




曾经读过刘白羽写的《白蝴蝶之恋》,那是一只轻柔纤细楚楚动人的白蝴蝶,风雨中,它飞出来寻觅什么,被雨水打落。它试图挣扎,但终于倒下,当太阳用明亮的光辉照满人间,那美丽勇敢的小精灵在晶莹的世界中终于一跃而起,向清明如洗的空中冉冉飞去,像一片小小的雪花,带着珍爱生命的情怀,消失在阳光下的青草地上空,演绎了生命的一次升华?? 既然蝴蝶都这么那我们人类又是怎样对待生命的呢?有些人却懂得生命的可贵。雨果就是一个典型的例子,他虽然患有心脏病,却意志坚强。他尽自己的全力为文学事业做出了伟大的成就,他从没有放弃过生命,反而更加争取、珍爱自己的生命,他每天都坚持做体育锻炼,不管怎样累,他都会坚持,别人看他的病况这么严重,一定活不了多久,他没有自暴自弃,而是去挑战生命,挑战自我,如果是别人一定会放弃,不会珍惜生命,这样做是不好的。现代散文作家朱自清写的《匆匆》里面说:“但不平的,为什么偏要白白走这一遭啊!”这句话说明人要活的有意义,不应该虚度年华、碌碌无为过一生。就算当生命要垂危时,也不能白白走这一生,应该去珍爱自己的生命,同时去做一些有意义的事情。雨果他不仅进行体育锻炼,强身健体,而且还写下了许多著作,他为自己的一生洒下了光辉,没有虚度年华,他的代表著作有:《巴黎圣母院》、《悲惨世界》、《海上劳工》等。他这样珍爱生命,使他从原来是快要死去的人,转变成为了一个长寿者,死去年龄为82岁




第二篇:Report on love of life 热爱生命读书报告

Report on love of life

Jack London , the greatest representative author of America critical realism during the 19th and 20th century . He was born in the Great Depression ,because of hard familiar life, he went to sell newspaper in the early morning at the age of ten. At 3 o’clock ,he had to separate newspaper ,and after school he went to sell newspaper. He worked in exercising room on Sunday . When he was 13 , he left school to canning factory and worked as a child worker to making a living . He had to work about 19 hours everyday and tired off. The kind of life deeply stimulate him. He bearred different kinds of jobs and gave himself away. So he hated the man-eating society to the utmost degree. Like all children , Jack London had some beautiful daydreams He readed all the books he can borrowed. In the spring of 1894 , America-famous labor movement broadened his mind and throw him into it . When he was 19, he studied in Auxan Middle school and California University . But one year later ,he had to give up studying and worked as a laundryman . In 1896, he joined in gold-diggers’ ranks. He didn’t get gold but took back various materials of northen stories .

As a industrious, productive writer ,Jack London insisted on writing everyday .Less than 20 years , he had written 169 novels , 3 dramas and plenty of essays. His short novels created a new period

for modern America short novels . There are stories from the north , the pacific short novels and the society problem novels.

Love of Life is one of his representive novels , which describes a gold-diggers who reached the bottom of the barrel seeked to live through seven days and nights in arctic circle.

The dramatic details and plots are the main peculiarity of the artical . The author who loks like a sober bystander throws all his passion on energetic , descriptive words. The whole story doesn’t present any discussion , but stresses on discriping the main character’s actions. Counting match ,binding up broken feet and crewing grass root appeared again and again. Upon them , we find a conflicting man who is not only frightened but also fearless . At the same time , the description of figure and landscape are united , which add charisma to novel.

Love of Life creaets a fingure that a man is with strong will and good vitality . This novel not only expresses the instinct of living , but also praises the will and strength of the man.

It is said that Lenin is fond of this novel , and is attacked by its power . The power is love of life and insistence.

Once the writer Jack London said that this story is of two properties .In appearance , it is a simply story that every child can read it .From it ,we can infer that the novel is complicated and rich

philosophical in fact. If you readed this novel carefully , you would find three implicit points . The first is that they go to pan for gold in a hopeful manner , but at last they throw their gold only for living . Secondly,Bill gave up friends for his gold , but his friend found his broken body at last. When they lived through hungry , coldness and hopelessness , but they made a decision to gave up gold . Factly, he came to be a bread-collector and lived under the shadow of lacking food.

‘Had it been a well wolf, it would not have mattered so much to the man, but the thought of going to feed the maw of that loathsome and all but dead thing was repugnant to him . He was finicky.’

I can’t tell what is the basic requirement for human being . Is it food or dignity ? When we only have the last choice to choose to die in which way . Maybe all things aren’t necessary ,making a choice is the last only thing we can do . All of their actions are for the passion.

? Title: Report on Love of Life ? Author: Jack London

? Class and grade:08英语-1

? Number of words: about 3000

? Name the main character: a gold digger ? Date: 11/5/2010

? Name:冯晶晶
