





    名:             号:      


评定成绩:                    审阅教师:                  












2-1.从键盘输入任意字符串后,存入自定义存储单元,判断处理后将字符串中小写字母转换为大写字母(其它字符不变),并按原顺序将这些字符在屏幕上显示出来(参考程序P36),并显示字符串“The  total number is XXXXX”。

2-2.从键盘输入一个0~255之间的十进制数,将其转换为16进制数,并在屏幕上显示变换前后的数据(参考程序P38) 。



(4)、用汇编工具(MASM/TASM.EXE)汇编源程序产生OBJ目标文件,将所要变异的源程序文件(文件名.asm)放到带汇编工具的文件夹中,在全屏命令行模式下,进入该文件夹,输入tasm 文件名.asm,回车后即可编译产生OBJ目标文件。

(5)、用链接程序(LINK/TLINK.EXE)产生EXE可执行文件,产生OBJ目标文件后,继续输入:tlink 文件名.obj,回车后即可产生EXE可执行文件。



a、  仅启动TD而不载入要调试的程序


b、  启动TD并同时载入要调试的程序

把要调试的可执行文件拖到TD.EXE文件名上,Windows就会打开一个DOS窗口并启动TD,然后TD会把该可执行文件自动载入内存供用户调试。若建立可执行文件时未生成符号名表,TD启动后会显示“Program has no symbol table”的提示窗口,这是按回车键即可关掉该窗口。






a、  修改寄存器(AX、BX、CX、DX、SI、DI、BP、SP),并观察修改段寄存器。

b、  修改存储器,并指定不同存储段。

c、  修改 CS:IP,单步运行制定指令(F7或F8),观察指令运行结果。

d、  将光标放置在TD窗口的代码区右击,可显示代码区的局部菜单,选择相应功能进行操作。







data segment

input db 100,100 dup(0)

string1 db 0dh,0ah,'please input your strings',0dh,0ah,'$'

string2 db 0dh,0ah,'the strings you input are:',0dh,0ah,'$'

string3 db 0dh,0ah,'do you want to continue(y/n):',0dh,0ah,'$'

string4 db 0dh,0ah,'the total numer is:',0dh,0ah,'$'

number db 00h

data ends

stacks segment stack

       db 256 dup(0)

stacks ends

code segment

     assume cs:code,ds:data,ss:stacks

main proc far

start:mov ax,data

      mov ds,ax

loop1:mov dx,offset string1

      mov ah,09h

      int 21h

      mov dx,offset input

      mov ah,0ah

      int 21h

      mov dx,offset string2

      mov ah,09h

      int 21h

      mov al,input[1]

      mov number,al

      call disp

      mov dx,offset string4

      mov ah,09h

      int 21h

      call show

      mov dx,offset string3

      mov ah,09h

      int 21h

      mov ah,01h

      int 21h

      cmp al,'y'

      jz loop1

      mov ah,4ch

      int 21h

main endp

disp proc near

     xor cx,cx

     mov cl,input[1]

     mov si,2

again:mov dl,input[si]

      cmp dl,61h

      jb next

      cmp dl,7ah

      ja next

      sub dl,20h

next:mov ah,02h

     int 21h

     inc si

     loop again


disp endp

show proc near

     mov al,number

     mov ah,0h

     mov cl,0ah

     div cl

     add al,30h

     add ah,30h

     mov ch,ah

     mov dl,al

     mov ah,02h

     int 21h

     mov dl,ch

     mov ah,02h

     int 21h


show endp

     code ends

end start


data segment

right db 1

input db 4,5 dup(0)

output db 00h

ten db 0ah

string1 db 0dh,0ah,'please input your number(0~255)',0dh,0ah,'$'

string2 db 0dh,0ah,'the number you input is(00h~ffh):',0dh,0ah,'$'

string3 db 0dh,0ah,'do you want to continue(y/n):',0dh,0ah,'$'

string4 db 0dh,0ah,'the number you input is not from 0~255',0dh,0ah,'$'

string5 db 0dh,0ah,'the number you input is(0~255):',0dh,0ah,'$'

data ends

stacks segment stack

       db 256 dup(0)

stacks ends

code segment

     assume cs:code,ds:data,ss:stacks

main proc far

start:mov ax,data

      mov ds,ax

      mov ax,stacks

      mov ss,ax

loop1:mov output,00h

      mov dx,offset string1

      mov ah,09h

      int 21h

      mov dx,offset input

      mov ah,0ah

      int 21h

      mov right,1

      mov dx,offset string5

      mov ah,09h

      int 21h

      call showin

      call change

      cmp right,0

      jz error

      mov dx,offset string2

      mov ah,09h

      int 21h

      mov ah,output

      mov dl,ah

      mov cl,4

      shr dl,cl

      call disp

      mov dl,ah

      and dl,0fh

      call disp

      mov dl,48h

      mov ah,02h

      int 21h

      jmp go

error:mov dx,offset string4

      mov ah,09h

      int 21h

go:   mov dx,offset string3

      mov ah,09h

      int 21h

      mov ah,1

      int 21h

      cmp al,'y'

      jz loop1

      cmp al,'Y'

      jz loop1

      mov ah,4ch

      int 21h

main endp

change proc near


     xor ax,ax

     xor bx,bx

     xor dx,dx

     mov cl,input[1]

     mov si,2

again:mov bl,input[si]

     cmp bl,30h

     jb error1

     cmp bl,39h

     ja error1

     sub bl,30h

     dec cl

     cmp cl,0

     jz over

     mov ax,1

     push cx

loop2:mul ten

     loop loop2

     pop cx

     mul bx

     add output,al

     jc error

     inc si

     jmp again

over:add output,bl

     jnc over1

error1:mov right,0


change endp

disp proc near

     push dx

     push ax

     cmp dl,9

     jbe num

     add dl,7

num:add dl,30h

     mov ah,02h

     int 21h

     pop ax

     pop dx


disp endp

showin proc near


     xor ax,ax

     xor bx,bx

     xor dx,dx

     mov cl,input[1]

     mov si,2

again1:mov dl,input[si]

     cmp dl,30h

     jb error2

     cmp dl,39h

     ja error2

     mov ah,02h

     int 21h

     inc si

     dec cl

     cmp cl,0

     jnz again1

     jmp over2

error2:mov right,0


showin endp

     code ends

end start


data segment

input1 db 4,5 dup(0)

input2 db 4,5 dup(0)

input3 db 4,5 dup(0)

input4 db 4,5 dup(0)

input5 db 4,5 dup(0)

temp   db 00h,00h

tempout db 00h

output db 00h,00h,00h,00h,00h

string1 db 0dh,0ah,'please input your number(00h~ffh):',0dh,0ah,'$'

string2 db 0dh,0ah,'the number you input is(00h~ffh):',0dh,0ah,'$'

string3 db 0dh,0ah,'the number after ordering is(00h~ffh):',0dh,0ah,'$'

string4 db 0dh,0ah,'do you want to continue(y/n):',0dh,0ah,'$'

data ends

stacks segment stack

       db 256 dup(0)

stacks ends

code segment

     assume cs:code,ds:data,ss:stacks

main proc far

start:mov ax,data

      mov ds,ax

      mov ax,stacks

      mov ss,ax

loop:mov dx,offset string1

      mov ah,09h

      int 21h

      mov dx,offset input1

      mov ah,0ah

      int 21h

      mov dx,offset string1

      mov ah,09h

      int 21h

      mov dx,offset input2

      mov ah,0ah

      int 21h

      mov dx,offset string1

      mov ah,09h

      int 21h

      mov dx,offset input3

      mov ah,0ah

      int 21h

      mov dx,offset string1

      mov ah,09h

      int 21h

      mov dx,offset input4

      mov ah,0ah

      int 21h

      mov dx,offset string1

      mov ah,09h

      int 21h

      mov dx,offset input5

      mov ah,0ah

      int 21h

      call showin

      mov al,input1[2]

      mov temp[0],al

      mov al,input1[3]

      mov temp[1],al

      call change

      mov al,tempout

      mov output[0],al


      mov al,input2[2]

      mov temp[0],al

      mov al,input2[3]

      mov temp[1],al

      call change

      mov al,tempout

      mov output[1],al

      mov al,input3[2]

      mov temp[0],al

      mov al,input3[3]

      mov temp[1],al

      call change

      mov al,tempout

      mov output[2],al


      mov al,input4[2]

      mov temp[0],al

      mov al,input4[3]

      mov temp[1],al

      call change

      mov al,tempout

      mov output[3],al

      jmp loop2

loop1:jmp loop           ;77

loop2:mov al,input5[2]

      mov temp[0],al

      mov al,input5[3]

      mov temp[1],al

      call change

      mov al,tempout

      mov output[4],al

      call order;85

      mov dx,offset string3

      mov ah,09h

      int 21h

      mov si,0

circle:mov ah,output[si]

      mov dl,ah

      mov cl,4

      shr dl,cl

      call disp

      mov dl,ah

      and dl,0fh

      call disp

      mov dl,48h

      mov ah,02h

      int 21h

      mov dl,0h

      mov ah,02h

      int 21h

      inc si

      cmp si,5

      jnz circle

      mov dx,offset string4

      mov ah,09h

      int 21h

      mov ah,1

      int 21h

      cmp al,'y'

      jz loop1              ;110

      cmp al,'Y'

      jz loop1              ;112

      mov ah,4ch

      int 21h

main endp

showin proc near

      mov dx,offset string2

      mov ah,09h

      int 21h

        mov si,2

circle1:mov dl,input1[si]

        mov ah,02h

        int 21h

        inc si

        cmp si,5

        jnz circle1

        mov dl,0h

        mov ah,02h

        int 21h

        mov si,2

circle2:mov dl,input2[si]

        mov ah,02h

        int 21h

        inc si

        cmp si,5

        jnz circle2

        mov dl,0h

        mov ah,02h

        int 21h

        mov si,2

circle3:mov dl,input3[si]

        mov ah,02h

        int 21h

        inc si

        cmp si,5

        jnz circle3

        mov dl,0h

        mov ah,02h

        int 21h

        mov si,2

circle4:mov dl,input4[si]

        mov ah,02h

        int 21h

        inc si

        cmp si,5

        jnz circle4

        mov dl,0h

        mov ah,02h

        int 21h

        mov si,2

circle5:mov dl,input5[si]

        mov ah,02h

        int 21h

        inc si

        cmp si,5

        jnz circle5


showin endp

change proc near

     xor ax,ax

     xor bx,bx

     xor dx,dx

     mov bl,temp[0]

     cmp bl,40h

     jb  next1

     sub bl,37h

     jmp next

next1:sub bl,30h

next:mov temp[0],bl

     mov bl,temp[1]

     cmp bl,40h

     jb  next2

     sub bl,37h

     jmp next3

next2:sub bl,30h

next3:mov al,temp[0]

      mov cl,10h

      mul cl

      add al,bl

      mov tempout,al   


change endp

order proc near

     XOR AL,AL

     XOR BL,BL

     mov si,0h

     mov di,1h

order1:mov al,output[si]

order2:cmp al,output[di]

     jnl net

     mov bl,output[di]

     mov output[si],bl

     mov output[di],al

     mov al,output[si]

net: inc di

     cmp di,5

     jnz order2

     inc si

     mov di,si

     inc di

     cmp si,4

     jnz order1


order endp


disp proc near

     push dx

     push ax

     cmp dl,9

     jbe num

     add dl,7

num:add dl,30h

     mov ah,02h

     int 21h

     pop ax

     pop dx


disp endp

    code ends

end start






