do this correctly by using the muscles of your abdomen and the ones between your ribs to squeeze more air out of your lungs as you exhale. By moving more air out, you bring more air in. All owing your breath to be fuller , deeper and more even helps you to optimize immunity and access spontaneous healing in your body.

Finally, I want to end my speech with the sincere suggestion: leading a healthy live. Make sure to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Eat an anti-inflammatory diet filled with fruits and vegetables of a variety of colors. Try to get some exercise everyday even if it’s just 30 minutes walking 。

That’s all, thank you!
